armor demon

Chapter 248 Commitment

"It's just that we are just weak magicians. How can we fight against their warriors?" Although Qin Yu's words made everyone excited, some people quickly realized the difficulties of things.

"Yes, we can fight against them at most in school. Once we get out of school, we are basically in a weak position."

Listening to the two, the emotional people quickly returned to reality, because as they said, for the first time they felt that the profession of magician was so weak.

Looking at the changed mood of everyone in an instant, Qin Yu smiled and said, "Pastar City is still a city that pays attention to the rule of law. Ouyang Li bullies people at most in those remote corners where there are not many people. Therefore, we might as well take advantage of this and try not to go to those remote places. Moreover, I think they just think you are weak. Once you become tough, what can they really do to you?

"It's true. Because our combat effectiveness is naturally weaker than that of soldiers, once those people appear, we are scared out and don't think of resisting at all, so we are naturally bullied."

Listening to Qin Yu's words, most people nodded one after another.

"We all have another advantage. We are very united. Imagine that if we all walk together after leaving school, they will have to think about it even if they want to deal with you. Even if they really rush up, the people we can escape will immediately inform the law enforcement brigade, and they will have to flee. Moreover, as many of us sometimes have an advantage. Unless they use armor, we can really compete with them. However, if they want to use armor, they have to weigh it even more. Pasta City's punishment for those who use armor for no reason in the city is still relatively serious. Therefore, as long as we all unite, we can turn the advantage in numbers into victory.

"It's just that if they really use armor and attack fiercely, won't we be in danger?" Someone asked weakly.

Everyone nodded one after another. They were really afraid of this, and they were really afraid that the other party was a desperado.

"If everyone is afraid of this, it's better to bow your head and let the other party bully you. You know, the other party just valued your weakness. The weaker you are, the more arrogant the other party is. In fact, which of them really dares to do it? In order to bully you and risk being wanted by the law enforcement brigade in order to get a few small money from you? I think everyone should know the importance of it. Therefore, I still say that as long as everyone unites and tough, the other party is just a paper tiger. Qin Yu said powerfully.

"Do you want to continue to be weakly bullied or toughly fight against each other with your own dignity?" At this time, Ma Wei also spoke loudly. He felt that Qin Yu's words were very reasonable.

"Of course I don't want to be bullied."

"Yeah, they are warriors, aren't they? Our magicians are also not weak. Hundreds of water magic go out, I'm afraid they won't hide."

"Mom, I won't be a coward anymore."


Everyone's blood began to boil again.

"Of course, unity is one aspect, and more importantly, you all have to work hard and redouble your efforts. Imagine that if you all become the top magicians, then the little Ouyang family will be nothing. You can smash it with Sel coins."

This is true, and everyone agrees with Qin Yu's statement.

"Can Master Qin Yu continue to teach us?" At this time, someone shouted such a sentence in a timely manner.

"Yes, Master Qin Yu, continue to teach us."

"Last time we were wrong, we blamed you. Later, in the process of exploration, we found that what you said was so useful."


Everyone shouted that their words came from the bottom of their hearts. Indeed, it was precisely because Qin Yu's approach brought them substantial benefits. Otherwise, they could not agree with Qin Yu's statement so much.

Looking at the people so enthusiastic, Qin Yu quickly looked at Zhao Wei for help. He taught everything he could teach. If he wanted to teach again, he had to reveal his secrets.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Wei turned around when he saw Qin Yu turn around, as if he was wandering around and didn't know what was going on around him.

Damn, I knew that I would not make those remarks just now. Qin Yu secretly slandered, but looking at the people in front of him, he understood that he could not escape this barrier, so he had to bravely replied, "To be honest, I don't have the level to teach you, and I have basically taught what I can teach, and I dare not dare in the future. I'm sure I can provide any more help to everyone. So, don't call me a master, which will embarrass me. However, I will take time to go to the Water Magic Association. As long as you have any questions, if I can answer, I will try my best to answer you. However, I am usually very busy and don't have much time to go to the Water Magic Association. I hope you can forgive me.

He is really busy. He has to work hard to improve his mental strength and strength. How can he waste time on something unrelated? Moreover, the reason why he has the current ability is that it seems to have little to do with the improvement of the magic level of these students because of the rings left by his grandfather. Moreover, these students have more magic knowledge than him, and they don't need to be taught by him at all, so he naturally believes that his ability is not enough for these at all. Classmate's teacher.

"No problem."

"As long as Master Qin Yu can come to the Water Magic Association, we will be happy."

Everyone replied one after another.

Indeed, it's good for Qin Yu to go to the Water Magic Association. They don't dare to ask too much.

"Well, since Qin Yu promised to come to our association from time to time, let's break up. It's getting late, and everyone has to eat." Seeing that Qin Yu agreed to go to the Water Magic Association, Zhao Wei said.

Listening to Zhao Wei's words, everyone felt hungry and dispersed after chatting with Qin Yu for a while.

Finally, he was promoted to the second grade. Qin Yu, who walked alone on the way back after separating from the crowd, couldn't help sighing in his heart. He couldn't imagine that he would be promoted to the second grade one day. He knew that everything was due to the ring left by his grandfather. If it weren't for the illusion in the ring, he would not have taken it today. Get such a result.

I don't know if I can make a breakthrough in alchemy after studying hard. Qin Yu thought in his heart. Although he has refined the bone elixir and can make a mask, the setbacks in refining the bone elixir still made him very worried.

But no matter what, he has to work hard, and Qin Yu cheers himself up in his heart.