Kaeus's chess game

025 Each has a ghost

Although the soul beast is stupid, it still retains 70% of the combat effectiveness of the original body, which is powerful enough to deal with these ordinary people. It has the right to sacrifice with a cane to help John Joe. At that time, just let his men protect these ten sacrifices.

The convoy continued to march towards Jadet as planned. Just as the convoy walked out of the hotel, countless detectives had spread their news. The bandits in the mountains were excitedly waiting for the fat sheep to enter their territory. The bandits had made it clear that the convoy had an extraordinary defense force. And it is precisely for this reason that people are even more convinced of the treasure in the team. If there is no treasure, who will accompany such a powerful guard?

At the gate of Ivandino, countless strange men in strange clothes stared at the motorcade of the Light God Religion with various expressions and slowly walked out of the door. They were either hostile to each other or hooked up with each other, but everyone was surprisingly unanimous and did not take action at the gate. After all, this is still the king city of Ivandino, and this face is still It's for giving, but a few miles away, there are dense mountains and forests, and there are places where they show their magical power.

Following the Guangming Shenjiao team, countless spies rushed out. They were sent by all forces to find out the news. Now that the motorcade is on the road, they have to rush back to deliver letters immediately.

"Grandma, why are you running in such a hurry?" A bearded bandit spit on the running detectives, and then smiled and said to his men around him, "Look, I've really got it right near the horse. So many people come to intercept it. I guess this guy won't go far away. Let's go back now and prepare our brothers. Maybe There is going to be a big scuffle..."

The beard claimed to be Luo and forgot his name, so the bandit's name is Luo Beard. He has more than 100 bandits who can fight well in the mountains. However, since the eight kings were wiped out, there are more than a dozen gangs like him in the mountain, and the most wrong people are the two groups of Mangniu and Hua Changchong.

"Brother Luo, it will take at least two or three days to get to our territory at the speed of their fleet. I heard that Mangniu and flower worms have taken people to the nearby mountains, and there are many of them. Don't let them eat this goods." A man said worriedly.

"Haha, you don't understand," Luo Beard laughed and pulled his horse over and rode up. Then he turned around and said to several men, "The 110th deserters have fallen into their hands, and the people in the hands of Mangx or flower insects can't stop the convoy at all. You don't look at those fully equipped. Knights are not easy to mess with. I bet that reckless cattle and flower worms can't eat these knights at all. Maybe they will suffer a big loss in the hands of these knights!"

"Hey, that's just right. I've long wanted to accept the Mangniu and the flowers and insects. Let them consume those knights first. Let's concentrate all our strength to take down this team in one breath in two days!" Luo's beard laughed as if he had succeeded: "When I have money, I will collect Mangniu and flower worms. Who else in this forest can oppose me!" Hahaha..."

On the business road, several groups of bandits who were dreaming like Luo's beard rushed forward. When they passed the Guangming God Religion convoy, they all smiled greedily, as if the convoy had fallen into their pockets and were slowly preparing to send them gold coins.

"Is this fucking mountainous? Why does it feel like you have entered the land of flesh and blood? Why do I feel that everyone who walks around is not a good thing? Royce stared suspiciously at every guy who passed by the convoy. These people were obviously not good. In addition, they were all greedy for the team one by one. Even a fool could see that many people had an idea about this team.

"His grandmother used to go out to rob others every day, but now the feng shui takes turns, and it's his turn to be remembered!" Royce clenched the knight's sword on his waist and stared at a beard with several fast horses passing through the convoy. If it had been usual, Royce's unfriendly eyes would have caused disputes, but the beard seemed to disdainfully ignore it at all, and even those arrogant men actually No trouble!

"Your Excellency, there should be trouble. I have seen several groups of people interested in our team, but they don't do it now but rush forward. I'm sure that they must be in front of them!" Royce went to John Joe and reported in a low voice.

"Well, I can see," John Joe pointed to the carriage behind him and said to Royce, "There are ten sacrifices in the penultimate car. Priest Joey has lent them to us just now. Now drive the car to the front to be with the striker. If there is any trouble, let these sacrifices take action. Remember , we must protect the safety of these sacrifices!"

