armor demon

Chapter 187 Waiting

When Qin Yu couldn't open the secret door with his hand and thought about it, the little guy also joined the process of opening the secret door. However, no matter how one beast racked his brains, he could not open the secret door. Qin Yu even attacked the secret door fiercely with magic, but what made him helpless was that there was no movement in the secret door at all. The whole wall is still smooth, as if a door has never been opened here.

In the end, Qin Yu had no choice but to give up chasing Ouyang Li, not to mention that Ouyang Li may have escaped during the period when he thought about how to open the secret door, so Qin Yu wisely chose to give up, not to mention that he would take Su Ruyue out of the mysterious magic boundary as soon as possible.

After simply treating the wound on Su Ruyue's neck, Qin Yu walked to the periphery of the whole palace with Su Ruyue on his back. Now he has to go out of the scope of the palace before he can use the magic spell given to him by the school teacher to get out of the mysterious magic boundary.

Under the leadership of the little guy, Qin Yu quickly walked out of the palace, and in the process, they did not encounter any obstacles. The whole palace was quiet without a ghost.

Qin Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Looking back on the previous journey, he still had a lingering heart. If it hadn't been for the ring left by his grandfather, or if it hadn't been for a good partner like a little guy around him, he might have been buried here long ago.

In front of it is actually an endless grassland. There is a warm and warm sun hanging over the grassland. Not far away, several sheep are leisurely eating grass on the grass. The scenery in front of them is unbelievable. Since entering the mysterious magic boundary, Qin Yu has never encountered such a beautiful environment without any pressure. At present He couldn't help taking a deep breath.

It seems that there is no struggle and no each other's fraud is the most beautiful thing in the world. Qin Yu suddenly felt that such a quiet and peaceful thing he wanted most. However, thinking about the image tape left by Grandpa and the intrigue between people in Pasta, Qin Yu understood that all this in front of him was far away from him. Far away.

At this time, a moan of the girl in his arms woke Qin Yu from meditation. Since Su Ruyue could still moan, it showed that her situation was not the worst. Qin Yu couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Since you have left the palace, try the magic spell given by the teacher. Han Fang's magic skill that has not retreated told him that three days should not have passed, but in case Qin Yu still intends to take out the magic time stone in the space ring to have a look. Thinking about this, Qin Yu gently put Su Ruyue on the grass and took out his magic time stone. Looking at the time on the magic time stone, Qin Yu couldn't help but be shocked, because there was only an hour left before the magic spell of leaving the mysterious magic boundary. At present, Qin Yu was afraid that if he was an hour later, he might stay here forever.

The magic time stone completely failed in the Great Magic Array and the palace, and it returned to its original state after leaving these two places.

After he calmed down, he recited the magic spell, but only when he recited the spell, he suddenly remembered something, so that he quickly stopped the spell in his mouth.

If I go out like this, I will definitely be found by the magic detection ball for the existence of spiritual herbs. At that time, the spiritual herbs he has worked hard to give to the school. Qin Yu doesn't want to make wedding clothes for others, let alone what he got. However, he didn't know any way to avoid the magic detection ball. What should he do? Qin Yu pondered.

Han put it in for this spiritual herb. He must have a way to avoid the magic detection ball. Qin Yu, who thought so, couldn't help but be overjoyed, and then quickly took out Han Fang's space ring to search.

Qin Yu found a box with arrows from Han Fang's space ring, but the box was empty and there were no arrows. It turned out that this guy shot all the arrows when fighting with the warcraft. At this time, Qin Yu knew the reason why Han Fang did not shoot arrows when fighting with him. If he still had enough arrows at that time, the consequences would be really unpredictable. Thinking about it, Qin Yu was a little afraid.

Soon, the things in Han Fang's space ring were taken out by Qin Yu. There are not many kinds of things, but they are full of them, and the largest proportion is the magic crystal. A large bag of magic crystal makes it a little difficult for Qin Yu to lift it. From this point, it is not difficult to see how well Han Fang is. The long magic scroll is very eye-catching in these things. Qin Yu picked it up. If Han Fang has any way to avoid the detection of the magic detection ball, it is most likely to be recorded on this magic scroll.

Sure enough, as expected, there is a record on the last page of the magic scroll that if the method of avoiding the detection ball is a large paragraph of text, which makes Qin Yu, who has not yet recovered his physical and mental strength, feel a little dizzy.

This is a way to avoid the magic emitted by applying the medicinal liquid on the herb to avoid the magic emitted by the detector, but this liquid must be configured by Qin Yu now. Seeing this, Qin Yu couldn't help slandering and secretly scolding Han Fang why this guy was not worthy to stay, but then he thought about it and knew that Han Fang's unconfigured just happened to be Complete himself, because if Han Fang really has been configured in advance, how can he know which of Han Fang's medicinal liquid in the space ring is used to avoid magic detection?

How to configure this medicinal liquid is clearly written on the scroll, and even how many herbs should be put on it, which makes Qin Yu, who has not studied the pharmacy, can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If it is not clearly written on it, he simply can't make such a medicinal liquid at all.

When he saw the last line of this large paragraph, he was stunned. He also understood the reason why Han Fang did not configure it in advance, because the last herb that needed to be added was actually the spiritual herb he had just got. I actually wanted to use such a precious herb. Qin Yu couldn't help but It hurts, but fortunately, it doesn't need much. It's just a leaf the size of a nail, otherwise it's really difficult for Qin Yu to give up.

