armor demon

Chapter 302 Banquet

In an instant, Qin Yu was a little in a trance, but thinking about Grandpa's uncracked image tape and Su Ruyue's unrecovered magic, he quickly came to his senses and looked at General Manager Hao who had not yet left. He suddenly said, "General Manager Hao, do you know that someone sells that can restore magic power in Pasta City. The matter of the elixir?"

"Why are you asking this? Are you feeling unwell? General Manager Hao was a little surprised. He knew how expensive that elixir was. She didn't expect to buy that elixir for him when Tang Ying was injured last time.

"Help a friend ask." Qin Yu smiled.

General Hao naturally knew something about the last time a senior alchemist who wanted to auction that kind of elixir in Pasta City, so he replied, "Mr. Qin... Oh, no, President Qin." Thinking of Qin Yu's current identity, he quickly changed his words, "I also heard about this matter a month ago, but it ended later. I don't know what the senior alchemist who doesn't know his name is planning. Let me see if I'd better ask Chairman Tang for you. Maybe she doesn't know some information."

"Then it will be troublesome for General Manager Hao."

"This is right. How dare you say trouble about what President Qin ordered?" General Manager Hao replied.

Qin Yu, who came from the slum, is really not used to the other party changing his name to be president. At that moment, he said, "General Manager Hao, you'd better call me Brother Qin."

"How can this work? It's outrageous if we don't have any rules in a store as big as the Tobacco Chamber of Commerce. If I let Chairman Tang know about what I called you as Qin, I have to go." General Manager Hao shook his head like a rattle.

Listening to what the other party said, Qin Yu will naturally not be entangled in this matter. At that moment, he said, "Mr. Hao, please prepare it. I'm going to try to refine that kind of refining elixir."

"Wouldn't you like to take a break?" General Manager Hao was surprised. The dedication of the other party surprised him. He didn't think about alchemy when he got up. How did he know that on the day he walked out of school, Qin Yu was all about how to refine the elixir? If Tang Ying had asked him to refine the bone elixir, he would have studied the elixir.

"Time is money, and every second is very important to the Chamber of Commerce, not to mention that I have not really refined the elixir. If this causes the Chamber of Commerce to fail in the battle with the Ouyang family, how can I be worthy of Chairman Tang?" Qin Yu shook his head.

"Well, I'll get ready."

"Wait." After pulling General Manager Hao to leave and writing down the herbs he needed on a list, Qin Yu asked General Manager Hao to leave.

After giving the list to General Manager Hao, Qin Yu went to the practice room. In the process, all the staff he met along the way actually called him Chairman Qin. Qin Yu really didn't expect Tang Ying to move so fast that even these waiters knew his identity, but the more so, the more it shows how the other party looked at him. Chong, Qin Yu felt that with this, the other party was worthy of his help.

Not long after Qin Yu entered the alchemy room, General Manager Hao also came with a lot of materials, and Liu Zishou came in with General Manager Hao.

However, compared with the last time, Liu Zishou's attitude became too obvious. Although his mental state had not recovered and he was still tired, he bowed as soon as he came in and shouted, "President Qin, it's my honor to help you."

Even General Manager Hao next to him can't stand it, but he doesn't understand that this fat man doesn't look like this when he meets Tang Ying. Does the fat man think Qin Shaobai is more like abusing? General Manager Hao couldn't help but think of this idea, but thinking about Qin Shaobai he usually saw, he immediately denied this idea, because in his opinion, this teenager could not flatter at all.

How can Liu Zishou notice the expression of General Manager Hao? He still performs by himself. Of course, only he knows that the key to the problem is not that the teenager in front of him is the president, but that he is an alchemist who can make that kind of magical bone-clearing elixir. He learned a lot from helping Qin Shaobai last time. Xi, so when General Manager Hao announced that he wanted another man to fight, he took over the matter that seemed to be a hard work the other day, and did not give the rest of the people a chance at all.

I don't know what magical elixir this teenager will produce this time? Liu Zishou is looking forward to it in his heart.

The elixir used is obviously much more than the bone-clearing elixir. Only five kinds of bone-clearing elixir are used, while eight kinds of elixir are used.

Because Qin Yu was still in the research stage, he did not ask Liu Zishou to help him, but moved on his own while recalling the contents of the mysterious image tape. Due to a lot of exercises in the alchemy room a few days ago, he had already kept the contents of the image in mind. The reason why he still did not The refinement is due to problems in some places, and these troubles are related to some basic knowledge, which cannot be solved by the content in the mysterious image tape, and the knowledge he learned from Song Gang in school can just help him solve these difficult problems. At this time, he has basically figured out the key. In addition, there is no need to worry about the lack of elixir in the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce, so he did not enter the magic room to practice.

