Kaeus's chess game

017 Militia Tree

Since the defeat of the Third Army, Jadet quickly adjusted the top of the army, and the middle and senior officers represented by the young nobles quickly incorporated four field divisions. Then, under the order of Affinalius, the four field divisions, like hyenas with four teeth and claws, quickly rushed into the territory of Feng, steadily and resolutely from the four Push closer to Maple City, the capital of Feng Country!

At this time, in King Feng's Palace, the king with the surname Feng has been taking out gold coins from the treasury to hire stronger soldiers to guard his country, but his finance minister did not agree with his approach and was standing in the hall arguing with his king.

"Your Majesty, the treasury is less than a quarter now. If we spend more money to hire warriors, even if we win this battle, we won't prosper in decades!" The finance minister had exposed a lot of snow-white hair in his dark hair. For the madness of the Jadet, he almost turned his hair white overnight!

"I don't care so much. Let's win first!" King Feng interrupted the finance minister's words with a wave of his arm and said loudly in front of the important civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty: "You all know that our predecessors of Feng Kingdom have developed this Feng Kingdom from dozens of small tribes, which has been inherited for hundreds of years, relying on the momentum of breaking the boat! I don't care what Jadet plans to do. As long as I am the king of Feng for a day, I will never surrender!"

"If you don't have money, you can earn it slowly, but if you don't have any land, we can't become rich even if we leave a lot of gold coins!" King Feng looked at the finance minister and said, "Do you understand? Money is no longer important to us. As long as we can keep this country, it is not impossible for me to personally conquer!"

"I... understand..." The Finance Minister nodded heavily, then opened the account book in his hand and said, "Your Majesty, now we still have three million gold coins and some treasures that cannot be realized for the time being. I think if this batch of things are sent out, we should be able to bring a lot of rescuers!"

"Your Majesty, according to the detective's report, this time the Jedt divided into four troops to attack our country! The fastest way has broken through 40 kilometers from Maple City. This time they have increased the deployment of the outpost, so it is difficult to get their first-hand action plan!" A middle-aged soldier in his armor hurried into the hall and said loudly.

"Oh, general, thank you for your hard work. I don't know how many days our city defense can hold back these troops?" King Feng quickly showed his goodwill to the general, relying on the clever plan he came up with. Fengcheng only used a little gold coins to make Jadet's Third Field Army retreat, and also killed the iron-covered division commander of the Fourth Army in the territory of Feng!

"Your Majesty, the soldiers and horses in our hands can't stop the Jedetts at all. If they just come to a field army, I am confident that I will annihilate them outside Maple City! But now their four legions have more than 40,000 soldiers, and our Fengcheng garrison is only 10,000, and even those warriors hired with a lot of money are no more than 13,000. Their strength is too different. King, please forgive me for saying that our situation is very bad this time!" The general hesitated and said, "I suggest that the king leave the Feng Kingdom temporarily and go to the Spanish Empire to avoid the limelight!"

"No, I will never leave Fengcheng!" The king of Fengcheng said with a serious face, "This is the critical moment of survival. If I know which adult dares to escape secretly, he and his relatives will be hunted down the most cruelly. I will hire the most powerful killer to constantly assassinate him and his family until the bloodline of his family is completely cut off!" "

The ministers looked at their king in shock. The usually gentle king was forced by the war to become so fierce and extreme, but it was also the threat of the king. Those civilian generals instantly became burning monkeys and desperately planned for the future of the Feng Kingdom one by one!

Maple City is also filled with a tense atmosphere. Even in the busiest pub, there is much less play. The warriors who have just had some savings in their hands have come in to get drunk. Everyone knows that this time the Jedite people are playing for real. A few months ago, a field army almost hit the royal city. Now there are four armies together. The attack can't stop these tigers and wolves even if they arm the men, women and children of Feng Kingdom!

"Brother Big Tree, come on, I'll toast you again!" At a round table, five men held wine glasses and chatted with drunken eyes. One of the men picked up the wine glass and touched the man next to him fiercely. Then he poured a full liter of grain wine into his stomach and said, "There are only five brothers left in our family. The patriarch has taken everyone to hide. In the deep mountains, let's have a good fight with Brother Dashu this time!"

"Yes, Brother Dashu shot all their teachers last time. This time, he's not afraid. Isn't it just four teachers? Our brother has five people and one more arrow..." The other man next to him also drank too much and was full of nonsense.

