armor demon

Chapter 355 Daily Bow

"Dark Dragon, how did you think you kept up with us just now? Do you know that we sneaked out of the green space?" While running, Qin Yu talked to the dark dragon in the armor.

"This..." Dark Dragon hesitated for a long time before saying, "The other party came here for the sand gold stone. Does he have the search magic crystal ball of the sand gold stone? Otherwise, it should not be so easy to find your trace."

The dark dragon also thought that they should have sneaked out of Qianzhu Island unconsciously, but they didn't know that they were still caught up by the other party.

"Can't I throw away all the hard-earned sandstones?" Qin Yu shook his head. He didn't want to hand over what he had already got, not to mention that it was not the other party's.

"At worst, you can fight with the other party, but..." The dark dragon seemed to be a little timid when he thought of something.

"Aren't you usually bullish? Why do you become like this when you meet a magician with dragon Warcraft soul armor?" Qin Yu was a little contemptuous.

"How can you blame me for this? Who told you that your level is so far away from others?" The dark dragon seemed to be a little angry.

"However, I seem to have thought of a way." The dark dragon suddenly said excitedly.

"What method?" Qin Yu said in a hurry.

"Isn't your space ring able to block some magic? Try it and you'll know." The dark dragon said.

"Don't I always put the sandstone in the ring so that the other party can feel it. What else should I try?" Qin Yu smiled bitterly, but as soon as he finished speaking, his eyes lit up, "Oh, why did I forget that I put the small sand gold stone in my pocket just now."

"You idiot, why don't you throw it away quickly?" The dark dragon said angrily.

"Why throw it? Although it is small, it can also decompose the soul stone?" Qin Yu didn't understand.

"You throw away and attract the other party away, otherwise what will the other party do if it follows up? Besides, the sandstone is so small that it is hard to say whether it can decompose a soul stone."

"That's true." Qin Yu agreed.

"The better if you can use that little guy to send that little sandstone farther away from you."

"No, if the other party catches up with the little guy, the little guy will soon be bad." Qin Yu shook his head.

Qin Yu just finished speaking, but the dark dragon was very nervous and said, "Come on, stop it, throw out the sand and stone quickly. I already feel that the other party is following up again."

At present, Qin Yu did not hesitate to take out the sand gold stone in his pocket and throw it in another direction. Because he is now wearing armor, his strength is naturally strong. After a "swish", the sand gold stone disappeared into the clouds of Qianzhu Island. It is naturally unknown how far Qin Yu can throw.

According to his estimate, it is at least one or two kilometers.

After throwing out the sand and gold stone, Qin Yu took off his armor. Because the armor was very loud when he walked, he was bound to expose his whereabouts if he wanted to continue to wear armor. Therefore, although the speed of moving forward after taking off the armor was much slower, Qin Yu could only make such a choice.

Qin Yu's figure without taking off his armor is undoubtedly more erratic, but the speed is much slower, which can be said to have both advantages and disadvantages.

If the method of throwing sand gold stone does not work, he can only fight hard with the other party. His conflict with the other party is just sand gold stone. If he has no choice but to, he will never fight with the other party.

After moving forward for a few minutes, Qin Yu asked, "How about it, Dark Dragon, can you still feel the existence of the other party?"

"I can't feel it. It seems that the other party should have chased the sand stone." The dark dragon's tone was much easier. "However, if the other party feels that the sandstones are not all, they will inevitably catch up, so you'd better run as far as possible."

Listening to the words of the dark dragon, Qin Yu tried his best to walk through the stone forest.

Fortunately, there was still no movement behind him before coming to the shore.

However, looking at the endless sea in front of him, Qin Yu was a little confused. Although his boat was still in the original place, if he continued to ride a slow boat, he would inevitably be caught up by the other party. The efforts made before that time were in vain.

What should I do?

At this time, a magic speedboat suddenly appeared in front of it.