In addition to the formula, Han Fang has been carefully configured and put it in a small bag, which saves a lot of things. Of course, if Han Fang had not been equipped in advance, I don't know how hard it will take even if Qin Yu's absolute level of sweat outside the door. If 100 is a full score By the phone, I don't know if Qin Yu's score of the medicine can reach zero.

However, since most of the herbs have been prepared, it is much easier for Qin Yu to make this medicinal liquid. Now he only needs to add a little more scattered herbs to successfully configure this medicinal liquid.

The configuration of medicinal liquid is a hundred times easier than refining elixir. Its biggest difficulty lies in the dosage of various herbs. The ratio of each herb is very accurate to ensure that the medicinal liquid can achieve the best effect. Qin Yu also knows this. After all, he is a magician. Fortunately, Han Fang's empty There is a special weighing instrument in the ring, otherwise Qin Yu really can't guarantee that the medicine he made can really have that effect.

After carefully taking down enough leaves from the spiritual herbs, Qin Yu began his first pharmaceutical. All the herbs were ground into powder and concentrated in a palm-sized container. Then Qin Yu poured into a ** that he couldn't name, ** after flooded all the powder. Yu stopped. At this time, he only needed to wait quietly for a few minutes, and the herbs would automatically fuse and form the liquid called avoidance liquid on the magic scroll.

Qin Yu looked nervously at the medicine liquid in the container. This was the first medicine he made. He could not guarantee that it would be completely successful. If he didn't succeed, it would be dangerous, because there was such a pair of powder in Han Fang's space ring. It seems that Han Fang is very familiar with making this kind of medicine. In fact, Qin Yu doesn't know that for this day, in order to ensure that the medicine can be made at a time, Han Fang doesn't know how many times he has tried it. It is precisely because of this that he can safely bring only a pair of powder.

And the little guy also lay half a meter away from the container with a curious face and observed the ** in the container. If it hadn't been for Qin Yu's obstruction, he might have run to the container and drunk all the ** inside.

Is this guy taking herbs? Looking at the little guy's hungry and thirsty face and constantly sticking out his little tongue to add his two big teeth, Qin Yu couldn't help but feel lingering. If he slowed down a step just now, the consequences would be...

When Qin Yu was refining the pharmaceutical liquid, a large group of people were nervously looking at the strange and huge stone door behind the armor college. At this time, the stone door was in an open state. The scene of the stone gate was no different from three days ago. It was still dark, and the small bridge connected to the dark space was still the small bridge. .

This large group of people are naturally teachers of the Armor College and those students who have just come out of the mysterious magic boundary. These students are all ruffed and their faces are extremely tired. Among these students, Ma Wei and Liu Changsheng are on the list. If Qin Yu sees this scene, he will certainly be very happy.

The only difference from the nervous them is about a dozen people in black and an old man in a black robe sitting next to them. These people are covered with a piece of black cloth on their faces, and the only thing that can tell their age is the color of their hair.

These people in black stood in front of students and teachers like javelin. They did not smile. Except for the old man, the people present had never heard them say a word. Of course, even the old man was as sad. They seemed to be a group of mute, but the momentum emanating from them was Let all teachers and students be in awe. Their hands were absolutely stained with the blood of many people. Although everyone thought so, they did not dare to say it at all.

However, despite their fear, everyone has long been used to all this, because every time the third day after the mysterious magic boundary is opened, when the stone door is closed, this group of people will appear on time. When the principal faces this group of people, they naturally I dare not say one more word. However, they have no rejection of this group of people. These people seem to just help the school check the students who dishonestly put away the herbs that should be handed over. In addition, people can't see that they have any other purpose, because they never want the medicine taken out by those students from the mysterious magical enchantment. Grass.

Maybe they are just entrusted by the principal to deal with those dishonest students, and some people even think so. However, when looking at those people in black, their hearts still beat violently.

At this time, Su Lei was standing behind the old man. His face was calm, but the people who carefully observed him could still see his anxiety in his eyes.

The old man sat on the right hand side of the row of people in black.

There is a table in front of the row of people in black. There is a magic crystal ball on the table, but unlike ordinary magic crystal balls, this crystal ball is all black and has no luster, just like a stone, but everyone knows that it has a nice name called magic detection ball. They really can't figure out how the pioneers of the magic world could connect such a black ball with crystal. According to their thinking, it should be called a black stone.

There is only one hour left. Why can't they come out? This is what the anxious people thought at this time.

Among the students who came out first, Su Lei knew that some of them had died in it, and they were waiting for those who could survive. This time, the casualties were really tragic. The teachers all sighed in their hearts. When did they encounter such a tragic situation in school for so many years? The only comfort for them was that each of these students actually had several herbs in their hands, and even those precious grade herbs were also used by him. They took out a lot, and such a harvest is also something they have never seen before.

I hope the remaining students can come out safe and sound in the last hour. The teachers are praying in their hearts.

Counting the students who have come out and those who have died, there should be eight students in it. However, they have been waiting for three hours, and these eight people are still shadowless. If they can't get out in the last hour, they can only be buried in it forever.

Miss, why haven't you come out yet? Unlike the calmness on your face, Su Lei's heart has already been in a mess.

Similarly, Ma Wei was also worried. He did not see Qin Yu and Zhang Shaobai, hoping that they could come out. He prayed.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are focused on the open stone door, and they are looking forward to a miracle.