armor demon

Chapter 153 Dark Whistle

Qin Yu doesn't want to talk too much nonsense with him. What he needs now is time. He has to catch up and see what monsters Ouyang Li and others have met as soon as possible, and then determine whether they should carry out a sneak attack or how to attack. Therefore, after knowing what he wanted to know, he decisively punched Zhang Feng. He fainted, and then put Zhang Feng in a conspicuous place, so that when Ma Wei and the others came over, they could see Zhang Feng at a glance. Behind Zhang Feng, he pasted a striking note saying that Zhang Feng was put down by him, and then asked Ma Wei and others to move forward as soon as possible. Of course, they should be as carefully as possible not to make any noise, because Ouyang The group is not far ahead.

After doing all this, Qin Yu used wind magic to rush forward.

However, at this time, the cry of those monsters came from about 200 meters away.

Can't Ouyang Li resist this group of monsters and then be chased back by them? If this is the case, the situation will not be second, because if Ouyang Li and others can't deal with these monsters, their situation must not be optimistic. If this is true, it would be better for them to work together. However, Ma Wei and others can't come so quickly at all. Qin Yu couldn't help sinking.

Warcraft is too powerful and then chases them to abandon their armor, which is not what he is happy to see.

I hope this is not the case, Qin Yu thought in his heart.

And thinking about this, he slightly accelerated the speed of progress. However, in order to prevent Ouyang Li and others from planting people behind him to explore the situation, Qin Yu tried to drill into the dense places of trees and bushes.

"Roar, Roar, Roar,"

Near, the roar of those warcrafts came more and more frequently. Just now Qin Yu only heard the high cry of a warcraft, but now he has heard the low roar of these monsters.

The voices of these monsters were mixed with anger and helplessness, which calmed Qin Yu a lot, because it means that the monsters did not have the upper hand and did not hear anyone calling or screaming. Qin Yu believed his judgment.

It seems to be only 100 meters away from the cry. Qin Yu, who had such a judgment, naturally slowed down his flight speed. Due to the speeding up just now, he did not carefully avoid the thorns on the branches and leaves of trees or shrubs, so that the skin of his face and hands was scratched small scars, but Naturally, he doesn't care about these subtle pains on his skin.

Although it was only 100 meters, Qin Yu still did not see the specific situation ahead due to the denseness of trees and bushes, but he faintly heard the voice of people in front of him.

Those voices are more or less mixed with such a trace of joy. Are they sure to defeat these monsters? Qin Yu, who thought so, naturally let go of the heart that had been hanging just now.

There is also a road in the woods, but this road is not a road to a large extent, because compared with other places, this "road" is just fewer trees, weeds, shrubs, etc., so it looks like forming a road in the woods.

Ouyang Li and others were right in front of this road. At this time, Qin Yu, in order not to let the other party leave behind, specially made a big bend to the left.

Because the distance is very close and flying in mid-air is not suitable for control, and it may make a sound that alarms the other party, Qin Yu has already descended from mid-air to the ground.

He groped carefully. Although he seemed to have stepped on the ground, in fact, he secretly used a little wind magic, which made his footsteps always a little bit away from the ground. Of course, he did this to avoid making a noise when he stepped on the ground. Although he would consume more mental strength, he naturally didn't care about this loss. If it were Ma Wei and others, they would not bear to waste their spiritual power in vain. Of course, even if they have magic crystals, they can't do anything like Qin Yu.

Qin Yu advanced another 100 meters. He shuttled through the woods like a ghost. Although he still made some noises sometimes, the sound was so small that others didn't think it was the sound made when people moved forward.

"Grandma, I'm coming to break again. I really don't know what Mr. Ouyang thinks. Are you afraid that Liu Changsheng and those people can't keep up? Maybe those people have been torn to pieces by the Warcraft. Hey, after the break, if they find something good, I'm afraid that when I go back, the things will have been separated.

At this moment, a person's voice came from a few meters to Qin Yu's right, which seemed to be very dissatisfied.

The sound came from a dense tree, and with Qin Yu's eyesight, he couldn't see a person hiding in it.

At present, Qin Yu couldn't help screaming for luck. If it hadn't been for the other party's voice, he really couldn't have found the other party. Of course, the probability that he could find it secretly in the past is also low. However, if Ma Wei and others kill a large number of people, they will definitely be found by the other party. At that time, they want to attack. The plan may be ruined.

The other party said with dissatisfaction, but this has nothing to do with Qin Yu. He is very happy now, because he found such a secret whistle by chance.

