armor demon

Chapter 245 Cooperation between Kong Fei and Zhang Hai

Kong Fei did not escape. Because he was untidy and looked a little blue and swollen, he was afraid that he would hide behind the teachers in front of the students, so that it took a lot of effort to find him from behind those teachers.

Kong Fei and other teachers heard Ye Fang's remarks, but their opinions are surprisingly consistent, that is, what Ye Fang said is absolutely false, and they have more say than the students present. Although it can be regarded as the top medicine for magicians below level 3, its effect has long been Recognized by the teachers, they know that even if these ordinary students take the best bone-clearing pills, they can't achieve such an effect. They think that there are definitely other deeper reasons why these students can basically pass this exam.

It's pure joke that Gu Qinggu Dan wants to achieve such an effect.

Of course, the joke is a joke. Kong Fei doesn't want other teachers to know that he secretly replaced the elixir sent by the school with a bone-clearing elixir that looked like a defective elixir bought from outside. Therefore, although his appearance was not neat at this time, he still stood up quickly. "Classmates, it seems that I sent it to the wrong last time. Your elixir, those elixirs were left by a friend in the trading industry. The reason why he painted those powders on their appearances is just to make them look better. However, due to mismatched mismatch, the color on their surface looks terrible. Because of this, my That friend left them with me for a while, and I sent them to you by mistake that day because I was in a hurry to go out. However, you can rest assured that I can guarantee that those elixirs are also ordinary bone-clearing elixirs with personality. Of course, I don't need to guarantee this anymore, because the actual situation has proved their efficacy. However, to be honest, no matter what kind of bone-clearing elixir will have such a shocking effect at all. There is definitely another reason why the students have such a high pass rate this time. Therefore, those students who failed, don't pass, don't put your hope on these mysterious bone-clearing pills, because they It is no different from ordinary bone-clearing elixir. You should work hard to practice. This is the right way.

Kong Feiyang's words instantly covered up his behavior and cooled the atmosphere of the scene.

"Yes, for thousands of years, the clear bone elixir has been thoroughly studied, and its efficacy has long been limited to a certain range, and it is impossible to make a breakthrough. If there is a breakthrough, it can't be at this time. Therefore, there should be another reason.

Such an idea flashes in most people's minds. Of course, the doubts in the hearts of a few people have not completely disappeared, especially those who failed the exam.

"Mr. Kong Fei, can you tell us your friend's address and name?" Some unwilling students asked immediately.

"Well, I think this should be no problem, but as his friend, I think I should respect his opinions, so I will first ask him if he agrees to tell you the address and name. Of course, at this time, he should have left work and it's time to rest, so it's obviously not the time to disturb him. Those students who want, go to my house and ask me for it tomorrow. If he agrees, I will tell you. Kong Fei sold it.

Damn it, what respect? Respect your sister. Your friend is engaged in business. He can't wait for you to help him publicize it. You are just a different plan to sell information money. Some students who know Kong Fei's mind can't help slandering them in their hearts, but in public Naturally, they didn't say these thoughts in their hearts. They knew that once they angered Kong Fei, they might not even get the information.

"Well, Mr. Kong Fei, I'll come to see you tomorrow."

Many of the students who failed the exam answered at the same time.

Hearing the reaction at the scene, Kong Fei couldn't help but look happy. He knew that he would make more money.

Con thinking that he can still make some money from Zhang Hai, Kong Fei is even happier. Now his desire for money seems to be reachable.

The annual examination of the warrior department ended like this. However, in addition to being excited about such an amazingly high pass rate, these teachers still have not found the root cause of this result, which is undoubtedly something that makes them worried about.

Of course, for Kong Fei, he doesn't pay attention to what these teachers are thinking about at all. What he is thinking now is how to extract as many benefits as possible from those ignorant students.

After the statistical results, Kong Fei did not go back to his home, but walked to his office. He wanted to contact Zhang Hai as soon as possible. Since his own communication crystal ball had already been sold because of gambling, he could only use the communication crystal ball in the office.

"Ah, Mr. Kong, what can I do for you? Do you want to buy something with me? Zhang Hai's voice full of joy came from the communication crystal ball. He was eager to make money now. So when he heard that it was Kong Fei, he naturally became happy. He knew that Kong Fei must have nothing to do with him other than money.

"Haha, Zhang Hai, you are quite smart. However, I didn't buy anything from you." Kong Fei, who is preparing to pocket money, is naturally in a good mood.

