armor demon

Chapter 182 Blocked

Although the rooms here are not as dense as the previous maze, there are many, so it is a little difficult to follow a person in it. If the person in front of you consciously wants to get rid of the people behind, it seems to be easier.

Qin Yu wanted to lead Han Fang into these dense rooms, and then get rid of Han Fang with the little guy's ability and his own wind magic. Therefore, Qin Yu did not speed up at first, and without speeding up with all his strength, it was easy for Han Fang with five-level mental strength to catch up with him. The matter.

It has been about five minutes. If it was in a space without obstacles, with the speed of the two at this time, Han Fang had already caught up with Qin Yu. However, due to the complexity of the road ahead, although the distance between the two was gradually shortening, it still had a distance of about ten meters.

Looking at the closer distance, Han Fang couldn't help sneering in his heart. Originally, Zhang Shaobai's performance could be said to be quite amazing, but now it seems to be just ordinary. Boy, you can wait to die. Han Fang, who thought so, accelerated his speed. Because he had studied wind magic, he could easily do some difficult technical actions. He felt that with the gap between the two now, he would soon catch up with Zhang Shaobai.

In five minutes, the two flew a distance of about hundreds of meters, which should be enough. Qin Yu thought in his heart.

At this time, he was flying between a small passageway, which was only about ten meters away, and in front of the passage was a fork. On the left side of the fork was a big house, and the door of the house seemed to be hidden.

Let Han go here. Qin Yu, who thought so, suddenly accelerated his speed. In an instant, his speed was at least one-third higher than just now. If he turned out to be a swallow, then he is equivalent to an eagle now.

It didn't take long to be happy to see Han Fang, who was getting closer, and found that Zhang Shaobai in front of him suddenly accelerated his speed. This discovery made him a little stunned and wondered if Zhang Shaobai could not take any medicine. Of course, he didn't expect that Zhang Shaobai was clumsy at all, but he wanted him to leave his original place more and more. It's just farther away.

The distance between the two suddenly opened again, which made Han Fang, who thought he could catch up with Zhang Shaobai as soon as possible, couldn't help but feel depressed. He immediately turned to Qin Yu in front of him and said hatefully, "Zhang Shaobai, I see how long you can run."

In his words, Qin Yu suddenly made a sharp turn and flew towards the left passage. The figure that was originally in Han Fang's field of vision suddenly disappeared.

It can be said that Qin Yu's technical action is quite perfect and can almost be used as a textbook. Even Han Fang, who was chasing closely behind him, was dumbfounded when he saw such a technical action as Qin Yu. Even if he did not have much in-depth research on wind magic, he still saw at a glance how Zhang Shaobai's technical action was in place. You should know that the front is a narrow channel that forms a 90-degree angle with their channel. In such a terrain, such action is used, and in the process of sudden acceleration, a poor application will inevitably hit the wall in front of him. However, Zhang Shaobai did it. He was like a swallow. He floated lightly through such a narrow passage, which showed that his mastery of wind magic had reached an extraordinary height. After the shock, Han Fang's face suddenly became gloomy. The strength of the other party was not as strong as before. He could not take it lightly.

Han Fang asked himself about such a technical action, so he had no choice but to reduce the speed when he approached the front passage, but when he turned to the passage in front of him, he could no longer see Zhang Shaobai. In addition to the breeze, there was a breeze in the empty passage. Where can he see half a shadow? Looking at the situation in front of him, Han Fang's face couldn't help but look more ugly. He really didn't expect that a magician whose spiritual power had reached level 5 was dumped by a weak magician whose mental strength had not reached level 3.

However, Han Fang's face soon returned to calm, because even if Zhang Shaobai could temporarily get rid of his pursuit now, under the pursuit of magic skills, he could not escape the pursuit.

Han Fang's magic skill has a strange function, that is, it can lock the magic breath of people within a few meters. After locking, no matter how far the person can run, as long as it does not reach a large range, he can still feel the trace of the other party within 15 minutes. So he was not worried that he could not find Zhang Shaobai, and Zhang Shaobai's move just made him feel frustrated.

Anyway, I have to get those two things, Han said secretly in his heart.

Soon, he locked Zhang Shaobai's position.

Qin Yu didn't expect that Han Fang's magic power had such a function. Seeing that there was no longer Han Fang behind him, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but he was not careless. You know, the other party is a magician with five-level spiritual power, and he will also make him unpredictable magic power. If so, all the previous achievements will be abandoned.

