armor demon

Chapter 175 Mysterious Wonderland

This Golden Gate is closely connected to the channel next to it, and the gap between them is so small that it can't be seen at all. Even if Qin Yu is more powerful than ordinary magicians, they can't see the clues. If it weren't for the handle on the Golden Gate, if the overall color of the Golden Gate is not a little brighter than the channel, Qin Yu was not sure that this was a door.

However, when Qin Yu pulled the door with his strength, he found helplessly that the door was motionless, as if it was really embedded in the passage. However, Qin Yu did not give up. He felt that the door with a door handle could definitely be opened. What's more, the little guy's performance shows that this channel will continue to extend.

However, no matter how hard Qin Yu tried later, he found that the door still could not be opened.

Does this door need magic to open? Thinking of the way to open the stone doors in front of him, Qin Yu couldn't help thinking so in his heart. If it requires a magic spell to open, you can only return along the way.

What is this? Qin Yu, who was looking around on the Golden Gate, soon found that there were some scratches in the center of the Golden Gate. These scratches were also very small. If Qin Yu hadn't observed carefully, he would not have found these scratches at all.

These scratches are very strange. They are like metal filaments that have been pulled out. However, Qin Yu's hand does not feel any concave and convex feeling when touching it. The Golden Gate is still very smooth, as if these scratches are just painted. At first glance, these scratches seemed to be messy, but Qin Yu, who observed carefully, soon found that they were scratched on the Golden Gate according to a certain rule. However, although he saw that they were regular, Qin Yu, who had been looking at them for a long time, still couldn't see why.

Painting? What Qin Yu thought just now flashed in his mind. Yes, are these scratches a symbolic painting? At this moment, he quickly stepped back a few steps to observe the scratches engraved on the Golden Gate.

Sure enough, Qin Yu, who had no clue, soon found that these scratches were paintings. Of course, this was also the result of his efforts with his eyes wide open. Because the Golden Gate was originally small, he was very close to the Golden Gate before he found the scratches in it. Naturally, he had to cheer up his energy under this retreat. Only then can you see the scratches clearly. However, if Qin Yu does not retreat, he can't see the whole of these scratches, and he can't see that they form a picture.

This painting is a little strange, because it is neither a symbol of some magic nor a micro chapter of a immortal magic sect, but...

Qin Yu didn't know how to express it clearly. Anyway, he felt that the painting had an extremely mysterious atmosphere. Despite this, he felt a little familiar, as if he had seen the painting somewhere, but for a while he broke his head and couldn't remember it.

Although the door was shining with golden light, when Qin Yu retreated and observed so intently, the whole Golden Gate seemed to suddenly become dark. He seemed to be suddenly under a dark night sky. The night sky was dark, surrounded by empty, no sound, no light.

What's going on?

At this time, the sky suddenly thundered, and then countless lightnings hit the ground as if they had made an appointment, and then the sky seemed to rain heavily.

Under the reflection of lightning, Qin Yu suddenly found that the so-called rain was actually extremely dark spots, as if they were mud falling from the sky. Qin Yu was then surprised to find that those mud-like spots did not leave any traces after falling on his body.

Hallucinations, these are hallucinations, and Qin Yu suddenly shouted at himself as if he remembered something. However, he found that he could not get out of this fantasy at all, and everything around him seemed to be as real as in the real world. At this time, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly dispersed, and then a whole piece of lightning split down like countless flying arrows. The thunder rumbled endlessly, and the next moment, a monster suddenly appeared in the empty sky.

What is this? Qin Yu was surprised. He was sure that he had never seen such a monster.

It doesn't seem too much to say that it is a dragon, because it has a pair of horns. The shape of the whole head is no different from the illustrations of the dragon in the magic books in the library. However, there is no such dragon. The dragon does not have four legs, but the monster in front of it has four thick legs, which is similar to the huge body of the dragon. Compared with it, its body is undoubtedly much smaller, and the only thing its body has in common with the dragon is that it has the same scales.

Ugly, extremely ugly, this is Qin Yu's first impression of this monster. Of course, if you take its head alone, it is undoubtedly very beautiful, but with its body, it makes Qin Yu almost spit out overnight.

