armor demon

Chapter 363 Situation

When Qin Yu studied the elixir, the whole Kingdom of Basel secretly set off a wave against the magic martial arts guild. Although most of these forces could not believe the fact that the magic martial arts guild secretly dealt with them at the beginning, when all the evidence pointed to the existence of a Big Mac in the Kingdom of Basel When they were in the Magic Martial Arts Association, they had to believe such a fact.

Although such a wave was carried out in secret, the Magic Guild of intelligence agencies all over the Kingdom of Basel quickly found such an unfavorable situation for themselves. Their response was also rapid. Soon, the Magic Martial Arts Guild's bloody counteraction against this wave launched rapidly. The Kingdom of Basel, which had been calm for many years, was in turmoil for this reason.

Although the royal family of the Kingdom of Basel is very much to quell such civil strife, in the face of the huge forces of the two sides, there is nothing they can do. All they can do is to be at a loss.

Although the countermeasure action of the Mowu Guild was very rapid and bloody, and although it had a certain deterrent effect, it did not suppress the wave of resistance to them, because those forces oppressed by the Mowu Guild knew that if they wanted to continue to survive in the Kingdom of Basel, they would have no choice but to resist. There is no longer any way.

The wave of resistance that spread to the whole Kingdom of Basel was never thought of by the Magic Martial Arts Guild. They never thought of how the forces of the whole Kingdom of Basel knew that they were secretly acting against them.

For such a thing, the leadership of the whole Mowu Guild is also a little caught off guard.

That night, in the most spacious conference room of the tallest building in the city of St. Lanis, dozens of people were sitting at the oval table more than ten meters long and two meters wide, two-thirds of whom were dressed in magician robes, and only one third of them were dressed as warriors.

If anyone sees their epaulettes representing their identity, they will be stunned, because these people are basically the existence of great magicians or great magicians, and many intermediate magicians and intermediate warriors in the crowd have actually become rare resources here.

A collection of dozens of great magicians and senior warriors, you can imagine how many magicians and warriors of the Kingdom of Basel have gathered here.

No one spoke in the whole conference room, so quiet that they could hear the sound of the needle falling on the ground, and the atmosphere was also extremely depressing. Everyone looked at the only place in the conference room that was so high, which faced the door of the conference room, which was the innermost part of the whole conference room, but now There is no one.

However, no one made a sound, and they looked at the only tiger leather sofa on it with a cold face.

Ten minutes later, no one in the crowd still spoke.

The next moment, the originally closed wall behind the sofa suddenly opened quietly. Behind the wall was a small passage. The light in the passage was bright. A magician in an overall silver magic robe was strode towards the sofa. His pace was calm and he was at all I can't see the weakness of the magician.

This is a middle-aged man, and his appearance has weakened the breathing sound of the whole conference room.

If Qin Yu was here, he would definitely find that this was Zhang Tiandao he met on Qianzhu Island.

Zhang Tiandao glanced at the people below with a gloomy face before saying, "You really disappointed me. You haven't even finished one-third of the cities for so long."

Listening to his words, the people below did not dare to breathe. Only a magician closest to Zhang Tiandao stood up and said, "President, this is also due to the dispersion of strength. Everyone has tried their best." Looking at the epaulettes of this magician, he is a holy magician.

His name is Han Feng. In addition to Zhang Tiandao, he is the only magician in the Magic Martial Arts Association, and only he dares to express his opinions when Zhang Tiandao is unhappy.

Looking at Han Feng, Zhang Tiandao's cold face was a little relieved. He continued to look at the people, "This is also extenuable, but I don't know who recently came out and said that we intend to integrate the forces of various cities and make the situation into a situation that is not good for us at present. Do you know who it is from Do you want to be in the middle?

A burly soldier quickly stood up, "President, after investigation, it was found that the rumor should have come from the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce in Pasta City."

"Ruyan Chamber of Commerce?" Zhang Tiandao frowned and remembered something. He turned his eyes to Zhang Weiming and Liu Kan, who were sitting in close positions in the crowd.

Zhang Weiming quickly stood up and said, "President, the magician who refined the magic elixir is working for the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce, and it is also because of that magician that our expansion in Pasta City is blocked."

"What about the thing you investigated?" Zhang Tiandao's voice was like ice without any relief.

"That thing?" Zhang Weiming smiled bitterly, "Because of a little problem, no evidence has been found so far. I can only suspect that it is related to the student of the Armor College named Qin Yu." After saying that, Zhang Weiming scolded fiercely in his heart. He thought that the thing was still in Yueyang Tower. How could he know that Yueyang Tower had been sold? It would take at least a few days to find that thing.

"How can't you do such a small thing?" Zhang Tiandao's voice was obviously unhappy, "Then don't worry about anything, just arrest Qin Yu and torture him directly."

"However, after investigating, I feel that Qin Yu's temper will not compromise at all. More importantly, we just suspect that things were uploaded from his hands, and we are not very sure that the transmission of things is related to him. Moreover, he is now in the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce, and it must take a lot of effort to catch him. Zhang Weimingdao.

"Is it like a smoke chamber of commerce again?" The name repeatedly appeared in Zhang Tiandao's ear, which made him feel extremely unhappy. Without thinking, Zhang Tiandao ordered, "Han Feng, you are responsible for this matter. If the Chamber of Commerce dares to obstruct it, you can show them. Liu Han and Zhang Weiming, you two assist Vice President Han. If necessary, come to kill a chicken to set an example and get rid of a smoke-like chamber of commerce to see who dares to make another head bird.

"Yes, president."

Han Feng and Zhang Weiming said in one voice.

After the meeting was disbanded, Han Feng called Liu Han and Zhang Weiming alone, "You first went to Pasta City to stabilize the situation and observe what happened in the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce. Of course, the smooth magic detection ball should also be found as soon as possible, and it may still be used if necessary. I'll deal with the president first, and then I'll meet you in Pasta City in a week.

Liu Kan and Zhang Weiming nodded quickly, and they did not dare to neglect. As soon as they left the conference room, they went straight to Pasta City. Before leaving, Zhang Weiming carefully told his subordinates that they must find the damaged magic detection ball in the shortest time.

The Smoke Chamber of Commerce far away from Saint-Lanis does not know that a storm that may make their entire Smoke Chamber of Commerce disappear from the Kingdom of Basel is approaching.