armor demon

Chapter 91 "Lead"

But Hu Yi then said as if he remembered something, "Well, don't say it well. In fact, what are you thinking that you think I don't know? But let me tell you, I don't like people like you who are ordinary, poor and have a low status. You are far from Master Chen and Mr. Ouyang. If you dare to touch me, Master Chen and Mr. Ouyang, they are bound to make you suffer.

Listening to Hu Yi's words, Qin Yu was not only not hit, but also laughed dumbly, and then said jokingly, "Haha, right? If I really do something to you here, who knows, what can they do to me?" After saying that, one hand twisted hard on Hu Yi**'s chest, which made Hu Yi tremble unconsciously.

Although there was a hot feeling from being twisted, Hu Yi seemed to forget the physical pain at this time, because what made her feel bad was the four words "who would know" that Qin Yu said. She couldn't help but be a little scared and said, "What do you want? Do you dare to destroy the body?" Because she felt that only when Qin Yu destroyed the body would not be found and retaliated. Otherwise, if she was put back, she would definitely ask her so-called princes to teach him a profound lesson. She seems to have forgotten how she failed when she taught Qin Yu a lesson.

"Destroy the body? Maybe it's not my turn to take action. Qin Yu sneered.

"What do you mean?" Hu Yi couldn't help but be a little confused. Does he still have an accomplice, but who is so bold to take action against her in the Armor College?

Just put a little pressure on her and make her panic. Qin Yu hasn't planned to pester with her on these matters, and the longer it takes, the more likely the long-handed apes will come back, so he immediately asked the reason why he was still here, "How can you be plundered by the long-handed apes? What about those students with you? After a pause, Qin Yu said coldly, "Answer my question obediently, or you will bear the consequences."

Hearing Qin Yu mention the long-handed ape, she remembered the arrogance when the long-handed ape robbed him, its hairy body, scarlet eyes, and the ugly face that made her want to vomit. Hu Yi couldn't help but feel a trace of panic in her heart, but she was a little confused. Since Qin Yu had robbed himself here, isn't it? Do you know the process of the long-handed ape plundering her? By the way, he must have come out halfway, so he didn't know what happened. Thinking that he didn't see Qin Yu when he gathered in Changting and after entering the second floor, Hu Yi felt that this statement was reasonable.

While Hu Yi was secretly thinking about it, Qin Yu said impatiently, "Forget it, I'm not interested in knowing why you were abarian. Just tell me the specific situation of those students."

Although Qin Yu's threatening tone is very heavy, how can Hu Yi, who is used to live a life, be willing to be manipulated? What's more, she has already felt that her hands and feet are not tied, and Qin Yu's hands are not on her body, which means that she can move. If he suddenly ran out and then shouted for help, wouldn't he be able to get rid of this waste? Such an idea flashed in Hu Yi's heart. The dark light from the corner, Hu Yi knew that he was in a cave.

Hu Yi felt that Qin Yu did not focus his eyes on herself and quickly tried to get up from the ground. However, at this moment, she suddenly found that she was sore and soft, and she had no strength at all, and even her fingers seemed unable to move. . What's the matter? Can't this waste give me any medicine? **? When these two words flashed through her mind, she felt that her whole body seemed to be extremely hot, and with the appearance of this feeling, she actually felt a desire suddenly rising in her heart, which was a strong desire to have a man.

Hu Yi is no longer everywhere, so at this time she understands what this desire is. Unexpectedly, this waste would use such a promiscuous means. She immediately said viciously, "You are so despicable. If you really dare to do anything to me, I will never forgive you." It's just that she knows that since the other party has been drugged, no matter what she says, it won't work. At present, she has a strong unwillingness in her heart. The reason for her unwillingness is because of her hatred for Qin Yu. She didn't expect that she would be so stained by such a humble person.

Qin Yu didn't expect that Hu Yi had been entangled in it, but from Hu Yi's undulating chest, violent breathing, and flushed skin under the fire folds, he soon found that something was wrong. At this time, he suddenly found a gray round object at the corner of Hu Yi's mouth. What is this object?

After taking up the object and putting it in front of him for a closer look, Qin Yu suddenly found that this round object was actually the legendary hundred** divine fruit, and from this completely shrilled fruit and Hu Yi's reaction at this time, Qin Yu was sure that half of the fruit had shrined flesh. Entered Hu Yi's stomach.

Bai**chuan shen guo is actually a common fruit. Although the price is a little expensive for ordinary people, you can still buy it anywhere if you have money. This is a pure natural fruit that is stronger than ordinary ** medicine. If a pure woman takes it for half an hour, she will definitely lose her mind and become a slut.

