armor demon

Chapter 168 Retarded Strategies

Of course, the reason why Han Fang wants to kill Qin Yu immediately is that magic power is not like ordinary magic. As long as the spiritual power still exists, it can be used. Magic power can only be effective for a certain period of time. That is to say, when this period of time passes, the magic power will disappear, and after the magic power disappears, magic power will be used. People will suffer a certain counterattack of magic skills, and they can only continue to perform magic skills after their energy recovers.

Generally speaking, these two times also vary from person to person. For example, for a mentally weak person like Han Fang, the time to maintain magic power is naturally very short, about a few hours, and his energy recovery time is also relatively long, at least he needs to rest for half a month to recover to the original qi and blood. It can be seen that magic power is very harmful to people.

Therefore, Han Fang naturally wanted to kill Qin Yu on the spot. He didn't want Han Fang to suddenly kill him when he passed through this big magic array a few hours later. At that time, he was not Qin Yu's opponent when the magic skill disappeared. Of course, in his mind, Qin Yu's chance of getting out of the magic array is very slim, but just in case, he thinks it's better to be cautious.

Is it that you are so helpless? No, I must find a way. Grandpa's image requires me to crack it. I can't be buried in this mysterious magical boundary. Looking at the dark sleeve arrow, such a strong hope for survival flashed in Qin Yu's heart, and the fear in his heart faded in an instant.

It is not his style to be helpless and lose resistance in dangerous situations.

What should I do? Let's delay him first. Maybe the magic exerted on them after delaying him will suddenly disappear. Such an idea flashed in Qin Yu's mind. Naturally, he hopes that there will be a miracle after delaying Han Fang. As for whether he can drag time back, he has to try first. If he doesn't try, how can he know if he can succeed? .

At present, Qin Yu said to Han Fang, "Han Fang, in fact, you are not Han Fang. I am very interested in your real identity. Of course, I am also very interested in how you can hide your identity like this." From his observation of Han Fang just now, he can see that Han Fang is a relatively conceited person. Just like Ouyang Li, the difference is that Ouyang Li's conceit and arrogance have long been shattered by Qin Yu**. And usually such a conceited person is happy to be talked about what he is better than others.

Sure enough, after hearing what Qin Yu said, Han Fang actually put down his raised right hand, and then put his hands behind him. Then, he walked leisurely in front of Qin Yu and Su Ruyue and said with some surprise as he walked, "You can actually see my disguise, which really makes me I was shocked." After a pause, he said proudly, "Let me tell you, this is a kind of transfigurement technique, but this kind of transfigurement technique is many times more than those rough transfigurement techniques on the mainland. In fact, because the time is too short, I just mastered such a trace of fur. If you give me some time, how can you see that I am easy to pass?

After saying that, he pulled his face casually and only heard a "hist" sound, and a thin paper-like skin was torn off his face by him.

Indeed, as he thought before, looking at the thin skin, Qin Yu said in his heart.

Ouyang Li also couldn't believe this scene. He didn't expect that there would be such a realistic transfigurement on the mainland. If it hadn't been for Zhang Shaobai's exposure, he wouldn't have known that Han Fang was actually a fake. At present, he was also very curious about the identity of this fake Han Fang. He really wanted to know what it was. Only people with such identities have such strange and valuable magic and transfigurement. From time to time, the power behind him is stronger than that in his family?

Pinched the skin in his hand, and Han Fang smiled self-deprecatingly, "Oh, I forgot that since no one outside can see it, why am I still wearing this stuff?"

"You won't do anything to the people outside, will you?" Qin Yu was a little worried.

"Don't worry, they are much better than you. They just encountered a cave earthquake. The situation is not as bad as you." Han Fang said casually.

"Earthquake in the cave?" Qin Yu screamed. He knew that if there was an earthquake in such a narrow cave, Ma Wei and the others would have no way to live.

