armor demon

Chapter 147 Restoring Peace

When Qin Yu fought with the red arrowfish, Ouyang Li and his party on another road had also come to the small river, and a small wooden bridge with the same shape as Qin Yu appeared in front of them.

There is also a stone table on this small wooden bridge.

After everyone stood still, Wang Chao walked out of the crowd and walked towards the small wooden bridge. His task is to trigger the magic mechanism on the stone bridge, that is, the top view of the whole forest.

And behind the crowd, Ouyang Li and Han Fang were talking as they walked.

"Han Fang, there won't be any accidents this time." Ouyang Li asked.

"Hey, Mr. Ouyang, you can rest assured that as long as they don't go back, as long as they go up to the wooden bridge and meditate on the magic spell I gave them, they will definitely trigger a pattern of sealing a spiritual warcraft. At that time, with the ferocity of spiritual monsters, they will definitely not have a good end. Han Fang said with a dark smile.

"What? Spiritual Warcraft. Ouyang Li couldn't help but be shocked. He just vaguely heard Han Fang say that he was sure to deal with Zhang Shaobai, but he didn't expect that what they would encounter was a spiritual-level warcraft, so he couldn't help asking, "Will the spiritual-level warcraft threaten us?"

"To tell you the truth, the magic power of the spiritual warcraft has been sealed for so long and naturally can't recover so quickly. It is estimated that its current strength is only 30% left. However, even 30% can't be dealt with by them. Mr. Ouyang didn't have to worry. What they temporarily triggered was just a small seal. In addition, there was a big seal, that is to say, after this trigger, the range of activity of the spirit-level warcraft was only 500 meters. It won't threaten us." Han Fang explained.

"Oh, that's fine. But is it only 500 meters? What if some of them find that the situation is not good and slip out of this range? Ouyang Li said worriedly.

"This prince doesn't have to worry. As long as the seal is triggered, they will definitely be shrouded in this range. Only when the warcraft in the seal let them out can they escape. Otherwise, they absolutely have no way to live." Han Fang is full of confidence.

"Haha, that's good, Han Fang, you have made a lot of credit this time. As long as you can help me find the spiritual medicine, I will never treat you badly if I go back." Ouyang Li smiled and thought that Zhang Shaobai died like this, and he was naturally very happy.

"The Mr. Lao helped him. Just to deal with these people and waste a few brothers. Han Fang sighed a little.

"Well, those people and I are not very good. What's wrong with abandoning them? Looking at them from time to time, they look ugly and hum so coldly from time to time. I still doubt whether they have two minds. In fact, even if it's good with me, it's their honor to make contributions for me. Ouyang Li sneered.

While the two were talking, Wang Chao also began to meditate on magic. At present, a thin fog appeared beside Wang Chao. However, unlike Qin Yu, the fog around Wang Chao was actually white at this time, and the fog was very thin, not as thick as Qin Yu's side.

Just when the white fog appeared, a red light suddenly flashed on the stone table, and after this flash, everyone felt a flower in front of them, as if a huge painting suddenly rose from the stone table.

Then the painting quickly integrated into the world in front of everyone. This process was just such a blink of an eye, so fast that everyone thought that they were dreaming that they didn't believe that such a painting had appeared at all.

"What's going on?" Ouyang Li asked Han Fang with some surprise.

"Ouyang, this is just an illusion in magic. It's not a big deal, but the occurrence of this situation shows that the magic spell has successfully inspired the magic organ here. Han Fang explained.

"Oh, that's good." After a pause, Ouyang Li asked again, "Then how do you know if Zhang Shaobai and others triggered the sealed painting?" Ouyang Li was still a little worried. He was afraid that Zhang Shaobai's group of people were too lucky.

"As long as the passage to the next floor is opened, it can prove that they have triggered the sealed painting."

"Do we have to wait until we reach the end of the woods and find that the passage to the next floor has been opened to confirm that they have triggered the painting?" Ouyang Li seemed to be a little anxious. If he had to wait for that time, it seemed to be too long. At this time, he couldn't wait to know immediately that Zhang Shaobai's group of people had fallen into the sealed painting.

"Well, you will know if you look at it." Han Fang showed a mysterious smile at the corners of his mouth.

"Boom, boom..."

At this moment, far away from them, probably at the end of the woods, suddenly there was such a huge sound after another.

"Haha, Mr. Ouyang doesn't have to worry about meeting them again. The passage to the next floor has been opened, which also means that they have triggered the sealed painting and met the spiritual warcraft." Han laughed and said that he was naturally extremely happy at this time, because it means that no one knows his plan anymore, which means that he can still complete his plan without anyone knowing.

Master, don't worry, the disciple has been preparing for so many years, and no one can destroy the plan prepared by the disciple and you, Han said in his heart.

"Zhang Shaobai, this is the end of you want to play with me." Ouyang groaned coldly.

After the roar stopped, the white fog beside Wang Chao disappeared completely.

