armor demon

Chapter 48 At worst, you can touch it back

I don't know how long it took. Qin Yuyou woke up and opened his eyes to see the roof illuminated by the light. His first reaction was that I was not dead. How could it be that he had gone to hell?

stretched out his hand and pinched his face hard. Oh, it really hurts. It seemed that he was really not dead. Qin Yu couldn't help but be excited, but what was going on? According to such a powerful destructive force, he had no possibility of survival at all.

What made Qin Yu feel even more unimaginable is that his whole body is full of vitality and he doesn't see any pain at all. It's really incredible.

Qin Yu couldn't help mobilizing the spiritual power in his mind. What surprised him more was that the mental power in his mind was not reduced at all, but more full than the original. Was he blessed by misfortune? Judging from the energy of the spiritual power, I should have reached the middle of the second level.

It rose directly from the early stage of the second grade to the middle stage, during which there was no meditation and accumulation at all, which changed too much.

Well, what makes Qin Yu more happy is that from the perspective of the operation of his spiritual power in the vein, his vein has actually expanded a little bit, which is more than several times larger than the slight expansion when he took the elixir.

I didn't expect that the destructive power generated by condensing his spiritual power into a round ball would raise himself to half a level out of thin air, but Qin Yu, who couldn't understand what had happened, did not have the courage to try again. The huge destructive power generated by the previous rampage was still around his mind. He didn't believe that he would return it next time. With such good luck.

In fact, what Qin Yu doesn't know is that the hundred-step sweat opera he must practice every day has already made his vein different from ordinary people, so that the originally fragile vein has become elastic and resilient. Of course, this can't completely resist the destructive power generated by mental violence. Under such a super destructive power, Qin Yu's The vein still has a certain fracture. If it continues to happen according to this situation, Qin Yu will not die and be disabled.

Fortunately, the remaining medicinal power of the sperm enhancement elixir taken by Qin Yu was not completely absorbed, that is, during this moment, the residual medicinal power poured into Qin Yu's injured vein and immediately repaired the damaged vein. However, the reason why Qin Yu's vein can be repaired so easily is also due to the strangeness of his vein. If it were someone else, it would be impossible to repair the severely damaged vein.

In this way, Qin Yu's vein was not only not hurt, but also expanded a little after this mental rage.

Well, since the barrier has been broken, can the spiritual power be emitted outside the body? Qin Yu suddenly thought of his previous purpose.

At present, Qin Yu controlled the gasified spiritual power in his body and moved along the vein towards the sensory tube. Soon, the mental power reached the senses everywhere, but Qin Yu found that these spiritual powers stopped after reaching the senses. No matter how he drove, they no longer moved forward. Has the barrier still been broken? However, in Qin Yu's feeling, the barriers do not exist at all. What's going on? Do they still need to be trained in the fantasy to be manipulated and distributed outside the body?

Qin Yu, who was puzzled, could only explain this, but then, if the spiritual power can be easily dissipated, what else would he do in the fantasy? Thinking of this, Qin Yu was relieved.

"Bung bang", there was a sudden violent knock on the door.

Qin Yu felt strange that he did not have an acquaintance in the hall at all. He couldn't figure out who would come to find him. Was it the little boy, but no, judging from such a violent knock on the door, most of the people came to find trouble, and it would never be the little boy.

Seeing that the other party knocked so fiercely, Qin Yu had no good temper to open the door, but he couldn't figure out how anyone in the hall could be so grumpy. It seemed that he had to react to the hall.

A beautiful girl and a well-dressed waiter stood outside the door.

At this time, the girl had a grumpy expression, as if someone owed her millions, but the waiter behind her frowned and looked carefully at the angry girl in front of her.

The girl was Qian Shirou who was stunned by her brother that day. She was angry when she came to apologize. What's more, she didn't expect was that she couldn't wait for the other party to open the door after knocking on the door for several days in a row, which made her think that the guy in the room was absolutely intentional, because according to the waiters in the hall The people in this room have not gone out at all in the past few days, so she hates Qin Yu even more.

If she hadn't been worried about the rules of the hall, she would have kicked the door. In fact, what she didn't know was that Qin Yu had been in a coma these days and could not hear any knocking on the door.

"Bumbang." Seeing that Qian Shirou didn't respond, she knocked hard.

This situation made the waitress behind her frown deeper. She knew that the lady in front of her was breaking the rules of the hall, but she had nothing she could do, because the other party was a young lady, and even if she made a mistake, she would be scolded. And if she offended the other party, she was afraid she would be swept out immediately. .

The young lady can't afford to offend her, but she doesn't stop her from breaking the rules. If she is found above, she will definitely be punished. Although she won't be swept out of the house, it is also possible to pay a month or two, so that's why she looks distressed.

Left is not right, but she still has to stand here with the young lady. The reason is that she was sent to be a video and witness for the young lady to apologize.

However, the reason for making the young lady angry is that the guests in this room never open the door. She remembers that this is the rich son who made her think about it. At present, she also made the person who made the young lady angry. If you open the door, it will be all easy for everyone.

Just as the waitress scolded in her heart, the door suddenly opened with a squeak, and then Qin Yu showed his face wearing a tiger-headed mask, and then he saw the girl who had been gripped by him on the chest before and said strangely, "What's the matter?" The last time it was a misunderstanding, so he didn't think that the other party would fight with him as soon as he came up.

