armor demon

Chapter 279 Turnaround

Qin Yu's knees were firmly on Qian Shirou's lower abdomen. With Qian Shirou's muffled hum, the two fell to the ground. The reason is that although Qian Shirou was hit by Qin Yu's knee, she did not loosen and grasp Qin Yu's hands, so the two fell to the ground like this. Qian Shi Rou is below and Qin Yu is above.

Qian Shirou's whole body was pressed under Qin Yu. Qin Yu's shoulders could clearly feel the softness of the woman below, but at this time, he had no ambiguous thoughts. All he thought about was how to get rid of the whole entangled woman.

At such a large size, Qian Shirou has never been taken advantage of by others in addition to being taken advantage of by Qin Yu, so she scolded the thief in front of her. However, although she was pressed down by Qin Yu, it was actually she who had the upper hand, because Qin Yu's hands had been firmly grasped by her.

So after that moment of anger, Qian Shirou pulled Qin Yu out fiercely and tried to turn Qin Yu, who was pressing on her body. Qin Yu, who had no internal force at all, was not Qian Shirou's opponent, so after only pressing it for a moment, Qin Yu was helplessly pressed by Qian Shirou. Under the body.

Seeing that her opponent was finally subdued by her, Qian Shirou couldn't help but feel a little proud, but thinking that she had just been taken advantage of by the thief, and even now she is still close to the thief, she can't help being angry.

However, at this time, she suddenly felt that there was a familiar smell on the thief under her body. That breath seemed to be no different from that of Qin Shaobai at the bottom of the big crack. How could it be like this? Is the thief in front of her the Qin Shaobai? Qian Shirou was stunned, and the strength in her hand suddenly relaxed.

Qin Yu didn't expect the other party to make such a mistake at such a critical time, but he didn't think so much about it. Such an opportunity was difficult to meet. At present, he broke away from his hand and pushed it towards the other party.

Qian Shirou finally came to her senses, but she was still pushed to her chest by the hands of the thief under her. Fortunately, her eyes were fast and hands were fast, and she grabbed the other party's wrist tightly when she was about to escape.

The feeling from her chest has not disappeared, which made Qian Shirou's face suddenly hot as if it was burned. Although she couldn't help scolding the other party for being extremely indevil, she blurted out, "Are you Qin Shaobai?"

Listening to the other party's voice, Qin Yu finally knew that it was Qian Shirou in front of him. He was stunned. He really didn't expect that the person who had been entangled him for so long was Qian Shirou. If he had known it was her, he wouldn't have wasted so much time. Thinking that the two had been entangled for so long. For so much time, Qin Yu couldn't help crying and laughing. Thinking about the urgency of time, he quickly said, "Then don't let me go."

Qin Yu's words immediately convinced Qian Shirou that he was Qin Shaobai, but looking at Qin Yu talking to herself like this, she couldn't help but be angry, "Well, why should I let you go? You didn't enter through the main door in the middle of the night and secretly climbed over the wall. It's not good to say, what the hell are you going to do?" Qian Shirou feels that she is now like a righteous law enforcer who judges bad people.

"If I were a bad person, I would have put you under the big crack." Qin Yu is really helpless.

"What's that?" Thinking about the situation at the time of the big crack, Qian Shirou couldn't help blushing again. Some Nuo said, and now her hand holding Qin Yu tightly was also unconsciously loosened.

At this time, Qin Yu, who remembered Qian Shirou's identity, was happy and said immediately, "Do you know the communication band of the magic crystal ball of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce? Well, it's better to be the president."

"The president of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce? Why do you want Sister Tang's communication band? Qian Shirou didn't understand.

"Don't ask, I have something urgent." Qin Yu didn't have time to explain so much to Qian Shirou, but he quickly reacted, "Do you know the president of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce?" When asked this question, Qin Yu didn't expect that what Qian Shirou said about Sister Tang was Tang Ying.

"I know, I also have the communication band of her communication magic crystal ball." She answered quickly, but Qian Shirou's heart was strange. What did Qin Shaobai want Tang Ying's communication band to do in the middle of the night? Is there any trick between them? She actually unconsciously wanted to go to some aspects.

"Then give it to me quickly."

Looking at Qin Yu's anxious appearance, Qian Shirou felt that there must be some relationship between the two, and she was a little unhappy. She thought that it must be good for this guy to be so anxious to find Tang Ying in the middle of the night, so she said directly, "Why should I give it to you?"

"Why?" Qin Yu was stunned. He really couldn't figure out why Qian Shirou wanted to ask such a thing, but time was tight. He didn't have time to explain it to her, but he didn't think of any other way to let the young lady speak, so in the end he said helplessly, "Well, tonight's Ruyan Chamber of Commerce Be attacked by others."

"It's none of your business if others have to attack. Besides, can a chamber of commerce as big as the Tobacco Chamber of Commerce not deal with such a thing?" Qian Shirou said angrily that Qin Yu was a liar. Thinking that he was so concerned about Tang Ying as much as the Tobacco Chamber of Commerce, but ignored himself at all, Qian Shirou couldn't help but be dissatisfied.

