armor demon

Chapter 89 Long-Handed Ape

As Qin Yu thought, these students who entered the mysterious magic boundary were attacked by Warcraft. Of course, most of the reasons were attacked by Warcraft because they wanted to pick those herbs.

Of course, Qin Yu doesn't know this. He has been focused on his journey.

Suddenly came a sound like a huge person stepping on when he ran. What is it? Is it a human? But no, this sound is obviously louder than the sound made by ordinary people when running. Even those who are very fat can't step on such a heavy sound, let alone fat people don't Maybe it runs so fast. Is it a Warcraft, but it doesn't seem right, because it's completely different from the sound of those four-legged Warcraft running. What is that? Qin Yu's mind changed sharply, but he couldn't get an answer.

At that moment, his mind moved, and then dodged behind a huge stone beside him.

A few seconds after, a warcraft that was much bigger than ordinary people ran past the boulder he had hidden and looked at the furry body, a monster with long yellow hands and long feet walking on two feet. Qin Yu couldn't help but be stunned. It turned out to be a long-handed ape.

The long-handed ape is a kind of warcraft known for its strength and flexibility. Although it is not a forest with countless trees, their specialty seems to be unrestricted in this place with as many stones as mountains.

Qin Yu originally planned to attack the long-handed ape, but after thinking about it, he gave up his plan, because the long-handed ape is generally a kind of warcraft in groups. Although the number of them is not as large as black silver bees, there are at least five or six, and they are generally inseparable, such as Guo Qinyu sneaked on this, and he believed that the remaining few would definitely come to trouble him. Therefore, he had to give up his plan to attack, and there was no threat to him.

Well, the long-handed ape leaned forward slightly, and its arms bent up, as if it were holding something, and looking at the wisp floating out of its right side of its body, it seemed to be...

The satin of clothes? This...

Qin Yu's pupils contracted sharply, because this wisp of silk shows that the long-handed ape is holding a person. Who was taken away by the long-handed ape? Was it that a single person was attacked by the long-handed ape, or the whole group of students were attacked by the long-handed ape? Qin Yu naturally did not know the answer, unless he secretly If you keep up, you may be able to figure out. Since he hasn't seen the students who entered the mysterious magic boundary together for a long time, Qin Yu really intends to go up and explore. Moreover, he is not a desperate person, of course, when his life is not threatened. The reason why these monsters are not saved is that there is no second possibility except that they will threaten human lives.

By the way, the person held by the long-handed ape is 100% a woman, because Qin Yu also thought of a characteristic of the male long-handed ape, that is, they are very lustful, not only for female long-handed apes, but also for those beautiful human women.

What makes people on the whole Monteliby continent marvel that the aesthetics of the long-handed ape is the same as that of most men, and they also look at the stunning beauty recognized by most men. Of course, sometimes this stunning color needs to be put in double quotation marks.

However, just when Qin Yu was about to follow up and then planned to wait for the opportunity to see if it should be saved or if it could be saved, not far behind the long-handed ape, that is, behind Qin Yu, there was a sudden sound of inconsistent pace. Sure enough, the long-handed ape followed Several long-handed apes, Qin Yu could hear about three long-handed apes from their footsteps.

After a long time, the three long-handed apes ran in front of Qin Yu, and from their wet laps or some burnt hair, Qin Yu can infer that they must have conflicted with those students, but the four long-handed apes can actually take one person in the face of so many students. It seems that it is really true. Fierce. Maybe they have fallen one or a few companions, and the long-handed ape in front of them was not attacked. It should be that it relied on its flexibility and strength to forcibly take away one person, and then the long-handed apes behind it blocked the attack of the rest of the magicians. Qin Yu, who did not see the actual scene, could only This guess.

Whether to keep up or not, Qin Yu secretly said that if it was a long-handed ape, he was absolutely sure to beat it and escape. But if there are more of them, not only will there be no possibility of defeating them all, but they may be besieged. However, on second thought, he felt that he could easily escape even if he was besieged by them, so Qin Yu, who thought so, still made up his mind to keep up and have a look.

