Kaeus's chess game

030 Poisonous arrows in the dark

"Brother, these people have been poisoned. Look, the armor and single knife have melted..." Several bandits shouted, pointing to the bodies poisoned by the patterned lizard.

"These people were robbed and stabbed to death by shuttles," the bandit turned over the body and corrected them and said, "It's not shuttle robbery, it's a wooden spear, no gun head!"

"Brother, the people outside vomited blood to death. I checked and found that the internal organs were broken!" The mad cow led people in from the mountain pass.

"Someone here seems to have been bitten to death by a beast, either a tiger or a leopard!" Several bandits shouted not far away.

"Brother, the people here have been cut in half, and even the trees have been cut down!" The fierce cow led people up to one side of the mountain, looked at it, and then shouted down.

"Big boss, this mountain has been frozen, and the people on it are frozen to death!" Several bandits on the other hill shouted in surprise.

"Fuck, how can this be chased? Luo Beard's death is really strange, which makes me feel at ease..." Mang Niu looked at the corpses covered in the mountain road and said greasyly, "These people are not killed. They must be good things that those magic sticks summoned beasts to do!"

"Brother, I don't think we can deal with these people," Mad Bull was a belligerent and had to hesitate at this time: "They are not ordinary means at all. I feel like there are traces of magic!"

Several fierce cattle also nodded. Everyone didn't expect that Luo's beard, who occupied such a good position, would be completely destroyed, and even he himself did not escape. Compared with him, a group of reckless people actually beat these powerful knights with their heads and rats. I don't know if they were lucky at that time.

"Okay, let's stop following this hard bone that can't be gnawed away. Brothers, find a place to have a good rest. Tomorrow, let's go to dig out the old nest of beard and long flowers, hehe, I hope to get some surprises!" Mangniu also thought about it. No matter how good the money is, it will cost his life. They are obviously not good at chasing this group of people. Even if they catch up, they may not be able to eat it, so he still hit his idea on two old opponents, and they have failed them all.

Mangniu gave up, but the people of the Light God Religion were targeted by a group of more sinister black elves.

"Your Excellency, I found their camp and lit a bonfire!" A black elf wrapped in dark green cloth squatted beside Affinarius and whispered, "They settled behind that mountain!"

"Bah, this broken horse runs so fast!" Affinarius wiped the sweat from his forehead. In order to track the horse team of the Knights of Light, Affinarius ran for most of the night with his black elf attendants and finally blocked the Knights of Light.

Listening to the continuous rough breathing around him, Afnarius hesitated and whispered, "Take a two-hour break and launch an attack before dawn!"

The black elves around him bowed together and then scattered to find a place to rest. Even if all the cloth on everyone was soaked with sweat, no black elves relaxed their vigilance. They hid their short bodies on shrubs or branches and were ready to deal with attacks in all directions.

The black elves who have lived in the Black Forest since childhood are doomed to have no sense of security in their lives. In the Black Forest where black elves lived, they had to beware of similar attacks from time to time. Although they have come out with Afenarius, this kind of vigilance cultivated since childhood has also remained deeply rooted in their minds. Li.

Two hours later, the moon gradually hides in the clouds, and the sun will rise in another hour or two. This is the lowest moment of human alertness!

There was a slight squeak in the forest, like the whine of the big meat bat in the black forest, but the black elves who were resting heard the call of the leader. Within five breaths, a group of short figures like ghosts gathered beside Afnarius.

Night is almost the same as a cloudy day for black elves, which does not affect their perverted eyesight at all. Affinerius looked at all the followers with satisfaction, and such a tough subordinate also made him feel proud.

"They are in this pass. There are six sentries on the top of the mountain. There is a large bonfire in the pass, and our targets are sleeping!" In these two hours, Afennaius had secretly investigated the situation again. He looked at the nineteen followers around him and said, "After a while, they went up from the four loaves, kill the sentry first, and then wait for my signal to attack together!" Each person can shoot up to two arrows! Our goal is those in white robes. If we have time to consider those knights in armor after completing the goal!"

"You must evacuate when you take three breaths after starting the action! We meet on the fourth mountain in the direction of the moon!" Afnarius narrowed his eyes and said, "You cheer me up and keep an eye on your own goals!"

After the black elves silently bowed to the leader and promised, they rushed to the mountain behind them as if they were integrated into the darkness. Afannarius looked at the black elves silently advancing in the woods and curled the corners of their mouth slightly. The assassination of the black elves was extremely exquisite and horrible, and those who could manipulate strange forces. The sacrifices did not expect that there would be such a group of assassins who ignored the darkness approaching them!

