Kaeus's chess game

022 plunder

"Hurry up and become stronger. If I help you deal with tigers or ordinary people, I'll just slap you to death!" Cecer stared at Charlotte, then raised his head like a silver arrow shot into the sky, and flew up to the sky and disappeared without a trace.

Charlotte looked up at the silver thread straight into the sky, burped gently, and then fell asleep on the soft white tiger.

"Captain, the tiger roar just now is over there on the mountain!" A strong man in animal skin turned around and said behind him. Behind him, more than a dozen men in animal skin also held shuttle guns and bright swords in their hands, looking no different from ordinary prey.

"Brothers, work harder, if you catch this guy, you can go back to drink and eat meat," a big man with a long sword in the crowd lifted the skin on his face and showed a young face. He was actually Royce, the bold man who was willing to go out to deliver letters!

Since Ken's bold group was inexplicably killed, Royce has defected to John Joe. Although John Joe is very generous to blackmail the people of the original Knights of Light. In addition, Royce is not a stupid man. In addition, he has not only been a senior warrior himself for several years, but also in John. Joe became a captain.

Recently, it has been reported that a rare white tiger appeared in the territory of the Baiso tribe. The white tiger skin has an auspicious and domineering meaning in Lebanon, so Royce took his people and volunteered to kill the white tiger. If he gets this white tiger skin and dedicate it to John Joe, it will definitely improve his land in this team of nearly 100 people. !

This white tiger is also a clever guy. Royce took people to chase it for more than half a month and did not block it once, but they also brought a lot of pressure to the white tiger. For more than half a month, the white tiger has been hungry and running for his life. Today, it is also too hungry that he ventured to attack Charlotte. As a result A bone was broken by Cesel.

A dozen hunters who changed from the Knight of Light are simply more than a dozen killing machines. They chased down the tiger's footprints to the mountain and immediately launched the Holy Guardian to rush up. As a result, in addition to a dead white tiger, they also found a sleeping Knight of Light!

"Captain, this guy fainted," a man played with Charlotte a few times and found that he slept like a dead pig. Even if he cut him, he would not know the pain. "I don't know how many days he hasn't slept, and now he won't wake up even if he is carried away."

"How could a bright knight come here?" Royce frowned and came over, looked at Charlotte with a bloody face, and couldn't help saying in surprise, "Good boy, he actually killed the white tiger and drank all his blood. It seems that this boy is also a powerful character! He only wears armor and dares to come to Riga in the cold winter. It's really lucky that this boy is not dead yet.

"Brothers, search him to see where he came from!" Royce waved his hand, and the two men immediately went up and began to dismantle the light armor. They themselves were light knights, and it was not difficult to untie the tedious armor in front of them.

"Captain, he has nothing but this secret letter and crystal." Soon, the things on Charlotte's body appeared in front of Royce. Royce and others had long been out of the Knights of Light and didn't care about the rules at all. He took the things and tore open the secret letter and slowly looked at it.

"Hahahaha, rebuild the Knights of Winter? Jihad? Royce laughed with a secret letter and said, "You guys peel the skin before the tiger is stiff, and the others tie a raft to tie the boy back!" Brothers, here comes our luck!"

Two days later, Charlotte woke up. He was tied up with several ropes and lay on a simple raft, covered with the smelly white tiger skin. "What are you doing? Why are you tying me up?" Charlotte struggled a few times and found that the bright armor on her body had also been peeled off, and she couldn't help shouting in shock and anger.

"Shut up, boy! Lie on it honestly and don't make trouble for me, or I'll slap you!" A big man pulling the raft roared angrily. This morning, he was unlucky and lost guessing, so he had to pull the raft all morning!

"Hey, you woke up," Royce came over with a bad smile. "You can lie down and see our boss in five days, and we will naturally deal with you!"

"I advise you to let me go quickly. I am from the Knights of Light. If it is known that you dare to kidnap me, someone will kill you all immediately!" Charlotte shouted harshly, "Give me back all my things and let me go. I think nothing has happened!"

"Haha, the people of the Knights of Light! Hahaha..." More than a dozen people laughed, and Royce gently pulled the animal skin on his chest to reveal the bright armor inside, and said mockingly, "I'm all from the Knights of Light!"

