armor demon

Chapter 202 Promotion

After eating the top-grade herbs, the little guy patted his stomach to show that he had eaten and drank enough, which made Qin Yu feel relieved. If the little guy ate all the herbs in one breath, he might declare bankruptcy in a few days, and the remaining amount of the gold card was not enough. This little guy consumes like this.

Well, if the little guy doesn't have to eat and drink in the next few days, it will be good, then it can be delayed for a few days. Naturally, Qin Yu thinks so is that the little guy seemed to have stopped for a few days after eating the red fruit last time, and he didn't feel hungry until today.

I hope so, Qin Yu thought helplessly.

After eating and drinking enough, the little guy no longer paid attention to Qin Yu, but climbed to Qin Yu's chest. The obvious meaning was to sleep in the space ring.

"Your grandma, you will sleep when you are full." Qin Yu couldn't help cursing, but looking at the little guy who ignored him at all, but suddenly looked sleepy, Qin Yu had no choice but to put it into the space ring.

Then he put away the black square object, but as soon as he put it in his pocket, he remembered something and took it out.

I don't know if this black square object can be put in the space of the ring left by Grandpa. Qin Yu tried to put other rings in this ring before, but failed. The similarity between this black square object and the ring left by Grandpa suddenly gave him such an idea. The reason why I want to do this is that black square objects are not easy to carry, and the space ring left by Grandpa is different. It can be worn on both fingers or around the neck, which is much more convenient.

At present, Qin Yu tried to put the black square object into the ring left by his grandfather. After a try, the black object was easily put into it. It seemed that the two objects really had some connection, and Qin Yu muttered in his heart.

Qin Yu knew that it was impossible to understand the relationship between the two now, so he naturally hung the space ring left by his grandfather back to his chest, and the black square object naturally remained in it.

Why don't you give these two rings a name? Such an idea came to Qin Yu's mind. After thinking about it, he called the mysterious ring in the black square object the dark ring, and the one left by his grandfather was called the fantasy ring. Although the name is not very good, Qin Yu accepted his name with ease. Qin Yu has no artistic cells in the first place. If it weren't for the two rings, he would have directly distinguished them with numbers.

Qin Yu, who was so sleepy after taking the name, couldn't stand it, so he lay down with his eyes closed and completely fell asleep.

The next day, after waking up early and eating something more, he began to think about using Qianqing Dan to improve his mental strength. Naturally, he hoped that his mental strength would improve as soon as possible, because only in this way could he solve the mystery of the box of images left by his grandfather as soon as possible.

Now he has a total of three Qianqing elixir, but one Qianqing elixir is enough for him, because one is enough for him to improve his mental strength above the early stage of level three, and the other two are useless, because after the spiritual power exceeds the third level, Qianqing elixir can no longer exert his spiritual power. And Qin Yu has no effect even if he takes three Qianqing pills at the same time, because Qin Yu knows that the effect of taking three pills is the same as that of one, and it is impossible to improve his mental strength.

After thinking about it, Qin Yu only chose to take one of them, and he left the other two to the guy with two big teeth. Although this guy seemed to be lazy, Qin Yu made such a decision for the sake of his help. Of course, the most important thing is that these two elixirs are useless to stay on him except for money.

However, before deciding to leave the two elixirs to the little guy, Qin Yu was still sure whether one Qianqing elixir could improve his mental strength. If not, he could only continue to take it. The reason why he made such a bad plan is that many students did not have any effect when taking the first one, and some even improved their mental strength after taking three or four pills. Qin Yu, who thought that his talent was not higher than others, naturally made preparations for a rainy day. If he really had to take all three elixir at that time By the way, he can only wrong the little guy.

After thinking about everything, Qin Yu began his own road to promotion.

The entrance of the elixir melted and instantly integrated into his five spleen and six organs, and the medicinal fragrance of this Qianqing elixir was stronger than the last time. Qin Yu seemed that his chest was suddenly full of countless fragrances of flowers.

With the melting of the medicinal power, Qin Yu began to meditate. After his spiritual power qiified, he moved along the veins in his body. During this period, the medicinal power of Qianqingdan gradually penetrated into the veins and merged with spiritual power, which was a slow and long process. Qin Yu, who swallowed the elixir, also quickly felt the benefits brought by the elixir, that is, the sequelae of fatigue quickly disappeared. He felt that his physical strength had never been so good, his mind was extremely clear, and he seemed to think much faster than before.

Gradually, Qin Yu seemed to feel a trace of expansion in his vein. This expansion can be said to be very small. It is like a small crack in a building, almost negligible, but Qin Yu knows that such an expansion will bring him a lot of benefits. In addition to the expansion of the vein, Qin Yu also felt that the space in his mind that could accommodate spiritual power seemed to have become larger.