Magic speedboat is a very fast ship. It sails in the sea with magic speed crystal balls and magic turning crystal balls and other crystal balls. Such magic speedboats are fast, but their price is ridiculously expensive and can't be afforded by ordinary people at all. Of course, buy this at Qin Yu's price. Naturally, there was no problem with a magic speedboat, but when he first arrived in Santomis City opposite Qianzhu Island, those speedboats had already been rented out. If he wanted to wait for at least a few days until the end of the lease period, Qin Yu, who was anxious, could not wait, so he shook a small boat over.

Qin Yu waved hard to the magic speedboat. At this time, all his hopes were placed on the magic speedboat. If he could not take the magic speedboat, he would be caught up by the holy magician behind him. At that time, the situation would be much more complicated.

However, the magic speedboat ignored him at all, but rushed forward to the other side.

Qin Yu naturally also wanted to jump directly on the magic speedboat, but the magic speedboat was hundreds of meters away from the shore, and it was impossible for him to jump on it without armor. If he had put on his armor, the magic speedboat would have disappeared for a long time. At that time, he not only couldn't get on the magic boat. French speedboats are more likely to be discovered by holy magicians in the stone forest.

However, just when Qin Yu was about to be discouraged, the speedboat suddenly stopped its momentum and then turned to drive in the direction of Qin Yu.

The dark magic speedboat carved with ancient green axis wood is so beautiful in Qin Yu's eyes at this time.

The magic speedboat quickly stopped in front of Qin Yu, and at the moment of stopping, a graceful girl came out of the cab of the magic speedboat.

"It's you!" Qin Yu was extremely surprised.

"Hmm!" The girl snorted coldly and didn't seem to sell Qin Yu's account.

"Well, can I take your magic speedboat?" Qin Yu was a little embarrassed.

"No." The girl refused without hesitation.

Qin Yu smiled helplessly. He didn't expect the girl to hold such a grudge, "Then how can I take your speedboat?" He is still unwilling.

"If it doesn't work, it won't work." The girl still resolutely refused, but although she refused, she had no intention of leaving in a magic speedboat.

"No, start the armor quickly." The dark dragon was suddenly shocked.

Although the girl was in front of him, Qin Yu did not hesitate to activate his armor. He knew that the dark dragon would not scream for no reason. Something must have happened.

It was at this time that the whole thousand bamboo island actually blew the whining wind, and countless small stones suddenly fell from the huge stone forest and the sound of "rumbling" was endless.

In such a strange scene, the empty dark clouds on Qianzhu Island suddenly gathered towards a place, and when Qin Yu and the girl were stunned, a suffocating pressure suddenly poured from the dark clouds gathered towards Qin Yu.

"What's going on?" Although he was a little nervous, Qin Yu asked very calmly.

"It's a day-by-day bow! Get ready quickly." The dark dragon was more nervous than ever, and Qin Yu even felt its voice tremble a little.

As soon as the dark dragon's words fell, a sharp and harsh voice suddenly attacked Qin Yu from the gathering place of dark clouds.


The sharp and harsh sound seems to have hit countless flying stones. Yes, yes, Qin Yu can see countless rolling boulders rolling towards him from the other side of Qianzhu Island like waves.

And among such a rolling boulder, there is something hidden and dark all ahead.

At such a fast speed, Qin Yu's pupils contracted sharply. In such a wide Qianzhu Island, the dark object actually passed a third of the distance in the blink of an eye, and what shocked him more was that the speed of the thing was getting faster and faster, and its speed suddenly increased every zero seconds.

The girl behind Qin Yu had already turned pale, and she was completely stunned.

The dark object enlarged sharply in Qin Yu's pupils. Qin Yu no longer hesitated, and he activated the armor on his body.

The speed and momentum of that thing are too amazing. He can only start the armor, otherwise there is only one way to die. However, compared with that thing, he seems to be too small in armor. He doesn't know if he can withstand such a fierce blow he has never seen before.