Kaeus's chess game

004 deadly dark arrow

When the ghost entered the village, only three or two big cats and kittens were left in the village of 100 people to live in panic. In the already narrow alleys, drunken soldiers can often be seen leaning and sleeping. Those smoke-filled houses are no longer simple villagers cooking rice, but a group of laughing soldiers and bandits cooking. Dog stewed sheep.

A ghost wanders alone in the village like a ghost to avoid being seen by soldiers and bandits. The news from the nail said that the iron-toothed dog was harmed in the village with hundreds of loyal subordinates. As long as they didn't see the village catch fire, they would not move places. This is a strange habit that Tieya has developed from bandits for many years. After killing a village, they always like to set fire everywhere before leaving, which is also a disguised destruction of corpses.

The purpose of Agui came is to solve the mad dog. Although Afnerius is loyal to Siles, everyone knows that as long as Afnerius still has troops loyal to him, he may rebel at any time! This big cancer has taken root and sprouted in Jedtree, so if you want to move Affinalius, you must cut off his roots, strangle his buds, break his limbs, and then cut off his head!

After wandering around the village, the ghost was sure that there would be no less than 100 troops stationed in the village now, and most of them were old fried dough sticks that had fought for a long time. As for the guy named Tieya, he didn't know where to be happy. The ghost actually walked around and didn't see him.

The soldiers and bandits who have been fooling around for several days have long lost their due vigilance. Even if someone faintly saw the ghost, they didn't care too much. Hundreds of brothers gathered together. Unless anyone is crazy, they can only be hacked when they rushing in to make trouble!

The mountains around the village are not high, and they can't even look down on the whole village. The ghost squatted on a hill and nibbled at the dry food he brought, squinted his eyes and slowly remembered the layout of the village. Although he is not afraid of directly assassinating the bandit in broad daylight, after all, the Fourth Army is stationed not far away. If it disturbs them, even a quasi-military saint like Agui can't keep up with tens of thousands of soldiers!

After eating, the ghost clapped his hands, turned his wrist and pulled out the rarely used steel bow from the wood crystal core, pulled out three steel-headed armored arrows and inserted them in front of him, and then stared at the village below with a pair of slightly purple eyes like a night owl waiting for its prey. The distance of about 200 steps is the effective range of the steel bow. And there are very few shooters on the mainland who can shoot so far.

Thick, bald, a mouthful of iron teeth, and the nail's description of the iron teeth was simple and clear. The ghost squatted on the top of the mountain for two or three hours without finding his goal, so he ran along the hillside and continued to squat.

At this time, the arrogant and domineering iron teeth were eating and drinking with several men in a room. Although the local wine in the mountain was not good, the freshly cooked mutton was delicious. Several guys nibbled a few mouthfuls of meat and drank a mouthful of bad wine, and then laughed and scolded, just like when they were bandits in the mountains.

"Oh, I'm full, almost..." The slightly drunken iron teeth touched the slightly bulging belly and burp with satisfaction, stood up and put his armor on his body, and said with a smile, "Let's go to find a good house to sleep, and hold a woman to warm the quilt by the way."

A group of soldiers and bandits stood up with a bad smile and walked out of the house with sweaty iron teeth.

Agui keenly caught this group of people, especially the wide-bopped bald head. Looking at the appearance of the people around him, he should be the bandit leader called Steel Teeth!

The sky had darkened, and several people lit torches and ran to illuminate the iron teeth. The ghost clearly saw the iron teeth shining in the fire and confirmed the identity of the other party again.

Three iron-headed armor-pierced arrows flew into the air almost in no particular order, just like three eagles aiming at their prey suddenly drew a beautiful curve in the gray sky and rushed to the steel teeth in the village! Before the people below reacted, three arrows hit the key of the iron teeth at the same time!

A group of soldiers and bandits who were farting with iron teeth were shocked by this sudden arrow. No one expected that the dark sky would suddenly fall three arrows and shoot the boss in front of them to the ground!

A arrow on the forehead! One arrow in the throat! One arrow heart! Each of the three arrows is pierced to the point. Even if the iron tooth is a martial artist, it will die!

The reaction of the soldiers and bandits can't be said to be swift, but when they want to find archers again, they don't even have a ghost except for the black beams in the distance...

Finding the horse left by the nail from the foot of the mountain, Agui quickly rushed to the second target. Less than an hour after he left, several fast horses quickly left with the news of being assassinated with iron teeth, and rushed to the royal city and various legions like arrows!