Qin Yu still flew in the direction in front of him. If he flew like this, he was bound to get farther and farther away from Su Ruyue, but he had an intuition to tell him that he must be so careful. It is also because of his care that he prevented Han Fang from discovering the existence of Su Ruyue. If Qin Yu thought he could really get rid of Han Fang and choose to go back, he would certainly be found by Han Fang that there was something fishy in it.

It was also because Qin Yu was still flying forward, which made Han Fang think that Qin Yu had gone out with Su Ruyue on his back. At present, Han Fang quickly accelerated his speed to catch up. After all, it didn't take 15 minutes, and he was not careless.

Han Fang's magic power can only sense the general direction and distance of Qin Yu, and cannot accurately lock Qin Yu's position. Therefore, he does not know that Qin Yu is still exerting wind magic. If he knows that Qin Yu is still exerting wind magic, he will naturally not worry that Qin Yu has gone out with Su Ruyue on his back.

Because Qin Yu was worried that he was getting farther and farther away from Su Ruyue, he did not fly very fast, but he turned east and west inside, so that he could hardly distinguish the direction. Of course, the reason why he was so afraid of losing the direction was that he had received the little guy in the space ring, with this little guy. He was not afraid of getting lost at all, but he didn't expect that his painstaking turning left and right had no impact on Han Fang at all. Instead, he wasted his time. Of course, it was also because of his waste of time that Han Fang found his tricks.

Because he can't lock the exact position of the other party, Han Fang can only fly straight in the direction. One of the two turns around, but the other flies in a straight line. Of course, it is inevitable that there will be some detours, but under such circumstances, it is only a matter of time for Han Fang to catch up with Qin Yu.

The reduction of the direction of the magic power will become more accurate due to the shortening of the distance. For this reason, Han Fang quickly found Qin Yu, who was right in front of him.

Han Fang wisely chose the channel he attacked. This is a 20-meter-long channel with a narrow passage. No matter how skill Zhang Shaobai is, he can't avoid his attack in such a narrow channel. For this, Han Fang is very confident in his ability, so he chose Block Zhang Shao in this passage.

At this time, Qin Yu was turning into this channel from another channel. Han Fang, who figured out the general direction of Zhang Shaobai, naturally hid at the corner of the other end of the channel. All he had to do was to wait for Zhang Shaobai to fly a few meters away from him. At that time, he would dodge out and give Zhang Shaobai a fatal blow. Of course, he He can also choose to carry out a sneak attack when Zhang Shaobai flew out of the corner, but he was afraid that he could not grasp the opportunity for Zhang Shaobai to fly out, so that he could not hit the other party but let the other party escape. For this reason, he chose to attack head-on. For him, the success rate is relatively high. He believes that even if Zhang Shaobai has three heads and six arms, he will have to be injured under his magic attack.

If Qin Yu was in his position, Qin Yu would definitely choose to attack, because the sneak attack can avoid the other party's dying struggle and avoid unnecessary harm. Of course, the reason why Qin Yu did this is naturally because his ear power can clearly capture the accurate timing when people fly out of the channel, and Han Fang Naturally, this cannot be done. You should know that the magician is unpredictable when flying in mid-air, let alone accurately lock the position and timing of the other party's flight.

Qin Yu, a ten-meter channel, will quickly reach the end even if he flies slowly. Therefore, a few seconds later, Han Fang, who was already flying very close to him, flashed out of his body, and he held a huge magic water ball in his hand.

In the empty passage, a figure suddenly appeared and really shocked Qin Yu. What's more, he had already thought that he had left Han Fang in many rooms, so after seeing Han Fang's face, he was even more surprised. He really couldn't figure out how Han Fang followed him to come here and blocked him. Of. Thinking so, he was a little afraid again. He knew that if he chose to fly back immediately, Su Ruyue might be blocked by Han Fang.

Looking at the narrow passage around him, Qin Yu's heart couldn't help sinking. He also saw the reason why the other party chose to block him in this channel, and the other party's hand seemed to pour all his magic water to show the other party's determination to destroy him in this channel.

The channel is so narrow, and with the magic water group in the other party's hand at this time, coupled with the other party's five-level spiritual magician, Qin Yu seems to know that he has little chance of avoiding this disaster.

Looking at Zhang Shaobai, who was only a few meters away from him, Han smiled and showed a look of mastering everything. Because he knew that the other party did not have the opportunity to dodge his attack, he did not immediately attack his magic water group. Compared with violence, he seemed to prefer a peaceful solution. Of course, this peace refers to It was he who took down the other party effortly.

"Zhang Shaobai, against me, do you regret it, hahaha?" Han Fang smiled proudly.