Kaeus's chess game

142 punches and feet

The rock sheep orc knew the power of the silver knife, so they would rather give up the attack than be stabbed by the ghost. Compared with yesterday's fight, the ghost's silver knife today is more poisonous and accurate! Rock Sheep Warrior believes that if he is stabbed once, he will have a big trouble and may even die immediately!

Years of actual combat have allowed the Rock Sheep Warriors accumulate rich combat experience. It knows when they can exchange small injuries for victory in the battle. However, in the face of the deadly silver knife of the ghost, the Rock Sheep Warriors dare not hold it big. There are some opportunities that it can obviously kick the ghost but must be forced to avoid the silver knife that stabs the neck and heart. Giving up, the attack with the ghost made the rock sheep warrior feel deeply helpless. Just like facing the few Taos fools in the ravine, it had the ability but could not be used, and the corners of the rock sheep's mouth spewed white foam.

The Rock Sheep Warriors had also encountered strong characters before, but with the tenacity of the rock sheep and the sinister terrain of the mountains, it finally won the battle, so after countless failed attacks, the Rock Sheep Warriors were not discouraged. It gritted its teeth and continued to kick around the ghost, secretly waiting for the ghost to appear physically.

100 laps...200 laps...300 laps...

The Rock Sheep Warriors kept attacking around the ghost with the unique small jumping steps of the Bernode clan. Until Dixuan was dizzy, the ghost was still as calm and decisive as at the beginning. Every time the silver knife accurately went straight to the fatal point of the rock sheep, and the sound of the knife did not slow down at all!

"Is this boy still a human?" This idea suddenly appeared in the head of the rock sheep warrior. Even the Kemore fierce camel warrior with the best endurance in the demon world did not have such strong muscles to support such a long rapid knife! Yanyang Warrior conservatively estimated that he had run six or seven hundred times around the ghost and kicked thousands of punches and feet. According to this ratio, the ghost had been stabbed at least thousands of times. If ordinary people's arms would have been so tired!

The rock sheep warrior only guessed the same thing. The ghost is indeed much better than the fierce camel warrior. As early as before he came out of the mountain, the ghost had practiced his knife alone in the desolate space of the giant tree for several years. Although it was only a mental exercise, the ghost's belief had long been harder than steel, although his body could not reach desolation. The fantasy in the space is so powerful, but with the care of several strange magic powers, the ghost can still achieve some of the demeanor at that time!

The strange chaotic divine power lurks in the ghost's bloodline and quietly makes a strong net outside all the bloodlines. Even the sharp teeth of the dog demon king just bite open the ghost's blood vessels and can't bite it, let alone some simple exercises to break the ghost's bloodline! And the natural magic power and spiritual power also cooperate to constantly repair the muscles on the ghost's body. All the soreness and damage caused by strenuous exercise are not worth mentioning in front of the almost unbelievable natural magic power, so although the ghost has been knifed thousands of times in a row, the physical condition is really similar to when he first started!

If the rock sheep warrior knew the state of the ghost, he would probably feel dizzy. This guy stubbornly ran thousands of times. Not only did he not beat the ghost, but also exhausted himself. The two huge nostrils were all opened as if there were two big holes in its sheep's face, and his wheezing sound almost covered the ghost. The sound of the knife has become a unique sound on the platform.

Finally, the Rock Sheep Warrior finally stopped this ineffective attack. It retreated to the edge of the cliff and gasped, gently kicked the huge animal's hoof. Thousands of laps ran down, and the hard beast's hoofs were also worn hot, as if they were stepping on the fire.

Agui sneered and looked at the washed rock sheep orc. He hadn't knifed so seriously for a long time. Agui even felt that the sound of his blade had been reduced, and his bayonet knife method was improved under the oppression of the Rock Sheep Warrior!

Unfortunately, the rock sheep warrior can no longer continue the siege. Agui looked at the rock sheep orc who was still sweating with regret: "What's wrong? Can't run? You're not that weak, are you?"

The hoarse voice stimulated the rock sheep warrior's face. If it hadn't been for the white hair on his face, it would have been red now. The rock sheep warrior, who was very confident in his physical strength, really couldn't run. His animal hooves are now in pain. If he runs down again, he might give his ankle bone. It's broken!

"Are you an old goat recently? Too much blaspance? I saw that your legs began to tremble, haha~cough~cough~" Although Dixuan is simple and thick-mouthed, he is not stupid. Provoking the orc was originally a good example of the old warrior. Although his few loud laughter caused the chest injury and his face turned pale, he successfully angered the rock sheep orcs. The ghost looked at the big clear eyes of the rock sheep crazy. The impetuous congestion turned pink.

Hesitantly glanced at the silver knife in the ghost's hand. The rock sheep warrior gave up the idea of kicking the ground to death. Now tired, it dares not relax at all. The rock sheep that lost its speed is equivalent to losing half of its ability. Although it still has a killer mace, the rock sheep itself can't guarantee that it can still be in its current state. Easily avoid the horrible silver knife.

The ghost, who has been keeping the purple pupil, clearly saw the hesitation of the rock sheep orcs. He suddenly smiled and said hoarsely, "You are also a warrior. I won't bully you. Let's compete empty-handed!"

