Kaeus's chess game

028 The power of advanced soul beast

Royce looked around cautiously, and the adjudicated people and the sacrifices gathered by several fires in the distance. Then he whispered to John Joe, "Your excellency, there is a verdict nearby. Let's not talk about the old regimental commander... It's a trouble to be heard by them after all."

"The rulings are fucking bastards!" After swearing in a low voice, John Joe turned around and asked Royce, "Have you checked the sentry tonight?"

"Don't worry, my lord, I just checked it, and I'll check it again later." Royce nodded and said.

"Hi, you have also worked hard. Arrange for them to change their posts, and you should also seize the time to take more rest!" John Joe looked at Royce and nodded and said, "I will apply for promotion for you this time. Although you are young, you will be qualified for the position of captain!"

"Oh, thank you!" Royce blushed with excitement and quickly got up: "I... I'm going to patrol again!" This is a good start for him! Royce walked and thought: First the captain, then the captain, and then the captain, maybe it is possible to try the position of deputy commander after 20 or 30 years!

Looking at Royce's young back, John Joe quietly put his hand into his arms and held the hanging angel crystal. As an old light knight, John Joe is well aware of the attitude of the mainland countries towards the Light God Religion, but no matter who is framed the Light God Religion, he will not let the other party succeed!" I still have so many loyal men, and I must take them back alive!" John Joe looked at the flashing bonfire and made a vow in his heart.

All night, in the morning dew, the knights and sacrifices ate a little and continued to go. Under Royce's secret change, the most skilled knights in the team were transferred to the rear, while those guys newly arranged by Bishop Ante each walked to the front of the team with a sacrifice. Noodles.

"Your Excellency, the detectives reported that the people of the Light God Religion have abandoned the carriage and lighted their way. They are quickly coming to us along the commercial road with sacrifices that can release strange beasts. It is expected that they may reach the border tomorrow afternoon or evening!" In the silent woods, a black elf followed him whispered to Afennaeus.

"Ha, they are not stupid..." Afanalius stood up and looked at the direction of the sun above his head, and then said, "If they are fast enough, they will bump into Luo's bearded man in two hours. Let's go to ambush next to help this beard!"

Afennaeus's group, like ghosts wandering in the woods, quietly leaned against Luo's bearded bandit group. Affennerius did not fight with the people of the Light God Religion, and just used Luo's beard to touch the bottom of these magic sticks.

The bright knights rushed forward quickly along the way. Several bandits who tried to block the way were rudely torn to pieces by the soul beasts of the sacrifices. John Joe and Joey gave orders to minimize entanglement along the way and rush to Jedett as soon as possible!

Being them, Mangniu's team was in the distance like a group of hungry wolves. Those bandits defeated by the Light Knight were cleaned up by Mangniu. In Mangniu's heart, only strong guys were powerful, so any bandits who were not strong enough to hit his hands and were hacked to death!

The light knights who were blocked and chased were not afraid at all. They believed that the holy light of the light of the light god would cover them, the light believers. For those bandits who can only use cold weapons, except for causing more trouble, they can't shake their faith in spreading the faith. Although everyone ran hard along the way, even if it was a weak sacrifice, his eyes flashed with firm and persistent eyes!

The bright knights who broke through the barrier all the way ran wildly and finally stopped at a mountain pass for most of the day. The narrow mountain road was like a curved snake drilling into the valley of strange rocks. The bearded people waited here generously. As long as people who were not blind can see the shadows on the mountains on both sides of the valley A lot of people are shaking.

"Your Excellency, it's not easy to break through here. The location of this mountain pass is too narrow, and there are slate slopes on both sides, and horses can't rush up at all!" Royce stood beside John Joe and whispered.

"Well, this group of bandits chose a good place!" John Joe nodded. This is indeed a good place to rob the road. The bend here curbs the speed of the knights. If it breaks through again, the team will have a lot of casualties. "Order the team to rest. I'll go to discuss it with Joey's sacrifice," John Joe pulled his horse head and walked to Joey.

Joyt was held behind by a knight. "The valley cavalry in front of us is difficult to break through. We must think of other ways to get there." John Joe stopped the horse beside Joey.

Joyt sacrificed awkwardly moved his stiff body and was supported by the knight to come down from the war horse. While rubbing his numb legs, he said, "Let's give us the valley in front of us to sacrifice. In front of the powerful light magic, these people are nothing!"