Qin Yu really didn't understand how Qian Shirou's tone was so angry. He really didn't understand where he had offended her, or where the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce had offended her. He just thought about her sister Tang just now. Qin Yu felt that if it was true, he should have offended her. At present, he is really like an ant on a hot pot. He doesn't know what to do. If he wants him to attack the delicate young lady in front of him and force her to speak out the communication band, he doesn't seem to be able to do that hand, not to mention that he is no match at all.

"Then tell me what you want to do." Qin Yu's tone inevitably lowered a little.

Qian Shirou didn't expect that this Qin Shaobai would whisper for the sake of the Smoke Chamber of Commerce. At present, she was even more sad and did not let go at all. "Humph, I won't tell you."

"Why?" Qin Yu frowned.

"Why not." Qian Shirou turned her head, although she had never seen what Qin Yu looked like in the dark.

Qin Yu is completely helpless. This young lady is not soft and hard. He really doesn't understand what she is thinking.

At this time, a broken sound suddenly sounded across the river. Before the two could react, a figure had come to the pavilion, and the light of the magic lighting stone also illuminated the small pavilion.

The person who came was Qian Jiu. Seeing her uncle appear in front of him, Qian Shirou couldn't help but panic, because because they only talked just now, they actually forgot to stand up, but maintained the state where you pressed me and I were pressed before. This will see the sudden appearance of Qian Jiu, and Qian Shirou naturally became embarrassed. The red on her face that had just faded filled her childish face in an instant.

Qin Yu was also a little embarrassed. Indeed, he pressed a girl so vaguely that he couldn't say anything, although he couldn't do anything to the girl under him.

Qian Jiu's face was full of surprise. If he saw Qian Shirou being rude by others, he would naturally be very angry, but the situation in front of him was not like this. Although Qian Shirou was pressed under him, the man did nothing at all, that is to say, Qian Shirou could resist, but she did nothing. Si said that the two of them knew each other, and then...

This is what surprises Qian Jiu. In his mind, although Qian Shirou has always been a little girl who loves to mess around, she doesn't seem to take things between men and women in mind. How can she not surprise him with such a boy now?

Under Qian Jiu's surprised gaze, the two seemed to stand up very tacitly, which confirmed Qian Jiu's idea. At this moment, he quickly hit ahaha, "Shirou, seeing you haven't come back for a long time. Uncle Jiu is afraid that you have something to do. Now it's good to see that you're fine... It's fine, but... He paused and turned his eyes to Qin Yu beside him, "Who is this young man?"

Qian Shirou's eyes also looked at Qin Yu next to her, but when she saw Qin Yu's face, she suddenly became speechless, because he actually put on the mask in the hall again.

The reason why Qin Yu wears a mask is naturally because Qian Jiu is familiar with his mask. In this way, Qian Jiu naturally has a preconceived concept and will not question him too much. Of course, his ultimate purpose is to let Qian Jiu see the communication band of the president of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce on the face he met in the hall. Tell him that since he hit a nail with Qian Shirou, Qin Yu could only hit the idea on Qian Jiu.

"Hello, curator, I'm Qin Shaobai." Qin Yu smiled and said.

"Oh, you are Qin Shaobai." Qian Jiu suddenly remembered.

"Curator, Miss Qian and I are completely misunderstanding here, but for time-limited reasons, I can't make it clear to you now. Well, I wonder if you can tell me the communication band of the communication magic crystal ball of the president of the Tobacco Chamber of Commerce?

Hearing that Qin Yu actually said it was a misunderstanding, Qian Shirou suddenly opened her mouth.

"What do you want to do with this?" Qian Jiu was a little doubtful, and his face sank a little. Indeed, he came here in the middle of the night to ask Qian Jiu what seemed to be a little want to cover up, which made Qian Jiu a little unhappy. What's more, he also saw from Qian Shirou's face that Qin Shaobai's current words made her unhappy.

Qin Yu didn't have so many ideas. He continued to answer, "Someone will attack the warehouse of the Chamber of Commerce before 11 o'clock. Time is very tight, so I want to inform them through their long communication with the magic crystal ball." Taking out the magic time stone in his arms, Qin Yu suddenly smiled bitterly, "Now there are less than ten minutes left."

"Is this true?"

"It's true."

"Didn't Shirou also know the communication band? Why didn't she tell you? And time is so tight, but you are still..." Qian Jiu couldn't help coughing. Naturally, he didn't dare to say the following words in front of Qian Shirou, but his meaning was naturally obvious, but he didn't believe Qin Yu's words.

"Uncle Jiu, it's all the fault of this big bad guy. Who let him not come in through the main door but over the wall in the middle of the night?" Qian Shi was soft and bulging, and she stared at Qin Yu fiercely.

Qin Yu ignored her and continued to say to Qian Jiu, "Curator, this is true. If you tell me the communication band of the president of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce, I will repay you if there is a chance in the future."

The words of the two finally made Qian Jiu understand what had happened. At this time, he also believed Qin Yu's words and thought about it. He felt that a communication band would get the promise of such a promising teenager. This transaction was really cost-effective, so Qian Jiu immediately said, "Well, I'll tell you that the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce will Long communication band.