The Rock Sheep Warrior sniffed fiercely to show his anger. When did the Rock Sheep Warrior let his opponent give way, but the tired Rock Sheep Warrior was not stupid to rush up now. It watched the ghost go to Di Xuan and put the slender ranger knife on the ground.

"Be careful, this guy's head hammer is as powerful as his hooves!" Dixuan has been mixed in the demon world all year round and is not unfamiliar with the sheep clan. Although the rock sheep orcs have been fighting with fists and feet, the white rock sheep must also know their talented stunts of the sheep clan!

Agui nodded and turned around to look at the rock sheep orc soaked by his sweat. The curved horn on its head was quite conspicuous. If it was hit by it, it would definitely hurt!

The ghost and the rock sheep orc stood face to face and move their wrists. Facing the orc about three meters, the ghost was as thin as bean sprouts. The rock sheep warrior spewed hot air fiercely and strode up with its head down. It was half a body taller than the ghost, just wanted to hit the ghost's head. You also have to half bow your waist.

The thick fists were clenched together like a small hammer. The rock sheep orc proudly drew it. Without weapons, the human body could not be compared with the orcs. The rock sheep's self-confidence has recovered. It glanced at the ground and thought that after killing the ghost for a moment, it would clean up the waste. Be sure to tear his stinky mouth!

Dare to say that the Rock Sheep Warrior is because of self. It is blaspous and soft legs, which is simply a great slander, although since. Rock sheep often do that blaspous thing, but their legs will never be weak because of that matter! The warriors of the Bernold Rock sheep are as strong as mountains!

The Rock Sheep Warrior stared at the ghost fiercely with big pink eyes, raised his arms and punched him in the head fiercely! Although the rock sheep is very thin, this bone is as hard as a stone. Even if it is a tiger wolf beast, if its head is punched by the rock sheep warrior, it is guaranteed that they will immediately become a rotten watermelon!

The ghost did not lower his head to dodge, but suddenly raised his arm and stopped the rock sheep's stick-like thin arm. With a soft sound, the rock sheep warrior's little white eyebrows trembled slightly. The human boy's arm was so hard. Is there an iron bar hidden in it?

The ghost did not stop, and a horizontal shovel under his feet kicked the rock sheep warrior's ankle fiercely!

Bih~~ Rock Sheep Warrior took a sudden step. Although the ankle on the huge beast's hoof is thick, it does not carry it. After being kicked, the rock sheep will feel very sore.

The thick and strong legs of the rock sheep warrior suddenly bent up, and the round knees like a big stone hammer suddenly hit the ghost's chest. The height gap between the two is huge, and the rock sheep's knee can just aim at the key to his chest!

The two backs stretched out by Agui knew that it was not good as soon as they blocked the huge knees. The strength of the rock sheep orc's legs and feet were too strong. The ghost did not dare to stop them, but pushed this force aside and took the opportunity to flash to one side, just past the huge beast's hoofs suddenly kicked by the rock sheep!

Leg bouncing is a lower limb technique that everyone can know. Sheep children like to compete with each other from a very young age. When they grow up, this has become their most familiar technique. Most of the abilities of rock sheep warriors are on these legs!

The huge hooves slid past the ghost with a gust of evil wind, and only hung a little, and the ghost's clothes were torn off with a thorn. The ghost didn't care about this. While the rock sheep orc was recovering his legs, a leg axe swept over its ankle bone and screamed the rock sheep warrior in pain.

The taller the biological joints are, the more fragile they are. This is what Agui learned in the steel clan. The steel clan's close combat boxing has a lot of techniques that specialize in destroying joints to deal with this tall rock sheep orc. The ghost knows not to fight with the orcs, so he will change to compete with it!

Dixuan lay strangely on the ground and watched the rock sheep warrior be beaten and screamed by the ghost. The scene of this supposedly supposedly rock sheep orc beating the ghost unexpectedly turned into another appearance. The ghost, which should have been passive, kicked and aggressively around the tall rock sheep orc, as if a child was beating. A strong man!

The rock sheep warrior who lost his speed hit the ghost's fists and feet were easily dodged by him, and the ghost's legs kept kicking against the fragile ankle bones of the rock sheep like an axe. Finally, after a soft click, the rock sheep warrior screamed and lowered his body, and its ankle, which had not fully recovered, was kicked unstoppable by the ghost. And I had to half kneel down!

"Good job!" Di Xuan shouted hard. After reaching the level of Wusheng, most of the warriors began to give up physical exercise and practice their spiritual strength with all their strength. When they condensed the field, they did not need to fight with their opponents at all. The magical power alone was enough to kill powerful opponents!

But the orcs are basically strong guys. Even many magic-talented monsters still like to fight with powerful bodies, which makes the human warriors who compete with them suffer great losses. After thinking about the pain, the human warriors who continue to fight in the demon world begin to slowly begin to implement. Martial arts, but people's time is limited. They still spend more of their time practicing their spiritual strength and strive to break through to the realm of Wuzun as soon as possible. If they integrate directly with heaven and earth, they don't have to worry about those powerful monsters.

Boring physical exercise bored many martial artists. In addition, human physical talent has always been weaker than the orcs raised by nature, so the ghost can knock down the rock and sheep warriors with only fists and feet, which is enough to make Di Xuan shout loudly regardless of pain!