Han Fang knew that all the obstacles had disappeared, so he asked Ouyang Li to command the crowd to continue to move forward.

"Han Fang, is there any danger ahead? Will there be no problem if we are less?" Ouyang asked as he walked.

"Ouyang, we will still encounter two groups of monsters in front of us, one before the two roads intersect, and the other in the channel that has just been opened, but don't worry, Mr. It's more than enough to deal with these monsters with our current number and strength." Ouyang replied.

"All right." There was undisguised excitement in Ouyang Li's voice. As he spoke, he walked towards the beautiful shadow in the middle of the crowd. The rival has fallen in love, and he naturally no longer worries that his beloved woman will be robbed by others. Of course, he still has a little worry. Has Qin Yu been killed by Li Zhi and others?


Qin Yu gasped and kept dodging the attack of the red turtle. He has dodged at least dozens of times. He really didn't expect that he could dodge under such a perverted attack of this spiritual beast.

Did this warcraft not exert all its strength at all, or did it deliberately show mercy? Qin Yu wondered in his heart. According to reason, if the spiritual warcraft really wants to kill him, it is a problem that can be solved in a single finger. How can it cost so much effort?

Of course, the red swordfish is not ruthless at all. Its strength has been weakened by 70% in the seal, leaving only 30%, but even if there is only 30% left, it also knows that it is more than enough to deal with the teenager in front of it. However, what surprised him so much that his eyes were about to fall out was that when he used all three of his strength, the teenager in front of him could all avoid it.

This reminds it of the magician many years ago, the man with extreme strength. He also has such a body, and his wind magic is also so excellent. No, to be precise, the magician's wind magic is much more powerful than this teenager. However, you should know that the teenager in front of him is less than three levels of spiritual power, and the magician has reached the level of the holy magician. In time, the teenager's achievements in wind magic will definitely reach that magician. The level, no, even more powerful, the red turtle is thinking in his heart.

Does this teenager have a deep relationship with that magician? If this is the case, I'd better let him go and don't embarrass him. Otherwise, if the magician who is as powerful as the magician comes to him, I can't stand it. Such an idea flashed in the heart of the red cray.

Qin Yu didn't know that Hongjia had so many thoughts in his heart. The only thing he could do at this time was to grit his teeth and use the wind magic to avoid the attack of this spirit-level warcraft. He did not dare to neglect it. He knew that if he was not careful, his sharp mouth, sharp teeth, and hard scales all over his body were not for fun. Laughing.

Although the red-keyed swordfish was surprised, its physical movements were still not slow.

Qin Yu had just flashed an attack on the red turtle. Before he could take a breath, the red turtle attacked him like a sharp arrow.


The red arrowfish rubbed against the air and made a sound.

Your grandmother's is really immortal. Looking at the red turtle that doesn't seem to be a trace of fatigue at all, Qin Yu slandered in his heart.

However, in contrast, Qin Yu did not feel tired, and his mental strength seemed to be still full. According to the frequency of attacks at this time, although he was a little embarrassed, he felt that he could at least hold on for an hour. Qin Yu was a little surprised by such aplness of physical strength and spiritual strength, but when he thought about it, he knew that this was the reason for the Baibu sweat opera. If it hadn't been for the transformation of his body and enhancing his physical quality, if it hadn't been for the Baibu Khan drama that made him feel the elements, he would not believe that he could not I can hold on until now.

sudden stop steering, sprint, 360-degree reversal, rapid drift, every technical action learned in the training ground is used by him to the extreme, and it is precisely because of his proficiency in these technical movements that his deep understanding of these technical movements can make him in the red turtle It is still safe and sound under the lightning-fast attack.

In everyone's sight, Zhang Shaobai and the red turtle kept chasing me. From this tree to that tree, from starting to running 500 meters, from narrow places to wide fields, the red turtle kept attacking, while Zhang Shaobai kept dodging.

At first, everyone was worried, but as time went by, their worries gradually disappeared. Although Zhang Shaobai seemed to be embarrassed, they also saw the helplessness of the red turtle. According to this, there is no way for the two sides to win or lose in an hour or two.

In the process of fighting with Qin Yu and the red turtle, Ma Wei and others also wanted to go back to move the rescuers. Although they knew that Ouyang Li and others would probably not help, in order to save Zhang Shaobai and walk through this road, they had to walk back bravely. However, the person sent to the rescuer came back helplessly after walking 500 meters, because he found that no matter how he changed his direction, he could not walk 500 meters away from the center of the wooden bridge.

It seems that it is all because of this red swordfish. Only by solving this red swordfish can they get out of this dilemma. Ma Wei and Liu Changsheng came to such a result after discussion.

It's just that it's not easy to get rid of this swordfish. This is a spiritual beast, and several people can't help but be depressed. Although Qin Yu's performance surprised them, it was impossible to change the outcome of things.

