armor demon

Chapter 154 Frightened Wu Tian

The sound of stones hitting the roots of the tree echoed gently in the empty woods. Although it was very light, it was clearly heard. Qin Yu believed that the people in the tree hole must be able to hear this strange sound.

However, to Qin Yu's surprise, after a long time, the person hiding in the tree hole did not react at all. Didn't he hear such a sound at all?

However, Qin Yu quickly denied his speculation, because he could conclude that the other party must have heard such a sound from the melon shells and other party no longer thrown. Maybe he was nervously listening to the situation outside the cave in the tree hole.

Qin Yu quickly calmed down and then quietly waited for the other party's possible reaction. He knew that the more anxious he was at this time, the more he could not solve the problem.

However, 30 seconds passed, and the other party still didn't respond.

Does the other party think that the sound just now was just an accident? Qin Yu can only guess like this. If this is the case, he will have to make a louder noise or find another way.

At this time, Qin Yu suddenly heard a slight sound that seemed to come not far ahead. Could it be that Ma Wei and others caught up? Qin Yu couldn't help changing his face. He understood that if he didn't get rid of these two dark whistles as soon as possible, the situation would be quite unfavorable to them. Naturally, the two people, who were not as sensitive as Qin Yu, could not hear such a slight voice at all.

It seemed that he could only take a dangerous move, and Qin Yu gritted his teeth.

In fact, the matter was not what Qin Yu guessed. The person in the cave who attracted attention was not disapproval. On the contrary, he reacted fiercely.

Wu Tian hid in the tree hole very nervously. His body kept shaking and his face was sweating from time to time. He obviously heard the abnormal and unnatural sound behind him. Is there any Warcraft coming to attack me?

Thinking like this, he completely forgot his main task. He listened attentively to the range within a radius of more than ten meters centered on his body. From the size of the sound just now, he could infer that the abnormal sound was in this area.

If it is really a Warcraft, a distance of more than ten meters is fatal for a magician like him, because if a real Warcraft attacks, he will have no time and space to react at all.

However, what makes him more nervous is that there has been no sound since the sound sounded. Is Warcraft gradually touching himself? Was the sound just made by it accidentally? He is even more nervous to think so.

Of course, he is not sure if there is a warcraft, it will be one or several, or simply a group.

Unlike the magician on the other side, he doesn't care much about whether he will get herbs if he is not with the army. Of course, it's not that he doesn't want those herbs, but that he knows that his own will eventually be his own, and it won't be his turn no matter how hard he fight for it. He accepted it happily when the task was sent down. He thought that he wanted to make a good impression on Ouyang, and then Ouyang Li would think of him when he distributed herbs.

Of course, another reason that makes him happy is that staying in the rear is obviously much safer than the front line, because the front line may be sent to fight, and there is no possibility of fighting in the rear. For what Wang Chao said that Liu Changsheng, who told them to pay attention, are obviously safer than those monsters, and, If they had caught up, they would have arrived long ago. It would have taken so long, and most of them who had not appeared for so long had been killed by Warcraft.

Wu Tian, who thought so much in his heart, lay leisurely in this tree hole and nibbled on melon seeds excitedly.

However, to his surprise, there was such a very abnormal sound in the place where he thought it was the least dangerous, and the sound made by Qin Yu instantly hit Wu Tian's heart like a Thunderbolt in the blue sky.

Of course, another reason why Wu Tian is so nervous is that he is relatively timid. Ordinary people would have come out to see what's going on. How could he hide in it like him for a long time and dare not breathe?

Wu Tian looked nervously behind him, but there was a dark tree hole behind him. How could he see anything? At this time, his eyes suddenly turned into perspective eyes, and then he could go through the tree hole to see all the movements around him clearly. After looking behind him, he had to turn his head uneasily and look at the tree hole.

A second of time passed, and Wu Tian still didn't hear anything. Was the sound just an accident? Thinking about this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At this time, the surroundings were so quiet that he could hear his heart beating sharply.


At this time, a voice much louder than before sounded, and the voice was much closer than before. It seemed that it was just a few steps behind him. Wu Tian became even more nervous, and his face continued to turn white, like a transparent white paper. Wu Tian could confirm that there was an abnormal change behind him, but he was timid and still stayed in the tree hole. At this time, he expected that the monsters that might exist behind him would not find his trace. But how did he know that he had been targeted by the prey behind him?

