armor demon

Chapter 206 Confusion

Although he knew that he could not refine the elixir for the time being, Qin Yu, who was curious, still entered the alchemy room. After entering a little spiritual power at a sign on the wall, a small door was opened on the wall in an instant. Naturally, the so-called alchemy room was inside. After entering it, Qin Yu found this alchemy room. The size of the room is about the size of the stone house in front of it.

The alchemy room is empty. There is a stone table on the inside of the alchemy room that is the same size as the usual table. There is a small tripod on the table. The small tripod looks very ordinary. Except for the simple style, Qin Yu feels that it is no different from those small tripods used to refine elixir on the street of Pasta City. Of course, the reason why Qin Yu thinks so is that the previous text has made it clear that the tripod he used must be an ordinary tripod at the beginning. Only after his proficiency reaches a certain number can he use some small tripods to refine elixirs with better functions. To Qin Yu's surprise, the method of measuring proficiency in this alchemy room was actually through numerical values.

There is a stone box next to Xiaoding. The stone box is tightly covered and looks extremely ordinary, but Qin Yu knows that this is the core thing in the whole alchemy room, because this is a herb replication box, that is to say, all the herbs brought in must be put in this box to copy an identical medicine. Grass, of course, the copied herbs can only be used for exercises, and there is no more practical use.

There is nothing else in the alchemy room except these things.

Looking at the copy box, Qin Yu couldn't help moving his heart, and then he hurried out of the fantasy. After a while, Qin Yu re-entered the alchemy room, and there was one more thing in his hand, which was a ground-level herb.

Qin Yu's eyes flashed and walked straight to the copy box. After opening the copy box, Qin Yu put the herb into it, and then put the lid on the box. After doing all this, Qin Yu stood quietly and waited for the result.

Not long after, a strong fragrance came to his nose, and then a faint light flashed on the table near an inch away from the box. When Qin Yu stared again, he saw an identical herb on the empty table.

Sure enough, Qin Yu couldn't help but be happy when he saw the herb that appeared out of thin air, because this meant that this herb was the one that had been successfully copied.

Qin Yu curiously picked up the herb on the table and looked carefully, but saw that the characteristics of this herb were exactly the same as the herb just now. If Qin Yu did not know that this was just a copied herb, he would definitely think that this herb was the one he had just brought in.

Although there are herbs in his hand that can be successfully copied, Qin Yu shrugged his shoulders helplessly, because he now knows nothing about the method of refining elixir, so although there are all the tools here, there is no way to practice refining elixir. However, after thinking about it carefully, Qin Yu felt that in addition to not knowing how to refine the elixir, he lacked another condition, that is, fire.

In Montelibi, fire is used to refine elixir. Of course, this fire can refer to the magic flint sold on the market, or the magic flame in the hands of fire magicians. These two different fires can be used to refine elixir. The quality of the elixir refined by two different fires is naturally different. In contrast, the quality of the elixir refined by the flame in the magician's hand is much better. Of course, this is a comparison when the same alchemist refines with two different fires, if alchemy The level of teachers is different, and there is no comparison at all. Because the quality of elixirs is still related to the level of alchemists to a great extent, and the rest of the things only play an auxiliary role. Of course, if the auxiliary things are poor, the impact will naturally be great.

Qin Yu searched the alchemy room, but did not find anything that could produce fire for alchemy, that is to say, if he wants to practice refining elixir in it, he must learn fire magic by himself, otherwise everything will be empty talk.

However, with the ease of learning water magic and wind magic by himself, Qin Yu felt that it seemed easier to learn another kind of magic. Of course, the reason why he was so sure was naturally because of this fantasy was because of the miracles after practicing hundreds of sweat opera, otherwise with his original sky. Fu, he is not sure at all. Although he feels that there should be no difficulties, everything is still empty talk. No one is sure that he can learn it until the moment of real learning. Qin Yu knows how difficult it is to master another kind of magic on the original basis. Anyway, it seems to be as difficult as being proficient in any of the magic discipline. Subjects.

Take all the students of the Department of Magic as an example. The students who can learn two kinds of magic, including Qin Yu, are more than enough to count, and there are fewer students who learn three kinds of magic. It seems that there are only two or three. If Qin Yu also learns it, it can be said that he can be regarded as one in the Armor College. A top genius. Of course, if others knew that he had such a different ring in his hand, they might put a double quotation mark on the word genius.