The big tree silently picked up the glass and took a sip, and then stared at the blood-red eyes and said, "Don't talk nonsense to me. I said that I didn't shoot that division! If anyone talks nonsense again, I will kill him!"

"Big tree, the whole Feng country knows that you shot their teacher. Didn't you also accept the thousand gold coins rewarded by the king?" A big man asked doubtfully, for no reason, the big tree will be angry when he talks about this matter.

"Bah! What a bullshit reward! That's the life money of a group of people!" Dashu threw the wine glass fiercely on the table and cursed with the strength of wine and said, "Thirty-five brothers, there were 75 people in total, but in the end, I survived alone. The gold coin is what we should get!" I gave all the money to the patriarch and asked him to buy food and take the people to run deep into the mountains. This time, no one can stop Jedt's puppies..."

"Shh... Don't talk nonsense about this matter. Let the official hear that everyone is going to be punished..." A drunken man patted the big tree on the shoulder and said, "Anyway, you killed a teacher. That's a senior official. It's also a revenge for all the brothers..." The drunken man said and tears fell down. They There are only 40 middle-aged men in the whole family. They are all very close to each other. Who would have thought that almost all the women in the village have become widows in this war, and only a few of them have to go to the battlefield again.

"Cry! It's meaningless to cry when people die. It's better for brothers to discuss how to kill a few more Jade people to avenge everyone!" The man opposite cursed in a low voice, and then looked at the big tree and asked, "Big tree, this table is full of brothers. Tell us how to fight this war!" Everyone has a lot of money to survive..."

"How to fight this battle? How do I know..." The tree drank a few more cups of wine and whispered, "We are all hunters, not soldiers. If we fight against the Jedetts, we will die. The last time we secretly hid on the mountain to shoot them with cold arrows to kill their officials, and we survived."

"If we get into the mountains, no one can catch us," the man opposite nodded and then asked, "Our hunting bow is so close that we dare not approach their army at all. Let's secretly shoot a few sentries, and we can't touch the edge of the senior officials at all..."

"It's not so easy to shoot a senior official. Last time, hundreds of us blocked the division commander in the front line of the sky and shot him for a long time. Not only did they not kill him, but they were almost killed by the Jedette..."

"But didn't you shoot him to death?" A big man asked tentatively that the shooting of Master Jedt by the big tree had become a legend, but the big tree refused to talk about it in detail.

"Hi..." Dashu sighed and waved his left and right hands. Five big heads gathered together on the wine table. Seeing that the big tree was finally willing to relax, several big men's faces were full of childlike curiosity.

"Let me tell you, the teacher was shot dead by someone else!" Dashu lowered his voice and said to several brothers of the same clan, "I'm tired of hiding this matter. I'll talk to your brothers today, but you must keep it a secret. If you say it out, it may cause some trouble."

"Alas, tell me, we won't talk nonsense..." Everyone looked anxiously at the half-drunk tree.

"Actually, we didn't stop the teacher at all that day!" Dashu sighed and said, "At that time, we fought with the Jedet for two days, and when we couldn't stop it, suddenly a boy who didn't know us gave us a move. Everyone went to the front line to ambush the Jedet officer!"

"We are all hunters. We don't know anything about war, but ambush is similar to hunting, so I and more than 30 hunters with the best bows and arrows hid on the ceiling of the front line, while others suddenly jumped down to block both ends when the division commander led people into the front line of sky, and then we worked hard. Shoot the official!"

"Shoot him to death like this?" A drunken man asked.

"Bullshit! They still shot others. We were almost shot to death by the division commander!" The tree scolded and continued, "Those Jedettes shot more accurately!" In a short time, I killed more than 30 of our hunters. At that time, I was too scared to probe my head. At this time, the boy who didn't know anyone suddenly jumped out from somewhere, grabbed my wolf tooth arrow and shot down two arrows, and then turned his head and ran away..."

Dashu wiped his face heated by alcohol, "At that time, the bottom was chaotic, and I quickly ran away. Only a few days later did I know that the teacher, who was all in armor, was shot to death by the boy with two arrows!"

"Have you seen him since then?" Several big men asked curiously.

"I haven't seen you again, and you also know that those who went to resist the Jade people at that time were hired by the Feng Kingdom. Who knows who..." Da Shu thought for a moment and suddenly said, "But I don't think he is from Feng!"