Opening Era

Chapter 3; Prehistoric Man

Since stepping into Bliss Island, it is fragrant with fragrant birds and trees, which amazed Shen Bingyan, who has been living in a remote town.

"Three ladies, Haitian can only send you here. Go straight along the road to the middle of the island, which is the only way to enter the Sky City. As long as you have a way to go up, you will pass the first pass." A figure fell gently on the ground and smiled at Shen Bingyan. This person was the "little sky" who fought with Zhang Ziyang and Han Bai on the sea.

Although she is not the oldest, Shen Bingyan, who is the most mature in her mental journey, took a step forward and smiled, "Thank you, Brother Haitian. If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid that the three sisters would have been buried at the bottom of the sea today."

The old face turned red. Haitian was embarrassed to scratch his head and dared not look at Shen Bingyan's beautiful cheeks. He said shyly, "No, you're welcome, hehe, this is originally a matter of our duty." After saying that, as if he thought of something, Haitian clenched his fists and said anrily, "It's all those two stinky kids. If it weren't for them, today, er, forget it. Anyway, I will definitely look good for them next time." Suddenly, it occurred to Shen Bingyan's three female yachts overturned and fell into the water, which was her own masterpiece. Haitian temporarily stopped and looked at Shen Bingyan nervously, but it seemed that the latter didn't care much at all. He just smiled at him and talked with Ning Xiaoling and Qin Xiaoxiao behind him.


melodious, the ancient bell sounded from the city of the sky, and Haitian looked straight and said, "Now the first examination of the college has begun. Miss Shen and two others are going to go there quickly. My friend is still waiting for me and go first. I hope he can meet again in the college one day."

"Well, wait, Brother Haitian, can I ask you something?" Qin Xiaoxiao saw that Haitian was about to leave and hurried forward to ask.

"Please say it," Haitian laughed.

"Do you know an examiner named Han Bai, who is almost 16 or 17 years old, very good-like and wears a pair of big black glasses." Qin Xiaoquan stroked his chest and looked at the sea and sky with some expectation.

Half a deep meditation, when her eyes involuntarily floated on Shen Bingyan's face, Haitian saw that she was also a little nervous. Her heart was shocked, and her mind was full of paste. She shook her head and turned around, and the space twisted and disappeared.


"Haha, beauty, as long as you promise to be my girlfriend, I will carry you on this road."

The wild laughter filled the area around the road to the sky, which is particularly loud compared with the whispers nearby. The source is a long tiger-backed bear waist with many faces. Mao, you can faintly see the big man with a silky human outline. At this time, this prehistoric human was standing next to a petite girl three heads shorter than him, taking on a shape that he thought was very chic, caressing his messy long hair, and narrowing his eyes to try not to flow out the obsceneity in his eyes.

"Hmm, get out!" The petite girl snorted, took a perfect step, with a frost on her face, and a straight punched the prehistoric human chest. Like being struck by lightning, the big man flew three meters backwards with a "wow". The petite girl smiled disdainly, jumped up her legs, like a swallow, straight up the road to the sky, which made the examiners around her amazed.

awkwardly got up from the ground. The prehistoric man couldn't stand the mocking eyes thrown by the people around him. He couldn't wait to find a crack to get down and leave the venue.

And at the moment when everyone didn't pay attention, a vague figure followed prehistoric humans.

My name is Leo. I was born in an unknown small village of the Western European Union. I am a foreign human. As an orphan since I was a child, I was bullied by my friends. Until I was five years old, the other half of my non-human bloodline awakened. With infinite power, I finally found myself and lost the vague little. If you get a little emotion, you will get the fear of the villagers. That year, when I was 13 years old, I saved an injured person in the woods. Since then, my fate has changed. When I left the village where I had lived with the old mercenary for more than ten years, my heart gradually became indifferent under the excited eyes of the villagers, and my adoptive father told me a sentence, when I became a strong man, this The world will be crazy for me. When I came to the big city, everything was so novel. I finally knew that the other half of my blood came from a race called Mighty Ape Beast above the evil star. The power was the capital for them to settle in the world. From then on, I embarked on a mercenary road until I became a bronze third-level hunter, and finally got the first Kaiyuan in the world. The invitation letter of the college came here to participate in the assessment. Believe me, I will definitely become an unparalleled strong man. In the history books of the next century, the name Leo will become eternal. - "The Age of Kaiyuan, the Autobiography of King Leo"

Prehistoric man, that is, Leo, stood under a small hotel and raised his head, revealing a pair of confused eyes hidden in his long hair, looking at the white floating in the wind on the balcony on the second floor... Oversized bra.

Stretch out the palms as big as a fan, make a gesture to the oversized bra, and finally nodded with satisfaction. This is his favorite type.

"Hi, buddy~"

He was suddenly patted on the shoulder, and Leo turned around warily. In front of him was a beautiful blonde teenager.

