armor demon

Chapter 149 Annihilation

A dozen wild boars gathered in an area about 20 meters long and 10 meters wide, and they kept arching their noses on the soil, as if to find something.

These wild boars have a pair of tusks more than 20 cm to 30 cm long. The tusks are light yellow and the ends are thin and curved. I believe that if anyone is stabbed by these fangs, they will definitely be pierced. Their whole body is covered with a thick black skin, which is wrinkled and covered with dust. This wrinkled skin makes their physical defenses higher. It is difficult for ordinary soldiers to take advantage of them with ordinary weapons, not to mention weak magicians like them.

Of course, Qin Yu's fist can still cause damage to them.

However, wild boars with such a high physical defense can't fight any cheapness in the face of a group of magicians, especially those magicians who are prepared, because their magic defense is pitifully low.

Qin Yu knew the weakness of this group of wild boars and knew how to fight quickly. Therefore, when he found that the wild boars stayed in place and did not move forward and had a small range, he knew that now was the best time to attack this group of wild boars, as long as they could encircle them and then unexpectedly attack them with magic. Then they can not only destroy them, but also speed up the pace of chasing Ouyang Li.

Although Ma Wei and others did not know what kind of warcraft was in front of them, looking at Qin Yu's confident appearance, they did not hesitate to follow Qin Yu's gesture to circle forward.

The nine of them formed a semi-arc image and moved forward slowly. As they moved forward, they avoided making loud noises. Of course, some small collisions are inevitable, but in such a forest, some small sounds often sound, so they are not worried that the monsters in front of them will be alert.

Close, they can hear the cluttered sound in front of them.

A group of monsters? They were a little worried, but thinking about Qin Yu's confident appearance just now, they gradually became relieved.

When the crowd slowly gathered forward, Qin Yu also ran to the opposite side of the crowd under the cover of trees, that is to say, he formed a circle of the group of wild boars with the crowd, but he was the only one on his side.

Because the wild boars have been focusing on the ground, and Qin Yu's group of people are careful, they actually found that they have been surrounded by a group of humans.

"Oh, Oh, Oh"

Some wild boars seemed to have found some treasures on the ground and shouted excitedly.

Everyone is only about ten meters away from the wild boar herd.

The wild boar was actually a wild boar, and it had been surrounded by a group of them. Looking at more than a dozen wild boars in front of them, Ma Wei and others couldn't help exclaiming excitedly, because since this group of wild boars have now been surrounded by them, they have a good chance of winning.

However, the only regret is that Zhang Shaobai's side is really too few. If they start to attack, the panicked wild boars will definitely face Zhang Shaobai. At that time, they will not be able to annihilate all the wild boars, and if they can't annihilate the wild boars in this siege, they will have The road ahead caused trouble for them. Although these wild boars will certainly have no offensive by then, it will undoubtedly slow them down the pace of chasing Ouyang Li and others.

But everyone also knows that there is nothing they can do, because at this time, they can't increase their manpower on Zhang Shaobai's side. At present, they hope that this sudden attack can wipe out as many wild boars as possible.

The crowd narrowed another two meters, and just as they wanted to carry out a sneak attack, Zhang Shaobai suddenly gestured to them not to attack first.

What is he going to do? Everyone couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Zhang Shaobai, who was hiding behind a big tree, suddenly used water magic. He saw a mass of water condense in his hand in an instant, and then shot at a wild boar. Soon, the previous water mass had just turned into a water arrow, and another water mass followed the water mass in front of him. The same wild boar shot away.

Your mother is so fast. Looking at Qin Yu's ability to display two water masses in such a short time, Hao Ran and the other three are so eye-eyed. Before that, Qin Yu deliberately hid his strength, so Hao Ran and others naturally did not see his real level. At this time, he was naturally stunned at first glance. You should know that none of these students who enter the real demon world can perform two magic spells in such a short time. Even the interval between the two magics of Ouyang Li and Su Ruyue, who have the highest spirits, is much slower. No, even Zheng Yinan, who occupies the first place in the magic department, may not have this. Fast frequency.

How did he do it? Several people with such doubts can't help but look at Ma Wei and others around them, but Ma Wei and others have already focused on the wild boars in front of them, and there is no way to pay attention to them.

Nima, he is still a human. Not only is the wind magic outstanding, but he has learned almost all the difficult technical actions, and his mental strength has actually reached the level of Ouyang Li and Su Ruyue. Even the magic he has exerted now is so fast than others.

Such a level, such a height, is actually shown by this new student who has never seen his true face. What is he? No, he is just the nephew of a domestic slave. Is he a rare genius in a hundred years, but this is also wrong, a rare day in a hundred years? It should be a figure like Zheng Yinan, but even a figure like Zheng Yinan can't do it at all.

