armor demon

Chapter 177 Intention

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"Haha, it's okay to tell you. Anyway, you won't have such good luck. Because the only magic aura that can communicate with Tiemu has already been used by me on Tiemu. Ouyang Li said.

"Magic halo?" Han Fang was still surprised that he had never heard of this thing.

Qin Yu also looked puzzled.

"I don't know what it is. Anyway, my grandfather gave it to me. It is said that he got it in a certain experience a long time ago, and even the name was given by him. Ouyang Li looked proud and continued, "This is a blessing if you don't die. You know, after you were saved, when I was blown away by the storm, I accidentally touched Tiemu, and Tiemu was actually attracted by the magic halo. At that time, I used magic magic. Entered into the aura, and then the aura magically integrated into the iron wood's head. Then, Tiemu actually told me that he was there to wait for me. It seems that I am a magician who is attached to the gods, hahaha. Then, under the leadership of Tiemu, I came here, but I didn't expect that our forefoot to arrive as soon as you arrived. It's just that you are too careless and didn't expect others to be here. If you hide a little, I won't find you at all.

Oh, it turns out that this is the reason why Ouyang Li tamed a warcraft. It has nothing to do with his spiritual power, Qin Yu thought in his heart.

Listening to Ouyang Li's words, Han Fang suddenly regretted that this man and beast did not secretly follow him at all, but exposed his footsteps and his own cares.

"Oh, Ouyang Li, you are really lucky. You blame me for being too kind. If I had known that I should have made up for the magic before the storm blew you away." Han said with hatred. Indeed, he really regretted it. If he had killed Ouyang Li earlier, he would have encountered any trouble now. The spiritual herb would have been in his hands long ago, because he had the magic spell to open the crystal tower, and he would not have wasted so much time like Ouyang Li.

Listening to Han Fang's words, Ouyang Li's face immediately darkened, "Han Fang, you want to die. Tiemu, beat me hard."

As soon as he finished speaking, the warcraft actually attacked fiercely. At present, under the fierce attack of this warcraft, Han Fang actually became a little left and right. Fortunately, his mental strength is high now, and he has stabilized his position after a little calm. However, Han Fang was extremely helpless against the powerful Warcraft in front of him. Except for the continuous bow that took a long time to shoot an arrow, the only thing he had offensive power was magic. However, although his magic was powerful, it could not do any damage to it except temporarily stop the attack of the warcraft.

Then the two stopped talking, and Ouyang Li knocked on the crystal tower attentively, while Han Fang was helplessly dragged by the warcraft.

Han Fang was trapped by the warcraft. Qin Yu felt that now was a good opportunity for him to get the spiritual herb, because the two strongest had been entangled, and Ouyang Li was not his opponent at all. However, how to open the crystal tower was a problem. He didn't think he had any ability to do it in one He split the crystal tower in an instant. If he can't get the spiritual herbs quickly, he will even be besieged by the forces of both sides. At that time, he would steal chickens and eat rice.

Since this doesn't work, let's wait for Ouyang Li to open the crystal tower. After thinking about it, he felt that it was the best time.

Qin Yu shrank his head back, but at this time, he saw that the little guy was also staring at the herb. At that moment, he couldn't help but wonder if the little guy wanted to eat this spiritual herb, but then again, was it because of this herb that the little guy came here? Qin Yu thinks that this is very likely. Is this guy born with a strong interest in these elixirs and other things, and he can feel the herbs and other things that are closer to him? The iron wood can take Ouyang here because this is the place where it grew up, and it should know everything here, and this little guy can only be said to be born with a keen sense of smell.

If that's the case, he really picked up the treasure. Looking at this round guy with two big teeth, Qin Yu's heart was full of joy.

Of course, the reason why Qin Yu did not immediately get out of the mysterious magic boundary is that Su Ruyue's situation is relatively stable after leaving the desert. Of course, the reason for the stability is that it seems that it has not been three hours since Su Ruyue was injured. Qin Yu can see this from Han Fang's magic skills that has not disappeared. Since the situation is not very urgent, Qin Yu naturally put his mind on this spiritual herb.

In fact, after leaving the big magic array, Qin Yu can recite the spell of leaving the mysterious magic boundary. This spell was taught to them by the teachers of the Armor College. On the third day after entering the mysterious magic boundary, they can recite such spells to get out of the mysterious magic boundary.

Qin Yu refocused his attention on the palace. No matter when he chose to attack Ouyang Li, he must sneak away from Ouyang Li. Otherwise, if he continued to stay here, it would be impossible for him to cross the person and one beast in the scene and then attack Ouyang Li after such a long distance. .

How can he sneak to Ouyang Li unconsciously? Qin Yu became a little worried, because there is no other place to hide in the palace except more than a dozen big pillars, and it seems impossible to hide behind these big pillars and sneak to Ouyang Li's side, because once he is in the palace The movement in the hall must have the possibility of being discovered by Han Fang and the warcraft, not to mention that this man and beast keep moving. If it hadn't been for the passage where Qin Yu was far away from them, Qin Yu felt that they had been found long ago.

This is indeed a difficult problem, but there is no way to attack Ouyang Li without solving this problem.

What should I do? Qin Yu's eyes kept moving in the palace, and even the top of the palace was constantly scanned by him.

Huh, is it feasible to lurk at the top of the palace? However, after thinking about it, Qin Yu felt that this method was also dangerous, because if the two beasts present accidentally looked up, they might see him, and Qin Yu did not dare to implement this method because if he wanted to lurk at the top of the palace, he could not take care of Su Ruyue, if any demon accidentally appeared. If the beast is found by Han Fang and others, the consequences will be unimaginable. Not only is Su Ruyue dangerous, but also his whereabouts will be exposed.

There seems to be a passage in front of me. If only I could lurk there. Qin Yu's eyes are fixed on a small passage on the right side of Han Fang, which is close to the inside of the palace and is hidden. Han Fang and the Warcraft are unlikely to hit there at all.

It's just that it doesn't seem to work to get there in such an empty place.

Will there be other channels to get there? Such an idea flashed in Qin Yu's mind. Indeed, there are many channels here. If there is a channel to go there in other places, it is a workable way.

At this moment, Qin Yu turned his eyes back to the little guy. If there was really a passage to get there, only the little guy in front of him could find such a way.