"You... What do you want to do? I'm not interested in men. Leo said angrily, and the blonde teenager smiled, "But I'm very interested in you." After saying that, under Leo's sharp eyes, the blonde teenager introduced himself, "My name is Mosaic. It's nice to meet you. Well, today is the first time we met. Let's take this as a gift." Throw a platinum card to Leo, mosaic, that is, the blonde teenager's arms are surrounded by a look of a bamboo.

"Holy Emperor City, heaven and earth, vip VIP card?" Suddenly, a bright green light bloomed in his eyes. Leo received the card in his arms at a very fast speed and looked at the mosaic again. His eyes were full of softness.

"This guy, well, is there anything wrong with you? Don't worry, as long as you follow me, I can beat him with a strong person." Leo said naively that in his cognition, no one outside will benefit you for no reason except his godfather.

With a smile, the mosaic stroked the hair in front of his eyes. Unexpectedly, this seemingly stupid guy also had a clever side, but...

Pointing to the road to heaven, Mosaic coughed and said, "I want to ask my eldest brother to help me send it up. I'm just a rookie. I rely on my knowledge to get an invitation letter. It's too difficult for me to climb this chain."

His face was stunned. Leo reacted and shook his head desperately and said, "This doesn't work. It's very clear on the warning sign just now. You need to climb up with your real skills. It's illegal for me to carry you on your back, and both of them will be cancelled."

Mosaic heard this expression and stretched out a finger on Leo's arm muscles. The hard touch filled his eyes with smiles.

"Wow, that thing fell down."

A gust of wind blew, and the oversized bra hanging on the balcony on the second floor of the small hotel was crumbling. Leo turned his head and looked nervously at the "sacred object" in his heart and prayed for a stronger wind. At this time, a figure appeared in front of him, which was a blonde teenager mosaic. His eyes were facing each other, and a white light flashed. When the fingerprints burst out and the spirit surged, Mosaic said slowly in his gentle tone, "Leo, my child, the glory of the Creator will be on you. In the near future, a rising star of the strong will bloom. Can you grasp it?"

"I can, Leo, will become an unparalleled strong man, and the world will be more wonderful because of me." Leo's eyes were gradually confused, but he said loudly with an excited expression on his face.

"Okay, my child, when you open your eyes, the person you see will be the guide to lead you to the road of the strong. You must obey his orders unconditionally. Can you do it?" The unconcealed smile flowed in the mosaic's eyes. The voice fell and he gently snapped his finger. Leo was shocked. The moment his eyes returned to clarity, he knelt on one knee, clenched his fist on his chest, and said sincerely, "Master, your servant Leo is willing to go through fire and water for you."

"Okay, let's go, take me to the city of the sky." The mosaic jumped on Leo's shoulder two meters high, pointed to the sky city above the clouds and shouted, roaring, and Leo climbed quickly along the sky chain at a very fast speed.


Waiting for Leo, the two mosaics excitedly climbed up the sky chain, and a thin figure came out of the corner and calmly pushed the frame on the bridge of their nose.

A cockroach suspended in mid-air as an exchange channel with his mind. "The boss is not simple. It seems that the level should be around the power, but it can confuse alien human beings with the blood of powerful ape beasts. They are descendants of high-level alien beasts. The innate spiritual power is extremely high. That mosaic is really not simple."

With a smile, Han Bai lit a cigarette and took a few puffs of it. For a long time, he spit out a round smoke circle into the sky and slowly said, "Crouching tigers and hidden dragons in Kaiyuan College. Sun Xiaomiao said that the way to save Wanqing is hidden in it. It's still a little difficult for me to add Ziyang alone. If you pull him in, hehe, interesting, good Xiao Ming, let's go!" When the words fell, Han Bai looked up at the endless sky chain, and his eyes behind the lens were full of unruly.


The duty department of Kaiyuan College, whose sphere of influence includes Bliss Island and even the city of Sky, and even includes all kinds of safety and vigilance measures in the nearby 800-li sea area. It is known as the two major law enforcement departments of Kaiyuan College, which is a highly respected institution that is sacred and dares to invade.

At this time, in front of the sages of the city of the sky, there are more than 20 people standing in two rows. They are members of the duty department. Today, they are specially summoned to prevent the examiners who are climbing the sky chain from cheating, or falling down after experiencing the gale to rescue.

On a high platform in the middle of two rows of people, two old men are staring at the performance of the cloud examiners below. One of them is a hundred-mile madness known as the "corpse-eater" by the head of the duty department, with white hair dancing in the wind, two long snow-white eyebrows as sharp as a sharp as a sharp sword, and a black robe. The cold face is very solemn.

The other old man, who looked sixty or 70 years old, had a red wine-nosed nose, dressed sloppy, holding a black and yellow oversized wine gourd in his hand, greedily drinking the fishy yellow liquor inside, looking down while his eyes, the other hand reached into his collar and rubbed his belly, and bounced his thumb big. The mud group looked at the nearby sages jumping around like the eyes of the troops on duty.

"Little crazy, we have agreed, three students who have succeeded in this assessment. I will freely choose three to join my logistics supply center. Don't play tricks~"