armor demon

Chapter 233 Wind and Rain

Two hours have passed, but Qin Yu's figure has never appeared. It is reasonable that Qin Yu should have arrived here long ago, because after the report of the people who squatted in the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce, they knew that Qin Yu had left the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce almost two hours ago and couldn't wait for the Qin universe. Ouyang Li and others couldn't help but be a little annoyed. Get impatient.

Did the guy find something wrong and then choose the way? Ouyang Li flashed this idea in his heart. The reason why he thought so was that the man squatting in the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce actually lost Qin Yu.

"Ouyang, I don't know if Qin Yu found me following him, so I chose those crowded places to go. Because I didn't dare to get too close, I accidentally lost him behind." This is the information reported to him by the squatting man.

Although the previous news was a little bad, Ouyang Li still calmly let everyone stay in place. He felt that it was impossible for Qin Yu to find them to ambushed here, because none of them would collude with Qin Yu. He thought that the reason why Qin Yu was so cautious was only because he was to provoke him. We are afraid of their revenge later. Therefore, he specially told the people in the ambush to hide and not let Qin Yu find flaws when approaching this alley.

Although these soldiers seem to casually pull out such a person to deal with Qin Yu, Ouyang Li thinks it is better to be cautious. One of the reasons why he is so cautious is that Qin Yu is now a VIP of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce. Of course, the law enforcement in Pasta City is also cautious. The reason is that their Ouyang family is not strong enough to do whatever they want.

In fact, Qin Yu, who came out of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce, did not find a tail behind him at all. The reason why he was so cautious was that he was going to He Lao's place for fear that someone would find him. On the way, Qin Yu quietly put on a bucket hat, covering his face, and the strange steps he used in the crowd made him very relieved and believed that he would not be followed by others.

He did shake off a tail, but he didn't realize that there was always a figure not far behind him.

Looking at Qin Yu, whose footwork was a little strange but not slow, who was like a slippery fish in the crowd, the man's eyes exuded a look of shock, and when the shock faded in his eyes, his eyes emitted a hot light, as if a hungry beast saw a fan. The little lamb on the way.

He used his light skills to follow Qin Yu closely, but soon he was a little annoyed by Pasta City's decision that he could not use light skills in the city, because this decision made him unable to blatantly use light skills to follow the other party. He needed to carefully cover up his movements so that people could not see it. He used light kung fu in the crowd, but this will inevitably greatly reduce his light kung fu. The light kung fu he practiced can be used to fly in mid-air without any restrictions, but now he can only keep dodging in the crowd and keep running forward with the strength under his feet. It can be said that his advantage is It has not been played. He was like an eagle that was supposed to soar in the sky accidentally flew into the dense forest.

Fortunately, his light skills are good, otherwise he would have been thrown away by the teenager in front of him. However, even so, he was still depressed to find that the teenager in front of him did not seem to have exerted all his strength at all. If the other party exerted all his strength, he would not at all. The way to keep up with each other. What kind of footwork is this? Looking at the unimpeded progress of the teenager in the crowd, he couldn't help thinking in his heart that the magician did not have such a footwork at all. Only those magical warriors with light skills would have such a footwork. However, isn't the teenager in front of him obviously a magician? Maybe light work? The people who followed Qin Yu were puzzled.

Although his advantage is greatly reduced in the dense crowd, he is still very confident in his tracking skills. At least so far, the teenager in front of him has not found him.

What is this teenager going to do? Looking at Qin Yu quietly wearing a hat, he couldn't help thinking in surprise that it seemed that this teenager was really mysterious. Qin Yu's dress aroused his curiosity.

Soon Qin Yu came to He Lao's door and saw that there seemed to be no one following him, so Qin Yu walked in without hesitation.

What is he doing here? The people who followed Qin Yu were a little strange, but in broad daylight, he was still very wise not to follow Qin Yu.

He Lao is not here, but Qin Yu still heard a good news, that is, Su Ruyue's body has gradually recovered. In a few days, she can go to school to learn magic, and in a few days, she will go to school for the exam. Thinking about Su Ruyue, who has not seen for a long time, Qin Yu, who is worried about her injury, can't wait to fly to that day immediately. .

What makes Qin Yu a little depressed is that the time of the elixir auction is still uncertain. Is it possible that the old man's elixir has been promoted everywhere before it is refined? Qin Yu slandered in his heart.

After leaving his hometown, Qin Yu walked directly towards his cabin. Although he couldn't wait to fly to school now, he knew that it was useless to go to school now. He felt that it was right to seize this time to get the mask out.

Back from He Lao, the nearest road still has to pass through the alley where Ouyang stood in ambush. Although some people in Qin Yu's mind were worried that Ouyang Li and his party would never give up, he still did not pay attention to such worries because he thought he had dumped the people who followed behind him.

Soon, Qin Yu came to the front of the alley ambushed by Ouyang Li and his party. This alley is obviously much more dilapidated than other places, mainly because most of the surrounding houses are already dangerous houses, and basically no one lives here. This is why Ouyang Li and his party chose to be here. The reason for the action is that the possibility of being found by the Pasta City law enforcement team here is very low. Except for the law enforcement team, there is nothing to worry about them for the time being, and as long as they move fast enough, the possibility of this action being discovered by others is still very low.

In order to solve the battle in a very short time, Ouyang Li's father called so many soldiers, and he was also a warrior with more than four levels of internal strength. Otherwise, the two student soldiers next to Ouyang Li would have been enough to deal with Qin Yu.

With so many people dealing with Qin Yu, Qin Yu can be said to be more evil and less auspicious, but sadly, Qin Yu did not realize that someone would wait for him here.

However, Qin Yu still obviously felt a little difference when entering the ambushed area of Ouyang Li and others, because the stray cats that usually appeared when he passed the alley did not appear. Normally, when Qin Yu stepped into the alley, the rogue cats would definitely run to him very punctually. , because Qin Yu often kindly throws some leftovers to these stray cats.

That is, this abnormality that Ouyang and his party did not expect at all made Qin Yu feel a trace of strangeness in the air.

There are nine out of ambush, and there are still many ambush, otherwise these stray cats may not be scared to run away. Thinking of another Ouyang's offending and making him suffer a big loss, Qin Yu naturally flashed such an idea in his heart.

Although Qin Yu still maintained his previous posture and seemed to have no defense, he was very alert in his heart. Although his every step looked so brisk, he was already step by step. His spirit was highly concentrated, and his fingers even pressed on the space button with armor. If love Something goes wrong, and he will even risk exposing his secrets to activate his armor.

In this empty alley that is 100 meters long and one meter wide, only Qin Yu's footsteps are echoing.


While moving forward, Qin Yu was on guard while thinking about how to get out.

What will you be waiting for? Qin Yu didn't know that the only thing he had to do was to keep his fate in his own hands.

The sky was gloomy, and the strong wind blew up the fine sand in the alley.

The storm seems to be coming.