I didn't respond yet. Qin Yu couldn't help slandering in his heart.

In fact, he miscalculated one thing, that is, he can make a louder noise, because Wu Tian and others can't shout warning to Ouyang Li and others without really finding that it is really dangerous, because once it turns out that it is just their panic information, Ouyang Li will definitely let him Both of them are good-looking.

The gradually louder voice in front of him made Qin Yu know that he could not wait any longer, but he still did not give up and made the last test, and then expected that the other party could run out of the tree hole. He was sure that if the other party ran out, he would definitely pass the tree in front of him.

It was in such an emergency that Qin Yu gritted his teeth and once again determined to make a bigger move.



The sound sounded again, and this time there could not help but hear the sound of stones hitting the trees, and even the sound of branches breaking.

The sound sounded very close to Wu Tian. No, he could be sure that the sound sounded on the tree where he was, and the sudden sound hit Wu Tian's little heart again.

He could imagine a picture of a warcraft slowly climbing towards his place from the tree, but it accidentally made strange noises and even broke a tree.

It must have found itself, must! If he doesn't escape, the next moment, the warcraft will break through the tree hole and extend its claws to him. He knows that the tree hole can't withstand the attack of the powerful Warcraft.

With this in mind, Wu Tian quickly crawled out of the tree hole in a panic.

It is at this time that Ma Wei and others' voices are also continuing to get louder. If they don't solve these two problems in 30 seconds, the situation will really be a second. Qin Yu thought in his heart, but at this time, what pleased Qin Yu was that Ma Wei and others seemed to stop.

At the same time, the magician on the other side also seemed to hear something in front of him, just as he was about to investigate carefully...

"Wow, wow, wow," Wu Tianbian shouted at him on the other side with open hands.

Of course, because it was not sure whether he met Warcraft or not, Wu Tian's voice was not very loud, but his voice and movements were clearly captured by the magician on the other side.

It was Wu Tian's second move that made the magician not pay attention to the direction of Ma Wei's group of people. Otherwise, if he looked closely, he would definitely find that a group of people were coming in their direction.

Why did he look so frightened? The magician looked at Wu Tian very surprised. However, he did not dare to blindly warn Ouyang Li and others without determining whether there was any danger or not. He could understand Ouyang Li's character very well. He knew how he would be treated by Ouyang Li if he gave a warning. In case, he may not be given a share of herbs, and in some cases, he may be sent back directly. Home.

But looking at Wu Tian's appearance, he still used wind magic and ran in the direction of Wu Tian.

Ouyang Li doesn't know how much trouble his arbitrariness will cause him.

The frightened Wu Tian ran in the direction of the magician, and in the process, a small tree happened to stand between him and the magician.

Wu Tian ran and turned around. Although he did not find any movement in the previous tree at this moment, he had been afraid of how dared to walk back. Now he only wants to meet the people on the other side so that he can feel safe, and what makes him happy is that he can hear his own people flying towards him. The sound. Wu Tian thought that if two people work together to deal with the warcraft, even if they are defeated, they can save their lives.

However, when he was full of hope, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from the back of his head, when he just ran to the tree.

What's the situation? When there was such a strong wind in the woods, he turned his head doubtfully. However, as soon as his head turned so a small circle, he felt something hit the back of his head, and then he fainted and was completely unconscious.

What's going on? Why did Wu Tian completely move after passing the tree? The magician was a little puzzled. Was he scared to faint? He didn't see any Warcraft attacking Wu Tian, so he could only think so.

is really weak. Nine times out of ten, he was scared by himself. It's really unlucky to let me come out with such a person. The magician couldn't help slandering in his heart. He could not understand Wu Tian's character anymore.

Thinking so in his heart, he accelerated his speed and flew in the direction of Wu Tian.

After easily solving one person, there was only one person left, and what excited Qin Yu was that the other party flew straight in this direction and didn't need him to look for it himself, which saved a lot of time.

Judging from the fact that the other party did not hide his voice, the other party did not find that he was in danger at all.

Very good. What he has to do is very simple, just quietly waiting for the rabbit, waiting for the other party to fall into the trap. Qin Yu clenched his fist, and the put away fist on the boxing ring faintly emitted golden light.