These changes all show that he has successfully absorbed the elixir. As long as all the medicinal power is absorbed, his mental strength will cross the second peak. Thinking of this, Qin Yu can't help but be happy.

Time passed slowly, and the spiritual power in Qin Yu's body constantly absorbed and integrated the medicine of Qian Qingdan. Although this was a boring process, Qin Yu did not feel boring at all. Of course, every magician would never feel boring in the process of experiencing such a thing, because he looked at every point of his strength. Every second is improving, who will be unhappy?

I don't know how long and how many days later, Qin Yu, who had been standing in **, suddenly opened his eyes. If someone noticed his eyes at this time, he would definitely find that there was a faint black fog in his eyes so that he could hardly see it. However, the black fog soon disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. Over.

Feeling the spiritual power in his mind, Qin Yu found that he seemed to be close to the spiritual power of the third level. Feeling this, Qin Yu couldn't help jumping up excitedly. He knew that he was one step closer to the goal.

Come on, you will quickly unlock the secret of the video tape, Qin Yu clenched his fist and said to himself.

His eyes swept over the magic time stone, and Qin Yu was surprised to find that six days had passed.

Just when Qin Yu was happy about his promotion, in a living room in the competition competition hall of the Money League in Pasta City, a young and beautiful girl was sitting on one of the countless chairs. Compared with the spacious living room, her weak figure seemed to be extremely lonely.

At the age of 16 or 7 of the girl, her face, which seemed to have no worries at this time, was full of loneliness and looked very unhappy.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of gentle footsteps behind the girl, but the girl sat in a chair as if she hadn't heard it, and her hands tightly squeezed the chair she was sitting on, as if to pinch it into powder.

"What's wrong, Shirou? Are you still so unhappy that you have learned to operate the blood measurement method?" A voice of concern came from the girl's voice.

Listening to this voice, the girl put away the loneliness on her face, and then turned around and smiled, "No, Uncle Jiu, don't talk nonsense. Shirou is not happy."

The middle-aged man named Uncle Jiu sat on a chair next to the girl and touched the girl's head pitifully. "Do you still think about the bullying of Fan Jian from the Pasta City Magic Guild?" Looking at the girl's small face, the middle-aged man blamed himself a little. If he had paid attention to it at that time, nothing would have happened. Fortunately, the girl had nothing to do, otherwise he would have been at ease all his life.

"No more, Uncle Jiu. Wasn't he punished?

"Then why are you still unhappy?" Middle-aged people watched the girl grow up in front of them from an early age. Naturally, they knew the girl's temperament, knew that she could not hide anything and then showed it on her face. However, thinking about Fan Jian, who was not punished, he naturally felt a little sorry for the girl in front of him. Because of the strength of the Pasta City Magic Guild, even if it is just a branch, they can't do anything to the other party. If they want the other party to pay the price, they must pay the same or even heavier price. What's more, when they go to the Pasta City Magic Guild to question this matter, the other party He denied that it was just made up by themselves, so although the eldest brother was furious about this matter, he could only turn big things into small things, small things into nothing, and choose to calm things. Of course, they said that Fan Jian's punishment was just to cheat money and Shirou.

However, Fan Jian was really punished. He was deprived of his original rights and returned to an indoing dung be. Of course, he was also banned by his father and could not walk out of his door for three months. Although this is not a punishment, in Fan Jian's opinion, it has made him pay a serious price. He has been banned for three months. How can you let him stand his loneliness? He hasn't even spoiled the dancer named Xiaofang, who has just hooked up with him.

"Uncle Jiu, don't guess. I don't have it." Although the girl denied it, a few red clouds suddenly flew on her pretty face.

The middle-aged man named Uncle Jiu felt that he really couldn't understand the girl's mind recently. First of all, he didn't understand why Qian Shirou learned the blood measurement method. Does she want to be an ordinary blood tester at the Yingbin Hall in the future, and then specially give waist cards to the newcomers to the martial arts hall? Secondly, he doesn't understand why she has become so sentimental recently. He doesn't think that being bullied by Fan Jian will make a girl like this. Moreover, Fan Jian didn't take advantage of that time at all, and he has a deep understanding of the girl's temperament of not holding grudges. She can be very indignant about some things in a short time and hates. She has to tear the other party in half, but she can also forget her emotions in a short time.

What makes her so sentimental?

Qian Shirou didn't know that there were so many things in her uncle's mind. In fact, she thought that the reason why she was a little unhappy was that she didn't see the cute little guy. Thinking about the little guy's furry body and the two big teeth with full personality, well, and its spirituality, she couldn't stand it. I wanted to hold it in my arms. As for the person who was with the little guy, er... Qian Shirou's thoughts seemed to pause for a while, and then said fiercely in her heart, forget it, I don't care about him coming, this big bad guy, big pervert, hum. Thinking so, she hit the chair in front of her with her little fist.