Knowing that they came out of this predicament, they had no choice but to sit on the grass and observe the battle between Zhang Shaobai and the red turtle. Although one beast seemed to have been chasing in the black fog, they knew that if anything happened to Zhang Shaobai, the red turtle would come to deal with them.

The more a group of people watched the battle between Qin Yu and the red turtle, the more surprised they became. If they were not in danger at this time, the battle could definitely be called a wonderful performance. The performer was mainly Zhang Shaobai, because the strange posture of the red turtle had no beauty in their eyes. Of course, The most important thing is that the red armor arrow is a warcraft. They can't learn anything from it at all, and Qin Yu is different. Every posture, every action, every treatment, the connection between action and action is worth learning, especially those wind magicians.

Even Ma Wei and Liu Changsheng, who saw Qin Yu's performance on that stone mountain, were still speechless, not to mention Hao Ran.

Hao Ran is a wind magician. As a wind magician, he knows how difficult it is to master wind magic. Even a genius like Zheng Yinan is impossible to use wind magic so easily. However, Zhang Shaobai in front of him did it. For him, wind magic seems to be like It's so easy to walk. Hao Ran believes that Zhang Shaobai's achievements have definitely surpassed Zheng Yinan. It is absolutely easy for him to complete the shape difficulty training. No, the shape difficulty training is nothing for him. He can definitely complete the bow difficulty training.

And when Hao Ran sighed in his heart, Zhang Shaobai passed in front of him again, like a wisp of smoke.


Hao Ran was stunned. No, everyone was stunned.

There is a 360-degree flip in the rapid drift, and it is more textbook than a textbook. Oh, my God, is this a human? Hao Ran opened his mouth. He knew how difficult it was to complete these movements. Even if Zheng Yinan wanted to complete a move perfectly, he might have to try more than ten times to succeed, but the Zhang Shaobai in front of him not only succeeded, but also combined them together. To be honest, such a difficult action is connected into one action, which is not mentioned in the magic book, but Zhang Shaobai did it. This is definitely the first to create wind magic. Has he mastered wind magic since birth? Hao Ran couldn't help opening his mouth and even his eyes wide. He looked at Qin Yu's direction without blinking, for fear of missing every performance.

Hao Ran's hands and feet trembled slightly and couldn't take his eyes off Qin Yu's every move. He was afraid that he would miss such a learning opportunity.

Not only him, but every magician present has such expressions and movements.

Is wind magic really difficult? No.

Zhang Shaobai in front of him completely subverted this understanding in Hao Ran's heart. Is wind magic really as easy as he showed? Is it because he has not mastered the essence and skills of wind magic? Hao Ran felt that there was such a possibility, so he had to memorize Zhang Shaobai's movements and see how he performed those difficult movements and how to connect them together.

If they were not in danger, Hao Ran might have used wind magic according to Qin Yu's appearance.

This is a spiritual warcraft. He can actually dodge under the attack of spiritual warcraft. His wind magic is too powerful. He is still a human. Such an idea flashed in the hearts of those who don't know wind magic and don't pay attention to every action of Qin Yu. They know that at the level shown by Zhang Shaobai's current wind magic, it is not an exaguation to say that he is the most powerful wind magician in the Armor Academy. Even those teachers who master wind magic can't reach his level.

In this way, there was no sound except for the wind during the chase between one person and one beast, and the other nine people stared at this wonderful performance.

"Holy Spirit, didn't you just have a comparison? Why don't you stop?" After avoiding another attack by the red turtle, Qin Yu gasped and said that he couldn't help it.

Listening to what he said, the red swordfish actually stopped shooting at Qin Yu, and then said, "Kid, you are really not bad. You can hide under my attack for so long. Can you tell me who your teacher is? Although the red swordfish concluded that Qin Yu had something to do with the magician who sealed it many years ago, he couldn't help asking.

"I don't have a master." Qin Yu was a little confused, but he didn't care about this, so he continued to ask, "Holy Spirit, since you have tried my strength, can you let us pass?"

"No master? Don't lie to me?" The red turtle looks a little angry.

"I'm serious." Qin Yudao. But I was thinking, is this spiritual warcraft afraid of some powerful holy magician?

"Forget it, I don't care." The red arrowfish shook its sharp head and then said, "Today I'm happy to let you go. Next time you won't be so lucky, hum." Naturally, it did not dare to do anything to Qin Yu if it was related to the magician. The reason why it continued to chase Qin Yu just now was that it had not moved for a long time. Now after stopping, it doesn't want to pester with the teenager in front of it.

Ah. Thank you very much, Holy Spirit." Qin Yu was extremely surprised. He didn't expect that this spiritual beast would let them go like this. Just now, the reason why he begged it to let them go was completely dead horses as living horse doctors. Now when I hear the red cray said this, it is natural to push the boat along the water.

As soon as Qin Yu finished his words, the narrow figure of the red turtle disappeared out of thin air, and the black fog that had surrounded him also disappeared in an instant, and then the previous tranquility was restored around him.

The water in the small river still flows quietly, as if nothing had happened.