Judging from Hu Yi's sober mind at this time, she was definitely forced to take this hundred** fruit after entering the hole. Of course, it is impossible for Qin Yu to force her to take this kind of thing, so the suspect is naturally placed on the long-handed ape by Qin Yu, and from the character of the long-handed ape, and there are no other creatures around, so the long-handed ape is naturally the culprit who forced Hu Yi to take Bai** Shenfen. Of course, calling him the culprit naturally has nothing to do with Hu Yi's point of view. Qin Yu doesn't care what drugs Hu Yi is forced to take, even if he is strangled to death by a long-handed ape.

However, Qin Yu, who looked at Hu Yi like this, then became a little anxious, because if Hu Yi lost his mind, then he could not ask what he wanted to know.

So Qin Yu hurriedly said, "Say, what's going on with the students with you? If you say it, I may have solved your medicine." In order to find out the truth as soon as possible, Qin Yu had to turn himself into a bad person.

Hu Yi also knows the power of ordinary **, and she also knows that if time continues to drag down, she will be confused, so at this time, she can't care whether Qin Yu keeps his word or not, and immediately talks about her previous experience with those students.

After Hu Yi talked about the cause and effect, he felt that a certain desire in his heart was getting stronger and stronger. At the same time, his waist kept twisting, and his whole buttocks kept rubbing the soft hay-like thing under his body, and his whole body seemed to be because of the strong desire. Small beads of sweat oozed out. Although Hu Yi desperately wanted to stop such a strong desire from surging in his heart, he couldn't help it. She felt that her consciousness was getting more and more blurred, and the trance actually made her have a strong possessive desire for Qin Yu's body standing in front of her. This made her sober that she couldn't help but hate Qin Yu standing in front of her.

So, in the dark cave, Hu Yi sometimes said fiercely, "You are cruel, if you dare to do anything to me, I will never let you go." Sometimes he made a dream-like sound like a cat called spring, and then twisted his body like a water snake and stared at Qin Yu's face and body charmingly and said, "I want, I want, give it to me quickly..."

Listening to Hu Yi's completely different voice, Qin Yu did not look at her, but frowned and seemed to be worried about something.

At this time, Qin Yu's expression suddenly changed, and the fire pleats were extinguished by him in an instant, and then he suddenly unfolded his body and swept away in the direction of the hole.

Looking at Qin Yu's black figure suddenly moving forward outside the hole in the dark, Hu Yi said in a charming trembling voice, "Don't...don't go."

Not long after Qin Yu dodged, there was a heavy sound of footsteps outside the hole. The footsteps were far and near, and a hairy long-handed ape in front of him walked into the hole. The figure of this long-handed ape seems to be a little bigger than that of the first few long-handed ape.

In the dark, the long-handed ape's eyes shine green and look extremely strange. The long-handed ape who had just entered the hole seemed to have found something, and his eyes glanced around the hole, trying to find something.

Qin Yu did not leave, but hid in a concave cave wall a few steps away from Hu Yi. Of course, it was not that he didn't want to go, but that the long-handed ape moved too fast. Qin Yu's hearing was already better than that of ordinary magicians, but from hearing the footsteps of the long-handed ape to the long-handed ape reaching the mouth of the cave. In such a few seconds, he had no time to retreat from the hole. This was also Qin Yu's mistake. He didn't expect that it was a guy who was much stronger than other long-handed apes. If it had been the other four long-handed apes, he would have quietly sneaked out of the hole.

Looking at this long-handed ape, which is obviously larger than the previous ones, its green eyes and its cautious movements, Qin Yu couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Did it find any clues?

Qin Yu's worry really became a reality. After looking for such a moment, the long-handed ape did not give up his doubts, but still carefully and slowly groped into the hole, and every step he actually stopped to tap the wall next to him.

It hasn't seen Hu Yi either. How can it find that there are other invaders? Is it because the smell of the two of us is different? Qin Yu, who is a little confused, can only guess so. Qin Yu quickly confirmed that his conjecture was correct, because after careful observation in the dark, he found that the huge nose of the long-handed ape was constantly shaking, and he must be looking for the source of different smells.

The reason why Qin Yu can carefully observe the long-handed ape without being found is that there is a drooping stone blocking the sight of the front of the cave. What's more coincidentally, there is a small gap in the middle of the drooping stone just enough for Qin Yu to see. To the previous scene, the long-handed ape naturally can't see the wall of the inner hole through this gap.

At this time, there is no sound in the cave except for Hu Yi's voice from time to time and the sound made by the long-handed ape when walking and tapping.

