Kaeus's chess game

158 exhibition methods

The big tree that needed three people to hold together was shaken like a swing by the bear man, and the twigs and leaves fell down like rain. The solid tree trunk was full of claw marks, but even if the bear man had scratched out the pale tree core could not stop, and the sharp pain in his head seemed to be an axe. Keep splitting its skull, so much pain that the bear didn't think about who did it, but wanted to stop the pain quickly!

Half an hour has passed since the ghost hid in the tree in the distance and carefully watched the bear man tossing around, but the tenacious bear man has not stopped. One-third of the thick tree trunk has been dug out by it, but the bear man will not stop even if he breaks it.

"Good boy, this bear man is a big trouble. I can't fight with it. It will die miserably..." If there is a head-on confrontation, the ghost believes that the mastiff warriors may not be able to kill this bear man. Although he has iron bones, under the violent power of the bear man, he can make It's broken!

It was not until the big tree hugged by the three people fell down with a terrible sound that the bear drained its strength. It lay on the trunk of the tree that had just fallen like an injured wild dog, making a sad and deep whine.

Agui looked at the bear man's lying body. After seeing that the wooden stick inserted in half was exposed by the bear man, he immediately slipped out quietly, found a dead tree trunk with thick thighs not far away, cut a two-meter-long wooden stick and quietly dived back.

"Don't blame me, you stupid bear. If it weren't for me, others would have died when they met you. For everyone, you'd better die!" As the ghost said in his heart, he dived from behind to the vicinity of the bear man, and then suddenly jumped up and held the thick wooden stick with both hands and waved it fiercely, hitting the tail of the sharp wooden stick like a nail!

With a muffled sound, the half-meter-long pointed wooden stick was wedged into the bear man's head like a nail. The bear man's two-high body suddenly stiffened, and a stream of shit gushed out of its crotch, and the smell spread in an instant.

Agui frowned slightly, poked the bear man's face with a ranger knife, and picked up its big eyelids with the tip of the knife to look at the already dim eyes to confirm that it was dead, and then he dared to approach the bear man's body.

After wasting a lot of effort to cut off the bear man's firmly held thumb, the ghost took off the bear man's scalp before leaving. As long as it is not right, the ghost is not afraid of any orc in this forest, even the violent bear clan is vulnerable in front of the ghost!

The sky gradually darkened. Agui picked a towering tree and climbed up according to his own habits. After eating a few fruits in the wood crystal core, he looked at the undulating green forest and the sea around him to sleep beautifully. On the first day, he killed six orcs. Such a harvest must surpass Michael and Maraman.

On the green lake, bubbles kept rising and bursting, causing ripples. A fierce orc body slowly floated from the dark green bottom of the lake. The strong muscles had turned blue and purple due to lack of oxygen, and there was still infinite panic in his gray eyes, as if he had seen something terrible. Things.

Malaman slowly came from the lake like a big fish. When he swam next to the orc's body, he turned over deftly, gently twisted his big hand holding the orc, and easily cut off the orc's thick thumb with the triangular knife in his hand.

"The third..." Malaman floated up on the water and looked at the blue sky above his head. When there was a slight footstep on the shore, Malaman did not move, like a piece of wood sank silently under the water.

Two thirsty Wolf werewolves came to the lake to drink water together. This is the only large lake in the mountain forest with a radius of more than ten miles, and the nearby orcs will come here to drink water.

One of the clever werewolves stayed on the shore, and the other crossed the low vegetation on the shore and slowly walked to the green lake. He pushed away the green water grass on the lake with his sword in his hand, plunged into the cold lake and drank it happily. Orcs, like human beings, can't live without this water, although there are many orcs to drink it. They can endure water for a long time, but once there is water, they can't avoid drinking it several times.

The werewolves on the shore look alertly in the direction of the forest. This is already an area of human activity. If they are surrounded by a large number of human warriors, it will be a big trouble even if they can call for help.

The dark green water grass slowly healed the gap with the waves. The werewolf who drank the water whispered and cursed the knife and pushed away the annoying water grass. These soft water plants were wrapped in the lake without any force, and even the sharp steel knife was not easy to cut them off.

After fiddling several times, the werewolf simply inserted the sword into the scabbard, pushed away the water grass around him directly, and put his long mouth into the water again. The water grass on the lake rippled more fiercely. After a while, the werewolf's feet and hands were covered with slippery water grass. After drinking enough, the werewolf raised his head and long He breathed a sigh of relief, but before it called his companions over, the winding water plants suddenly tightened, and the werewolf only exclaimed and was dragged into the water by countless water plants!

