Opening Era

Chapter 3; The Heliad Family

The Temple of Light was silent, and everyone's eyes were quietly waiting for the man who deserved to die and blasphemed gods. However, when under the Pope, more than 10,000 cardinals and eight red-clothed sacrifices saw the tired mosaics and were detained in the upper hall by three sacred knights. Their expressions were still unwavering, but their hearts were like a strong wind. The waves suddenly made waves.

"bu... The mosaic of the Buka family, my God, His Holiness, is His Majesty the Pope ready to take action against the Buka family?

The Buka family, a family that has great influence in the Western European Union and even all mankind, it is impossible for the management of any top power to have no contact, or it is impossible not to have the benefits of this huge family. Therefore, as soon as the mosaic was escorted into the hall, the eight core executives of the Holy See looked at each other tacitly. If the mosaic did not violate the taboo of the Holy See, they were willing to say that it was good to sell the Buca family.

Perhaps because of the Buka family, the mosaic just looked slightly tired, and there was no trace of torture all over his body, which made the cardinal slightly relieved and thought that he might be able to save this old friend's son, but is it really that simple? Will the Pope, known as the 53rd Nuska, the wisest in the history of the Holy See, attack the first heir of the Buka family without any need?

"Mosaic, you know how guilty!"

The majestic voice resounded throughout the temple, and the powerful pressure shocked the eight red-dressed sacrifices in the hall. They had an ominous feeling.

Looking up, his eyes were confused and decadent. Mosaic finally saw the great Lord with thousands of honors, the Pope of Light.

"Love... Love is innocent, love, and it is impossible to be rejected by God. Only those who misinterpret the will of God are sinners.

muttered to himself, as if it was a suppressed roar. Mosaic's eyes gradually became firm, and the body bowed slightly straightened up.


A mouthful of blood spewed out of the mouth of the mosaic, and his chest was suddenly hit by a huge force, making the mosaic's weak body seem to be pressed down by a mountain, forcing him to kneel to the ground.

"Why... Why can't Sofir and I fall in love? I love her... She... Love me, is it just that she is a saint, so there is a gap between us... An insurmountable gap? Then if this is the case... This chasm... I'm willing to use mosaic... Time, fill it in!"

His legs trembled, and the mosaic clenched his teeth, allowing his body to be forced to kneel by an invisible force, but dignity and belief did not allow him to fall.

"I'm stubborn! Saints are a great gift from God. They are God's favorites, symbols of purity, saving all people and not defiled! Mosaic, the emperor is wise and the lower mind of the people. As long as you promise not to pester Sofir from now on, God will give his loyal servant a chance to eliminate his sins.

Fifty-third Pope Nuska, who sits high on the papal throne, is full of mercy in his eyes, as if even for an ant, if he is a godly believer, he is entitled to grant him a gift.

"Landslides, tsunamis, ground cracks, no matter what the world will become, I, mosaic! The love for Sophyll will never change!"


Like a volcanic eruption, like a tsunami!

In the Temple of Light, thousands of sacred knights waved the silver gun in their hands when they heard the mosaic's unswerving declaration, which represented that they could penetrate all the sacred symbols of darkness, hit the ground, and knocked on their hearts with a loud vibration.

Puff, puff, puff!

Three mouthfuls of blood, Mosaic finally couldn't stand the oncoming anger. The seven holes bled and couldn't hold on. His whole body lay on the ground and twitched all over.

Thousands of indifferent eyes stared at his dying body. For those who defile the gods, they can't atone for their sins!

"Drag him down and choose a day to execute the burning!"

The pope's majestic voice resounded through the temple again. A cardinal, eight red sacrifices, and none of them dared to speak out. They understood one thing. The Holy See was finally going to declare war like the Buka family. Mosaic was just a victim of this war.

