armor demon

Chapter 197 undercurrent

The spiritual filament was quickly emitted by Qin Yu. Like last time, it was still four spiritual filaments. Of course, this is just what he felt, but what made him a little happy was that the length of the spiritual filament stretched out was actually more than the original length. If it turned out to be ten centimeters, then the current distance It's about 20 centimeters.

However, Qin Yu's joy soon disappeared, because compared with the space he is in now, the range of 20 centimeters that the spiritual filament can feel is too small. He doesn't expect to explore anything valuable through the spiritual filament in such a small range.

Although he knew that there was little hope, Qin Yu was still determined to give it a try, because there is no other way but this method at present.

Qin Yu sat quietly in the dark space. In this space, he couldn't see his five fingers. The four spiritual filaments slowly spread around with his body as the origin like tiny tentacles.

Qin Yu can't feel any elements, and this space seems to be empty.

10cm, 15cm...

The spiritual filament slowly explored forward, but Qin Yu still didn't find anything.

18cm, 20...

Qin Yu frowned, because his spiritual filaments still couldn't feel anything. Is his spiritual filaments not long enough or this method is useless at all? This is the method he accidentally remembered, and he naturally doesn't know if it can be useful.

Forget it, Qin Yu sighed. Just as he was about to withdraw his spiritual strength, his spiritual strength suddenly felt something.

Qin Yu's spirit was shocked, and now he quickly commanded his spiritual power to continue to explore.

Well, this seems to be a faint magic power floating in the dark space. Qin Yu is a little confused. He doesn't understand how to feel such a thing in the interior space of this black object. Soon, he found that he was very familiar with this magic power. That familiar feeling?

Qin Yu slowly recalled. By the way, this feeling is like the feeling when he entered a black square object for the first time in the mysterious magic boundary, but compared with the previous feeling, this time is obviously much more specific. What on earth is this magic power emitted? Why is he so familiar with it? And this familiarity is as if they are connected to each other, which is really strange.

Now Qin Yu can be sure that the thing that emits this familiar magic power is in the space of this black square object.

What exactly is it? With this idea, he continued to direct his spiritual power to contact the familiar magic power. However, what makes him helpless is that his spiritual filament can only extend 20 centimeters. If he can stretch it further, he can guarantee that he can definitely find the thing that exudes familiar magic power.

Soon, Qin Yu felt that this magic power was sometimes weak, and sometimes even completely disappeared, but what reassured Qin Yu was that it appeared inexplicably after disappearing for a while.

Qin Yu is really interested. Could it be that this trace of spiritual power came from the dark dragon and dark magic armor? Such a guess flashed in Qin Yu's heart.

What should I do? Qin Yu frowned when he couldn't extend the spiritual filaments and couldn't find the source of this familiar magic.

Since the spiritual power can't be extended, can't you feel it with soul power? Such an idea flashed in Qin Yu's mind, which seemed to be the only feasible way, because soul power seemed to be the only thing that was not limited in such a space, but the difficulty came again, because that familiar magic power was felt by spiritual power, and Qin Yu could not guarantee that he could also feel it with soul power. Familiar magic power.

Sure enough, when Qin Yu emitted his soul power, he found that he could not feel the familiar magic power at all, as if everything he had just felt was just a dream.

Can magic only be felt with spiritual power? Qin Yu became distressed.

So by analogy, the soul power can only feel the soul power. Well, since that thing can emit magic power, it should be said that it also has soul power. Perhaps the root that I don't feel another soul power now is that the soul power of that thing is too weak, and the reason why my spiritual power can be felt. The magic power emitted by it lies in its spiritual power. My soul power is not so ** naturally can't feel the soul power of that thing, but my soul power is not without advantages. At least it can freely wander in the whole space. Qin Yu, who figured this out, suddenly lit up. Then his soul power wandered throughout the dark space.

Ten minutes have passed, and ten minutes have passed...