However, ugly is ugly. Qin Yu, the monster that appears in such a strange sky, does not think it is comparable to those ordinary monsters. Therefore, he has been looking at the monster in the sky with vigilance. Although he knows that he is in a fantasy, he knows that such a monster in the fantasy is also lethal.

However, in Qin Yu's divine alert, the monster did not make any action, but stared at the small human under the dark night sky with a pair of eyes. Its eyes were not scarlet. At this moment, Qin Yu could be sure that it was a spiritual warcraft and met a spiritual warcraft in the fantasy, which was really a An unexpected thing. If Qin Yu knew that he could meet a spiritual warcraft in such a fantasy, he would not know how he would feel.

While the monster looked at Qin Yu, he also looked at the monster in the sky with unweak eyes. After a long time, the monster in the sky suddenly opened its mouth, and then a light arrow came out of its mouth like that, and then shot at Qin Yu on the ground with lightning.

Qin Yu's face was stunned. The light arrow of the monster was too fast. Before he could react, the light arrow had hit his right arm. After a "bang", a blood arrow suddenly ejected out.


Qin Yu retreated three steps. After three steps, he felt a burst of pain from his right arm. In comparison, the strength of the monster was not comparable to Qin Yu at all. If the light arrow of the monster shot at Qin Yu's heart, he believed that he could not dodge.

It's just that Qin Yu doesn't understand the reason why the monster only shoots at his right arm.

When Qin Yu's blood had not yet landed, the monster in the sky suddenly moved and rushed in the direction of Qin Yu.

In an instant, dark clouds surged in the sky, and the dark mud fell violently. Before the monster jumped, a huge wind had blown Qin Yu over several times.

What is this guy going to do? Although he rolled on the ground, Qin Yu's eyes still closely observed the monster. If the monster rushed at him, he knew that he could never avoid it.

However, to his surprise, the monster did not chase him, but opened his mouth and swallowed his unground blood into his mouth.

After the monster swallowed Qin Yu's blood into his stomach, the strange scene in the sky actually disappeared, and then even the monster disappeared in an instant. No, those strange images disappeared.

Qin Yu was stunned, and after being stunned, he returned to reality. The door was still in front of him. It stood there quietly as if nothing had happened, but Qin Yu found that the scratches on the door had disappeared.

After calming down, Qin Yu quickly looked around. Fortunately, the little guy and Su Ruyue were still by his side, but the little guy looked at him with a strange look.

Thinking of something, Qin Yu turned his eyes to his right arm. A wound on his right arm was suddenly in his eyes, and the blood at the wound had also dyed the clothes outside red. In an instant, the pain spread to Qin Yu's head again.

Damn, this fantasy is too realistic. Qin Yu couldn't help scolding, but to be honest, he has never encountered another fantasy outside the fantasy in his ring, and it is also such a realistic fantasy. Fortunately, although the wound is painful, it is only a skin injury, which has no effect on Qin Yu at all.

At this moment, he did not dare to neglect, so he quickly took out the trauma medicine and applied it to the wound. While smearing the wound, Qin Yu looked at the door in front of him, and the image in the fantasy just now was vivid.

What is the monster and why does it swallow its own blood? It's just that he couldn't figure out these things even if he broke his head, so he quickly left this question behind.

Why did the scratches on this door disappear? Does it mean that this door can be opened? Such a seemingly illogical idea flashed in Qin Yu's mind.

Moreover, Qin Yu, who had been observing the Golden Gate, suddenly found that there were traces in the connection between the Golden Gate and the passage. Although they were still so small, they could be clearly captured by Qin Yu. This further confirms Qin Yu's idea that the door can be opened.

After dressing the wound, Qin Yu came forward and grabbed the door handle and pulled it back. Sure enough, with a force, the originally heavy Golden Gate was actually opened by him.

There is still a narrow passage behind the door, but there is a slightly different light at the end of the passage. What will it be? Qin Yu was full of curiosity. He didn't believe that such a mysterious place would be ordinary.

Soon, the two beasts came to the end of the channel, but there was a flash of light at the end, and Qin Yu could not see what was behind the light at all.

Just as Qin Yu was thinking about whether to pass through the light, the little guy actually shook his head through the light without saying a word.

Your grandmother didn't say hello, Qin Yu slandered in his heart, but since the little guy is not afraid, it means that there is nothing terrible after the light. At present, Qin Yu also passed through the light without hesitation behind Su Ruyue's back.