armor demon

Chapter 366 Dusty Past

In the quiet room, Grandpa Qin Yu's voice slowly came from the crystal ball.

"Son, Grandpa, I am very gratified that you have finally reached the fifth level of mental strength. Grandpa knows that you are a good child and will definitely listen to Grandpa. It's just that grandpa is sorry for you, alas..."

Grandpa's voice obviously paused for a moment, and Qin Yu, who had not heard his grandfather's voice for a long time, couldn't help bursting into tears.

"Son, the story starts a long time ago, that is, the year you were born. That year, before the city of St. Lanis, three young people who had struggled for many years finally pushed a guild they had created for many years to the perspective of the whole Monterypian continent. That year, the ever-growing guild became one of the ten forces of the Kingdom of Basel, and the name of the guild was called the Demon Lord of Magic. Will."

"Magic Martial Arts Guild?" Qin Yu was stunned. He couldn't figure out why his grandfather mentioned the Magic Martial Arts Association, and he didn't understand what this had to do with him.

"The three young people are called brothers. The oldest one is the eldest brother, whose name is Qin Qi, the second name is Su Qing, and the last one is Zhang Dao. Their age difference is only two or three years. Originally, their life should be happy, because they had a family with each other. Qin Qi and Su Qing's wives also gave birth to a boy and a girl that year, but later, the youngest Zhang Dao became evil because of one thing. And it's all because of the ring left you by Grandpa. This ring was found by the three of them in a site ten thousand years ago. However, Grandpa doesn't know its specific origin, only that he is not a mortal.

Hearing this, Qin Yu couldn't help touching the ring hanging on his chest. He had vaguely felt that what his grandfather said had something to do with his background.

"The ring is packed in a small box, and there is also a piece of yellow paper in the box. The paper says that there is a secret that can make a magician become a holy magician, but if you want to practice the secret, you must disperse all the original spiritual power. Zhang Dao, who wanted to be the best among magicians, was extremely excited and wanted to practice the secret in the ring. However, the two brothers disagreed. They thought that this ring was an unlucky evil thing at all, because they had never heard of any skills that needed to disperse the original spiritual power.

Hearing this, Qin Yu also agreed in his heart, but he knew that when his mental strength reached a certain level, it was not easy to disperse it. If he was not careful, he would be disabled for life. Thinking about his almost zero spiritual power when he entered the fantasy, Qin Yu couldn't help but understand a little. It seems that he was really lucky. If he had the spirit at that time, I'm afraid it would not have been so easy to enter the fantasy world to practice the hundred-step sweat opera.

"Zhang Dao disagreed. He felt that the two brothers intended to make things difficult for him, so Zhang Dao, who had a grudge, tried to get the ring hidden in the eldest brother's hand after returning to the Mowu Guild. However, Qin Qi did not give Zhang Dao a chance at all. In anger, Zhang Dao secretly ambled his eldest brother Qin Qi one night. Zhang Dao was originally a cruel person. Now that he had done the matter, he no longer had any concerns. Therefore, he simply eradicated the roots overnight and directly killed Su Qing. Zhang Dao was originally He was prepared, not to mention that he was a good brother with Su Qing, so when he went to the door, Su Qing even greeted him with a smile, but he didn't know that his brother was just to kill him.