armor demon

Chapter 261 Plan

Qin Yu, who was so anxious, quickly came to Uncle Wen's shop. When he saw Uncle Wen chatting with an unknown uncle, Qin Yu's anxious heart settled down. Since Uncle Wen was chatting with others, he had no choice but to ask those questions in his heart.

However, the chat between the two quickly aroused Qin Yu's interest.

"Ah, didn't your son lose his internal strength a year ago and couldn't use armor? Why did he use this primary armor to repair it now?" Uncle Wen said strangely to the uncle named Ah Cheng.

"Ha ha, you don't know that Xiaoji has fully recovered." Uncle Cheng's words have unconcealed joy.

"Recovered? Why do you have so much money to buy that expensive antidote for him? Uncle Wen was surprised.

"Where do we have money? It's all because we take a kind of bone-clearing elixir that costs 420,000 yuan. Speaking of which, we are still lucky. If we buy it two days later, we can't even buy it for 50 or 600,000 yuan." Speaking of this, Uncle Cheng couldn't help but feel a little palpitated.

"What kind of bone-clearing elixir is so expensive? And how can it detoxify the wound?"

Qin Yu and Zhang Fenghua rushed over, and even Zhang Qian, who had not recovered from strenuous exercise, raised her ears curiously.

"Don't you know?" Uncle Cheng was a little surprised. At this moment, he told him what he knew about this kind of bone-clearing elixir.

I heard that the defective bone-clearing elixir can actually have the effect of the best bone-clearing elixir. I heard that the bone-clearing elixir, which was originally worth only 30,000 yuan, could be sold at a high price of 3 million. Uncle Wen and several people couldn't help staring. Only Qin Yu next to it, the more strange it was, because from Uncle Cheng's description, he felt that this kind of bone-clearing elixir It was the kind of defective bone-clearing elixir he refined, but he couldn't believe that the bone-clearing elixir Zhang Hai sold was made by him without seeing it with his own eyes.

If you don't believe it, Qin Yu, who has become curious, has planned to go to the Montesso market to ask Zhang Hai to see if he sells the kind of bone-clearing elixir he has refined. If it is really the bone-clearing elixir he has refined, it shows that he is not without talent in alchemy, not only In this way, he can still make a lot of money from those bone-clearing pills sold, which are exciting to think about.

However, under the threat of Uncle Wen's shop, Qin Yu will naturally not leave here easily.

"Well, I'm going to take the armor back to Xiaoji. I'm afraid he's ready to wear it." After saying the matter, Uncle Cheng quickly picked up the space button with armor and walked out of Uncle Wen's shop without looking back.

Looking at Uncle Cheng leaving, Qin Yu quickly asked, "Uncle Wen, what's going on?"

"Well, Uncle Wen didn't want to tell you, but you seem to be quite capable of buying such an expensive courtyard recently, so I asked Xiaoqian to ask you to come and discuss it."

"Uncle Wen, if you say so, you will be outside. Your business is my business."

"The thing is that those people bid 100,000 yuan for us to move to another place. If we don't move, they will come to open the store in the next two days." Uncle Wen sighed.

"Those guys with yellow hair said they would come tomorrow afternoon." Zhang Fenghua interrupted.

"Why do they dismantle it? Is there no royal law in Pasta City?" Qin Yu didn't understand why a group of gangsters were so arrogant.

"Xiao Yu, you don't know that they have a land deed in their hands."

"Wasn't the deed in your hand?"

"Uncle Wen's original land lease is fake. It's all because Uncle Wen didn't pay attention to it back then." Uncle Wen shook his head helplessly.

"You can't just pay 100,000 yuan to let others move away." Qin Yu looked angry.

"What can I do? The reason is on other people's side."

"No, we can't let them succeed so easily." Qin Yu said resolutely.

"Uncle Wen just thought about it. Let's take a step back." Uncle Wen sighed.

"Isn't it just a group of yellow hair? What's the big deal, Uncle Wen? Look at Xiaoyu's. If they dare to threaten again tomorrow, Xiao Yu will interrupt each of them by one leg." Qin Yu, who was angry, couldn't help waving his fist.

Zhang Fenghua beside him is also emotional, "Uncle Wen, I will look at Fenghua tomorrow. Although they are arrogant, they are just a group of guys who have not practiced any kung fu. Tomorrow Fenghua can turn them all by himself."

"It can't be used." Uncle Wen shook his head vigorously. "It's not that simple. There must be forces behind these yellow hairs to support them, otherwise they dare not be so arrogant."

"That's not necessarily. I think they must think Uncle Wen is a good bully. If you hadn't stopped Uncle Wen today, I might have scared them a long time ago." Zhang Fenghua said.

Qin Yu felt that Uncle Wen's words were reasonable, so he thought about it and said, "Then go to check their details tomorrow and act according to the opportunity. Anyway, it will never be so easy to give up the store to them."

"Well, it's safer, but leave it to me to explore the details." Zhang Fenghua said.

"No, Fenghua, it's too dangerous for you to go out. If you take such a big risk, Uncle Wen would rather lose this small shop." Uncle Wen immediately shook his head to stop it.

Qin Yu also agreed, "Fenghua, it's too dangerous for you to go out. Leave this matter to me. I know a master who follows these yellow-haired kids. Qin Yu doesn't know any stalking masters, but to be honest, it seems that no one is more suitable to follow them than him, but he didn't say this plan. If he says it, he will definitely be opposed by Uncle Wen and others, because there is no difference between asking a magician to follow them and die.

"If Xiao Yu really knows such a friend, it's a feasible way." Uncle Wen agreed.

After several people discussed for a while, they determined Qin Yu's method, explored who was doing small actions behind his back, and then waited for the opportunity to act.

This night, Zheng Yinan's room was still lit all night. Zheng Yinan seemed to be more irritable than last night. There was more blood in his eyes than yesterday, and everything in his alchemy room that could be vented by him was suffered. Even the porcelain basin worth 20 million yuan was broken into pieces by him. As for the experiment, he had to take out a spare porcelain basin.

Time passed minute by minute by. When the day was bright, Zheng Yinan, who had struggled all night, finally fell on his chair. He still couldn't find the sixth material after depleted the elixir he had just bought yesterday. He had to admit that he had failed, but he had no idea. Gan, because what made him fail was actually the primary elixir calculated as clear bone elixir. Looking at the herb that was originally worth hundreds of millions of yen that had been used once and had no value, looking at the "Collection of Wancao" that he had turned over countless times, and looking at the mess in the alchemy room, Zheng Yinan had a kind of trying to refine that elixir. People came up with the idea of beating up.

By the way, isn't it possible to know the result if you ask the sales manager tomorrow? Zheng Yinan's eyes suddenly lit up.