Whether this guy is a human or not, Hao Ran and others even marveled in their hearts that they were already confused.

Just as Hao Ran marveled in their hearts, Qin Yu's water mass had shot on a wild boar one after another.

This wild boar seems to be the largest in this group of wild boars, and from the perspective of the distance between other wild boars and its hegemony from time to time, Qin Yu can see that he is the leader of this group of wild boars, and this leader is the closest to him.

When coming to this conclusion, Qin Yu had a bold idea, that is, if he could scare this group of wild boars to run to the formation of Ma Wei and others, wouldn't he be able to annihilate them to the maximum extent? As for how to scare them, Qin Yu naturally thought of the head of the wild boar. As long as he beat him repeatedly, the other wild boars would naturally panic.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu gestured to let everyone not rush to attack first. After gestures, he showed water magic to lead the wild boar's head, and he did his best.

Because the wild boar's head collar had been lowering his head, he did not find Qin Yu hiding behind the tree at all. Even when the water ball came out, it did not react. It was not until the abnormal sound of the water mass and air rubbing in its ear that it sounded. However, its alertness was so slow that It didn't have time to avoid the two water arrows that turned from a water mass.

After the sound of "wh, swish" sounded in its ear, the water arrow pierced its skin fiercely. Although its skin was extremely hard, its natural defects made it unable to resist these magic water arrows at all. At present, it was fiercely pierced into the skin by water arrows without any resistance. Rice depth.

Although wild boars look five or three thick, they are naturally timid. Even the leader of the wild boar is the same, so they are naturally scared to farting if they are suddenly attacked and have been severely damaged before they can see the true face of the enemy.

"Oh, Oh, Oh"

The wild boar leader shouted with deep panic. In panic, he didn't know what was going on after the magic tree, so he naturally ran in the other direction.

Seeing that their heads had fled in a panic, the rest of the wild boars naturally panicked. Although they still realized what had happened, they saw their heads suddenly fleeing forward, and they also ran with it.

Ma Wei and others were a little stunned, but after a short period of daze, they naturally became extremely happy. They didn't expect that the wild boar herd would get into their encirclement like this. It seems that even if you can't completely annihilate this group of wild boars, you can still hit them hard.

Liu Changsheng, who had been paying attention to Qin Yu, naturally knew the reason why the wild boars were suddenly shocked. At present, he couldn't help sighing at Qin Yu's wit. He knew that if it hadn't been for Zhang Shaobai's sudden move, this group of wild boars would not have rushed towards their encirclement as if they are now. While lamenting Qin Yu's wit, he was also convinced by Qin Yu's magic. He knew that if he had used magic in Zhang Shaobai's position, there would never have been such an effect, because his magic was not as powerful as Zhang Shaobai's, and more importantly, he could not be able to do it in such a short time. Two magics in a row.

Hao Ran and others naturally understood the reason why Zhang Shaobai did this after seeing Qin Yu's water mass hit the wild boar. They also sighed at Qin Yu's wit.

has such a powerful magic and a lot of calmness that people can have. Damn it, this is too strong. How can we bear the weak ones? They are wailing in our hearts.

"Hey, the prey is coming. Everyone is ready. We will catch them all." Ma Wei shouted excitedly. Since entering the mysterious magic boundary, he has been led by these monsters. How can he calculate the monsters that once frightened him as he is now? Therefore, he is naturally extremely excited at this moment.

Ma Wei's excited voice also woke up from envy and jealousy, and then they quickly recited magic spells.

After a long time, magic rushed to attack the wild boars getting closer and closer to them.

The hard and wrinkled skin was torn open by the magic exerted by everyone, and then blood came out of these wild boars like arrows, like flowers that suddenly bloomed, so beautiful.

The wild boars were even more frightened. Then, they were furious, and their animal nature was completely stimulated. However, at this time, they were like fish on the cutting board, which was of no use even if they were brave.

In an instant, more than a dozen wild boars were almost destroyed, and only one wild boar turned around and fled after finding something was wrong.

This wild boar is the leader. At this time, its whole body is scarred, and blood bursting out of the wound from time to time. If its body had not been stronger than other wild boars, it would have been lying on the ground and dying.

"It's cool, it's so cool."

From time to time, Ma Wei's excited voice came from time to time, which was the most refreshing battle he had fought in the mysterious magic boundary.

"Cool hair, you, I kill more than you." Listening to Ma Wei's words, Li Daring couldn't help contempt.

"Cut, I'm the one who kills more than you." Ma Wei is not willing to say it. ......

"Look, there is still a wild boar that can still escape." Seeing that the largest wild boar hit by several magics could still turn around and escape, some people couldn't help but be shocked.

"Chasing quickly." Ma Wei no longer struggled with Li Daring, but chased the trapped beast while shouting.

At the same time, several magicians were unwilling to fall behind and chased the wild boar at the same time.

