Opening Era

Chapter 78; Father and Son Reson

"Water palm!"

"Blood corpse slaughter palm!"

Han Bai held his palms and played a Taiji pattern, splashing vigorously, hitting the surrounding thunder beasts and making a metal collision sound.

Zhang Ziyang, with corpse power all over his palms, walking in the thunder beasts, swam with one palm, like the roar of thousands of resentful spirits, and the silk corpse force invaded the hard skin of the thunder beast. Because the previous Han Baihua water palm broke its defense, the corpse power was like a man-eating beast, instantly destroying the brain god of the thunder beast, which was not too strong. Through the system.

The brain nerves are destroyed, some thunder beasts will become extremely dull, and some will be more bloodthirsty, desperately attacking all visible objects around them. In just about ten minutes, the bodies of more than 20 foreign beasts fell to the ground heavily.

Fang Wanqing got out of the channel and saw that all the thunder beasts fell down. She clapped her hands excitedly, grabbed the pear's little hand, and skillfully took out the crystal nucleus in the thunder beast's body.

Han Bai and Zhang Ziyang took a few breaths of breath, looked at each other, smiled, and touched their fists heavily.

This is the 495 thunder beasts they cooperated to kill. Han Bai broke the defense and Zhang Ziyang's main attack. The two cooperated tacitly. Basically, as long as the number is maintained, more than a dozen thunder beasts can be gnawed without injury.

Now five hours have passed, and the dawn has broken through the darkness and brought a trace of light to Tianwu College. Looking around, a large college, whether it is the howling of thunder beasts or the shouting of human beings, has been reduced a lot. The strongmen of Tianwu City, at least more than 70% have been removed in this battle.

Half squatted on the ground, Han Bai lost a cigarette to Zhang Ziyang and swallowed a fog. Han Bai looked at the sky and confronted Sima's hatred.

Water demon Sima's hatred is very depressed now!

He and the evil-eyed dragon are the same level of the holy land, but the latter's realm is more than him. However, I don't know what the cockroach pattern on the chest of the evil-eyed dragon is. In a serious injury, as long as a few breaths, the overflowing vitality will restore the evil-eyed dragon as before.

Suddenly, an alert rose in his heart. Han Bai heard a familiar voice from the direction of the library of Tianwu College. His figure gradually blurred, and Han Bai suddenly disappeared.


The library is the foundation of Tianwu College, which not only has the century-old history and cultural traces of the college, but also has many treasures of combat skills of various departments.

At this time, the old man Feng's face was bloodless and was supported by the moon marks around him. He stared coldly at more than 100 wind feather beasts hovering in the sky. Near the library, there are these large burnt bones, including wind feather beasts and thunder beasts.

Previously, he was devoured by the Qianjue sword array of Ronglei, and the old man Feng has been seriously injured. He has been overdrawn overnight, and now he is in an unprecedentedly weak state.

"Brother Lang, you go, let me resist here." Yuehen looked distressed and looked at the miserable appearance of old man Feng. The age gap between the two could not stop the relationship between them!

waved his hand, and the old man Feng turned his head and looked at Yuehen. His fingers trembled and touched the cheek full of tears. His eyes said softly, "Xiaoyue, Tianwu College is the foundation of the old dean's life and the sustenance of most of my life. I can't watch it destroy it."

"Is commitment so important in your heart, so what am I? The passer-by of your life is still yours. Desire's plaything." Tears wet the skirt of the moon scar, but she raised her head stubbornly and stared at the eyes of the old man Feng.

With a sigh, the old man Feng was silent for a long time until a sharp howl came from the sky, which was a signal for the wind feather beast to launch a general attack!

"You are my second life. If it hadn't been for you, I would never have been able to get out of the shadow of the battle of the evil star. Without you, there would be no storms and waves today!" Full of energy, as if full of strength, the old man Feng roared loudly. Then my father, since I am your life, why did you kill my father so ruthlessly? After Yuehen finished speaking, he couldn't stop venting his inner emotions and cried in the arms of the old man Feng.

patting the familiar shoulder, old man Feng whispered, "Your father was bewitched by the evil-eyed Tyrannosaurus Rex. At that time, he had been demonized. For Tianwu City, for justice, and for these millions of human beings, I had to do that! I have suffered this for a lifetime, but I will never regret it!"

