armor demon

Chapter 284 Little Temple of the Wild

Feeling the pain from the wound, Qin Yu couldn't help but have a lingering heart. If it hadn't been for the physical skills he practiced in the Qianmeng martial arts arena, he might have been the center mouth of the mark that was just behind him. In that way, even if he would not be seriously injured on the spot, he would be caught alive by the few people behind him. At that time, he would die or live. He didn't forget it.

Although the wound was very painful, Qin Yu knew that there was nothing serious, because the shoulder protector had offset most of the power of the javelin. If not, his whole arm would even be worn by that mark.

The javelin that stabbed him in the shoulder had already fallen to the ground when he got into the alley. He did not dare to be careless, but quickly rushed through the alley. Although he was not seriously injured, it was bound to affect his speed, which was bound to bring opportunities to the other party, so he could I dare not delay a minute and a second. And the other party's back and the number of people also made him afraid to be careless.

Sure enough, not long after he flashed into the alley, he heard the other party's voice behind him. He turned around and looked back and saw that it was not the armor that had been throwing the javelin that followed him. His nervous heart was a little relaxed, because the armor that had just been throwing the javelin was undoubtedly the most powerful of those armors. Since the other party can't keep up as soon as possible, it means that the other party's body is obviously much worse than that of himself. In this way, the probability of escaping is naturally higher.

Although he was physically injured, with his physical advantage, Qin Yu quickly threw away a few armors behind him. During this period, he did not even disturb the people who were sleeping in the alley.

Chasing the front was He Mei with the best body, but she soon found that the other party had escaped, so she had to stop after chasing for a while.

The thick-browed men also quickly followed him and looked at He Mei who was parked where he was. He could only curse, "Daily, you can run."

"This guy is really amazing. He can't feel the internal force. He is wearing mountain flying leopard armor, and he has such a flexible and strange body wearing armor." Looking at her second brother who was scolding, He Mei couldn't help but say her surprise, "Is it possible that he is a figure in a big family, but we have provoked such a powerful figure for no reason." He Mei is a little worried.

"What can I do? Things have become like this." Naturally, the thick-browed man was also worried. The other party was really too unexpected. "I don't know how the eldest brother is." The shadow of the other party has disappeared, and he can only give up his intention to continue to track the other party.

"Let me contact him." He Mei took out the communication magic crystal ball from her space ring.

After a long time, although the communication magic crystal ball kept flashing, it could not connect to their eldest brother, which made them worried. At this time, it was 1116. If their eldest brother did not connect the communication magic crystal ball, there would be only one result. Their mission this time has been It completely failed.

"It's all this damn teenager. If he hadn't dispersed our troops, we would have captured it." Looking at the quiet alley around him, the thick-browed man couldn't help but say viciously.

When He Mei heard her second brother's complaint, she naturally dared not answer, because she knew that most of it was her own fault. If she had united with the fat man to deal with the teenager earlier, how could such a thing happen? At present, she had to say, "Then do we want the second brother? In the past, he helped the eldest brother. Maybe he killed it inexpensively now. He doesn't have time to connect to the communication magic crystal ball. Maybe if we kill it, it will even play a key role. It's not necessary to capture it.

The thick-browed man shook his head, "Our sneak attack is unexpected. Now that the eldest brother can't reply, it means that the other party's reinforcements have come. In this case, our past is useless. I'm even a little worried about whether the eldest brother also had an accident.

"Then do we have to gather in the predetermined area?"

"That's all we can do. Things have come to this point, and we can only take this last step. I didn't expect that we, who haven't failed for a year, were defeated in this task. The man with thick eyebrows looked a little dim.

"This is also a difficult task this time. If I know that the other party is Ruyan Chamber of Commerce, I will never let the eldest brother take over this task." He Meidao.

"You don't know what the eldest brother thinks. Oh, forget it, let's not talk about it. Let's go there as soon as possible. I hope the eldest brother can wait for us there. He has lost his third brother. I don't want to lose his eldest brother again." After saying that, he took the lead and ran out of the alley.

Subsequently, several people beside him also followed him closely. The direction they took after coming out of the alley was the place where Qin Yu and Qian Shirou had just separated.

After being so choke by the other party, Qin Yu knew that even if he rushed to the warehouse of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce, he could not help. Those people had either escaped or had been subdued. If they were subdued, he would want to ask them why they could buy the property in that alley, but if he had escaped, he Now it didn't help at all, so Qin Yu, who was worried about what would happen to Qian Shirou, put his curiosity behind him for the time being and ran to the place where Qian Shirou had stopped.

And Qin Yu didn't know at all that He Mei and his party who chased him just now also went in that direction.

Qin Yu regretted why she didn't ask Qian Shirou about the communication band of the communication magic crystal ball just now, because as long as there is her communication band, he doesn't need to look for Qian Shirou like a headless fly, and he also doesn't have the communication band of Qianjiu. As for the communication band of the president of the Tobacco Chamber of Commerce, Qin Yu thought I didn't call, because the other party must be busy now, and there is no time to pick up such an irrelevant call like myself.