The breeze in the second half of the night made the sultry air a little cooler. A bright knight who kept vigil gently twisted his stiff neck. Although it was nothing if he didn't sleep all night, it would be bright after a while, and the sentry who had been guarding all night couldn't help relaxing a little.

The leaves behind him sounded gently, and the sentry turned around and looked a few times without finding anything. "Maybe it's the wind..." He muttered to himself and turned his head.

At this moment, there was a sudden hissing soft sound in front of him, and a black short arrow suddenly plunged into his neck like a poisonous snake. The armor and helmet did not cover the knight's neck, and the black elf's poison arrow just used this key to launch a deadly attack!

As soon as the attacked knight grasped the tail of the arrow on his neck, he opened his mouth and wanted to call a call to his companions. Unfortunately, the strong spider poison on the arrow almost instantly paralyzed his nerves. Except for a few slightly sweet blood bubbles in his throat, the sentry did not make any sound, and the body he fell back was also A short figure that came up from behind firmly held it and gently put it on the ground.

Two black elves attacked and covered the other, quietly solving the sentries on the top of the mountain. At the same time, several sentries on other commanding heights also fell one after another. Under the attack of the black elves, none of them could issue an alarm!

The frontal combat effectiveness of the black elves may not be strong, but the assassination in the woods is absolutely master-level. The woods in the night is dangerous for many people, but in the eyes of the black elves who can see at night, as long as they have a little starlight, they can see everything clearly!

Countless shadows quietly sneaked next to the knights' camp or climbed up the treetops or hid in the bushes. Short arrows smeared with spider poison quietly aimed at the sleeping sacrifices by the fire!

Afenna Liuston saw that his subordinates were all in place on a dwarf tree. Then he slowly pulled out a poison arrow from his waist and put it on the string. He carefully aimed at the sacrifice that could use the mammoth giant. Although he slept by the fire in the middle, his mammoth giant that would launch the earth drum was too much. Afnerius was afraid, so he first chose him as his goal. Affin's assistant had already hid under the tree and waited for the signal with his bow open.

Bang! Affinarius' bow string sounded, and the sleeping sacrifice felt a pain in his back. He couldn't help shouting unprepared!

This is the attack signal of Afannarius. Horses are constantly ringing around the camp, and black feather arrows are like a life-threatening poisonous bees, stings their targets!

"Wow... someone attacked!" Due to the different sleeping postures, many poisonous arrows of the black elves did not immediately hit the key points, and someone in the camp immediately shouted.

Royce, who had just lay down, turned over and got up. After hearing a slight bow, he immediately shouted: "Enemy attack! Start the holy guard! Protect the sacrifice!"

Nearly 100 bright knights immediately opened their sacred protection. A group of white light covered the bonfire and illuminated the hills. As soon as three breaths passed, the dark arrows in the woods stopped. When the knights rushed into the forest, the black elves had already run away.

"Damn it, what's wrong? Who attacked us?" Joey hid behind several knights and shouted, while John Joe led the knights to rush around. After a while, they came back angrily. Except for the bodies of six sentries found on the hill, none of the attackers were caught.

"Go and count the losses!" John Joe whispered to Royce.

Royce, who didn't wear a helmet, ran in the camp with the knight's sword around his waist. After a while, he walked around the camp and counted the number of casualties: "Your Excellency, 43 people died, and eight people were injured in poor condition. The other party used poison arrows!"

"Hurry up and let the sacrifice exorcise poison! Damn, don't let me catch the poisonous arrow that someone put. I have to skin him!" John Joe stamped his feet fiercely in anger!

"The sacrifice is already exorcising poison!" Royce said, and then he looked around and saw that Joey and Elgra were standing in the distance and getting angry. Royce carefully approached John Joe and whispered, "Your Excellency, 33 sacrifices have died this time, and nine of the adjudicates have also died. Our brothers, if not included the six sentry, have been killed and injured in the camp. Nine!"

John Joe raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Your Excellency, this attack seems to be aimed at people dedicated to sacrifices and rulings! I just read it and they all slept inside, but our brothers who slept outside didn't get hurt much!" Although Royce saw the problem, he did not know that if the adjudication was not too conspicuous between a white robe sacrifice and a silver armored knight, there would have been more sacrifices this time!