Kaeus's chess game

172 obvious advantages

Agui gritted his teeth and pulled out the arrows on his thighs and shoulders. The two on his back could not be seen, so he had to endure the pain and cut off the two arrows with a knife. At this time, the dark magic power on the ghost's body seemed to seal the wound immediately with a sticky plaster, and the thick holes in his fingers began to heal between several breaths. .

The pig-headed man also recovered from the terrible blow of the arrow feather. The ghost looked at the orcs around him and stood up with a big knife. He took a soft breath, then put the big knife in his hand and quietly looked at the pig-headed people around him. I don't know which unlucky guy came up first and was stabbed by himself!

After a hum, the pig-headed man slowly squeezed into the middle. The hard arrow rod cracked under the pig-headed man's big feet. Instead, the ghost slowly closed his eyes. His spiritual power has already been distributed around. Now he doesn't need his eyes at all. The ghost can still clearly feel anything around him. Movement!

"Kill! Cut these pigs to death!" Not far away suddenly came a human roar, and then the pig-headed people around him became noisy. It turned out that human beings quickly rushed forward after the blow of the arrow feathers, and Murray's team was about to kill the ghost's position!

A ghost laughed, and the big knife in his hand swept out a black light wheel. Several approaching pig-headed people immediately fell to the ground silently. The big knife with dark divine power seems to be covered with the most powerful poison. As long as the fur is slightly scraped and immediately devour the other party's soul, even hundreds of pounds of pig-headed people will immediately Let's die!

The fat pig man's damage to the soul has no defense at all. They are like a group of trembling chickens in front of a black knife, and they have no ability to resist at all!

After being hit by arrows, the morale of the pig-headed man who had just had some courage disappeared halfway, and was shocked by the strange knife method of the ghost. Unexpectedly, some of them began to carefully move their footsteps back, and the shouts of killing not far away became more fierce. The human soldiers gritted their teeth and waved big knives to be shocked by the iron-blooded field one by one. The pig-headed man with weak legs and feet cut to the ground and pressed the front forward step by step.

Agui stood quietly on the open space. The crowded pig-headed man around him actually set aside a six- or seven-meter open space for him. All the orcs who stepped into this invisible circle have become dead bodies on the ground. Even excellent orc warriors can't resist the erosion of the dark magic power, and the rush is more or less plain. Just send some supplements to the ghost.

"Die!" With a human shout, A Niu, more than two meters, kicked the pig-headed man in front of him. He waved a big knife in his hand and cut the two pig-headed people in front of him to retreat. Before waiting for the pig-headed man to rush up, A Niu's big knife in his hand cut randomly and took several pig-headed people in front of him a few steps back together. He also took the opportunity. I rushed to the ghost's side.

"Ghost, what are you doing?" A Niu saw the ghost standing still here and quickly asked.

"Ha ha, I suffered a little injury, and I took a break," Agui opened his mouth and smiled. A Niu was also full of flesh and blood, and I don't know how many orcs were killed along the way.

"Where are you injured? Can you still walk?" A Niu looked at the pig-headed people around him with a big knife and asked in a low voice. Both of them were stained with blood and blood like two people, and there was no wound on their bodies at all.

"There are two arrows on the back, please help me pull them out!" The ghost took a small step forward and cut down two pig-headed men with a big knife in his hand, which scared the other orcs to take a few steps back.

A Niu quickly lowered his head and found two broken arrows on the ghost's back, "Be patient!" With two poofs, A Niu pulled out the arrow pole. He pulled off the cloth towel on his neck and pressed it on the wound. "I don't have time to help you clean up the wound now. You can bear with it yourself. When these orcs are killed, we have the best doctor in Hasting to help you take care of it!"

"Ha ha, that's all right," the ghost moved his shoulder and was guarded by the dark divine power. This little trauma will soon heal. The big knife in the ghost's hand suddenly drew another half circle to cut down several pig-headed people who were close to some, and then nodded to A Niu: "Okay, thank you. We can break through these orcs not far ahead. Let's continue to rush forward!"

"Good!" A Niu showed his snow-white teeth and smiled, waved a big knife in his hand, and cut at the pig-headed man beside him. A few steps away, the human soldiers had been killed the next step under Murray's leadership.

Werewolves belong to a short race among orcs. Although they can jump to a height of more than three meters, in front of knights riding horses of more than four meters, werewolves are like a group of short men. Knights only need to bend slightly, and their swords can easily cut off the werewolf's head!

Tens of thousands of Hasting iron cavalry surrounded nearly 10,000 werewolves and shot. In a short time, they killed more than half of the werewolves. Karenb continued to besiege the werewolf troops under his command, and at the same time separated half of the troops to help another cavalry continue to trap the horse-headed troops.