Although Qin Yu had the impulse to go to school to learn fire magic immediately, he still put up with it, because he knew that even if he learned fire magic now, he still could not practice refining elixir, because he had not yet begun to learn how to refine elixir at all, and if he wanted to learn to refine elixir, only There will be a chance to enter the second grade soon. Of course, there are also mentions about how to refine elixir books in the library, but after all, it is not systematic enough. Compared with the teacher's teaching, it is much more difficult for a person to study, because the aspects involved in refining elixir are too complicated, and many things need to be taught by experienced magic teachers to understand. You can explore alone. At that time, not only can't be clear, but even go astray, let alone a rookie like Qin Yu who knows nothing.

So Qin Yu put up with his impulse. After all, he is now in the Qianmeng martial arts competition hall, and many other trainings have not yet begun.

Meditation, sweating, wind magic training, basic physical training, and wearing armor training, Qin Yu completed them one by one. Of course, these trainings took a lot of time. In the case of Qin Yu resting and training, he stopped when he thought it was enough for a day of training. After each training, he found that he had made a little progress compared with before.

After stopping to see the time, it was already afternoon. After a short break, Qin Yu began to study the outbreak of spiritual power.

In the mysterious magic boundary, his spiritual power had two inexplicable outbreaks, and when using armor, there was also an explosion of energy after consuming the magic crystal. Qin Yu felt that the two explosions were essentially the same. He collectively referred to this outbreak as a spiritual explosion, which was a spiritual explosion. It consumes spiritual power and magic power in the magic stone. The difference is that after the second outbreak in the mysterious magic boundary, there was a strong sequela. This sequela made him feel very scared in a short time, and even had an unremitable sense of powerlessness.

What on earth are these things? Qin Yu didn't understand why his mental strength broke out at an emergency, and why did he have such a strong pain after the outbreak?

It is precisely because of this understanding that Qin Yu made up his mind to study seriously.

He thinks that this may be a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can improve your strength. If you don't use it well, you will even be hurt by it. Of course, at present, the explosion of mental power brings him more benefits than bad. If it hadn't been for the outbreak of mental power, he might have died several times. Therefore, Qin Yu naturally can't cut off the spiritual explosion. He thinks it is best to control it within the range he can bear.

After making up his mind, Qin Yu began to experiment. He did not wear armor, because it seems more cost-effective to simply test with mental strength. In this way, he can't help but save unnecessary waste of marble crystals. He also doesn't have to wear heavy armor, which naturally saves a lot of money and trouble. .

In the huge training room, Qin Yu sat quietly, but under his quiet appearance, the spiritual power in his body was as turbulent as waves. While mobilizing the spiritual power in his body, he silently recalled the reason why the spiritual power could explode that day, and he slowly recalled the whole detail.

Time passed slowly, but Qin Yu, who was sitting still frowned, because he couldn't find the reason at all. After thinking carefully, he couldn't grasp the clues in it, because from his memory, the reason for the spiritual explosion was spontaneous, that is to say, it was the spontaneous mental power in his body. Finished, it has nothing to do with him. But the problem is that this spontence is also accidental, that is to say, sometimes even if there is danger, mental strength will not automatically explode. If it can always explode automatically when his life is in danger, Qin Yu can still accept that he knows nothing, but its uncertainty makes Qin Yu unable to let go. This is like a poor man who clearly knows that he has hundreds of millions of properties, but he can't think of a way to spend or save their lives.

How on earth can I control myself? Then try to unite the spiritual power, and then burst them out in an instant and feel the spiritual power flowing in the body, Qin Yu thought so.

However, when all the mental power in his body was condensed together and then slowly compressed, he remembered the scene when the spiritual power was sparified that day, and he gave up with some lingering palpitation. Indeed, he still remembers the terrible destructive power when it exploded after the spiritual compression that day. He was not sure whether his vein could withstand such a violent impact if he did it again.

Although he didn't find a way, Qin Yu never gave up. He still sat quietly in the training room and thought hard. He could even survive the long process of not increasing his mental strength at the beginning. What is the difficulty that has just begun now?