"As long as they can escape from the cave before it is completely destroyed, they still have the possibility of scaping. So, you'd better worry about yourself. Compared with them, you have no way to live at all. The corners of Han Fang's mouth raised gently, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face. "However, as for my identity, you won't know me, because our family has long been erased from the history of Monte Lepian continent." After saying that, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"How about letting me go, Mr. Han? Our Ouyang family can give you what you want, including glory, wealth, and even rights. As long as we can tolerate it, I will let my father give it to you, okay?" At this time, Ouyang Li's loud begging suddenly came from Qin Yu's ears.

Ouyang Li didn't know whether he could hear Han Fang's words, but he still shouted for his life, but the final result still made him happy.

What, Ouyang Li is also here. Hearing Ouyang Li's voice, Qin Yu couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Ouyang, to tell you the truth, I'm really not interested in your Ouyang family." Han Fang looked at Ouyang Li coldly and said.

"No, our Ouyang family is second only to the Liu family in Pasta City. Why don't you dare to be interested?" Han Fang still begged that his life was critical, and he didn't want to give up so easily.

"I can consider the power of the whole Ouyang family, but I really don't see the small profits you can pay." Han Fang threw out words that made Ouyang Li cool all over.

"There must be something you are interested in, Mr. Han." Ouyang Li still doesn't give up.

Han Fang took a look at Ouyang Li and said, "Ouyang, to be honest, anyone who enters this magic array must go out with his own strength, even if I, the person who triggered the array."

"What, don't you have a way to crack this magic array?" Ouyang Li couldn't help panicking. From Ouyang Li's words just now, he knew how terrible this magic array was. Although he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he didn't think Han Fang would joke.

"I'm sorry, no."

Han Fang's words completely made Ouyang Li despair. At this moment, he couldn't help cursing fiercely, "Fight you..."

Han Fang's face suddenly became cold. He said coldly, "Ouyang Li, although I'm more self-restrained, I don't like people to scold me, especially people like you. If you scold me again, I don't mind wasting a sleeve arrow. Of course, if using magic here would not make this magic array more violent, I would not hesitate to use a magic to make a big hole in you.

Han Fang's words were like an iceberg floating beside Ouyang, making him tremble with fear and immediately shut up.

A look of disappointment appeared on Qin Yu's face. During the period of delaying Han Fang, he had been silently running his magic and always hoped that his hands and feet could move. However, no matter how hard he tried, it was still useless. At present, he had no choice but to turn his eyes to Su Ruyue. Up.

His eyes moved up from Su Ruyue's chest, and then fixed it on Su Ruyue's face. Then, Qin Yu was a little surprised, because he found that Su Ruyue was actually closing her eyes and her lips were shaking silently, as if she was meditating something.

In such a situation, she still concentrates so much on chanting magic spells. Did she find spells that can break the magic bound to them? Qin Yu was excited. He thought that Su Ruyue was definitely not so boring and could recite spells that were useless in critical situations.

But judging from Su Ruyue's appearance, the spell doesn't seem to have worked yet. No, I have to continue to delay Han Fang.

Just as Qin Yu had such an idea, Han Fang turned his eyes from Ouyang Li to Qin Yu. Then, he actually raised his right hand again, and the cold Lian* turned to Qin Yu again.

"Zhang Shaobai, you already know what you should know, then you can also close your eyes." Han Fang said without any emotion.

"Han Fang, how about we make a deal?" The situation was critical, and Qin Yu knew that if he talked nonsense with the other party again, the other party would never be in the mood. Therefore, he threw out such a bait. He knew that Han Fang would definitely be curious about the deal he was talking about.

"Trade, what kind of transaction can you make me move?" Han Fang doesn't believe that this guy who hasn't reached the third level of mental strength can do anything. However, despite what he said, he stopped.

"Did you know that there is a magic spell that allows a magician to control armor without the need for a soul stone?" In a hurry, Qin Yu actually told his biggest secret. Naturally, he wanted to make the other party moved as soon as possible.

Listening to Qin Yu's words, Ouyang Li and Han Fang's eyes widened. They didn't expect Zhang Shaobai to speak so amazingly.