Kaeus's chess game

169 full-line counterattack

"Fight!" A short command, countless black armored knights suddenly put a horse's belly under the command of Kalumb, and the vigorous war horse roared, and jumped forward vigorously. The infantry in front of him had already made way, and the spearmen and shield soldiers also made way of the middle section under an order. The pig-headed people in front of them just felt in front of them. At a bright day, he was stunned by the fierce war horse.

Just a few hours after the Black Armor Knight slaughtered the demon clan, the long knife stained with the blood of the demon clan was chopped on the pig-headed man again! Karenbu was like a sharp steel knife, which easily tore a big cut through the crowded defense line of the pig-headed man. Countless fat pig-headed people in front of him didn't even have time to lift the guy in his hand, and were directly cut into several pieces by his big knife and splashed on the ground!

The black armored knights who followed Calumb are all regular Hasting iron armor cavalry. This group of iron riders who have been around the world since the Hasting era thousands of years ago don't care about the compost meat in front of them. They are like hard drills, closely following Karenb's horse and gradually tearing the opening of Karennbu continues to widen open!

Carenbu waved a big knife with great excitement. **'s war horse almost jumped forward because of the body under his feet. No orc could stay within three or four meters in front of Carenbu. Whether it was a stick or a stone axe, only countless broken limbs were thrown away after a whirlwind. All around!

"This bastard!" The Red Lion King's teeth jumped. He didn't expect Karenb to be so murderous. After slaughtering thousands of demons, he was not satisfied enough. He just chiseled the front of tens of thousands of pig-headed people again!

After passing through the battle of the pig-headed man, Calunbu did not stop and gently pulled the rein to guide the team behind him straight to the direction of the werewolf. At this time, the two pairs of cavalry that rushed out had been entangled with the horse-headed man and the werewolf. With his cavalry joining, the werewolf's situation was immediately dangerous.

The big teeth of the wolf leader are grinding, and it stares at its troops coldly. The strength of the werewolves is not outstanding among the orcs, but their wolf tactics can easily destroy many prey lower than theirs! At this time, tens of thousands of werewolves were actually surrounded by two groups of human cavalry, which were slowly consumed by the cavalry layer by layer as if they were dealing with their prey.

With a bang, the leader of the wolf clan spit out a bitten white tooth. The sinister old wolf couldn't stand it anymore. He actually stood on the top of the mountain and looked up to the sky and howled loudly!


A sad wolf howl passed through the hissing and collision to the battlefield. The werewolf surrounded by cavalry seemed to receive the call from his ancestors. At the same time, he actually raised his head and howled at the same time, and a sad long howl went straight through the sky, as if to poke out a hole in the sky!

The horse team of the Black Armor Cavalry was scared by the sad wolf howl. Karenbu strangled the reins and looked at the werewolf in the circle with a sneer on his face. The werewolf, who had just showed a little cowardice, was red at this time, and his voice seemed to turn into a wild beast again. A short werewolf actually threw away the iron knife suddenly. Jumping up from the ground and suddenly bit Karenbu's body with big snow-white teeth!

The bright knife light flashed like a nightmare. The werewolves turned into four pieces of rotten meat in the air and scattered around. More werewolves seemed to have received bloody **. A pair of blood-red eyes stared at Calombe with anger and were ready to jump up and bite at any time.

"Crazy? Hey..." Karunbu smiled and suddenly shouted loudly: "Brothers, start the field and let these wolf cubs taste the power of human beings!"

A low roar sounded from the horse team. The reason why Hasting's cavalry is called iron riders is that most of their knights can realize the iron-blood field. Once this auxiliary field is launched, the cavalry in the field and their mounts will be stimulated and abruptly improve a level at the same time, and also Only officers in the army will like this field.

The horse, who was still a little afraid of the wolf howling just now, also became tyrannical. The big hoof dug the ground viciously, gasped and stared at the werewolf as if it was about to rush up and gnaw two bites!

"Brothers, cut down these wolf cubs!" With a shout, the human cavalry rushed to the werewolf like chicken blood. At this time, the big knife, which had just errabbled turned into a light wheel. Whether it was a werewolf jumping or low, as soon as it was close to the big knife, it was immediately swept in by the roaring knife wind and turned into a stream of blood sprayed out!

In an instant, the werewolf regiment turned into chaos, and countless werewolves rushed to the blade light of the cavalry, as if they were going to drown the cavalry waving the knife alive with a body of flesh and blood! At this time, Caleb had already thrown away the mask of calmness. He was like a hungry ghost crawling out of the hell. His whole body was painted with the flesh and blood of the orcs. Even the ** mounts turned dark red. When he was stimulated by the violent blood, a curling red fog rose on their bodies and became evil!