The small king city located on the top of the mountain country has been abandoned. On a relatively flat hillside under the mountain, a huge city is gradually taking shape. This town named Crouching Tiger City is now the northern fortress of Jadet. From the Crouching Tiger City, you can directly see the vast mountains and forests in the north, where is Sifan. Dino's territory is stationed with a division of the Grand Rainstorm Legion!

"Fuck, these damn Grans! If the marshal can transfer the other two legions, we must cut off these Glens!" Wei stood on the newly completed wall with a twig in his mouth and looked at the dense forest in the distance. Although he could not see the camp of the Gran people, everyone knew that the group of guys in cyan armor were there!

"Okay, it's useless for you to be fierce again. The marshal will not fight with the Gran people. Anyway, the Gran people will not step into our territory. You'd better take this time to have a good rest," standing beside Wei's one eye is the division commander of the First Field Army, a strange guy called Blue Spider.

After Afennaeus escaped from the Black Forest, the blue spider has been following Affinarius. The news came intermittently from the mainland that the blue spiders believed that the black elves in the Black Forest had been killed by the mainlanders, so the team of Afennarius may be the last bloodline of the black elves. Therefore, the remaining dozen followers worship Affinarius as a black elf king, although this name has never existed in the years of the evil spider god.

At the beginning, there were 26 black elves who came out with Afnerius. In addition to the old lame Wendebans, who disappeared halfway, eight of them were trapped or besieged and died in previous battles. Now only these 18 black elf warriors, blue spiders and The other two smart black elves were promoted by Afennareus to lead two field troops and a 10,000-strong bow and arrow troops alone. As for the other stupid guys who were either instructors in the bow and arrow army or as guards beside Afennaeus.

Compared with the mainlanders, Afnerius naturally believed in these black elves who swore allegiance to him to the dark spider god.

"These mountain people are stupid slaves. You can also supervise this group of lazy pigs here. I think you'd better kill a few hanging in the city to remind these slaves. Presumably they will work harder." A bad laugh came from the blue spider's closed helmet. "I'll take people back to the army to see those rabbits later. If no one cares, there may be any moth. Although there is no order now, we can't relax. Who knows how long we can rest? Maybe tomorrow we will order the troops to go to the battlefield..."

Wei looked at the blue spiders in iron armor with his only tiger's eyes slanted. These guys are as strange as Marshal Afnarius. Even in sultry weather, they won't take off their whole body armor. I don't know if they are too ugly...

The blue spider quickly walked down the mountain with the gathered soldiers of the First Field Army. The black elf was born to be unsafe. Only when he was surrounded by his companions could he be a little relieved, so the blue spider did not only bring dozens of his men like Wei One Eye. He always carried a battalion of the First Army, with 500 people!

The way down the mountain had long been trampled by the slaves who carried stones. The blue spider's group of people came down so that the slaves who carried stones to the mountain had to stop and bow their heads honestly. The Jedetts not only killed the royal family of the high mountain country, but also cut hundreds of the young people of the mountain country who dared to resist. , making the already sparsely populated alpine people afraid and dare to look at them angrily, these soldiers will really kill people with knives!

The blue spider didn't know that there was really a pair of eyes looking at him murderously in the woods beside the road!

Agui was squatting in the forest and hesitantly looking at the blue spider down the mountain. The nails only knew that the two division commanders of the First Army and the Second Army were in the mountain city, but they were not sure when the Blue Spider would leave. Agui looked at hundreds of Jadet soldiers on the business road, and finally could only grit his teeth and give up this goal. Now he He is here for assassination, and it will be of great help to make things secret next time.

After the blue spider took people to walk over, the mountain road became a busy scene again. The ghost took the opportunity to continue to climb up. The busy city halfway up the mountain is the mountain city, and his second goal is inside!

It took a few hours for the blue spider to walk to the bottom of the mountain, but before they could go far away, the two fast horses quickly ran along the business road and stood directly in front of the troops!

"Brothers, can Master Wei and Master Lan be here?" A knight shouted loudly.

"Who are you? What are you looking for, Master Lan? A clever soldier asked back.

"We are the messengers of the Fourth Army, and we have important letters to send to Master Lan!" A knight turned over and got off his horse and took out an urgent piece from his body, covered with the seal of the Fourth Army, marked with the words "urgent top secret!

The soldiers of the First Army dared to delay when they saw that it was an important document in the army. They immediately ran over and handed it to the blue spider. The blue spider was stunned after only a few glances. Unexpectedly, the guy with iron teeth was actually stabbed!