armor demon

Thirty-seven shabby store

Looking at the results of his hard training for a few days, Qin Yu felt that it was necessary to play a ring to test the gap between himself and others.

However, I haven't seen Uncle Wen for several days. I don't know if he will notice the ordinary money card he put in his pocket. If he accidentally loses it, he will lose a lot.

Thinking like this, Qin Yu walked out of the Qianmeng martial arts competition hall wearing a mask and looked around to see that no one had taken off his mask. He knew that he had to be careful. Otherwise, others found out that he was actually a magician who could manipulate armor, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

After taking off his mask, Qin Yu walked to Uncle Wen's shop.

There is a trading market in the middle of Uncle Wen's shop. Outside the trading market, there are often some villagers near the Warcraft Mountains or some people who can't get on the table and don't have much money to sell some items. Because they don't have any financial resources, connections, and they won't often hit some like those mercenaries. Warcraft may get some precious herbs, but occasionally get some useless herbs or objects on Warcraft, so there is no way to enter the trading market at all.

Of course, because of the large number of these villagers, there are still occasional valuable things in some of the best herbs or Warcraft. Because of this, these trading markets did not drive them away, but opened up a very simple space more than ten meters away from the trading market. They sell their own goods.

And some seniors or businessmen who think they have a good vision and specialize in reselling usually like to hang around in these places, because if they find something valuable but the seller doesn't know its price, they will make a lot of money once they change hands. Well, those junior alchemists love to turn around in these places, because if they want to further develop in alchemy, they have to practice constantly, which will inevitably consume a large number of herbs and make them short of money, and naturally they need herbs without money. From time to time, I will come here to have a look so that I can buy the herbs I need at a low price.

Alchemy is a very expensive course. Even those middle-income people in Pasta City can't stand such a toss, so those students who don't have much money generally won't take this course.

Of course, in addition to them, there will be some individual visitors who occasionally appear in these places, or some curious people will occasionally come to have a look, just like Qin Yu passing by here.

A lot of curiously, he also walked in and took a look. Well, the place is really simple. The tables for selling things are very small and shabby. Some people are placed directly on the ground. What makes him more speechless is that there are weeds in some corners, which shows that there is no one to take care of them here.

However, there are quite a lot of people selling things in it. From their simple clothes, Qin Yu can see that most of them are nearby villagers.

"Hey, little brother, come and have a look. There are good medicinal materials, eh, and good animal bones." Watching Qin Yu come over, these people greeted him extremely enthusiastically.

However, when Qin Yu looked carefully, he was immediately speechless. What kind of good medicinal materials are these? What kind of animal bones are good materials? They are obviously some low-level herbs, but some can be used to treat some trauma and a cold. It is impossible to bring them at all. Refining elixir, and some of those so-called animal bones are simply miserable. It is clear that they have been poked through several holes by sharp weapons.

However, Qin Yu, who didn't walk a few times, actually found a heavenly low-level herb at a stall. The owner of the stall was a 13- or four-year-old girl with a pair of big watery eyes, which was extremely cute.

"What's the price?" Qin Yu asked kindly.

"My father is not here. Big brother, please come and buy it later." The little girl said timidly.

"How long will it take?"

"I don't know."

That's enough. Let's go to the side stalls. Qin Yu thought to his heart that he is not a tanner, and he is not necessary for this herb, but he knows how attractive the lower-priced herbs that appear here are to those junior alchemists.

He walked around for a while, but Qin Yu didn't find anything valuable except the herb. Just as he was about to go out, he suddenly heard a dispute behind him.

"Little girl, ten Sel coins, sell it to us quickly." A sharp voice sounded behind Qin Yu, and now Qin Yu couldn't help turning his head and looking.

"I won't sell it. My father hasn't come back yet. Let's talk about it when my father comes back, big brother." The little girl's eyes were watery, as if she was about to cry.

"Well, who knows when your father will come back? Isn't it a waste of our time if he can't come back?" The man said with a pair of triangular eyes and an impatient face.

"My father will be back soon." The little girl looks like she wants to wear it.

Qin Yu noticed that there were three teenagers in front of the little girl in addition to the triangular eyes. Isn't that Chen Sanxian? Qin Yu saw the face of Chen Sanxian's young master. Just now, he only paid attention to the things on the stall and didn't find that they came in at all.

"Ah, four, don't talk nonsense to her." Seeing that the triangle eye was still theoretical, Chen Sanxian urged.

