armor demon

Chapter 99 Moment of Life and Death

The virtual shadow flashed, and then one hand grabbed Tan Zifei's soft slightly raised left hand, just because Tan Zifei was falling, and the virtual shadow was also pedaled on the edge of the stone wall, so they instantly fell to the bottom of the stone wall with all their concentrated strength.

Looking at such a thrilling situation, everyone couldn't help exclaiming again.

"It's him." Everyone soon found that the virtual shadow was the unknown magician before.

And the two male classmates who were the closest to Tan Zifei and were pushed aside by the virtual shadow quickly leaned forward, and then tried to catch the body of the unknown magician who suddenly rushed out. However, his momentum was so fast that the two male classmates who were stunned could not grasp even a penny.

And between the electric sparks, the two bodies have fallen a distance of more than a meter high below.

Is it that it's over? Everyone can't help but be extremely depressed. They poked their heads out and looked down at the stone wall, expecting some miracle to happen.

At the moment when they poked their heads out and looked down, they found that the two people who had fallen from mid-air actually stopped their fall and stopped abrupt in mid-air.

What's going on?

After a soft sound, Qin Yu could be sure that he grabbed a protruding stone on the stone wall and shook it hard. The stone did not move at all. He could be sure that the stone could support the weight of the two of them.

That is, this stone saved the lives of the two of them. No, to be precise, it saved the life of the black magician. If this stone is unstable, Qin Yu will definitely let go of his right hand, because without the support of this stone, he absolutely can't use wind magic to pull Tan Zifei up the stone wall and go there. At that time, he had no choice but to give up talking. Of course, he was just a dead horse as a living horse doctor when the situation was very critical, looking forward to a miracle, but it was really a miracle. He reached out in mid-air and grabbed such a prominent stone. If he can't catch it, he doesn't expect such a miracle to happen when it falls.

The clothes of the two fluttered in the air, while the wolves below stared at them greedily with their scarlet eyes, but what made them depressed was that the two humans seemed to have no possibility of falling down.

"It's really brave." Seeing that the unknown magician risked his life to save Tan Zifei, everyone couldn't help admiring and moved in their hearts. If they were standing on the edge of the stone wall and their legs couldn't help shaking, they would not dare to do so.

"Come on, find a rope and pull them up." Liu Changsheng said quickly.

Listening to Liu Changsheng's words, everyone woke up like a dream and quickly looked around for a rope that could pull them up, but they didn't realize that entering the mysterious magic boundary would encounter such a danger. How could they prepare a rope? Moreover, it is impossible to find a rope that can be connected with this bare stone mountain. Things with rope.

What should I do? Everyone couldn't help scratching their ears and cheeks, as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

"Quickly, boys, take off your coats and connect them into ropes." Sure enough, there were many people and ideas. After half a second, someone came up with such a method.

Indeed, in this environment and situation, this is the only way.

At this moment, all the boys quickly took off their upper clothes, rolled them into a clothesline, and then tied them with other people's clothes.

"Is it enough? If it's not enough, I can also take off my clothes." Some girls blushed and whispered that in such a critical situation, at such a touching moment, she had already forgotten what etiquette and shame.

"It depends." Liu Changsheng said with a smile.

"That classmate, hold on a little longer, and we will get the rope to save you immediately." While everyone was busy tying the rope, a classmate turned to Qin Yudao below.

Except for the classmates who were busy with knots, the rest of them looked nervously at the two people under the stone wall, hoping that there would be no more accidents.

Although everyone's knot movement is very fast, it usually seems to be as long as a century in everyone's hearts for a short time.

One minute, two minutes... Five minutes have passed, but the ropes are still not formed, because the ropes made of clothes are too wide and not dense enough, so it is troublesome to tie them tightly together.

Five minutes seems to be an unbearable limit for ordinary warriors, but the unknown magician under the stone wall actually did it.

Looking at the unknown magician still holding the protruding stone tightly, everyone sighed while pinching a sweat for him. They never thought that a magician could make such a strong action. You should know that holding a magician hanging in mid-air with their bare hands can't help but need strength. Endurance, and this is difficult even for soldiers of the same level as them. What's more, it is now on a stone wall dozens of meters high, and it is surrounded by wolves. If a person accidentally falls down, he will be bitten to death if he does not fall to death.

It's just that in such a thrilling environment, under such a difficult action, the unknown magician still holds the prominent stone steadily. It can be seen that the magician is not only physically strong but also very stable.

Is it a genius to have a strong body, excellent magic, and extraordinary psychological quality? No, to be precise, such a magician is not a human, and it is impossible for man to do this.

The rope was quickly tied. Due to the carefulness of the knot students and the luxurious clothes, the toughness of the rope is not questioned at all.

The rope was quickly thrown in front of the two people below.

However, everyone soon found another problem, that is, it is impossible for the unknown magician to free one hand to grab the rope at this time, unless he has three heads and six arms, because one hand wants to grab Tan Zifei, and the other only needs to grab the protruding stone, if he has to free one hand to grab it. There can only be two consequences for the clothesline.

One is that Tan Zifei fell into the wolf pile, and the other is that the two fell into the wolf pile together. Neither of these two results are what everyone wants to see.

What should I do? Ask the magician to bite with his mouth, but the student with this idea naturally denies it immediately, because unless the magician is a warcraft, how can he support the weight of two people's bodies with his mouth?

The rope was tied to the magician's head. Someone proposed that the idea was instantly rejected by everyone, and someone even scolded, "Do you want to drag up a corpse?" Such a scolding immediately withdrew the head of the proposed man.

Since you can't cover your head, it's okay to cover your body. However, this idea was also immediately sentenced to death. If you want to cover a person's body, it is bound to bypass Tan Zifei's body below, but in this way, the rope must be doubled in its current length.

Where do you want so many clothes? The boys who thought so naturally turned their eyes to those girls.

Looking at the malicious eyes of the boys, several female classmates' faces turned red in an instant, and the female classmate who had planned to sacrifice herself shouted even more, and then stared at a group of perverts and scolded, "It's cheap for you perverts."

After saying that, she took the lead in taking off her coat and moved extremely quickly, as if she had to take it off late. Of course, her purpose was to quickly rescue the two classmates below.

In an instant, the snow-white chest, the slender waist, and the towering chest appeared in front of the boys one by one. How to say, the girl's chest seemed to be unmatched by those adult women. This bloody scene immediately made a group of wolves shine, and then felt that their lower abdomen bulged, some A blood arrow even appeared in the pervert's nostrils.

"What are you looking at? It's important to save people." Looking at the boys so fascinated, the girl changed her previous shyness and pulled down her face and said.

Listening to what she said, the boys came to their senses and looked at others so sacrifice themselves for righteousness, but they seemed to be the first brother in the countryside who had never seen the world. This made them feel ashamed. Some people quickly coughed a few times to resolve the embarrasssment of the scene, and some quickly turned their faces and pretended to be a moral figure. The appearance of the shore.

One person took the lead, and the rest of the girls naturally scrambled to emulate. Of course, they were worried about the two under the stone wall.

However, just when they had not tied the girls' clothes together, there was another exclamation behind them.

The exclamation is naturally made by those students who have been looking at the two people under the stone wall.

What happened again?

Several male students who were still drawing how to tie up the girls' clothes quickly ran to the edge of the stone wall and looked down, and the girls, regardless of their bodies were exposed to the eyes of the wolves under the stone wall, and also ran over with the male classmates.

In an instant, the focus of all eyesight was suddenly focused under the stone wall.