"I see, my lord!" Royce immediately understood John Joe's idea. He took several knights to bring the penultimate car to the front of the team and arranged it directly beside the striker.

As soon as the striker's more than 20 knights and a carriage full of priests turned around a hill, they immediately heard someone shouting arrogantly in front of him: "I'm a snake in Qingshan. The people in front of me quickly stopped and robbed!"

Royce has never seen such a fancy man. The bandit on the opposite side is two meters tall, but he has a water snake waist. It is exaggerated that this guy actually wears a strange robe. Pieces of green and red cloth are randomly stitched together to look dazzling, such as If you don't stand on the road, you can really mistake people for a long insect and become an essence.

The flower worm is also the number one bandit in the mountain. Since the Eighth King was swept away by the crazy marshal Jedette, the eight powerful bandit gangs in the mountains have suddenly turned into a piece of scattered sand, and many unknown bandits immediately absorbed these bandits running all over the mountain. Didn't Jed try his best to suppress the bandits? They stayed away from Jedt and went to other ravines. Anyway, the number of these 100,000 ravines can't be counted, and they can build a cottage anywhere.

The flower bug with a blue chin is serious this time. He not only pulled more than 100 of his bandits over, but also joined forces with a few small bandits to block Ivandino's business road.

Since the light god's motorcade entered the mountain, many bandits have found a problem. Both large and small countries in the mountain are extremely indifferent to this motorcade. Not only will they not send people to protect it, but they will not come to ask if it is intercepted by bandits in their own territory.

Usually, even if the flower worm eats the courage of the leopard, he dares not bring people to block it to the edge of the King of Ivan Dino, but this treasure has been passed down as an astronomical figure, which is completely worth his risk! As long as this vote is made, he may beat his old rival Mang Niu and Luo Beard and become a hegemon.

Royce didn't care about the long flower worm that couldn't help laughing, but looked carefully at the horse fence that blocked the commercial road. If the knight was forced to attack, even if there was a divine guard, it would cause a lot of trouble, so he slowly walked to the carriage full of priests and said in a low voice, "Your Excellency, in front There are a lot of bandits. If our knights attack, it will inevitably be damaged. I don't think it's better for you to show the mud legs in these mountains. Our Light God Religion is the real inheritance of God's protection!"

"Okay, we have long wanted to take action," a fanatical bright believer in the car who has long wanted to show their hands. They used to be ordinary sacrifices, and their greatest ability was just to launch a few recovery techniques to treat the wounded. Now they have a war scepter in their hands like a submachine gun in their hands. Who doesn't want to Shoot a few shots to satisfy your vanity.

"Brothers, be careful. I heard that those knights hit very hard. You tied all the rejection piles for me. I'd like to see how these knights rushed over!" Hua Changchong ordered to set up several rejected horse fences, and then waited for the other party to rush over.

The knight opposite just stood quietly and did not launch a charge, but a group of strange beasts ran out from the middle of the knights and rushed to a group of flowers and insects!

"What's going on?" Before the exclamation of the flower worm fell, a three- or four-long white tiger jumped over from the two-meter-high horse spike and suddenly knocked down four or five bandits. The bandits behind were shocked but did not run around. Which one of them had never seen a tiger and black bear in the mountains? Immediately, several strong bandits rushed up with big knives and axes, and chopped down the strange tiger. Even if it was the head tiger king, it could be put down!

"No, this is not a tiger!" A bandit who wielded a knife shouted loudly. With his strength, even a rhinoceros would turn red, but the white tiger was not injured at all, but waved its claws and pulled out another unlucky one!

"No matter what it is, chop it for me!" The flower worm stood behind and shouted, and immediately a few long guns stabbed the tiger in the stomach!

The bandit is still entangled with the tiger, but the scepter sacrifice keeps releasing a fierce beast. Four tall brown bears, a strong iron armored rhinoceros, two antlers and spear-like sharp horned deer, and two King Kong gorillas gorillas waving their arms rushed forward like crazy, and the bright knights of the front The holy guard surrounded the sacrifice, and they also stretched out their necks to watch the performance of the soul beast.