armor demon

Chapter 136 Drama Clap

What special constitution can feel the elements? Su Ruyue looked at Qin Yu suspiciously.

For Xiaoying's people who follow Ouyang, it is naturally difficult to attack her, because she has practiced with others in private, but she has not succeeded. Naturally, she did not believe that Zhang Shaobai could successfully perform a combined attack without any tacit understanding with her.

Hmm, it's just a lie. Let's see how long you can play, Xiaoying groans coldly in her heart.

With such a mood, she naturally cooperated with Qin Yu step by step according to the routine of combined attack. She was not worried that the two of them could perform a combined attack at all.

The obscure spell was recited from the mouths of the two, but everyone silently looked at the two people surrounded by them. Some people expect Zhang Shaobai to really get a special constitution, while others look at Zhang Shaobai with a joking attitude. They look forward to the jokes made by Zhang Shaobai soon.

Xiaoying's full name is Chen Xiaoying. At this time, although she seriously followed Qin Yu's words of magic, her eyes were full of sarcasm. She failed to practice with her boyfriend many times. She didn't believe that the guy in front of her could break such an iron law.

Just when Chen Xiaoying wanted to see this Zhang Shaobai making a joke, she suddenly found that there was a slight airflow flowing around her, and the direction of the airflow was actually horizontal, at a vertical angle with the direction of the whole cave. In the cold and calm cave at this time, this airflow was so abrupt. It's weird.

What's going on? Chen Xiaoying, who was silently chanting the spell, looked at it with her eyes wide open, but her body was empty. How could she see anything, and the others all stared at them with wide eyes and felt anything unusual.

Is it her own hallucination? Chen Xiaoying withdrew her eyes and continued to focus on the meditation of magic spells.

Because Chen Xiaoying's knowledge is shallow, and Qin Yu has not released all her spiritual strength, she naturally can't know that this is a water element in the air like Su Ruyue. All she can feel is that it is different from usual. As for where the difference is, she naturally can't know.

At this time, Chen Xiaoying's veins seemed to feel a fierce airflow rushing towards her. What is this? If the other party has any evil way to hit her, her mental strength will definitely be damaged, and then her cultivation will also decline.

The mental power damaged by the magician can not be repaired by ordinary cultivation at all. Sometimes even if you use those best elixirs, it is ineffective. Just like Zhao Wei, it takes a slow or even several years to restore your level at the peak.

Therefore, Chen Xiaoying, who felt some abnormal, was frightened in an instant, but then she immediately let go of her hanging heart, because these surging airflows were not the other party's spiritual power at all.

When she felt that Qin Yu was only in the middle of the first grade, she was a little contemptuous and really weak. Of course, Qin Yu's ability to control the size of his spiritual power lies in his feelings about the water element.

However, Chen Xiaoying couldn't help but look surprised when she thought of something. She actually felt the spiritual power of the other party, which means that their combined attack was half completed.

How is it possible? Is the special constitution mentioned by the other party true? Chen Xiaoying couldn't help opening her eyes and looking at Qin Yu, but Qin Yu had no extra movements on his whole body except for the slight opening of his lips. Even his eyes were closed.

Special physique, this guy actually created the history of Montesby mainland. You know, before this guy said his special physique, she had never read it in any book or heard any teacher say it. Even those knowledgeable old professors have never mentioned such words. It's unbelievable that Chen Xiaoying looked at Qin Yu again with a strange look. Fortunately, this guy said that his mental strength was weak, otherwise his special constitution would inevitably set off a storm on the mainland.

Looking at Chen Xiaoying's face changing like lightning, everyone couldn't help looking at each other. Can this Shaobai really make a combined attack? Otherwise, Chen Xiaoying's face would never be so wonderful.

Just as Chen Xiaoying was thinking about this, she had also opened her palms according to the routine of combined attack. At this time, she suddenly found that the previous airflow suddenly strengthened, and then rushed towards the palms held by the two of them.

The next moment, a water mass suddenly appeared on the palms of the two of them, and the transparent round water mass floated on their palms, but the water mass was obviously half smaller than that of Qin Yu and Su Ruyue just now.

Small is small, but this proves that Qin Yu's special constitution is true, and proves that the special constitution he mentioned can break the conditions of the unbreakable combined attack.

Looking at this scene, everyone was stunned. They were skeptical about Qin Yu's special physique, or even completely disbelieving. When the facts really appeared in front of them, they were all stunned and their faces were full of surprise.

If Zhang Shaobai and Su Ruyue can successfully perform a combined attack can be said to be the result of their private cultivation, but Zhang Shaobai actually completed the combined attack with another girl, it shows that the special physique he mentioned is real. Because no magician has ever been able to complete a combined attack with different opposite sex. The combined attack originally pays attention to singleness and extreme tacit understanding.

Will the four words special physique be engraved on the history of the magician from today?

Ouyang Li is also full of surprise, but he is more happy now, because the success of Chen Xiaoying and Zhang Shaobai means that Zhang Shaobai has nothing to do with Su Ruyue, that is to say, Su Ruyue is basically his at this time.

What could make him happier than this?

At present, Ouyang Li couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect that I was wrong to blame Brother Zhang. Come on, everyone tidy up the clothes, and let's move on. At this time, his gloomy face had disappeared, just like the originally dark sky was suddenly torn by the sun. Of course, although he said so, Su Ruyue's previous series of small actions still made him be a littleware of Qin Yu. What's more, he has been making them retreat without retreating.

The original tense scene ended in such a dramatic way, which was not expected by everyone at all. Of course, the vast majority of people on Ouyang Li's side still had such hostility to Qin Yu and others.

Looking at the imping scene that was resolved in this way, Ma Wei and Liu Changsheng couldn't help taking a long breath. Feeling the back soaked by cold sweat, they couldn't help laughing bitterly. If the conflict really broke out just now, they would suffer a big loss.

Looking at Zhang Shaobai, who was still very polite and talking to Ouyang Li in a low voice, they couldn't help but have all kinds of questions in their hearts. Who is such a person who has the skills that can compete with warriors, has strong magic beyond the same level of magicians, and now has what he calls a special physique? Does he still belong to the human category?

And such a person can resist under all kinds of insults from others, which is even more a sign of extreme tenacity. Such a person is undoubtedly the most horrible and difficult person to deal with. Fortunately, they are good friends with such people. Let's not talk about the future, at least now.

In their eyes, Qin Yu became more and more mysterious.