"Brother Lang..."

"Little Moon"

Holding the moonmark in his arms, the old man Feng looked up at the large group of wind feather beasts that came down. A smile appeared at the corners of his mouth and slowly closed his eyes. The beauty in his arms was still the same. He had no regrets in his life. The only concern was "That little bastard thief is very good. I think he can live well, Han Bai!"

"Extreme storm!"

A huge tornado, enchantingly attacked, and gusts of wind rolled up the scorched bones on the ground. The tornado was like a ** steel girl, with a violent twist on her waist, shooting countless wind blades to kill the wind feather beasts.

The wind blade of the extreme storm is completely condensed by the strong wind blowing up by speed, without any wind elements. While the wind feather beast dives, it habitually resists the incoming wind blade with its wings. It was frightened to find that the sharpness of the wind blade tear the iron-hard wings and cuts through its flesh.

A strange energy wandered in the body, destroying the body function of the wind feather beast. In just a few breaths, the previously flexible wings began to become stiff and paralyzed, followed by a strong suction. The wind feather beast fell into the boiling hot water of the tornado like a traditional food "dumpling" of the East Asian Alliance. .

The blood splashed everywhere, and the tragic howling was completely drowned by the roar brought by the tornado. The old man Feng opened his eyes and frowned. At this time, Yuehen also reacted, and his face blushed slightly. He struggled out of his arms and gently said, "Your good son, now his strength is much stronger than when he was younger."

The eyebrows unfolded, and the old man Feng looked up to the sky and laughed. He took the moon scar in his arms and said proudly, "That's natural, the seed of the tiger father, and he should be the nature of a wolf!"

It seems to feel the pride of the old man Feng. The tornado is a little faster than before. The waves spread like ripples, the strong momentum, and even distort the space. The wind feather beast affected by the thunder force can't resist at all. The speed it relies on is invalid, the wind resistance is invalid, and the hard wings are invalid. It is directly strangled. The minced meat turns into an unpleasant bloody smell!

Almost half of nearly 100 wind feather beasts were killed, and the rest dispersed one after another. The wind disappeared, revealing a straight figure. Looking at the old man Feng from afar, Han Bai looked at the latter unruly.

Breaking away from the arms of the old man Feng, Yuehen shook his head helplessly. He couldn't understand the two father and son. Obviously, the relationship was very good, but as soon as they met, he blew his beard and stared.

"This medicine was given by Zhuhou. It nourishes the essence and nourishes the qi and has a miraculous effect on recovering the injury." The two father and son's eyes confronted each other for a long time. Jiang was finally old and spicy. Han Bai took the lead in defeat, took out a strange pill from his trousers and threw it over, scratching his head awkwardly.

Seeing that the old man Feng ate without hesitation, Han Bai smiled at the moonhen beside him and turned around to leave. Suddenly, the voice of the old man Feng came from behind him, "Yes, the little soft egg who used to cry only finally grew up. Well, well, it's my seed of the wind and waves!"

His body suddenly shook, and Han Bai shrugged his head and couldn't react for a long time.

How many years have you been? How many years have you been adopted by Mr. Feng since you were 12 years old? How many years have you waited for this sentence?

The most eager confession was finally realized at this moment, and Han Bai was in no mood!

"Bad boy, what are you doing there? Come and carry me to the sanatorium!" Old man Feng pretended to curse angrily. He felt the mood of Han Bai at this moment. The difference between him and his father's unwillingness to expect his son to become a dragon was that he saw the moment when he saw that his adopted son Han Bai could break his wing protection and soar for nine days.

"Old man, you are beautiful. If you want me to carry you, how about a deal?" Han Bai turned around with his hairstyle and smiled harmoniously. Old man Feng and Yuehen looked at each other, and their eyes were full of smiles.

With their strength, you can clearly see the unsprayed tears in the corners of Han Bai's eyes.


"You are playing a thunderbolt. I want to improve my strength and save Xiaoming!"