armor demon

Chapter 191 Is there any danger

"Zhao San, check the magic detection ball first to see if it is a problem." After a long silence, the old man said in a low voice, and a face covered by a face towel made people unable to see any expression.

Listening to the old man's words, Qin Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the old man abided by the principle. If he ordered Zhao San to come up for a forced inspection, no one present could stop him. Naturally, Qin Yu would not say anything. However, although he was relieved, Qin Yu knew that the test was not over. He had not passed this level, and he could only wait for the results of Zhao San's examination in a worried mood.

After the man in black named Zhao San answered yes, he began to check the magic detection ball.

Is the magic detection ball really abnormal? Of course, Qin Yu didn't think so. He knew that his space ring had caused the abnormal sound of the magic detection ball, so he couldn't help but feel nervous when he looked at Zhao San, who was seriously checking. At this time, he could only hope that things would develop in a direction that was beneficial to him. Things seem to be a little bad. At this time, there can only be three results. One is that the magic detection ball is normal, and then the herbs in his space ring cannot be found; the other is that if there is a problem with the magic detection ball, and if there is such a result, the man in black will come to check his space ring; the third result is to check it. The magic detection ball is normal, but it can find the herbs in his space.

Only the first of the three results is beneficial to Qin Yu, but he knows that it is almost impossible to have such a result, because if the magic detection ball is normal, it is unlikely to make an abnormal sound.

While Qin Yu was waiting for the result, the whole audience also quietly looked at the focus of their sight.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhao San carefully checked the magic detection ball in his hand. After a long time, Zhao San accidentally said to the old man, "The magic detection ball has stopped working, but the situation shows that it does not seem to have any damage."

What's going on? The old man thought in his heart, but said, "If you check carefully, you can't miss anywhere."

"Yes." Zhao San replied, and after saying that, he lowered his head and checked carefully.

The so-called inspection is to penetrate the spiritual power into the magic detection ball to see if there is any problem with the connection of each part, but Zhao San, who checked carefully again, couldn't help frowning, because he didn't check what was wrong with the magic detection ball at all. What's going on? Zhao San really can't figure it out. Is it because of the problem of the stone, Zhao San turned his eyes to the position where the stone was placed? He only checked this position. However, didn't the crystal just change before coming today? How could there be a problem? Although Zhao San was 100% sure that the problem was not here, he still checked it honestly under the old man's gaze.

How is that possible? Zhao San, who entered the location of the spiritual power into the stone, suddenly appeared surprised, because he actually found that there was no magic power in the original magic crystal. You should know that this magic crystal can withstand a year in general, so how can Zhao San not be surprised to find that the magic crystal that has been used for less than a day no longer has any magic power?

"What problem did you find?" The old man couldn't help asking. From Zhao San's face, he could see that Zhao San should have got the answer.

"The magic power of this crystal has been exhausted." Zhao San was very surprised that he still couldn't accept such a fact.

"What?" Listening to Zhao San's words, the old man was also very surprised.

And the rest of the people in black all show the same expression.

This is actually the problem, but the old man knows that it is not a matter of finding out why the magic stone has no magic power. He knows that if the magicians on the mainland know that they have made mistakes on such a problem, it will undoubtedly make people laugh. A magician with his identity is actually on this problem. Mistakes are undoubtedly a very embarrassing thing for him. Fortunately, the teachers and students present do not know the nature of the magic detection ball and do not know their identity, otherwise he really feels lightless. At present, he wisely shifted the focus of the problem. After coughing a few times, he said, "Zhao San, change one quickly if you don't have magic power."

After Zhao San heard the displeasure in the old man's words, he quickly replaced a magic crystal, and then everything proved that it was really the reason for the magic power of the magic power of the magic stone, because the magic detection ball seemed to have returned to normal after the replacement of the magic crystal.

Looking at the magic detection ball that returned to normal, Qin Yu's heart couldn't help tighten. However, what surprised him was that the magic detection ball after returning to normal did not respond. What is this? Even Qin Yu felt a little incredible. You know, the abnormality of the magic detection ball just now showed that it found The problem is, but now it is so quiet that Qin Yu can't figure it out.

Of course, no one knows that the abnormal sound of the magic detection ball is simply because there is a problem with its core detection part, and this part is not detected by a magician at the level as Zhao San, and even the old man does not have such ability. So at this time, they still thought that it was because of the crystal stone, and they didn't know that the magic detection ball had no detection function at all. If they put a space ring with herbs in it to the front of the magic detection ball, they would definitely find that the magic detection ball had actually lost its own. Function, of course, these people in black who believe too much in the magic detection ball did not expect the problem to appear on the magic detection ball.

