armor demon

Chapter 165 Counterattack Begins

"Han Fang, why aren't you interested in the conditions I just said?" Ouyang Li suddenly remembered that Han Fang had not accepted such a good condition as he offered, which was a little strange now.

"Oh, is that account manager? I just don't think I dare to be rewarded without merit. Who wouldn't like such a good condition? Han Fang said lightly.

"That's good. As long as you can help me get the initiative back, I will definitely let you sit in this position." Ouyang Li patted his chest.

"Then thank you, Mr. Ouyang." Han Fang replied, but a trace of ridicule flashed in his eyes that no one could notice.

"Just, when can you implement your plan?" Ouyang Li asked, but he was so anxious that he couldn't beat Zhang Shaobai to the ground and let them beg him for mercy.

"Well, probably before the last floor?" Han Fangdao.

The last floor? So how far are we from the last floor? Ouyang Li asked.

"It's not far. We'll be there in three more caves."

"Haha, that's good. Before that, let these people be proud first. At that time, I will bring back what belongs to me with my own interests. After saying that, a fierce look suddenly appeared on Ouyang Li's face.

Shortly after Ouyang Li raised this question, Ma Wei also raised this question to Han Fang, and Han Fang's answer was actually the same as Ouyang Li's answer. It seemed that he did not want to play any tricks on this. Of course, under Ma Wei's close eye, Ma Wei always triggered a magic organ. It's useless for him to lie while he is by his side.

Because of this, Ma Wei and others are not worried that Han Fang will lie. Of course, they don't believe all what Han Fang said. They just want to grasp a general situation.

Due to the tacit cooperation of everyone, in the process of entering the three caves, they still easily killed the monsters, and no one was injured. They also got more than 30 herbs, and when distributing the herbs, Ma Wei and others still distributed them according to the promise of more work, which also made everyone's enthusiasm unprecedentedly high, and they all rushed to the front.

Touching the herbs in their space ring, they are all very excited. They have completely forgotten Ouyang Li. Of course, they also have a trace of regret, that is, why didn't Zhang Shaobai kill them out earlier? In this way, in the previous process, they can get more herbs. .

Wang Chao was also in a good mood. After being divided into a herb, under the huge benefit **, he actually forgot what he had said to Ouyang Li before, but continued to apply to join the leading ranks.

Of course, Ouyang Li thought that Wang Chao was absolutely intentional. He thought that Wang Chao absolutely remembered that sentence, but under such circumstances, Wang Chao still did not come back after taking a herb. What can he do?

However, Ouyang Li did not have any angry expression. He just looked coldly at these people's happy appearance, as if he were an outsider, as if these herbs had no ** power to him at all. However, no one knows, but he keeps humming in his heart. Humph, let you show off. Anyway, you won't have to show off for long. As long as Han Fang implements his plan, I will definitely bring all the herbs in your hands.

The reason why Ouyang Li is so relieved to Han Fang is that Han Fang holds a map of the real demon realm. He is familiar with every organ of the real demon realm and knows what kind of threat there will be in the real demon realm. He believes that as long as Han Fang wants to deal with them, he will definitely have a way.

After divided the herbs of the third cave, everyone continued to walk forward. Soon, they walked to the end of the cave and looked at the stone door at the end. They were all excited, because according to Han Fang, after crossing this door, they would enter the last layer of the real demon world.

The last layer of the real demon realm will have spiritual herbs. In addition to spiritual herbs, there will be more ground-level or heavenly herbs. Thinking of what Han Fang said, people naturally can't stand their inner excitement.

Spirit-level herbs, this is the legendary herb. Each spiritual herb is valuable. Some people howl in their hearts, and they don't care whether they have a chance to get such herbs. Well, in their hearts, perhaps seeing such herbs with their own eyes is to eliminate the regret in their hearts. Realize the dream in my heart.

Well, this stone gate is a little strange. After seeing this stone gate, such an idea flashed in everyone's mind.

This stone gate is bigger than any stone door they saw before, and unlike the roughness of the stone gate in front of it, the whole body of this stone gate is extremely smooth. Although it is all black, the students near it were surprised to find that the stone gate actually reflected them like a mirror, and, It's still very clear.

Those female students have a deep understanding of this. Oh, my God, it is so clear that they can illuminate the small spots covered by foundation on their skin. They are amazed in their hearts. They really didn't expect that this dark stone door had an effect that could not be reflected in ordinary mirrors. It would be great if they could carry this door home. In the dangerous real world, such an idea flashed in their hearts.

At the bottom of the stone gate, there is a picture engraved. Everyone quickly saw that it was a river. The painting was very realistic. Originally, it was just a painting, but the river in the painting actually seemed to be flowing.

Everyone didn't believe the illusion, but after they rubbed their eyes hard, they still saw such a lifelike picture that seemed to come alive at any time.

It's really weird!