On the top of the mountain on one side, the people of Afennaeus avoided Luo's bearded men and quietly observed the horse team in front of the mountain. Afnerius squinted and stared at John Joe and Joey. From the attitude of the people around him, he could analyze that these two should be leaders, but on the outside, Joey was just a weak stick who couldn't even ride a horse, while John Joe was just a strong cavalry. Affinalius did not find them. Awesome.

More than half an hour later, the resting sacrifices neatly walked to the front of the line, and the bright knights also lined up on both sides of them to intercept the rushing bandits at any time. Joey waved the senior war scepter in their hands for the first time with ten high-level sacrifices and released the senior soul beasts inside. Come on.

"What are these!? Afnerius leaned close to the trunk and was surprised to see a group of strong creatures suddenly appearing in the open space, a huge python covered with white scales, a giant elephant with white hair, and a big bird with wings open up to five or six meters...

A legendary giant beast shocked Affinalius and Luo's beard, not to mention their subordinates. These creatures should have appeared in the circulating story, but they did not expect to appear directly in front of them today, and they were immediately controlled by those sacrifices and began to attack the mountain pass!

The first thing to do was the milky white wind sculpture. It spread its five or six meters of giant wings and rushed to the sky. With a crisp sound, a beautiful white curve in the blue sky directly drew to the top of the mountain on one side. After the diving wind sculpture flapped its wings a few times, the two crescent-shaped wind blades were like two huge The gull suddenly shot out of its wings, and this wind sculpture can directly compress air by relying on its own speed to form the wind blade in wind magic!

Several small trees with thick thighs on the already bare mountaintop were cut in two by the wind blade, and more than a dozen bandits standing on the top of the mountain were easily cut in half by these two wind blades, and even the rolling wood stones beside them fell into the mountain road!

"My spider god, this is a wind sculpture! Legend has it that the wind sculpture has become extinct!" Afnerius looked at the huge figure roaring through the sky. The elves are also a member of the natural forest. The legends of various beasts and birds are very rich. Although the wind sculpture, a magical creature that can emit wind blades in the air, has disappeared, it is still extremely powerful in the legend of the elves. This is one of several legendary super raptors second only to the dragon race!

"Wow~" Before Affinarius's mouth was closed, there was a whistle-like sound from the bottom of the mountain. The white-haired giant elephant had actually run to the mountain pass. It suddenly raised its two front feet, two huge spiral tusks stabbed straight into the air, and then the huge elephant nose suddenly Shake, the huge body of the giant elephant fell forward fiercely!

"This is..." Before Afannarius finished his words, everyone at the foot of the mountain felt their heart beating violently, and then there was a huge sound of drums on the ground!

The dull sound of drums seemed to hit a muffle in everyone's chest. Everyone had a feeling of wanted to spray blood, and the weeds and gravel around the giant elephant suddenly rolled around as if they had been blown by a hurricane!

At this time, the bandits at the mountain pass fell to the ground like a cut wheat, but in addition to struggling to crawl far away, all the bandits not far from the giant elephant spewed blood, and were actually blown off by the giant elephant's foot!

"Mmmoth Giant! Earth war drums!" Afnerius's legs and feet sat softly on the root of the tree. According to the legend of the elves, there was a hairy giant elephant on this continent. When its feet slammed to the ground, it could hammer out a huge muffled sound like a leather drum. At the same time, all creatures within a miles away from it would withstand a violent shock. The closer the distance, the more severe the shock!

"Damn it, this is the legendary mammoth giant. Didn't this thing die long ago!" Afanareus stroked his heart and slowly stood up. He was far enough away from the mammoth giant, but he didn't expect to hear a drum still shake his heart! Go! It's not safe enough here!" Afnerius ran far away with his men.

The bandits on the mountain finally recovered from the shock of the mammoth, but before they could escape, a snake head with a water tank slowly rose from the ground. It turned out that the huge white python had climbed up and was staring at a pair of expressionless snakes at the panicked bandits!

"Oh, my mother~" The bandits' heartbeat, which had just eased up, immediately accelerated. Such a big snake can swallow a big living person in one bite, and they have to escape even if they have great courage!

The python shook its brain with great interest, and then opened its mouth and blew out a white fog. In an instant, the ground of flowers and plants stained by white fog all formed a layer of white frost like frost, but the bandits shrouded in white fog fell down, as if they were buried under the snow. , fall to the ground and make a sound!

If Afnerius saw this scene, he would definitely exclaim again. Isn't this the legendary frost python!