The reason why there is a problem with the core part of the magic detection ball is naturally because of the medicinal liquid configured by Qin Yu. No one can see that at the moment Qin Yu touches the magic detection ball, the core part of the originally calm magic detection ball is running at high speed, and such a high speed operation makes it consume all the magic crystals. Magic, and even such a magic detection ball still did not detect the essence of the problem. The tragedy happened when it wanted to further detect it. Its core could not withstand such a high-speed operation, so that the core part of the whole magic detection ball was instantly paralyzed when the magic power in the crystal was exhausted. However, although the core part of the magic detection ball has stopped working, the rest of the other parts can still operate normally, but they no longer have the original function, and it is precisely because of this that the people in black present think that the magic detection ball is not damaged.

The performance of the magic detection ball finally relaxed Qin Yu's nervous heart, because it shows that he is safe and can go home with spiritual herbs. As for why the magic detection ball has such an incredible performance, it is not something he can study.

Since the magic detection ball no longer had any reaction, the man in black had to let go of Qin Yu. At present, he turned sideways and motioned Qin Yu to walk over. Looking at the position of the man in black dodging, Qin Yu knew that he had finally passed this difficult situation without danger.

Just as Qin Yu raised his feet and walked forward, he heard the old man ask, "Young man, you don't seem to be too weak. Why do you only get a few herbs?"

Why did the old man ask at this critical moment? Did he see the tricks on his body? Listening to the old man's words, Qin Yu couldn't help but be surprised, but he stopped quietly, and then turned his face and said respectfully to the old man, "After entering the mysterious magic boundary, I lost contact with everyone because of an accident. After that, I found that the mysterious magic boundary was full of monsters to avoid being demons. I can only hide from the attack of the beast and dare not look for herbs at all, and the reason why I can get these three herbs is because I am lucky, otherwise I may not even get one.

Wang Chao looked at Qin Yu with a calm face. He heard what Qin Yu said about the accident. Li Zhi and those others had not come out yet. Could it be poisoned by this guy? Looking at Qin Yu, who had no accident, he could only attribute the reason to this.

"Oh, how did you save that girl?" The old man continued to ask.

At this time, everyone also pricked up their ears. They also wanted to know how Qin Yu met Su Ruyue and rescued her, and the whereabouts of Han Fang, Ouyang Li, Zhang Shaobai and others were also what they wanted to know. At present, it seems that only Qin Yu can give answers to these questions.

"In order to avoid those ubiquitous monsters, I had to walk in those rare places of monsters. Unexpectedly, I entered a cave by chance, and in addition to finding an unpicked herb in the cave, it was Miss Su lying in a corner that was dying. At that time, Miss Su was covered with blood and a sharp arrow in her chest, which shocked me at first glance. Because of my classmates, I hurried up to check. At present, I was happy to find that Miss Su still had a breath. Because I didn't have any medicine on my body, I had to offend Miss Su. In her space ring, I accidentally found an elixir that could temporarily save her life. At present, I Quickly treat the wound for her and let her take the elixir. Fortunately, this elixir is still effective, otherwise Miss Su would not be able to survive until now. Qin Yu patted his chest and said with lingering heart, which was a statement he had thought of for a long time.

Listening to Qin Yu's words, everyone knew about Su Ruyue's injury. At present, they couldn't help but be shocked. Who assassinated Su Ruyue with Lian*? Because there were only a few people in the strange light, they naturally put their suspicions on Han Fang, Ouyang Li and Zhang Shaobai, and Qin Yu was naturally mastered by them. The move was skipped, because if Qin Yu really wanted to hurt Su Ruyue, it would be impossible to save her again.

It's just that everyone wanted to break their heads at this time and didn't understand what reason those people had to assassinate Su Ruyue.

"Do you really only see her? Didn't you see anyone else?" The old man asked suspiciously.

"Really, dear magician, I can guarantee that I haven't found anyone in it except Miss Su." Qin Yu swore.

Listening to Qin Yu's words, everyone was disappointed again, because the mystery still could not be solved.

Qin Yu said so, but he guessed in his heart why the old man cared so much about this detail. He also knew that there was something precious in the mysterious magic boundary.

Qin Yu didn't know that the reason why the old man cared so much was because of the real demon realm discovered by Han Fang. He did not believe that there were only some ordinary herbs in the real demon realm, and Su Ruyue's injury convinced him that Han Fang and others should have found something to fight. Of course, the spiritual herb is not unreachable and unavailable for a magician at his level. His attention is more on a legendary thing, but it makes him regrettable that Qin Yu in front of him does not know the whereabouts of Han Fang at all, and he does not detect what he wants. So he gave up the interrogation of Qin Yu.

However, when he was about to shake his hand to let Qin Yu pass, he suddenly said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Qin Yu. Thank you for your concern." Qin Yu continued to be respectful.

"Oh, that's good." The old man's eyes flashed strangely.

Although the old man said yes, Qin Yu did not see any appreciation in his eyes at all. This discovery surprised him for fear of what the old man would really find. He was really a cunning guy.

For good, the old man no longer had any problems, but let him go.