The partners on the shore heard the strange sound and looked back. The werewolf, who had just been well, had been wrapped in countless water plants and drifted into the lake like a big rice dumplings. It roared and pulled out its sword and rushed into the water quickly. But before it ran a few steps, its feet were wrapped by countless water plants. The shore was dozens of meters wide. The water grass area seemed to have turned into a quagmire, and the originally soft water grass seemed to be alive at this time, as if they were cannibals kept climbing over to wrap the werewolf.

The werewolf also had no time to go to his partner. He quickly waved his sword to cut off the water grass on his legs, and then climbed back to the shore in confusion. The werewolf who was not good at water could only watch his struggling partner being tightly wrapped in water grass and gradually disappearing into the green lake!

A sad wolf howl rose from the lake. The werewolf looked at the green lake resentfully, licked his dry lips with his tongue, and then turned around and ran into the woods.

In the woods, four warriors deftly jumped over the fallen dead tree and ran forward quickly. Although they all carried sharp weapons in their hands, they did not turn back to fight with the orcs chasing behind them. Instead, they ran like a race in the woods.

The small tree knocked away by them was still shaking. A wild horse orc with horizontal lines stamped his hoof and strode over the dead tree to catch up from behind. Because of the dense trees in the forest, this wild horse orc who was good at running did not catch up with four fleeing humans for half a day!

With a roar in his mouth, the wild horse orc waved the stone axe in his hand and split the trunk of the thick tree in front of him, and took a few steps to catch up with him. As soon as these hateful human warriors met it, they made an ambush. After a few knives randomly, they ran away without saying hello and turned around. They were furious. The horse orcs are chasing and reluctant to chop them all!

The nearly three-meter wild horse orc looked at the gradually scarce trees with a ferocious smile on their faces. Four stupid human beings actually ran to an open space in the forest. Who knew that the plain was the world of the House clan. In terms of running, the whole orcs would submit to the iron hoof of the House clan!

The wild horse orc continues to chase with a sniff. As long as it gets to the open space, it will definitely catch up with these humans!

Several warriors seemed to rush directly to the open space as if they were really panicked. In the open space of only more than ten meters, Micah held his hands and stared at the forest with his sword. Several warriors were like athletes rushing to the line. As soon as they ran over Micah's position, they immediately slowed down and gasped and coughed. This The wild horse orcs are really chasing them so hard that they may be cut by its big stone axe if they are a little slower!

With the help of the sunlight above her head, Micah slowly adjusted the angle of the silver sword in her hand. A ray of sunlight reflected directly from the sword and directly hit the eyes of the wild horse orc who had just rushed out of the woods. Then the wild horse orc suddenly felt a little pain and itchy, as if it had been bitten by a nasty gobyrax. Of.

"Death!" Without waiting for the Broncos to recover, Micah raised a big sword with both hands and fiercely hit the wild horse orc's narrow head!

"Arrogant human!" The wild horse orc sniffed and chopped the leaping Michael aside with an axe. Compared with the orcs, the human strength is still too weak.

But Micah didn't seem to be afraid of the tall orcs, but played a sword flower in the air. After his feet fell to the ground, he pounced on the wild horse orcs again!

With a crisp sound, Micah was split down again, and he actually fell to the ground and jumped up again, as if he had to kill the wild horse orc to death with a shining sword again!

To treat such a arrogant opponent, the wild horse orc curled his lips and suddenly raised his foot and kicked him fiercely. He didn't know if he was too tired to run. The wild horse orc did not raise his legs at once. When he hurriedly chopped Michael aside with an axe, he found that his strong legs I don't know why it's sore and soft, and even standing alone trembles slightly.

What's going on? The wild horse orc didn't understand that running could make himself so tired, but his legs trembled more and more. Micah was like an indefatiable flea and cut him with a big sword. After the wild horse orc had no choice but to stop him with an axe, he couldn't help staggering under his feet. The strong wild horse orc actually He fell to the ground like a sudden illness!

"Haha, you idiot, how dare you chase your uncle!" The warriors who had just been chased by the wild horse surrounded with a smile, and several warriors with long sticks came out of the dark bushes and trees on the open space.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, work quickly!" Micah looked at the drunken warrior and cut off its neck with a sword. Some warrior went up to skillfully cut off the fingers of the wild horse orc and gave it to Micah. Several warriors went up and pulled out a few slender bamboo thorns from the wild horse orc and stuffed them into the wooden stick in his hand. It turned out that this was a pipe blowing pipe. , and the blowing arrows of the wild horse orcs just now are all paralytic poisons configured by Micah himself!

The four warriors who led the wild horse to work together to carry the body of the wild horse to the distance. After handling the body, they slowly walked into the woods to find the orcs. The warriors with blowing arrows also returned to their respective positions to hide. Micah stood in the middle of the open space with his two-handed sword, patiently waiting for his teammates to The nearby orcs were attracted.

The three best hunters of the Red Flag Army either attack alone or cooperate with their teammates to kill orcs in the woods!