armor demon

Chapter 157 Formation of Encirclement

Qin Yu motioned everyone not to panic, but he slowly touched in the direction of Huang Ying and others. At this time, he was in the left front of Huang Ying and the others.

Looking at Qin Yu's movements, everyone's nervous heart was relieved.

Qin Yu also doesn't know what to do. The reason why he went in the direction of Huang Ying is just to prevent Huang Ying from encountering something unexpected, and it is impossible to prevent them from being discovered by Wang Chao and others.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Chao had raised his foot and took two steps forward. At this time, Ouyang Li said, "Wang Chao, don't go there. Wu Tian and others are standing guard behind. No one should be able to pass this distance without being discovered by them. At most, it's just some kind of warcraft hiding in it."

Hearing Ouyang Li say this, everyone's hanging hearts were relieved. It seems that Ouyang Li believes too much in Wu Tian's two. Of course, the most fundamental reason is that Zhang Shaobai is really too perverted.

"What should I do?" Wang Chao stopped and said doubtfully.

"Just use Lian*. There is no need to go there. How dangerous it is." Ouyang is full of confidence.

"Oh, I understand. If the monsters are in it, the arrows shot will inevitably cause them to panic and then appear. Mr. Ouyang is still smart." Wang Chao suddenly realized.

After saying that, he took the link* in his hand from the magician who was close to his edge of the ten magicians behind him, and then looked at the place where the previous sound was made.

It's not good. Looking at the arrow that will shoot out at any time, everyone can't help but be shocked. If the arrow really shoots, it will hurt Huang Ying and others. No, there is even the possibility of losing their lives. They can clearly see that Huang Ying and Li Daring are still quietly in place, for fear that Ouyang Li and others will find that they have not moved their feet to hide behind the trees, that is to say, there is no obstacle in the straight line between them and Wang Chao that can block the arrows.

Qin Yu, who groped for the two, also heard the conversation between Wang Chao and others. He saw that Huang Ying and Li Daring had maintained their posture at all and did not know that they were about to face danger. The most dangerous thing was Li Daring was standing and in front of Huang Ying. If the arrow came, he would shoot first. He is in the middle, and Huang Ying, because she is half lying, is much less dangerous than Li Daring.

At this time, when Qin Yu had time to warn Huang Ying, Wang Chao's arrows had been shot at them, and Qin Yu's straight line between them was only half a meter away.

"Wo, W"

The arrow rubbed against the air to make such a sound.

Qin Yu's pupil, who looked back, contracted sharply. If he followed the direction of the arrow, he could be sure that the next moment the arrow would hit Li Bold. At that time, not only would Li Bold be hurt, but also they would be exposed to the other's eyes.

Listening to such a sound, everyone was also shocked. At this time, they could only expect a miracle to happen. Their eyes were all focused on Qin Yu. They knew that if a miracle really happened, it was also created by that person.

No, we must not let the arrow shoot like this. We must change its direction. In an instant, such an idea flashed in Qin Yu's mind.

It's just that it seems difficult to change the direction of the arrow at such a fast speed.

In this instant, everyone suddenly saw Zhang Shaobai raise a stone, a strange-shaped big stone, a stone the size of two washbasins, and then he raised such a big stone across his waist, and in the process, he suddenly took two gentle steps to his right.

His movements were extremely fast, without dragging at all, as if lifting such a big stone without any effort.

However, looking at this stone, everyone can clearly see that this is a real big stone. Even two men can't lift such a big stone so easily.

This power, this reaction, this action, this action, is really incredible, and what's more difficult is that Zhang Shaobai took two big steps after holding such a heavy stone without making any sound. Even those soldiers of the same level could not do this. Everyone was petrified on the spot, and they all opened up. He opened his eyes and opened his mouth with an unbelievable look.

After Qin Yu finished this series of actions, there was a crisp sound of "bang" in the woods, which was the sound of arrows hitting the stone hair in Qin Yu's hand.

My God, he actually blocked the arrow in front of him like this. Doesn't he know that he will die if he deviates a little? This is too bold. It's really bold. Listening to the crisp sound and looking at the arrow that fell down after the sound, everyone couldn't help sighing in their hearts. When they thought that Zhang Shaobai took such a big risk to save his companions, they were very relieved.

