armor demon

Chapter 173 Palace in the Woods

The sun continued to rise and set, while Qin Yu still carried Su Ruyue on his back step by step in the endless desert. At first, he could still remember the number of times the sun rose and fall in his heart in order to calculate the time. However, later, after finding that the number of solar rises and falls seemed to have nothing to do with time, the number of rises and falls It gradually blurred in his mind.

Does the rise and fall of the sun really have nothing to do with time? The reason why Qin Yu has such a doubt is because of Su Ruyue's situation. If the sun rises and falls for a day, ten days and a half of this time have passed. In this way, Su Ruyue has long been out of breath, but Qin Yu found that Su Ruyue is just a little worse than the original situation, which shows that although they seem to have spent a long time in the desert, the time is actually just a short period of time.

Of course, all this is Qin Yu's guess.

However, no matter what, Qin Yu felt that if it hadn't been for his strong desire, he might have given up long ago.

The front still seems to be endless. When will it be the end? Qin Yu, who raised his drowsy head and looked at the distance, was thinking in his heart.

As long as you still have a breath, you have to stick to the end. This is what Qin Yu has been saying to himself during this period.

Well, why is there such a little green in front of him? Qin Yu, who suspected that he was dazzled, quickly shook his head to wake himself up, and then stared at that place.

Really, it's really green, is it an oasis? Qin Yu, who thought so, suddenly became excited. They haven't encountered the oasis for a long time. Although the oasis can't change their predicament, it will undoubtedly give him a rest so that they can accumulate strength to move forward again.

There is a plant similar to cactus in the oasis. After removing the thorns on its body and peeling it off its skin, Qin Yu finds that its taste is particularly comfortable, and the originally drowsy head will also become very clear after eating. Not only that, it also has the effect of increasing physical strength. Qin Yu did not know that this plant could be eaten. He tried to swallow this plant under extreme fatigue, but what he didn't expect was that it had such an effect. Qin Yu even tried to drop a few drops of it into Su Ruyue's mouth, and then he was surprised to find that Su Ruyue's originally pale face had returned to a trace of blood color.

Unfortunately, there are too few such plants in the oasis. There is usually only one such plant in each oasis, and they grow very small, only the size of a palm. After discovering that it was good for Su Ruyue, Qin Yu was no longer willing to eat it by himself, but fed all the juice of the found plant to Su Ruyue. And the remaining meat dregs after removing the juice have no value at all.

The oasis does not seem to be too far from Qin Yu, which seems to be only 100 meters away, but Qin Yu knows that in places like the desert, things that look very close are actually many times farther than the distance seen.

Sure enough, after Qin Yu walked 500 meters, he gradually approached the green place.

However, in the process of moving forward, Qin Yu was a little happy to find that this oasis seemed to be bigger than before.

It's approaching, the green in front of us is getting bigger and bigger. No, it's not an oasis, it's just a forest. Has it passed through the desert? Qin Yu was overjoyed.

However, this is just his guess, because compared with this forest, he is so small that he can't know how big the forest is and whether there is a desert after passing through this forest.

However, such an idea was immediately abandoned by him. For him, who was tired and scorched by the sun, it was the most important thing for him to enter the woods.

The woods are full of towering trees. These big trees cover the sun tightly. As soon as he enters the woods, Qin Yu feels cool. The sun that always rests on his head is finally invisible. He has never liked the woods as much as he does now.

After carefully putting Su Ruyue on the grass, Qin Yu sat next to Su Ruyue.

At this time, Su Ruyue's face was full of yellow sand and looked like a native like Qin Yu, but these yellow sand still could not hide her beauty.

Qin Yu took out the towel in her space ring and wiped the yellow sand on her face. At this moment, Qin Yu suddenly felt that he owed her too much. If it hadn't been for her, he might not have been able to live until now.

If she can survive this time, then she must live a better life than herself in the future. Such an idea flashed in Qin Yu's mind.

Those cactus-like plants are just suspending Su Ruyue's injury. In addition, they are not very effective. Looking at Su Ruyue's pale face and his lips, which seemed to be a little dry, Qin Yu's heart became heavy again. The situation is not optimistic. Although they have temporarily avoided the desert, there is no obvious illusion change, which shows that they are still in the big magic array. If they want to get out of the big magic array, they must continue to move forward.