The Red Lion King gasped fiercely in his nostrils and stared at the old wolf with a little dissatisfaction. If it hadn't been for the madness of the wolf clan, the human cavalry would not have launched the iron-blooded field so early. Now almost every cavalry has become an active gallow and slaughtered at a faster speed. Chaotic werewolf!

A wolf warrior mixed with werewolves suddenly jumped up and bit Karenb's knife. After a few weak sparks flashed, its sharp wolf teeth actually bit out a few teeth of the big knife made of fine steel! Kalembe snorted coldly and shook the handle of the knife, but the wolf warrior also fought desperately and sobbed and bit the knife tightly without being thrown away! At this time, the other werewolves immediately seized the opportunity to jump one by one, and several blood basins buckled from all directions to Karenb's body!

"Hmm!" Karenbu raised his eyebrows, and after one hand loosened the handle of the knife, he quickly punched a few times like a hammer. Several werewolves jumped up like blown watermelons. The hard wolf heads actually exploded and were smashed to death in the air by Karenbu's fists!

Karenbu's fist hit his knife handle, and dozens of shocks passed along the knife handle to the blade. The wolf warrior who had just bit the knife face sobbed. The wolf teeth that were still fastened the knife surface just now were like porcelain. Calumbu's big knife directly smashed the wolf warrior's Half of the head was cut off, and then the knife turned, and a standard aperture appeared around Calomb. The jumping werewolves immediately turned into two pieces and fell to the ground wailing!

The sitting horse shouted strangely and kicked his two hind hoofs. A werewolf from behind seemed to be a football opened by the goalkeeper, rolling and flew out more than 20 meters before falling down!

"Hahahaha, happy!" Kalunbu laughed loudly, rushed forward with a horse's belly, and roared at the same time.

"Your Excellency is finally having fun," the chief of staff who has been observing the battlefield can wait for the general attack signal. He immediately signaled to sound the horn, and the whole army immediately counterattacked!

A few rapid horns resounded through the sky, and the soldiers with swords stood up straight, and a snowy steel knife flashed like a ferocious smile, waiting to harvest life again!

"Brothers, it's time to work hard this time. After a while, let's rush forward and smash everything in front of you!" Murray smiled ferociously: "In a moment, everyone can do whatever they have. The orcs actually launched their secret skills first. Let's not hide it. Let's kill!"

Murray's big knife pointed to the shield soldiers who were ready to start retreating and shouted, "Brothers, kill me. I'll buy you a drink when it's over!"

"Haha~" The soldiers expressed their attitude with their deep shouts. The soldiers firmly stared at the shield soldiers who had begun to hit three times in a row. In order to withstand the footsteps of the orcs, the brothers were basically out of strength, but at this time, the last force still broke out and gritted their teeth and pushed the shield fiercely to the beast. People!

After three collisions, he still had the strength to pull the shield and turn his head and run away. The long gunmen behind him have begun to pierce with a long gun of four or five meters, while many shield soldiers have exhausted their strength and fell to the ground helplessly waiting for their own fate.

"Up!" Seeing that the spearmen emptied a section of the field, Murray waved his hand and rushed up with people. They dodged the retreating spearmen, tried to let go of the shield soldiers on the ground, and rushed to the orcs with a bright knife held high. This time, no one rested, and all the personnel pressed up at once!

The morale of the pig-headed man has been extremely low. Except for the fallen orcs, most of the pig-headed warriors have been squeezed together to greet the human arrows silently for a few hours from the beginning of the war. At this time, facing the sudden counterattack of human beings again, many pig-headed people can only weakly wave their weapons to resist and can be raised. Compared with the human soldiers who have been sharp for a long time, their strength has obviously decreased a lot!

"Try Laozi's iron-blooded field!" Murray shouted and expanded his field. In an instant, the human soldiers felt a stream of blood rushing into their brains. Their strength suddenly became much stronger and it was easier to deal with the orcs. As soon as they were bold, the soldiers became braver, and even the two cooperated and began to rush to the pig-headed man!

This time, the ghost personally learned the taste of the iron-blood field. As Murray's field covered him, the ghost felt as if he had been splashed with oil and water, with endless energy all over his body. The dark divine power, which had just been hesitating, suddenly expanded at this time, regardless of what weapon was in the ghost's hand. He rushed straight to the horse* and turned it into a magic weapon!

The pig-headed man opposite only received a small knife and immediately fell to the ground like a wind. The dark magic power attached to the blade specially hurts the soul. Even if it is a half-human and half-pig humanoid creature, the soul is still the main foundation to support this body. The dark divine power suddenly gives the soul to the other party with the help of the cutting of the blade. After sucking a clean, the pig-headed man immediately turned into a walking corpse skin!