Some classmates closest to the wild boar are even ready to shoot the already condensed magic at the wild boar.

However, just as they were about to use their killer mace, the wild boar running forward suddenly staggered, and then his whole body rushed forward uncontrollably.


After a loud noise, the last wild boar hit the ground fiercely, stirring up dust all over the sky.

After struggling for so much, the wild boar completely lost its movement. It seemed that it could not die any more.

And beside the wild boar, there stood a man with a big flowery face. The man's right hand stretched diagonally to the ground, and a drop of blood slowly fell from the back of his right hand.

Is this okay? Hao Ran was completely dumbfounded.

Standing on the far side of the wild boar, he could see clearly. Just now, when the wild boar fled forward, the figure suddenly shot at it, and then the man actually stretched out his right fist and hit the wild boar.

A golden light left a beautiful image in Hao Ran's iris.

Hao Ran was extremely nervous at that time. Why didn't this man attack by magic? Didn't he know how strong the wild boar's body was? Wasn't he afraid of being smashed into a meat pie by a wild boar?

However, Hao Ran soon found that his worries were superfluous, because the man in mid-air actually dodged the huge body of the wild boar, and then, after the golden light flashed strangely, a blood spewed out of the wild boar's throat, and then the wild boar actually hit the ground so fiercely.

After the man stood still, Hao Ran found that he was actually Zhang Shaobai, and then he found the golden fist that then shrank back from Zhang Shaobai's right boxing.

Looking at the gloves with blood flowing from it after putting away the fist stab, Hao Ran finally understood what it was.

The magician actually stabbed a wild boar with the fists of the warriors, and Hao Ran, who was in a mess in his mind, finally came to this conclusion.

He actually stabbed the fist when he used wind magic in midair. No magician would dance in the east when he used wind magic. However, Zhang Shaobai did it. He not only did it, but even killed a wild boar. A warrior could not use ordinary weapons at all. Stabbed wild boar.

How did he do it? Is he a human or not? Hao Ran stared at Qin Yu's big beautiful face in a daze, and his face was full of surprise and disbelief.

"Haha, Shaobai, your move is beautiful, and your action is really chic." Looking at Qin Yu standing next to the wild boar, Liu Changsheng was also stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Hey, Shaobai, when can you teach me this trick?" Ma Wei's eyes were full of small stars. Indeed, Zhang Shaobai's move just now was really handsome. If I could learn that he could not stand out in front of beautiful girls? Ma Wei thought so obscenely in his heart.

"Would you like to learn this trick? Ma Wei, dream about it." Li Daring said on the side.

Listening to Li Daring's words, Ma Wei suddenly died. He also knew that no matter how hard he tried, he could not learn Zhang Shaobai's trick, even if he was not proficient in water magic.

Although the three people who came with Hao Ran did not see the whole process of Qin Yu, they also looked at Qin Yu with a surprised face. They couldn't believe how Zhang Shaobai could kill this huge thing without magic.

Did he pierce the wild boar's throat with something and look at Qin Yu's right fist with blood dripping, they can only think so in their hearts.

"It's really...too, too unbelievable, did you do it?" Hao Ran finally couldn't help opening his mouth and was a little nervous. He actually stuttered.

"Hey, Hao Ran, this is an unspeakable secret. Anyway, just treat this guy as a person." Ma Wei laughed aside.

"Ha ha, Hao Ran, don't listen to Ma Wei. Naturally, all this can only be learned by working hard. Qin Yu smiled and said.

"Work hard, can you learn?" Hao Ran naturally doesn't believe it. It's no wonder that he is, because no magician in the whole Montetibi continent can have the same skills as warriors and can be distracted by other things when exerting wind magic.

"Well, of course you can. As long as you work hard, there is absolutely nothing you can't do." Qin Yu replied that he attributed these to the reason for his efforts, which naturally wanted to muddle through. He can't talk about Baibu Khan, otherwise, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble, and even kill people. Moreover, even if they say it, they may not believe that Baibu Khan Opera can really achieve such an effect, because Baibu Khan Opera is really amazing. If he hadn't really experienced the benefits on it, he would not have believed that such a thing would have happened.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of the line he saw when he entered the fantasy.

As long as I continue to work hard, one day, I will become a holy magician, he said to himself in his heart.

Will hard work really succeed? Hao Ran thought to himself. Not only him, but also many people present are obsessed with this problem.

A group of wild boars were completely annihilated. It took them more than ten minutes to complete the whole process. All this was mainly because Qin Yu was properly commanded, because they could surprise them. Otherwise, if they attacked head-on, it would not be possible to solve the battle so quickly. Even if they could annihilate this group of wild boars, they would have to pay for it. Price is not available.

After a little tidying up, everyone embarked on the road to the next floor.