Qin Yu was also a little stunned. He didn't expect that he could complete such a difficult move. For him, it was not difficult to pick up such a stone, but the difficult thing was that the time was very short, and he not only had to hold the stone to block the arrow in such a short time, but also to avoid sending any Sound, so he had to use wind magic.

What he didn't expect was that he succeeded. If he was asked to do it again, he firmly believed that he would never do it. You should know that he held such a heavy thing in the process of using wind magic just now. Usually, he just changed the direction when using wind magic, or did some warrior movements with daggers and fists. How can he lift weights like now?

In order to maintain his balance when flying, the magician should not do anything else, not to mention holding such a heavy thing. However, Qin Yu did it. If Mondeli knew that there was such a monster in the world than the magician on the mainland, he might not be shocked on the spot.

Of course, Qin Yu knew that the reason why he could do such an incredible thing at that moment was because of the hundred-step sweat play. At that moment, he could feel that the spiritual power in his body had been mobilized, and then his potential was completely stimulated, and then he didn't even feel himself. Somethingthinkable.

Can a hundred-step sweat play stimulate your potential in a critical situation? Such a question flashed in Qin Yu's mind. It was at this time that he suddenly found that his mind was empty, and his mental strength just now was consumed at this moment.

What's going on? Qin Yu couldn't help thinking that he had encountered such a problem when he controlled the armor.

Like manipulating armor, can Baibu Khan Opera improve his strength at the cost of consuming mental energy? Qin Yu felt that only such a reason could make a deal.

Listening to the sudden sound of metal hitting the stone, and then looking at Qin Yu, who was not a few meters away, Li Daring finally knew what had happened. At present, he couldn't help sweating coldly. He knew that if it hadn't been for Zhang Shaobai in front of him, he would have been seriously injured. With lingering heart, he couldn't help but soften his body and sit on the ground.

"Why are there stones in front of you? His grandma's. Wang Chao frowned and then scolded.

After scolding, he had to aim at the previous place in a different direction.

At this time, Qin Yu had already put down the stone in his hand, and then commanded Li Daring and Huang Ying to hide behind the big tree beside them.

Li Daring also woke up, and then quickly hid behind the big tree. Just as they had just dodged, two arrows shot one after another and nailed them fiercely to the trunk and roots of the place where they had just stayed.

Looking at the arrow that was still trembling at the tail, the two couldn't help but have a lingering heart.

And after that, three arrows were shot, as if Wang Chao and others were worried.

"It seems that it was just a dead branch of a tree that broke by itself." Looking at the still no movement in front, Wang Chao said.

Looking at this situation, the five of them turned their heads and looked at the monsters behind them. There were only three of the original seven or eight monsters left.

"Haha, Mr. Ouyang, we will be on our way again soon." Looking at the faltering appearance of those monsters, Han laughed.

"Han Fang, how far are we from the next intersection?" Ouyang Li asked.

"Well, if the map is correct, we are only 500 meters away from the next intersection. There is also good news that we will get another batch of herbs. Han Fang replied.

Hearing Han Fang say this, Ouyang Li and others couldn't help but shine.

"It seems that those people have already died. Mr. Ouyang, can we call them back?" Wang Chao said in a low voice in Ouyang's ear.

Listening to Wang Chao mention Zhang Shaobai's group of people, Ouyang Li's arrogant face couldn't help flashing a trace of coldness. He said, hum, fight with me, this is your end.

"Ye, when you finish killing these monsters, call them back."

However, how did he know that Wu Tian had already been solved.

Seeing that the crisis finally digested into invisible, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

With the help of Qin Yu, Li Daring and the two quickly stood in their own positions.

An encirclement has been formed, and at this time, the ten magicians with Lian* in their hands are still entangled with the monsters, and Ouyang Li and others did not pay attention to the back.

Everyone held their breath. This is definitely a golden opportunity. If such an opportunity is missed, they will never find the same opportunity again. The spiritual power in their veins is already ready to move, and they only have one waiting now, that is, Zhang Shaobai's order to attack.