Without the help of these two orc teams, the pig-headed man has completely fallen into isolation. The human infantry quickly completed the interspersed encirclement of the pig-headed man with the help of archers. Agui and A Niu first broke through the battle of the pig-headed man's battle to clear the obstacles for Murray's team. Behind the pig-headed man team, on both sides The rushing human infantry firmly surrounded them in the center like two closed arms, and then the long gunmen and shield soldiers who could still fight also began to come up to help, and the archers behind them almost did not stop. A piece of arrow fell on the crowded pig-headed man like a rainstorm, smashing pieces of dead space!

"We lost again this time!" The Red Lion King sighed, shook his head and turned back to the big tent. The staff of the demon clan looked at the battlefield and also shook their heads to retreat. The human infantry and cavalry completed their encirclement, and the skunk shooters who were most likely to achieve support were hit by human beings and lost their combat effectiveness at the beginning. Their failure was created. The adult cavalry** besieged and slowly encroached the three orc troops one after another, and the final result of these 50,000 orc troops could only be annihilated!

"Compason with the human archers, only the magic bow troops of our demon clan can have a slight advantage!" A demon staff member whispered.

"Their cavalry is also very powerful, and I don't know which one is more powerful if it meets our magic horse..." Another staff officer hesitated by touching the beard that had just grown on his chin.

"If they don't launch that field, the human cavalry will definitely not be the opponent of the magic horse. In terms of personal ability, each of our magic horse is not according to the human martial arts!" Several staff officers immediately compared, "In addition, we ride dragon horses that have been specially cultivated. Although they are dragon beasts, they are much more powerful than these human horses."

"It's just that the number is a little less. If there are 20,000 magic horses, our demon troops alone can sweep all human beings!" Several staff officers immediately became depressed. The output of dragon horses is extremely low. So far, there are less than 2,000 dragon horses of the demon clan equipped with dragons and horses. Although these excellent warriors are strong, compared with the more than 10,000 cavalry below, they can consume all the magic horses even if they use people!

Several staff officers sighed and also walked into the military tent. The strength of the demon clan is still too weak. The dragon clan has a strong body and united populations, and the orcs have countless barbaric warriors, while the demon clan has many powerful masters who lost to the orcs in quantity and the quality to the dragon clan. They want to rule the demon world again. It is really difficult to achieve.

Seeing that the last dozen werewolves were stabbed to death by human knights with long guns, the cold face of the werewolf leader could not help showing a little sadness. A drop of muddy tears turned around the green eyes a few times, and finally slid down helplessly. Tens of thousands of Wolf youth fell under the butcher's knife. The old wolf It was clear that he sent these ordinary werewolves on this road of no return in order to protect the best soldiers in the clan.

A desolate wolf howl sounded from the top of the mountain, and the 20,000 Wolf orcs and Doug orcs around the hill sobbed almost at the same time. Whether it was werewolves or dog-headed people, everyone knew that the 10,000 werewolf soldiers sent by Wolff had been killed.

After destroying the werewolves, the three cavalry brigades also lost more than 3,000 knights. Under the command of Calemb, the remaining 12,000 knights attacked the horse-headed men's regiment and tried to destroy them as soon as possible. Behind them, there were less than 10,000 pig-headed men left at this time, and among the human infantry, there were only 7,000 shield soldiers left. Less than 1,000 people can still participate in the war, and about 10,000 of the 20,000 knife infantry are still fighting, and only less than 4,000 long spearmen can participate in the war. At this time, they have become the strongest killers on the battlefield. More than four meters of long spears are stabbed behind the big sword soldiers. The fat pig-headed people can't avoid it at all and can only lean on themselves. The body was hard to carry the bloody holes one by one.

There is no loss for 3,000 archers, but the continuous archers have made these 3,000 people miserable. Now they are all dragging their strained arms and standing behind the wounded soldiers, and nothing can help.

The horse-headed people trapped by 5,000 cavalry were suddenly attacked by 12,000 armored cavalry and immediately panicked. Human bows and arrows, long guns and knives are much more advanced than the wooden sticks in their hands. Even if they have the tall body of the orcs, they do not have the natural shield armor of the turtle clan, and they are the people who have launched the iron-blooded field. Under the impact of cavalry, the horseheads fell into a pool of blood in rows.

The horse leader on the mountain has stamped a big hole under his feet. This time, the House sent a total of 25,000 young people, but this battle trapped 10,000 people. No wonder it was so depressed that he couldn't help stamping his feet. And the most unbearable of your leaders is the short skunk leader. At this moment, it is rolling and crying randomly. Tears and dirt make the already unbearable face even more funny. But no leader can laugh at it. The 20,000 skunk shooters recruited by the Siangke clan were killed by human beings early. If it were, everyone would be distressed. That's terrible.