At this moment, Qian Shirou shouted again, "Uncle Jiu, don't believe him. How can there be any danger in a chamber of commerce as big as Sister Tang?" After saying that, she still bit her lips tightly and looked still angry.

Listening to Qian Shirou's words, Qin Yu really had an impulse to beat her.

"Shirou, this is your right thing. If your sister Tang's chamber of commerce is not in danger, is it worth running to this green willow villa in the middle of the night? What's more, your friendship with Sister Tang is not bad. Qian Jiu began to preach to Qian Shirou.

"I'm afraid that he will bully Sister Tang." Qian Shirou shouted in protest.

Where is this? Qin Yu is really confused.

"This... Who is your sister Tang? How can she be bullied by little brother Qin so easily?" Qian Jiu was a little dumbfounded and laughed.

"Hmm, you all bullied me." Qian Shirou's eyes turned a little red. She sat down on the railing next to her angrily, grabbed the stones on the ground and threw them into the water.

The so-called bystander Qing looked at Qian Shirou's appearance. Qian Jiu seemed to understand something. Immediately, he shrugged his shoulders at Qin Yu, and then quickly turned out the communication band of the president of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce and told Qin Yu.

Then Qin Yu dialed the communication band mentioned by Qian Jiu, and it was only eight minutes away from 11 o'clock.

At the same time, He Mei's boss has taken a group of more than 20 people to the place where the warehouse of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce is located, and they are closely ambushed in the dark around the warehouse.

"Nighthawk, how's it going?" The serious boss said to the thin man in black in front of him. He had just touched his boss from an extremely dark place.

"Big brother, Ruyan Chamber of Commerce withdrew more than half of the people from the warehouse. The direction they are in should be to support their store, but so far, nothing has been heard from there."

As soon as the thin man finished speaking, the people around him suddenly looked happy, because it meant that their resistance to others was much smaller, so that their success rate of this mission naturally increased.

"It seems that Shangjia is bound to win this action." The boss of the crowd muttered to himself.

It was at this time that the communication crystal ball in the arms of the thick-browed man sounded. Looking at his boss's murderous expression, the thick-browed man quickly ran aside and picked it up. After a long time, the thick-browed man returned to his boss. His expression was a little sad, "Big boss, received the news from the fourth sister, the third brother He has been killed by the teenager in Qingxinyuan. Fortunately, the fourth sister was able to escape, and the worse news is that the teenager knew that we were going to attack the warehouse here. The fourth sister said that she had now stared at the teenager, but she didn't know whether the other party had notified the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce. What should we do?"

Listening to the words of the thick-browed man, the boss's expression suddenly became solemn. "The arrow is already on the string and has to be fired." After a long time, he continued, "Second, take two people to pick up the fourth sister and kill that boy."

Listening that his brother had died tragically, the thick-browed man had been holding a breath in his heart for a long time. Now he heard his boss say this, even if he took his two brothers hurriedly to meet He Mei.

At this time, He Mei was hiding outside the wall of Green Willow Villa. Just now, she saw Qin Yu turn into the wall. In order not to scare the snake, she did not follow her, and the reason why she was able to connect with her brother was that there was another communication magic crystal ball in her ring. If Qin Yu knew that he had not confiscated He Mei's space ring, he would definitely regret it.

Qin Yu quickly dialed Tang Ying's communication crystal ball, but surprised him that no one was connected. What's the matter? Didn't the president carry his communication crystal ball with him? Qin Yu's heart couldn't help sinking.

Seeing this situation, Qian Jiu can't help but be a little worried. Although they do not have a close relationship with the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce, they are all giants in Pasta City. If the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce declines because of this matter, they may not be squeezed. What's more, Qin Yu in front of him made him feel the need to help the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce.

At present, Qian Jiu said, "Brother Qin, don't worry. I think so. I will send some people in our hall to go there. I believe it will help the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce. At the same time, I also ask people to inform the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce. I believe that no matter how strong the enemy is, the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce can survive this difficulty."

Really? Thank you, curator." Qin Yu couldn't help but rejoice that he knew that if Qian Jiu agreed to help with this, the crisis of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce would be easy to solve.

"Oh, Brother Qin, don't thank me first. Since the distance between the two sides is not close, it is hard to say whether it can help. It's not too late. I'd better inform the people at the hall first. After saying that, Qian Jiu took out his communication crystal ball.

Qian Jiu's cautious attitude also made Qian Shirou believe Qin Yu's words and was a little worried about Tang Ying. Her relationship with Tang Ying was quite good, but looking at Qin Yu's grateful appearance, Qian Shirou couldn't help but be a little angrier.

Soon, Qian Jiu dialed the communication magic crystal ball on the other side of the competition ring and ordered the matter. However, despite this, Qian Jiu was still a little worried, so after the explanation, he used his light skills and ran to the hall and explained before leaving. Qian Shirou should be careful and take good care of Qian Xinyi.

Looking at Qian Jiu so dedicated, Qin Yu's tense heart was a little relaxed, but thinking that it was only a few minutes away from eleven o'clock, he was still worried. He, who cared about the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce, didn't expect that the danger had slowly approached him.