So Qin Yu quietly followed, but to his surprise, no one chased behind these long-handed apes. Is the person who was arrested alone, but judging from the embarrassment of the long-handed apes behind him, the conclusion of being single can't be justified. Is the situation of those students critical and have no ability to chase them at all? Qin Yu thought so. However, there is no one among those students who deserves his care. If there is, Su Ruyue may be one. He just remembered that Su Ruyue seemed to be very close to Ouyang Li before, and Qin Yu had no reason for a burst of loss and sadness in his heart. Oh, forget it, he quickly waved these thoughts out of his mind. However, sometimes, there are some things that you can't forget if you want to forget. For example, a figure in Qin Yu's mind at this time didn't gradually leave the beautiful shadow behind until he focused all his attention on the long-handed apes in front of him.

Qin Yu carefully followed several long-handed apes. Because of the keen ears of the long-handed apes, Qin Yu did not dare to follow too closely. If he exposed his whereabouts, it would be a big trouble. Although he could escape and would not be besieged by them, it seemed difficult to secretly check who was abicide.

exerting wind magic, Qin Yu slowly hung behind several long-handed apes, and the boulders in the air and on the ground became a barrier for Qin Yu to hide from time to time to prevent several long-handed apes.

Do these long-handed apes want to go back to their nest? If there is a group of companions in their nest, Qin Yu's action is meaningless at all. Just looking at the several long-handed apes so close, Qin Yu finds that he has no time to do it at all. You can only take one step. If there is really nothing you can do, you can only return along the road, Qin Yu thought so.

The road taken by the long-handed ape is not the same as the way Qin Yu came in, but Qin Yu has a general map, so he is not afraid of getting lost. After seven turns and eight turns, they reached an earth slope, which is still barren. Er, if there is, it is the herb that grows in a very inconspicuous corner. However, with the value of that herb, Qin Yu has no reason to take the risk to pick it.

After turning a few big stones floating in mid-air, the long-handed apes finally walked up the slope. In the process, Qin Yu did not dare to follow them up on the slope, but quietly observed under a boulder under the slope.

Several long-handed apes have not looked back after walking up the slope. It seems that they have lived a comfortable life here. They have never thought that there would be danger after their bodies, or there are no monsters here that pose a threat to them.

Fortunately, the terrain of the soil slope is not complicated, and what makes Qin Yu more at ease is that except for these long-handed apes, there are no longer long-handed apes in the whole slope. The long-handed ape holding a person before has never looked back, so Qin Yu can't see what the abated man looks like, let alone whether the man is dead or alive.

The long-handed apes with one person in their arms walked into the cave, but the other three long-handed apes did not go in, but turned to the other side of the hillside and didn't know what to do. After a while, the previous long-handed ape actually came out of the hole, just looking at it and seemed to be very happy.

"Oh", after the long-handed ape looked up to the sky and howled excitedly a few times, he unexpectedly excitedly followed the road taken by the other three long-handed apes to the other side of the dirt slope. It was Qin Yu's guess that they went inside. Because of the strange rocks on the slope, Qin Yu could not see their final where they were for a while.

Looking at the last long-handed ape in disbelief, Qin Yu couldn't help saying, "There is such a good thing that several long-handed apes have left one after another. Isn't that leaving room for himself?"

However, Qin Yu, who had just planned to dive to the cave, had some doubts. Maybe it was not necessary for the leaders of these long-handed apes in the cave, and then these long-handed apes used the things they hunted to honor their leaders.

Although he was a little worried, Qin Yu gritted his teeth and decided to break in and have a look, because if there was really a long-handed ape in it, he could escape even if he was invincible.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you can't get a tiger. Of course, there is no so-called tiger in it. It's just a person who makes Qin Yu a little curious and may not save him. Of course, there is also a more important reason why he is that he is a little worried that the people aby these long-handed apes are Su Ruyue. Because Su Ruyue's beauty is well known, it is not surprising that the long-handed ape will take her as a target. Er, how to put it, although this probability seems to be very small, Qin Yu still intends to scout for a while.