Of course, if this is not like a smoke chamber of commerce, and if there is no Liu Zishou next to him, Qin Yu will not hesitate to enter the alchemist in the fantasy to practice, because he is essentially a diligent and thrifty child born in the slum. If he is not forced to, he will never waste it casually.

Liu Zishou was fascinated by every move of Qin Yu, and Liu Zishou compared himself with every action, but the conclusion was embarrassing to him, because with his so many years of experience, he felt that he was not as good as the young people in front of him at all. He felt that although Qin Shaobai in front of him was young, he must be a genius and must have refined the elixir for many years, otherwise it would not be possible to move so skillfully.

If he hadn't looked at the other party concentrating on refining elixir, he would even have asked the other party's alchemy age.

However, when he saw that the other party paused somewhere and was obviously thinking about it, he could not help but be surprised that the other party was refining the elixir. Since the other party had refined the elixir for many years, why did it appear stuck on the low-level elixir such as the elixir? This should not be. Liu Zishou is a little confused. Is the other party a beginner?

When Qin Yu's refining method was obviously different from the usual method, he suddenly realized that this was obviously a new method, and the refined elixir must be more powerful than the ordinary elixir. He couldn't help patting his head and scolding himself for being confused.

God, the material of the light willow can actually be taken in this way. When watching Qin Yu burn the skin of the light willow with fierce fire, and then wipe off the skin of the light willow directly with his hand before the fire is extinguished, and then leaving only a wire-like filament inside to make material, Liu Zishou couldn't help staring. He couldn't help touching his white and tender palm. He felt that even if he could be as clean and neat as Qin Shaobai, he could not withstand the hot temperature of the skin when the light willows were burned by the fire.

Is this guy a magician? Can the magician be so afraid of hot? Such an idea flashed in Liu Zishou's mind. Of course, looking at the other party's concentration, he naturally did not dare to disturb him. The other party is now the president, and his salary can be deducted in one word, especially now that he has not helped him with anything, so he did not dare to hum even if he was surprised.

Qin Yu's actions surprised Liu Zishou, and the different materials he took naturally stunned Liu Zishou.

Originally, when Liu Zishou thought that Qin Yu would throw away the erased skin, Qin Yu actually rubbed off the burnt part of the skin and put the intact skin into the grinder to crush it. After that, he actually put all the crushed skin into a special solution.

Liu Zishou couldn't help it anymore. He was surprised, "This thing is polluted with the fine silk inside when it is burned. How can it still be used? Even if it can be used, it doesn't seem to use these crushed outer skins?"

These questions asked by Liu Zishou are also questions that Qin Yu couldn't understand in the refining process. Fortunately, after learning the basic knowledge that Song Gang said, Qin Yu understood the reason after careful consideration. At present, he said without thinking, "Polluted things are naturally useless, but have you noticed me? Fast movement? The reason why I erased the skin with such a fast movement is not to show off my skills at all, but only at such a fast speed can ensure that the silk and skin will not pollute each other due to high temperatures. As for its crushed skin, it is because only the ingredients contained in this skin can make the elixir not accidentally lose its strength in the process of forming. For the second point, Qin Yu didn't know how many books he found.

Qin Yu's words suddenly made Liu Zishou realize. At this time, he remembered that Qin Yu also used two parts of a herb when refining the bone elixir. At that moment, he couldn't help patting his head and said, "So it is."

In Liu Zishou's surprise, Qin Yu quickly prepared all the materials. After all this, he immediately poured the special solution that dissolved all the materials into the small tripod, and then began to refine the refining elixir.

Liu Zishou opened his eyes wide, and he wanted to see what kind of effect this refined elixir refined by different methods has.

However, after a while, what disappointed Liu Zishou was that the original medicine in Xiaoding actually made a mistake when it condensed, and then there was a burning smell. However, thinking that this was only the first refining, he was soon relieved. Thinking about the success rate of this teenager, he was a little excited.

Unlike Liu Zishou, Qin Yu has no disappointment at all, because he has now completely mastered the method of refining this refining elixir, and he believes that he will definitely be able to refine the refining elixir soon.

Just once, twice, three times...

Failure is still a failure.

In the end, Qin Yu didn't even remember how many times he failed, but he was not discouraged by every failure, because compared with the difficulties he encountered before, this difficulty was nothing at all, not to mention that he understood a lot of things in every failure, and it was these things that made him believe that he could refine Increase the elixir.

Liu Zishou also didn't expect to succeed for so long, because every time he was so close to success. However, although he was also a little tired, he shouted "the road to innovation is always difficult" which made Qin Yu a little unexpected.

At sunset, when the light in the alchemy room suddenly dimmed, a fragrance finally filled the whole alchemy room.

"It worked."

At this time, a celebration banquet was underway as scheduled in the newly built store of Ouyang Family.