Looking at the approaching but still vigilant long-handed ape, Qin Yu couldn't help but be very nervous and sweat oozed in his palms. If it develops according to such a situation, this long-handed ape is bound to find its existence. At that time, the situation will be critical. He will have to fight at least a war, and he is lucky. You may be able to escape, but if you are unlucky, you may be caught by several long-handed apes. At that time, it will be difficult to escape.

You must stop it, but what can be done? Looking at the long-handed ape with a nose like a wild dog, Qin Yu, who smiled bitterly couldn't help turning his brain desperately to find a way.

When Qin Yu was thinking hard, the long-handed ape was still moving towards the hole step by step, knocking on suspicious places with its own hand every step. And with the "dongdong" sounded was Hu Yi's confused cry, as if her consciousness had been completely blurred. But her charming cry doesn't seem to make a person and a beast in the cave fluctuate at all.

I didn't expect that this long-handed ape could be so calm in the current beautiful situation, which made Qin Yu angry and funny. However, at such a critical moment, he naturally couldn't laugh. He could only hold his breath bitterly, hoping that the long-handed ape would give up his doubts.

However, contrary to expectations, the patience of this long-handed ape seems to be particularly good. He actually walked for ten minutes at a short distance of about ten meters, but fortunately, Qin Yu did not hear any other voices of the long-handed ape.

Five meters, the long-handed ape is only a short distance from Qin Yu, and Qin Yu, who has not thought of any way, can only clenched his fists, and then expects to knock down the long-handed ape with his fist when he wants to have close contact with him. In such a short distance, Qin Yu naturally can't steal it with magic. After the attack, he could only use the fist stab in his hand, but what worried Qin Yu was that his fist had not yet bounced off, which means that if he wanted to attack the long-handed ape, it would take longer than the original action, and this extra time would undoubtedly give the other party time to react. In a word, the success rate of attacking the other party with fists is relatively low at this time, but if he fails, he will face a situation that he may be caught by several long-handed ape urn.

The situation is extremely critical.

With the sound of the footsteps of the long-handed ape, it soon walked to the concave hole wall where Qin Yu was located.

The creepy-looking eyes shining green in the dark stopped in front of the wall where Qin Yu was located. Unexpectedly, the stronger long-handed ape no longer habitually hit the hanging stone with his hand, nor did he reach into the recessed hole wall to explore. Instead, he used his very sensitive nose to smell the stone in front of Qin Yu for a while.

And after a long time, the long-handed ape actually made an excited cry, and then danced. After stopping the scream, the long-handed ape put his hand into the space where Qin Yu was located.

Has it found Qin Yu?

After just groping for a while, it actually found a herb from the space inside.

Looking at this herb, the long-handed ape's eyes glowed excitedly, and then it smelled the herb with its nose, and every time it smelled it, it actually made a satisfied cry.

This herb was naturally taken out of Qin Yu from his own space herb. Just now, when the situation was very critical, looking at the long-handed ape whose nose wings were constantly shaking, he thought of a way to take out the fragrant herb and then use its fragrance to confuse the long one in front of him. Hand ape. He didn't expect to be so successful. It's not just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but what surprised him was that he had deceived the long-handed ape. Of course, what surprised him was that the long-handed ape seemed to be very addicted to this herb.

This herb was the herb harvested by Qin Yu when he defeated the golden fist prickly bird after entering the second floor. He really didn't expect that this ordinary herb would save his life.

The long-handed ape who got this herb was extremely excited, and this unexpected discovery seemed to make it forget its previous caution.

Looking at this extremely excited long-handed ape that was just a distance away from him, a stone in Qin Yu's heart landed.

The long-handed ape smelled the herbs in his hand over and over again, and after smelling it dozens of times, it still took the herbs away from its nose, and then quickly moved towards Hu Yi, who kept gasping not far away.

Looking at the body and body of the white woman on the ground, the long-handed ape was beastly, making a more excited cry than when it just found the herb. With its scream, the reaction of several other long-handed apes came not far from the cave.

The response naturally shows that the long-handed apes that have left one after another have returned. If they also enter, it will be bad if one of them accidentally finds the existence of Qin Yu.

What just made Qin Yu feel a little relieved was that after a long time, the long-handed apes that responded did not walk like a cave. It seemed that this slightly strong long-handed ape was their leader, and most of the long-handed apes that left one after another also called this leader who didn't know what to do. Qin Yu thought so in his heart.

At this time, the long-handed ape in the cave left Qin Yu a back, that is to say, it left Qin Yu a very big flaw, but with its agility and agility, Qin Yu was really not sure that he could succeed in the sneak attack, not to mention there were several other long-handed apes outside the cave, so although Qin Yu was a little unbearable, he still He quickly gave up the intention of sneak attack and chose another way.

Maybe this is what you deserve.