"What do you say?" Zhang Hai was obviously a little unhappy.

"Zhang Hai, don't worry. To be honest, I'm selling news to you."

"What news can be sold for money?" Zhang Hai was a little surprised and curious. Indeed, even if he had worked in the trading market for so many years, he had never done anything to buy or sell news.

"My students heard that you have a batch of good elixir. Of course, I can also change another location. For example, I can say that such elixir is only at the Tobacco Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Zhang, I know you understand, huh?"

"Ah, that's natural." Zhang Hai has been in the trading market for so long, and naturally knows that Kong Fei's words have something to say, "Mr. Kong, don't worry, as long as someone comes, I will never treat you badly."

"However, it's not that simple. Forget it, it's not clear. Why don't we meet and talk about it?" Kong Feidao.

"Okay, we will meet in Qingxinyuan on West Street in half an hour."

"Ye, that's it."

Qingxinyuan is a famous bar on West Street.

After the call, Kong Fei quickly walked out of the office, but he was not shocked when he had just walked out of the office, because there were four students waiting for him outside the door.

It's okay, fortunately, the sound insulation of the office is good, otherwise the consequences of what these guys hear will be unimaginable, and Kong Fei is frightened.

"What's the matter?"

"Teacher, we are here to inquire about your friend. I don't know if you have already asked him?" One of the four students said that Kong Fei came to the office specially. They felt that Kong Fei must have communicated with his friends. Even if they did not communicate, they knew Kong Fei's real thoughts just now.

"Oh, this..."

Hearing Kong Fei's desire to stop talking, a student quickly took out a beautifully packaged cardboard box and handed it to Kong Fei. "Teacher, this is a little bit of your friend. I hope he can take more care of him."

"Ah, this..." Kong Fei took the cardboard box and opened it. His original serious face seemed to be a little relieved. "Then I'll thank you instead of my friend. He likes the soup made with ginseng the most."

Bullshit, your sister's ginseng, if there is no stack of Sel coins in it, will you show us the face? Several students couldn't help slandering in their hearts. Of course, they didn't show it.

Seeing that he made a sum of money out of thin air, Kong Fei was naturally overjoyed and said with a smile, "I haven't told my friend yet, but don't worry, I will definitely tell you his name and address. Well, you will know if you come early tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mr. Kong." Although they said thank you, these students have already scolded Kong Fei completely in their hearts. They have never seen such a greedy teacher.

After separating from several students, Kong Fei rushed straight to Qingxinyuan.

Half an hour later, Kong Fei arrived at Qingxinyuan on time, and Zhang Hai seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time.

The two immediately entered a box to discuss.

The negotiation between the two soon came to a result, that is, to sell those bone elixir that look worse than the defective bone elixir as the best bone elixir than the ordinary best bone elixir, and share the money earned equally between the two. They set the price at 150,000 yen each, so that they will make a lot of money for each one. However, Zhang Hai is a little worried about whether these elixir from Qin Shaobai can be sold at this price, because they are defective elixir after all. Such elixir can be sold for up to 30,000 yuan, and now the price is actually priced to 150,000. How can you tell him not worry?

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem." Kong Fei patted his chest while drinking wine. He could see the nature of these ordinary students from Ye Fang. It seemed too easy to make money from these students.

Kong Fei's confident appearance eased Zhang Hai's worries a lot. Because he had not seen the grand scenes during the exam, Zhang Hai was naturally not as confident as Kong Fei. However, such worries naturally have no impact on him, because even if he can't sell so much money, he won't suffer losses. Anyway, things are not his. However, when he thinks of Qin Shaobai, who has come and is nowhere, his heart suddenly raised. It must not be less than 30,000. If it is less than 30,000, then Qin Shaobai will absolutely He will trouble himself, he said to himself in his heart.

Kong Fei didn't have any worry at all. He even felt regretful, because there were only 30 bone-clearing pills that looked worse than ordinary defective bone-clearing pills. It would be great if there were more. Hey, it's all Ye Fang's fault. Why did he describe that elixir so clearly? If it's vague At one point, can't we replace it with other defective bone-clearing pills? Kong Fei even complained about Ye Fang.

Of course, Kong Fei thinks so because he sees that there are definitely more than 30 students who are interested in inquire about this elixir.

After finalizing all the details, the two drank in the bar, and they both looked forward to tomorrow.