armor demon

Chapter 43 Surprisingly Broken Armor

A few days later, Qin Yu won several victories with his broken armor, which raised his winning rate to 15%. Because he always won the strong with the weak, his fans gradually increased. In the end, it turned into a small group. Most of the group were young people, and every time he competed At that time, they pulled banners below and shouted cheers. Not to mention that they actually planned to ask Qin Yu for an autograph and invite Qin Yu to dinner, which made Qin Yu feel like crying without tears.

It's just how Qin Yu gave them a chance, so in the hearts of his fans, he is a very mysterious person, so mysterious that they don't know whether it's a man or a woman, but this does not hinder their pursuit of stars.

Qin Yu doesn't pay attention to these. He thinks about how to improve his strength every day.

At this time, there was a silver armor standing in front of him, which was a kind of armor close to sterling silver. Looking at all this, Qin Yu couldn't help sighing. He didn't expect that someone would be so luxurious that even ordinary armor used such high-end materials. Compared with the rags on Qin Yu's body, it was more than a little better. Point, it's really more popular than people.

Qin Yu, but also the audience who were used to seeing the big scene were stunned.

The workmanship of its whole body is exquisite, the round shield, the exquisite shoulder protection, and the slightly exaggerated chest protection all tell the audience about its beauty.

From the materials given by the hall, Qin Yu learned that this is an armor with the soul of an ordinary high-level red-tailed golden dog, but it is two levels higher than himself. It seems that this game is another fierce battle.

This is a game of great power disparity. Even Wang Yang was shocked when he saw the two sides. It seems that he made a mistake in the battle table just now. However, when he saw the upcoming game, he could only shake his head, hoping that Qin Shaobai could lose better.

Looking at the stunned expressions of the crowd, the teenager named Fan Jian in the silver armor couldn't help but be proud. This was a set of armor that he had been pestering his father for a long time.

It's just that the armor opposite was too weak. Although it was dyed into a dark mass, he still saw that it was a broken armor that seemed to have many patches. He frowned. Can such an armor show his strength? He really didn't know how these people in the Qianmeng Hall were arranged.

Just looking at the game that will start, he can only continue. Anyway, let's fight quickly, he thought to himself.

"Come on, 817, we will support you later." At the moment when the referee's whistle sounded, there was a burst of gas under the No. 5 ring.

Hearing the sound of cheering, Fan Jian frowned deeper. He could hear that the sound of cheering was not for himself, but for the tattered armor opposite.

"I'm a bunch of people who don't have long eyes. I'll show you how powerful I am." At that moment, he vented his anger on his opponent.

He pulled out the long knife on his back and rushed at him like a vicious tiger.

Qin Yu quickly held a long gun horizontally. Hearing a sound, his long gun was actually cut into a quarter. Looking at the gap in the gun, Qin Yu couldn't help taking a breath. The other party's knife was indeed too sharp to carry with the other party.

Looking at the results of his knife, Fan Jian couldn't help but be proud and shouted, "Kid, I will solve you in a few moves."

"Not necessarily." Qin Yu snorted coldly that these self-righteous people are usually just paper tigers.

"No tears without the coffin." Fan Jian scolded angrily and launched a fierce attack. The big knife kept either sweeping or violently splitting, which made Qin Yu suddenly turn left and right.

Because he could not fight hard with the other party, Qin Yu could only dodge. When he dodged, he fought back from time to time, but because the other party was too strong, his counterattack became less and less in the end. As time went by, he could only dodge around the ring.

Fortunately, these days of hard training have made him a step more skilled in armor, otherwise he may have been hit by the other party. Every dodge, every sudden stop after each rapid sprint, he undoubtedly gave full play to the potential of elephant pig armor.

Looking at Qin Yu's more and more wonderful performance, Wang Yang, who had been paying attention to him, showed a shocked look. He didn't expect that such a heavy elephant pig armor would be used by Qin Yu to such an extreme extent. If he controlled a more flexible armor, wouldn't he use it more profiedly? Thinking about this, Wang Yang felt that it was necessary to talk about it to his superiors.

"Come on, come on." Although Qin Yu has been at a disadvantage, the cheer of his fans is more enthusiastic. They are used to his counterattack at a disadvantage. Even if he loses in the end, it is still a glorious defeat, because he controls only the lowest armor. If he controls the same level of armor as the other party, they believe He will definitely win.

Although Fan Jian knew that his victory was only a matter of time, these cheers made Fan Jian sound even harsh. He couldn't knock down the other party immediately. If he hadn't just got this armor, he wouldn't have been very good at it. Otherwise, with the clumsiness of the opponent's armor, he would have been overturned by himself. It's on the ground. Well, let me show you my trick.

At that moment, he shouted loudly and stepped back a few steps at the same time.

Looking at the retreating opponent, Qin Yu was a little puzzled.

The next moment, the other party suddenly bounced up, and then a big knife turned into a thorn and rushed towards him.

At a fast speed, Qin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, but he felt that he was still within the range he could dodge.

At this moment, the speed of the golden armor suddenly increased, and then in the blink of an eye, the knife stabbed Qin Yu.

The sudden change and the sudden increase in speed made Qin Yu have no time to react, so he instinctively raised his shield to block it, but the sneer sounded, and the shield was actually pierced by a big knife.

At the moment of this electric stone fire, the people who paid attention to the No. 5 ring were all shocked to stop any action. Without blinking, only such an idea flashed in their hearts. Did No. 817 be pierced by the big knife like this? The big knife was too fierce. They didn't think that Qin Yu's rag would block such a strong blow. .

Is it... the fans of No. 817 quickly close their eyes and can't bear to look at it again.

Just the moment they opened their eyes, they found that it was the silver armor that rushed out of the ring. Immediately they cheered, because they saw 817 still on the stage, which means 817 won.

It turned out that at the moment when the golden armor was about to hit No. 817, the broken armor actually abandoned the shield in its hand, and then used an iron bridge, and the golden armor, which had no strength at all, could not stop its momentum and flew out of the ring in an instant. .

How can it be? People who know the goods immediately look unbelievable. They really don't believe how armor with extreme agility like pig armor can make such a flexible move, but the scene just now made them have to believe.

It's unbelievable. Wang Yang sat in a chair. This man named Qin Shaobai brought him too many surprises. Could it mean that he is a genius who controls armor? It took him a long time to come to his senses. He knew that he had to report this matter to his superiors quickly, otherwise if his superiors knew first, he would have guaranteed that he would never stay in this position for a day.

How can it be? Fan Jian, who fell from the ring, never understood how the other party escaped his rapid change. In his calculation, he had a 200 percent chance of hitting the rag armor, and then the knife would stab the other party through, but the final result made him confused.

After using the iron plate bridge, Qin Yu fell to the ground. It was not that he was too tired, but that he found that his mental strength had been exhausted. How could this be? How could he bend the heavy armor to 360 degrees? He didn't have a clue. He only remembered that during that moment, the soul of the Warcraft in the armor seemed to communicate with his mind urgently, and then his spiritual power was violently consumed, even the marble stored in the armor chest. It was also consumed in an instant, and then he used such a flexible move.

Can you use a certain amount of mental strength to make a trick that you can't usually use? Such an idea flooded into Qin Yu's mind.

Qin Yu actually won such a disparity in strength, which made his fans shout more enthusiastically, but Qin Yu did not give them a chance at all, but still went without saying a word*.

"It's cool." Someone shouted excitedly.

The boy who had been shouting for cheering also flashed a look of disappointment, but he suddenly looked excited and seemed to think of something.