While Qin Yu was exploring the black square object, in a room in a mansion in Pasta City, a middle-aged man was lying on a tiger-skin chair. His face was in the shadow of the light, which was so blurred that it was impossible to see.

Under the soft light, you can see that this small room is extremely luxurious. The furniture in the room is made of the best wood, and those decorations are all made of the best treasures. If you know the room, you will find that everything here is If you put it in the auction house, it will definitely be auctioned at a sky-high price.

Of course, if you know the identity of this middle-aged man, you don't have to sigh for the luxury of this room. You should know that such a mansion he is in can have no more than ten in Pasta City. You can know the dignity of this middle-aged man's identity.

However, such a person is now constantly kneading a small paper ball in his hand, as if something makes me very confused.

This paper ball was thrown to him by one of the people in black who had just come out of the armor college in the organization not long ago, and then the man left without saying a word, which made him very depressed. He didn't expect that the respected magician in the organization would only casually send a man to send him, and what made him more depressed was The other party obviously asked him to do things. If it weren't for the difference in identity, he would have been able to help punching the man in black. How could he be so pretentious? He scolded fiercely in his heart. Of course, he can only scold in his heart, but on the surface, he can only pretend to be polite, as if he can't wait to lift shoes for the man in black.

Hey, the official level crushed people to death. Obviously, he didn't like the other party very much, but he still had to flatter each other to flatter each other.

There is only a simple sentence written on the note, and the signature is a word. Looking at this word, the resentment in middle-aged people is one point less, because he can at least see that it is the magician.

The content of the note is as simple as the number of words, that is, to make him pay attention to a teenager named Qin Yu in the Armor Academy. In addition, he can no longer see anything else on the note.

Is it possible that this teenager has great potential, and then the magician wants to take him as an apprentice? He can only guess such a reason from this line. It's just that why don't you just pay attention to Su Lei directly? He can't figure it out.

Mother, as a management figure in the organization, it is different. If you say a sentence and let the people below guess, can't you say it clearly? The middle-aged man pinched his fist and cursed in his heart.

After a while, the middle-aged man lying in the chair suddenly sat up. Did the magician value himself more than Su Lei? Thinking of this, he suddenly became excited. The relationship is a good thing for him. If he does well and can be appreciated by the magician, that step is possible. He knows what kind of voice the magician has in the organization.

"Don't worry, I will observe carefully and report to you in time." In the soft light, you can see joy shining on the faces of middle-aged people.

At the same time, in a less eye-catching room in Parnas, the most luxurious hotel in Pasta City, three people are sitting around a table. One of the three is an old man, one is a teenager about seventeen or eight years old, and the other is a girl about 20 years old.

The old man has silver hair, but what is not commensurate with the deep wrinkles on his face; the young man looks young and looks similar to those students in the Armor College, and does not seem to have any experience. Both of them are wearing black magic robes.

The girl is obviously dressed as a warrior, with tight clothes and hip-length shorts, and there is no extra cloth all over her body except for the necessary pockets. However, this dress brought out her hot figure, which was not as diverse as Su Ruyue. Under the shorts is a pair of slender legs, and there is no excess fat on the legs, as if they have been carefully crafted. Such long legs are undoubtedly very lethal for most hot-blooded young people. Of course, the most important reason is that they are so undisguisedly exposed to the air. However, compared with the hot figure of teenagers, her face is slightly inferior. Of course, even with such a appearance, she can be ranked in the top ten in the armor college.

However, the girl's hot figure did not attract the eyes of the old man and the teenager. Both of them focused on the magic crystal ball with a fist on the table in front of them. The girl was no exception. Her eyes were also on the magic crystal ball.

The three people's expressions were solemn, but the more they stared at the magic crystal, the more disappointed they became.

For a long time, the teenager closed his mouth and spit out a few words, "It's been five hours, and Brother Dingyuan hasn't heard from me."

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the old man and the young girl fell on his face, but the teenager saw their deep uneasiness in their eyes.