So Qin Yu could only choose the most primitive way to find Qian Shirou. However, when he arrived at the place where Qian Shirou originally stopped, Qin Yu did not find Qian Shirou, but Qin Yu was not worried, because although Qian Shirou had basically lost her internal strength, she could still leave. During this period of time, Qian Shi It is impossible for Rou to stay where she is. And in the same short time, Qian Shirou can't go far.

So where on earth did she go and where did she go?

With such doubts, Qin Yu carefully searched for the traces of Qian Shirou around.

For good, there was a rainstorm just now, and the rainstorm stopped when Qin Yu came out of the dense building. In addition, the grass around him was not very lush, so Qin Yu quickly found Qian Shirou's footprints on the ground. Naturally, the girl's footprints are naturally easy to recognize.

It's just that Qin Yu quickly found that the direction Qian Shirou was going was not the downtown direction, but another direction in the suburbs. There was no doubt that there were no buildings and almost no people in that direction.

Why did Qian Shirou go in that direction? Qin Yu couldn't help but be a little worried.

Fortunately, the footprints on the ground did not indicate what Qian Shirou had struggled. Although this could not 100% prove that Qian Shirou had not been hijacked, it reassured Qin Yu a little.

Qin Yu soon found some abnormalities in Qian Shirou's footprints, that is, there was a mark in her footprint that was obviously different from the soles of her shoes, and such marks were obviously not left before the rainstorm. Even those left before the rainstorm could not exist in Qian Shirou's many footprints, if not After carefully observing Qin Yu, he couldn't find any abnormality. Has there been a person who has been taking Qian Shirou forward, and Qian Shirou has been stepping on the footprints of the person in front of him?

Qin Yu, who thought like this, immediately worried about Qian Shirou. If Qian Shirou's internal strength was intact, he would naturally not have such a worry, but the problem was that Qian Shirou's internal strength had been basically lost and could not be recovered in a short time.

And under normal circumstances, Qian Shirou is unlikely to go in the opposite direction of the downtown, which makes Qin Yu even more worried.

Has Qian Shirou been kidnapped? And if the other party hijacked her, why is there no trace of struggle on the road? Why did Qian Shirou finally step on the other party's footprints? Why are the other party's footprints smaller than Qian Shirou? Is the other party a woman?

The general question hovered in Qin Yu's mind, which made his worry heavier. Qian Jiu helped such a big favor. If he lost Qian Shirou, he really had no face to face others.

Although the rainstorm has stopped, the sky at night is still extremely dark. After discovering that Qian Shirou may be in danger, Qin Yu did not dare to turn on the magic lighting stone at all. He could only rely on his eyes to find the footprints left by Qian Shirou on the ground. Just like this, his speed was not very fast.

After walking for about 20 minutes, he suddenly found that there was a light 500 far away. For those who got lost in the dark, this light in the dark bound to make them happy, but for Qin Yu at this time, he was more cautious while he was happy. Such a light should not appear in a deserted place, and at this time, there must be a demon if something abnormal happens.

I hope Qian Shirou will be here, Qin Yuxin said.

Although there is still 500 meters away from the light, Qin Yu is more careful. He is so careful every step he takes, and it is undoubtedly the only way to be careful without knowing the strength of the other party.

400 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters...

Qin Yu slowly approached. Fortunately, he did not hear any abnormal sound in the process, and the original light did not disappear at all, still swaying in the boundless darkness.

50 meters, 30 meters.

Qin Yu got closer step by step. At this time, with that glimmer of light, he finally saw clearly that the place where the light was located was actually a dilapided temple.

Qin Yu, who was close to the small temple, finally saw how the small temple was dilapidated. From the weeds around him, he could see that this small temple was simply abandoned by the people of Pasta City. It's just such a small temple, why would anyone light up here in the middle of the night?

Qian Shirou was mostly in this small temple, and Qin Yu, who thought so, slowly approached the dilapided wall of the temple.

He still didn't find anything during this process, and just after he approached the wall of the temple, he heard a voice from inside.

"Girl, you have come to the Dragon Temple. If you have anything on your mind, you can say it here. If you have any wishes, you can make it out in front of the Dragon God, so that the Dragon God can make your dream come true." The speaker's voice was extremely ethereal and empty, as if it came from another world. Such a voice came out in such a quiet place that even Qin Yu shivered coldly.

"Is it true?"

This is Qian Shirou's voice. Qin Yu couldn't help but be happy. Since Qian Shirou can speak freely, it means that she has nothing to do for the time being. Just hearing Qian Shirou's voice, Qin Yu seemed to feel that she was willing to come here. If so, wouldn't she be a move? But why is she willing to come to such a remote place? Qin Yu still intends to listen to it.