Qin Yu, who had only sat for half a while, continued to carry Su Ruyue on his back after recovering a little strength.

There is no sound in the woods except for the sound of the wind blowing trees, which is a good thing for Qin Yu. He doesn't want to meet any warcraft in the woods. If a warcraft appears, he can only be slaughtered by warcraft according to his current state.

There is actually a huge palace in front of him. Not long after walking forward, Qin Yu saw such a place.

The palace was shining, and the whole width seemed to be wide across the whole forest, and its length, after observing in the air, found that it was two or three kilometers away. All this made Qin Yu stunned. He did not expect that there would be such a palace in such a forest. And the whole palace was quiet, and there was no sound except for the breeze blowing from time to time.

There is no handwriting or pattern on the palace, and there is nothing but the smooth stone wall. The only thing that makes Qin Yu speechless is that he can see himself on the smooth stone wall.

Such a palace lies in front of the two of them, and it seems that they have to walk into the palace if they want to pass through here. However, Qin Yu does not believe that such a palace will be as calm as it looks. If Qin Yu has a choice, he will definitely fly over the palace.

However, Qin Yu's idea is of course just an extravagant hope, because it is impossible for him to pass over the palace with Su Ruyue at this time. His only way is to walk into the palace and then walk out of the palace.

He gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth. Qin Yu walked into the palace. The main entrance of the palace was a very large hall. However, although the hall was large, it was too quiet, so quiet that the gentle footsteps of Qin Yu walking on it could also resound throughout the hall.

Qin Yu looked around without blinking. He maintained full vigilance. He didn't want to accidentally fall in this palace.

However, everything was still calm. In the process of passing through the palace, Qin Yu did not encounter anything at all. The only thing he knew was that his shoes made a sound that resounded throughout the hall when they stepped on the golden floor of the hall.

After crossing the hall and walking through the corridor, Qin Yu was shocked again, because there were rows of rooms in front of him. Each room was the same size, the materials were the same, and the walls of these rooms were also smooth enough to show his shadow, and there would be between each room. A small passage. The only difference between them is their location. In addition, Qin Yu can't find any difference.

After carefully walking through the first row, Qin Yu found that there was another row of identical rooms inside. The passages in these rooms were not connected to the end, because after each passage, there would be a room right in front. That is to say, Qin Yu could not see the situation in front of him from the passage at all, because there happened to be a room blocking his sight.

Qin Yu, who was very surprised, still walked forward carefully, but the situation was still similar.

Is there countless rows of rooms behind this hall? If only there was no top of this palace, then he could have a panoramic view of everything in front of him. Qin Yu was a little helpless.

What reunited him was that there was nothing in the palace except these strange rows of rooms.

If it's all like this, there's nothing to be afraid of, Qin Yu said in his heart.

At present, he walked forward with Su Ruyue on his back. He still maintained enough vigilance as he moved forward. Of course, in addition to vigilance, he still pays close attention to his walking path. He knows that if he is not careful, he will definitely get lost in these rooms. Feeling unsafe, he even marked every passing room. Of course, all he did was just to prepare for a rainy day, because although the rooms in front of him were surprisingly consistent, there seemed to be no sign that this was a maze, because Qin Yu died and did not believe in such a magnificent palace. The hall is only used as a maze.

It doesn't seem to take long to walk two or three kilometers. However, the more Qin Yu walked, the more shocked he was, because after walking for such a long time, there were still rows of rooms in front of him.

Are you going in the wrong direction? Qin Yu took out the direction plate in the space ring, but the subsequent fact was that his direction was correct.

Since the direction is right, why can't you go out? Qin Yu frowned. Facing these identical rooms, he felt powerless.

All this shows that he has entered a maze.

Such a big palace was just to set up a maze, and saw a bitter smile on the corners of Qin Yu's mouth, which was different from his previous guess.

When he couldn't move forward, Qin Yu simply sat on the ground and rested. Of course, his brain was still thinking about a solution to the problem.

However, Qin Yu seems to have no choice about the maze. Although he also played those maze games when he was a child, those mazes are simply pediatrics compared with the giant in front of him.