"Well, let me tell you, you have to sell it if you don't sell it." Listening to Chen Sanxian's urging, the triangle eye seemed to lose his face. He immediately said viciously. After saying that, he directly took out the poor Selcoin from his arms and threw it on the little girl. At the same time, he stretched out his right hand to grab the herbs on the stall.

Looking at such a fiery scene and watching several teenagers bullying a little girl, no one in the field dared to stop it. They turned their heads to one after another, as if the scene in front of them did not exist, because they knew that these teenagers were not easy to mess with, and even the managers outside the field turned a blind eye. With one eye, what can they do? Whoever wants to be targeted by these teenagers can only admit that they are unlucky. It's just that they didn't know that their swallowing anger contributed to the arrogance of Chen San's group.

At this time, a middle-aged man rushed into the entrance and said pitifully to Chen Sanxian, "The little girl is ignorant, and I hope the young masters are not surprised, but the child's mother is still seriously ill, waiting for us to sell this herb to make money to buy medicine to cure the disease. I don't know if several young masters can pay more money."

In fact, Chen Sanxian and several people were just bullying little girls who were ignorant. They didn't dare to make much trouble in this field, but they didn't know that the little girl was not so easy to be deceived and scared. At present, it turned into such a situation, but now he They are willing to bow their heads, which is equivalent to losing the face of their young master.

"Well, young master, I don't care whether you are sick or not. Today, young master, I have to buy this herb for ten coins. Do you think you sell it or not?" Chen San said coldly.

"Sir young masters, it's not that I can't bear to part with it. It's really that the child's mother is waiting for money to buy medicine to cure the disease, or I'll sell it for 1,000 yen, okay?" The middle-aged man said with a sad face. It takes so long to blame themselves for going out. Middle-aged people are extremely regretful. If they had come back earlier, such a thing would not have happened.

"This rotten grass, a thousand cel coins? Are you robbing money?" Chen San's eyes widened and he was furious.

"This, Master Hu just said that it can sell at least 1,000 yen." The middle-aged man said carefully.

Master Hu is the administrator of this broken field outside.

"Master Hu, which master?" Chen Sanxian asked loudly.

As soon as the words fell, a middle-aged man with a ferocious face ran out of the field and said breathlessly as he ran, "Oh, Chen Shao, please call me." However, he, who originally had a ferocious face, seemed so low at this time.

"Oh, yes, tiger, did you say that this rotten grass is worth a thousand yen?" Chen Sanxian said, looking at his expression, he didn't seem to pay attention to this tiger at all.

"Ah, the little one definitely didn't say that." Ah Hu denied it, and then his face suddenly changed and said viciously to the middle-aged man, "Wang Ermu, don't wrong me."

Looking at Ah Hu's behavior, Chen Sanxian's group of people immediately smiled proudly, either holding their arms or putting their hands in their waists, looking at the play together.

Wang Ermu's lips moved and seemed to be very aggrieved, "Master Hu, didn't you tell me this morning that it was worth at least 1,000 cel coins? I... I also gave you ten cel coins, you can't..."

"You also said that you lost my tiger's face. Get out of here immediately." Before Wang Ermu finished his words, Ah Hu shouted, "By the way, leave your rotten grass, and today's stall will spare you."

"But, but..." Looking at Ah Hu's fierce face, Wang Ermu understood that today is not only in vain, but also going to paste such a precious herb. Although he did not know the real value of this herb, he knew that it was at least not less than 1,000 sercoins as Ah Hu said. Ah Hu is the earth bully here. If he doesn't listen to him today, I'm afraid he won't be able to come here to sell things in the future, but when he thinks of his wife's condition, he can't help cling to the herbs, which is a life-saving thing.

"Why don't you get out of here?" Ah Hu didn't expect Wang Ermu to dare to disobey his orders, and immediately shouted angrily, "Do you still want to hang out here in the future?"

"Ah tiger, young master, I don't want to see those who don't have eyes in the future." Chen San is now aside, and at the same time, he hummed coldly. Do you still want him to sell it here?

"Ah, Chen Shao, you're right." Ah Hu immediately turned his head and nodded to Chen Sanxian. After saying that, he turned to Wang Ermu. At the same time, he picked up the wooden stick in his hand and patted him fiercely. His face was so gloomy that he could wring out water and said, "Wang Ermu, don't toast without drinking."

Looking at this battle, Wang Ermu's whole body trembled and reluctantly handed the herb in his hand to Ah Hu. He knew that if he didn't send this herb out for nothing today, I'm afraid these people would not give up.