"Come on, girl, take a step forward and kneel on this futon. The Dragon God will appear. It won't let you down." The man seems to be induced step by step.

"Ye." Qian Shirou answered devoutly, and then Qin Yu could hear her walking forward.

The sound of Qian Shirou kneeling gently on the ground sounded, and then Qin Yu heard her say, "Lord Dragon God, please bless my family's health and safety."

Then there was a sound of Qian Shirou's gentle kowtobut. After kowtobut a few times, Qian Shirou continued to say cautiously, "Finally, I hope he can also be safe. Although he abandoned me, he also hopes that Lord Dragon God will not care about villains and bless him to get through the disaster safely."

Qian Shirou's last words made Qin Yu really wonder who that person was. Since he does not belong to Qian Shirou's family, that is the person she likes, but who dares to abandon such a loving girl? In Qin Yu's heart, although Qian Shirou is unruly and capricious and often does something that makes people feel inexplicable, her heart is still kind.

If I know, it will definitely make him look good. Although he thought so, he felt that that person must not be his own Qin Yu, but there was a trace of emotion in his heart that he didn't understand.

"Girl, if your wish has been made, then take this bowl of magic medicine, so that the Dragon God will not forget your wish." The man still speaks with full ** sex.

magic medicine? There is no magic medicine in the world. Listening to the man's words, and recalling that the man seemed to have been inducing Qian Shirou to follow his words step by step, Qin Yu felt that the other party seemed to have something to do.

Maybe what kind of elixir this magic medicine is. No, whether Qian Shirou is voluntary or not, I will stop her from taking this magic medicine. With this in mind, he, who had touched the door of the temple, kicked open the broken door of the temple and rushed in at the same time.

The light in the temple is not bright, but it is enough for Qin Yu to see the situation inside. As he imagined, almost all the places where the lights can illuminate are covered with spider webs, and there is a chopping board in the temple. There is indeed a statue behind the chopping board. The statue is also full of spiders, but the statue Where is the statue of the Dragon God?

There stood a man in black standing in front of the chopping board. Even his head was covered with a black hood, leaving only two bright eyes shining in the dark. He was extremely thin, just like a seven- or eight-year-old child. If Qin Yu hadn't heard his voice before, he would definitely think he It's a child.

And Qian Shirou was kneeling on the ground a few steps away. At this time, Qian Shirou held a porcelain bowl. Her lips had touched the edge of the porcelain bowl. She looked at Qin Yu, who broke into the door. Looking at this situation, Qin Yu knew that if he hadn't suddenly broken into the door, Qian Shirou would definitely have taken the porcelain bowl. Everything in it is drunk.

It's not good. Qin Yu was stunned by Qian Shirou's confused look. He knew that Qian Shirou might have been confused by the other party, otherwise he could not have such a look. At this moment, he quickly shouted at Qian Shirou, "Don't drink."

Listening to Qin Yu's words, Qian Shirou moved down the bowl in her hand.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the short man in black said, "Girl, as long as you take the magic medicine, your wish will come true."

His eyes stared at Qian Shirou, and his voice was still full of seductive power, which made Qian Shirou move the porcelain bowl down to her lips.

Now, although Qin Yu does not understand the intention of the other party, he also knows that the other party has no good intentions at all, and Qian Shirou is not voluntary at all. He is confused at all, so he continues to shout at Qian Shirou and rushes in the direction of the two. He knows that the key to the problem is The man in black, if he can't stop the man in black, he will really drink this magic medicine.

Qin Yu's shouting still worked. The medicine raised in the porcelain bowl by Qian Shirou's mouth was not drunk by her, but stopped by her mouth. The thin man in black was obviously a little panicked when he saw Qin Yu rushing over, and then he got under the chopping board covered with a long black cloth.

Qin Yu, who was afraid that there was any mechanism in it, naturally dared not get in with the man in black, but kicked it towards the chopping board. After a bang, the chopping board was kicked a few meters away, revealing a black hole under the chopping board. Qin Yu really didn't expect that there was such a hole here, but he was worried about money. Naturally, he didn't dare to continue to follow. He turned his head to look at Qian Shirou, but he saw that she, holding a porcelain bowl, fell to the ground.

The magic medicine in the porcelain bowl was also splashed on the ground because of her fall. Looking at the dark ** inside, Qin Yu really felt like vomiting.

Qin Yu, who was afraid that something would happen to Qian Shirou, quickly shouted beside her, "Shirou, are you all right?"

Fortunately, after his shout, Qian Shirou, who had closed her eyes, opened her eyes, and the confusion on her face seemed to disappear in an instant.

"Why did you come back?" Looking at Qin Yu in front of her, Qian Shirou said strangely, but her face was full of joy. She didn't seem to understand her previous experience.

Fortunately, it was okay. Qian Shirou's look at this time made Qin Yu's hanging stone finally fall to the ground.