There are countless sunflower-sized things floating on the river. Those things do not blend with the water. They are floating on the water as a whole. If this is not a painting, but in reality, people believe that people standing on the river can't see a river in front of him at all, because those There are so many things that the whole river has been covered, and what everyone sees is a section, so they can clearly see the water flowing.

What are these things? Everyone is thinking so in their hearts.

"It's fire, definitely fire." Some people screamed.

One word woke up the dreamer. Listening to the man's words, everyone also exclaimed, "Yes, it's absolutely fire."

Of course, everyone saw at first glance that the shape of these things was very much like a fire, but if it was a fire, there were too many fires. People did not believe that there would be so many fire on the river unless the river was oil, they said in their hearts. Moreover, according to the proportion of the figure, these fires are too big, and there is a small gap between them, as if they do not blend together.

It is also because of these two points that make people feel that they are not fireballs at all. However, the man's scream made them have to associate these things with the fireball. At present, the more they looked at it, the more they felt like the fireball. They quickly agreed that these things were fireballs.

"From such a picture, you can see how wonderful the situation we will face later." Han Fang's words sounded in the crowd.

Listening to Han Fang's words, everyone's eyes are shining brightly. Indeed, such a strange painting, such a stone door that is very different from other places, all shows how different the stone gate will be.

"I'm also eager to know what kind of place will be next, but before that, we have to open this stone door first." Han Fang continued to say.

"Is this stone door difficult to open?" Someone asked in surprise. Indeed, Han Fang was so cautious that most people had to think about it.

"Isn't it difficult, but it requires the two most powerful water magicians to cooperate with me, and it will take at least ten minutes."

The two most powerful water magicians? Listening to Han Fang's words, everyone's eyes swept towards Qin Yu and Su Ruyue, because the previous battle to annihilate flocks of bats had proved that they were the most powerful water magicians.

Although Han Fang didn't name this sentence, it was undoubtedly towards Zhang Shaobai. At present, Liu Changsheng couldn't help but be a little worried and said, "Shaobai, will he play any tricks? Will it take ten minutes? I suspect that he is deliberately trying to consume your magic and then take the opportunity to attack you. Indeed, it has never taken so long for Han Fang to be in the previous few places.

"I don't believe what he can do to me. Besides, I also want to see what he wants to do?" Qin Yu raised the corners of his mouth and showed a confident smile. He had always been curious about Han Fang's purpose. If there was such an opportunity for Han Fang to show his fox tail, he would naturally not hesitate to devote himself to it. Of course, the reason why he is full of confidence is that he has skills comparable to that of warriors, so he does not worry about what threat Han Fang can pose to him when their magic is depleted or exhausted in ten minutes.

"Then why use the water magician? Isn't it all fire?" While Qin Yu was whispering, someone asked loudly.

"This student, can you change your mind? This door is completely different from the door we just entered the real magic world. The moral of this door is that we can extinguish the fire above with water magic, so that we can trigger the magic mechanism on this door to achieve the purpose of opening the stone door. And the large number of fireballs in the painting is also the reason why the most powerful water magicians have used water magic for so long. Han Fang explained.

It turned out to be like this. Everyone couldn't help nodding and suddenly realized something.

"It's so eye-catching, it seems to be true. But Shaobai, you have to be careful." Since Han Fang, the only one who knew these organs, had been mentioned and said it with reason, Liu Changsheng knew that Zhang Shaobai had to go up, so he had to remind him.

"You don't have to worry about long life." After saying that, Qin Yu stepped out of the crowd and walked forward.

At the same time, Su Ruyue also came out of the crowd. The two did not need to name Han Fang at all, but walked out at the same time.

Looking at the two's consistent movements, Ouyang immediately became jealous again, and his eyes stared at Qin Yu fiercely.

Although Su Ruyue's face was frosty, her heart pounded excitedly. She didn't expect to have such an opportunity to contact Qin Yu. Of course, there was no physical contact, but the proximity of the distance had made her excited. Since the reunion with Qin Yu, Su Ruyue has been very worried about whether Qin Yu will have a heart for her because she has been standing in the camp of Ouyang. However, because of some things, she has to keep her choice, which makes her very helpless.

I hope Brother Qin Yu will not be unhappy because he is standing in his hostile camp, Su Ruyue thought uneasily.

"Ouyang, my counterattack is about to begin."

Just as Qin Yu and Su Ruyue came towards him, Han put Ouyang Li and whispered. Although his voice was small, his tone was firm, revealing a momentum of others, as if everything had been mastered by him. At this moment, he is not the original Han Fang who bowed his head and bowed his waist.

Listening to Han Fang's words, Ouyang Li immediately became happy, but in addition to happiness, he was a little surprised to look at the guy in front of him who suddenly looked like a person.

His dark and murderous eyes made Ouyang Li's heart jump. Is this guy Han Fang?