"Yes." Qian Shirou gritted her teeth fiercely and spit out two words fiercely, "Apologize."

"Apologize?" Normally, it was Qin Yu who took advantage of it last time, so even if the girl banged the door just now, he did not show much anger, but it was absolutely impossible to ask him to apologize.

"I mean I came to apologize. It has nothing to do with me whether you apologize or not." The girl said word by word.

"Do you apologize?" Qin Yu seemed to hear something strange. Looking at the girl in front of him, he felt that it was not an apology. Er, it was almost time to pay off debts.

As if she had been angry for a long time, the girl was very unhappy. At the same time, she stared at Qin Yu fiercely and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to smash your door and come in and hit you that day."

However, listening to her voice, it seemed to be like chanting scriptures, and there was no emotion at all. Even the waitress behind her felt a little funny.

Qin Yu felt that the other party must have been forced by his family, otherwise it would be impossible for her to apologize, but to be honest, he did not lose anything, and he seemed to have taken a big advantage. Well, for the sake of the little boy, just accept her apology.

At present, Qin Yu said lightly, "Forget it, it's an accident." After saying that, I wanted to close the door.

"Wait, I have something to say to you." Qian Shirou still stared fiercely at the mask on Qin Yu's face, as if to pierce it. After saying that, she turned her head to the waitress with a crystal ball in her hand and said, "You can go."

Listening to her words, the waitress quickly put away the crystal ball and walked away like an amnesty.

Looking at the crystal ball in the waitress's hand, Qin Yu finally confirmed his guess just now.

Looking at the distant waitress, Qian Shirou said fiercely, "** Thief, you will pay for your behavior that day."

Qin Yu subconsciously argued, "That's definitely an accident."

"You absolutely did it on purpose." Thinking of Qin Yu rubbing and pinching her chest that day, she couldn't help but get angry.

Qin Yu touched his mask with some depression. He said that he really did it on purpose that day. He just didn't expect her to be a woman. Seeing the woman's angry appearance, although he didn't like her young lady's temper, he was really a little sorry. He just thought about it and didn't know what to do. If you can make up for the mistakes you have made, you can only say helplessly at present, "At worst, you can touch it back."

Qian Shirou didn't expect Qin Yu to come out with such a sentence, and immediately it was like adding fuel to the fire. Her chest trembled violently and said, "You ** thief, you are shameless, you are indecent."

Since he has shown his sincerity, but the other party does not have the heart he should have, it only shows that the two sides can't talk about it, so Qin Yu feels that there is no need to spend it any more. After all, time is precious. Now he said, "Girl, please go ahead."

After saying that, she closed the door casually, leaving Qian Shirou alone outside the door furiously.

She stamped her feet fiercely, and Qian Shirou scolded Qin Yu in the room, "** thief, I want you to look good." After a long time, she left with anger when she saw that there was no possibility of opening the door.

Of course, because the door is soundproof, Qin Yu didn't hear what the other party said after closing the door. Soon, his thoughts returned to practice, and after solving his personal food and clothing, he entered the fantasy.

Time waits for no one. It has been a few days since the opening of the mysterious magic boundary. He wants to improve his strength in this short time.

The huge iron shelf with countless cold weapons appeared in front of Qin Yu again. After taking a deep breath, he walked in without hesitation. He wanted to emanate his spiritual power outside his body in this devil training. He can't wait to know what will happen after the mental power is emitted outside the body.

It was soon dark in front of his eyes, and Qin Yu, who entered the iron shelf, was directly stabbed by the skin of his thigh with a sharp blade, but Qin Yu seemed to have been numb for a long time. This pain made him not even hum.

Qin Yu, who was slowly groping in it, controlled the spiritual power in his body and quickly ran towards several senses.

Sure enough, under the control of Qin Yu, those spiritual forces actually penetrated out of the body, but what made Qin Yu a little disappointed was that the spiritual power that could penetrate out of the body was very small, and it was still filament-shaped, which was really 108,000 miles away from the scene like a galloping horse in the body.

However, the joy in his heart quickly diluted his disappointment, because Qin Yu found that through these spiritual power many times smaller than his hair, he actually felt the cold weapons close to him.

In this way, Qin Yu dodged a long gun with the tip of the gun that was only half a millimeter away from his skin. If it hadn't been for those spiritual feelings, he would have been poisoned by the long gun again.

Soon, Qin Yu escaped the countless cold weapons hidden in the dark. According to this development, he will soon complete this primary spiritual power dissipation training.

However, not long after Qin Yu was happy, he found that as he kept feeling the spiritual filaments, he actually felt extremely tired. This is a kind of mental fatigue. Unlike the original, the current fatigue makes him unable to control his mental power at all. As soon as fatigue emerged, the filaments produced by the spiritual power gradually faded and finally disappeared, making Qin Yu turn around like a blind man who lost his crutch.

So, the sound kept ringing throughout the training ground.

It seems that there is no such simple thing in the world that can ascend to heaven in one step. Any achievement needs to pay enough. Qin Yu, with a bitter face, can only sigh in his heart.

But Fortunately, he can already dissipate his spiritual power. Qin Yu can't help but look forward to it.