The matter was really similar to what he guessed. Ouyang Li and others really arranged people to explore in the back. If you make great progress just now, you will definitely be found by the people ambushed on both sides of the road. Sure enough, it's better to be careful, Qin Yu said in his heart.

Since it was just a secret whistle, he was killed directly so that Ma Wei and others could pass smoothly. Qin Yu thought in his heart, but just when he just wanted to sneak over and sneak up, he suddenly stopped again.

If there is also a secret whistle on the other side, if it can be seen between the two, I will expose the target in this way. Thinking of these, Qin Yu can't help calling it a fluke. Indeed, if the other party really has such a trick, he is bound to be exposed, and their efforts may be in vain at that time.

At present, Qin Yu no longer wanted to rush up to kill the other party, but carefully observed the situation around him.

After making sure that there was no secret whistle around the man, Qin Yu secretly touched the other side. Sure enough, he found another person in the same direction on the other side, and the place where the man was hiding was actually the opposite of the previous person. He actually hid under the root of a big tree.

This tree is so big that seven or eight people can't hold it. At the root of this tree, there is actually a natural concave hole, which is really difficult to be found. If Qin Yu hadn't looked from the same angle as the hidden whistle he had found before, he would not have been able to find the person hiding here.

Looking forward from the man's position, Qin Yu saw the magician hiding in the tree. If he hastily just now, he will definitely be found by the man hiding in the tree hole.

Grandma, in order to prevent us, he actually found such a place to hide, Qin Yu cursed in his heart. Fortunately, he found both secret whistles.

After being sure that there was no one around, Qin Yu planned to take action against him.

Compared with the danger when dealing with Zhang Feng just now, Qin Yu is much safer now, because now he is in the dark, but the other party who was originally in the dark turned to the bright place inexplicably. If the other party knew that they actually met such a perverted magician as Qin Yu, he would be angry that he would spit blood three liters.

The guy hiding in the tree hole seemed to be eating, and Qin Yu behind the other side could hear the slight sound of the other party chewing.

The other party also threw something that looked like melon shells from the tree hole from time to time. It was precisely because of this that Qin Yu found the person hiding in the tree hole. Otherwise, he really couldn't see that there was a hole here, and he didn't expect that there was someone in the hole.

Because the two can see each other, Qin Yu dares not go up blindly. If he really goes up like this, he believes that he can kill at most one person, and then the other person will soon find that his companion has disappeared inexplicably. Of course, they are more likely to find Qin Yu.

What should I do? Qin Yu turned his brain and thought about it.

It is impossible for the other party to pay attention to the other side all the time, so he will take advantage of one person's sight to move on the other person, but the problem comes, because Qin Yu can't guarantee that the other party will not move his eyes back when he does it himself, and he is not afraid of 10,000. Forget it, this method is not very good, not to mention that with such dense trees in the woods, he can't determine where the opposite person's eyes are placed at such a distance from the two sides.

What should I do? Is it possible to disguise green leaves so that people in the distance can't see that they are a person? This method is also dangerous, because if it is accidentally exposed, it is bound to make the plan fail.

Well, you can lure the other party out by striking east and west. Qin Yu suddenly remembered the method he had just thought of when dealing with Zhang Feng. At present, he couldn't help patting his head and scolding himself for being confused, wasting so much time in vain.

Actually, when Qin Yu changed so many thoughts in his heart, it was just a moment, and he didn't use much time at all.

However, this method also seems to have a difficult point, that is, whether it can attract the other party. If the movement is unlikely, it is impossible to attract the other party. If the movement is big, it may attract those people from Ouyang Li.

Qin Yu thought so because he seemed to be more and more excited to hear the shouts from Ouyang Li and those people. On the contrary, the voices of those monsters are getting weaker and weaker, which means that Ouyang Li can free up people to deal with other things.

If Qin Yu's movement is so quiet that the people in the tree hole think that he is a warcraft, so that he attracts those Ouyang Li who have time to deal with other things, then he will not be able to steal the chicken.

Regardless of him, try it first. Qin Yu made up his mind to use this method, because time is imminent. Ouyang Li's group of people seem to have the possibility to solve the battle at any time, and Ma Wei and others are almost here. If he can't solve these two troubles before then, their situation may become dangerous.

After sett down, Qin Yu picked up a stone on the ground and threw it under a big tree on his right.

The big tree is four or five meters away from the tree hole here.


After the stone hit the tree, there was a quiet sound.