The representatives of the major families in Pasta City and all kinds of face-to-face figures in the city were invited to attend the celebration banquet. As the host, Ouyang Shirong's son was naturally full of spring breeze to welcome the guests attending the banquet at the door.

"Congratulations, congratulations."

"Congratulations, Ouyang Family has achieved such a result in holding a store for the first time."

"Oh, Mr. Ouyang, please take care of me in the future."


All kinds of congratulations are endless.

At this moment, a well-dressed old man in black came slowly towards the door. He smiled and said, "I really envy the Ouyang family for such achievements just opened." On his right stood a young and beautiful girl, who looked just seventeen or eight years old.

"Brother Liu, I haven't seen you for a long time. I really miss you. On this day, I have to drink with you." Ouyang Li had not yet spoken, but Ouyang Shirong had come out of nowhere. At the same time, he hurriedly followed the old man into the hall. It seemed that the identity of the old man in black was unusual.

"Isn't that the patriarch of the Liu family? He also came." Someone next to him exclaimed in a low voice.

"The Ouyang family held such a banquet. Can't he come?" The person around the man also whispered.

"But he doesn't have to come forward. Just call his son on such an occasion. Why should he come forward? More importantly, the Liu family is obviously too powerful in Pasta City. There is no need to do so."

"Listen to what you said, is the situation going to be reversed? Is the Ouyang family going to be above the Liu family?"

"It was difficult to say in the past, but it was difficult to say as soon as the Ouyang family built such a large store. Looking at the current situation of the Ouyang family, it may even unify the whole Pasta city. In my opinion, the patriarch of the Liu family came in person to please the Ouyang family.

"Shh, be quiet, you want to die when you say such a thing in such a place." The man next to him was shocked and quickly glanced around. Fortunately, no one noticed them talking.

"I heard that Tang Ying was also invited to this banquet, but she didn't seem to come." The man who had been amazing before continued to say.

"Will she come? How can it be? Ouyang Shijia clearly wants to destroy the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce. The two stores are now equal enemies. It would be strange if she didn't come to be present and work with Ouyang Shirong.

"That's right. If it were me, I wouldn't have come."

The two whispered, talking about some secrets that seemed to be unrivalled, and in the other corner of the hall, a man and a woman were also talking in a low voice.

The man is a middle-aged man in his 40s, but the woman is a 17- or 18-year-old girl with a ponytail and a pleasant appearance. At this time, while staring at the others in the hall, she followed the middle-aged people around her and said, "Uncle Jiu, do you think Sister Tang Ying will come?"

"How does Uncle Jiu know?" The middle-aged man is a little depressed.

"Well, you lied to me. You didn't know that you didn't believe me when you helped Tang Ying so much last time." The girl is indomitable.

"There is no such a saying." Middle-aged people have nothing to do.

"Guess." The girl's mouth was upturned, but she said to herself, "There are many people, but there is nothing interesting."

Unable to resist the girl around him, the middle-aged man had to say, "Well, then Uncle Jiu guessed that Uncle Jiu thought that you, Tang Ying, might not come. If you choose to come, your Tang Yingjie may have the hope of competing with the Ouyang family in the future. If you don't choose to come, the prospect of the Tobacco Chamber of Commerce is hard to say. Middle-aged people say so, but there is a little melancholy in their words.

"Uncle Jiu, you underestimate the Chamber of Commerce. If I am Tang Yingjie, I will come anyway, and then look at the Ouyang family fiercely. Humph, I just opened a new store and don't look at how many years Tang Ying's Chamber of Commerce has been working steadily in Pasta City.

"Shh, Shirou, don't talk nonsense here. If you let others listen, it will be a big trouble." The middle-aged man quickly said to the girl beside him.

"Uncle Jiu, Shirou knows, but no one next to you will hear it. Don't worry."

"Anyway, don't say such a thing later." Middle-aged people dare not be careless.

"Hmm." The girl answered softly, and then moved her eyes back to the crowd around her.

The two were Qian Jiu and Qian Shirou, who were originally invited by Qian Jiu alone, but Qian Shirou watched her cousin indulge in magic, but she was a little bored and pestered her ninth uncle to come here.

Of course, the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce and Ouyang Shijia knew well about the fight between Qian Jiu in the past two days, but he knew that he could not get involved. This is different from the last time the warehouse of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce was attacked. The last time the attacker did not reveal his identity, so it was not a big deal for Qian Jiu to help secretly, but this time it is different. This is a confrontation between the two sides. If he chooses to help one side, he is bound to be involved in the whirlpool, and then he will not be so easy to get out.

And he can see the difference from the fact that the patriarch of the Liu family actually attended this banquet. If the Liu family and the Ouyang family secretly join together, it will be more dangerous to join in. Therefore, even if he sees that the demise of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce will be detrimental to them, he is helpless.

Big brother should come back. Let's see what kind of idea he is, Qian Jiu said in his heart.