Charlotte recognized the snowflake-shaped emblem on the bright armor at a glance and immediately shouted, "You are from the Winter Knights!" Hurry up and release it for me. I'm here to deliver a letter to Chief Gordon!"

"Bullshit leader!" Royce punched Charlotte in the stomach, and then said viciously, "Gordon is a traitor!" Our regiment leader is John Joe, please hear me clearly!"

"John Joe?" Charlotte bowed and was stunned. He didn't know the situation of the Winter Knights, let alone who John Joe was.

"What nonsense do you have? I'll talk about it when I see our boss. From now on, I'll punch you again!" Royce raised his fist wrapped in iron armor and made a gesture, causing his teammates next to laugh.

Charlotte, who was punched, was indeed much more honest. Not only was the armor removed, but even the angel crystal was no longer on him. At this time, Charlotte was like a poisonous snake with plucked teeth, and could only lie honestly on the raft and be pulled like goods.

A few days later, Royce's team finally entered the town controlled by John Joe, and he immediately reported to John Joe with a secret letter and crystal.

"Holy war..." John Joe was silent after reading the secret letter, and his fingers kept fiddling with the bright crystal on the table. For a long time, the man in his fifties opened his mouth: "I said why there have been more priests holding the war scepter recently. I thought they were going to deal with the Winter Knights, but I didn't expect to live However, I want to collect... Royce, what do you think of this?"

Seeing that John Joe actually took care of himself as a confidant, Royce immediately said excitedly, "Commendant John, the divine religion actually wants to collect the Winter Knights, which means that they are going to compromise. This time, they have to use precious angel crystals to bribe Gordon's bastard. I think we should take everything and then The boy who sent the letter cut it, and no one will know about it anymore! When you continue to be your king of the earth, I don't believe that the Light will really send knights to encircle and suppress us!"

"Don't you want to go back to Light? Anyway, you have also reached the level of a regular knight. If you go back and be canonized, you will be a real knight of light..." John Joe said with a smile, "A boy like you who was promoted by a trainee knight would never be a formal knight without the formal canonization of Light God Religion."

"To be honest, I really want to go back, but the Winter Knights have dispersed long ago. Now I have been received as an ordinary knight in the New Winter Regiment. It's better to continue to be a captain under the old big hand," Royce said helplessly: "I belong to a bottomless ordinary person in the seminary. If you want to ride If you get to the captain in the regiment, it won't work at all. I'm already the captain here. Why do I go back to find that trouble..."

"Ha ha, you are short-sighted. No matter how much we tossing around in Liga, we can't make big waves. Look at that boy, with more than 100 people, he not only got the name of a long bandit?" John Joe sighed and said, "We also have some roots, but in the eyes of outsiders, we knights are also unclass gangs, and those larger tribes don't need much effort to destroy us."

"I'm old, so I pay more attention to this reputation," John Joe looked at the bright armor hanging on the wooden shelf not far away. Now he is two times fatter than before. He can't wear the beautiful winter knight armor for a long time. In recent years, John Joe has felt a significant decline in physical strength. After all, he has He is in his fifties and can't live for a few years in the harsh environment of Lebanon.

John Joe knew that there is a blessing in the Spirit of Light to rejuvenate, but such a blessing can only be launched by more than two bishops. According to the current situation of the Winter Knights, it is fortunate that those bishops did not send someone to deal with them, but God just sent this opportunity to him, John Joe knew that if he returned to the divine religion with his men, one of the positions of the head or deputy leader of the Winter Knights must be his, and he could also use this identity to ask the bishops to launch a blessing for him.

People are more afraid of death when they are old. Although John Joe doesn't pay attention to the title of knight, he is still very noble about his life!

"Okay, I've decided to take everyone back!" John Joe gently patted the armrest and stood up, slowly walked to his bright armor, and gently wiped the armor with a piece of cloth.

Royce had no objection to John Joe's decision, but asked in a low voice, "The boy outside was originally delivering letters to Gordon, so I'll let him go?"

"No, his letter has been delivered," John Joe looked at Royce and smiled: "There is no need to keep this man."

"I see!" Royce nodded with a smile. A few minutes later, a dagger inserted into Charlotte's heart and completely killed the last blood of the alpine royal family.