"Narrow, greedy, power struggle, the source of all evil! In front of God, all things in the world are equal and happy. It is God's gift to mankind. No one can deprive each other. Since they love each other, God will give happiness. Nuska, aren't you afraid of being abandoned by the gods when you misinterpret the meaning of God and stop the happiness given by God?

A cold voice sounded in the Temple of Light, as if it was very familiar with this sound. In the hall, thousands of sacred knights were facing the enemy and instantly turned into a state of battle and could be thrown into battle at any time.


A few loud noises, and the floor suddenly cracked in the hall, and the strong vibration made the sacred knights crooked.


In the hall, the cracked floor raised a stone pillar. On the stone pillar, a handsome young man with golden hair, with a silver cloak fluttered without wind.

Being able to question the Pope by the Holy See of Light can arouse thousands of holy knights' unconcealed alertness. Under the cold face of the teenager, the corners of his unruly mouth rose slightly, and there seemed to be wit in his not-bright eyes. The fluffy hair on the forehead is unwilling to be lonely, as if complaining... Pain and torture.

"Noah, I haven't seen you for a long time, and your strength has improved again. It seems that you can attack the Holy Land in a few days."

seemed to be very familiar with the teenager in front of him. When he broke into the hall, the pope was not angry, but kindly as if he was asking his beloved little grandson.

Silence, the teenager named Noah and the Pope looked at the unconscious mosaic, frowned slightly, strode over, and squatted down to check his injury.

"Nuska, I know that you want to kill the mosaic not because he likes Sofir, but because he has had a close contact with our Helia family. If you are willing to let him go, how about I stay?"

Noah, that is, the Western European teenager, is not salty and asks the high-ranking pope, and it is naturally not easy for this teenager to talk to the ruler of the world's top forces in this tone.

In the Western European Union, although the forces are not as crisscrossed as the East Asian League, they are also turbulent.

The Holy See is powerful, but its opposing forces also have a dark parliament. At the same time, there are three families in the Western European Union that are more powerful than the four major families of the East Asian League, namely, the Buka family, the St. John family, the closest descendant of angels of the Holy See, and the Helia family, which is the blood of the ancient gods.

The St. John's family, it is said that the direct descendants of this family have a special talent and can have the protection of an angel in the Holy Spirit world, while the Helia family has a bloodline that fell in the battle of the gods. When the blood power awakens and its strength reaches a level, You can even directly incarnate into a god and become a high-looking existence overlooking all sentient beings.

And Noah, the most outstanding direct son of the Helia family, his blood inheritance is the god of the God of the earth, who fights on land and is invincible!

Nusca, who sits high on the papal position, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his old eyes flashed with a faint light. Compared with Noah, the mosaic was worthless at all, but if Nusca really imprisoned Noah, Nusca thought of the consequences. The Buka family tilted the whole to the Helia family, and the Holy See could only imprison it. Noah can't be killed, otherwise a new round of war between the gods will be staged in the human world.

"Nuska, don't hesitate. The family doesn't know about my coming to save Mosaic, because Mosaic and I have been friends since childhood. Even if I go up to the mountain of knives and go under the sea of fire, I won't put him in danger. This is an opportunity. I believe you can make the best judgment."

Noah said everything lightly and took off the silver-white cloak behind him and covered the mosaic. In an instant, the silver-white cloak turned into a ball of silver light to contain the mosaic and converge in his body.

"Yes, Caia, as you said, this is an opportunity. As the eldest son of the Helia family and the inheritance of the god of the earth, you are so emotional, let me teach you a good life lesson."

Nuska smiled faintly and shook his hand. Suddenly, the atmosphere of the whole Holy See was solemn and terrible. Large-scale light elements gathered around the body of the Cardinal and the red-clothed sacrificial body, obviously waiting for the order of the supreme emperor.

"Noah of the Helia family broke into the Temple of Light and tried to rescue the murderer mosaic. At the same time, he failed to assassinate the Pope and seriously injured a cardinal. Now, in the name of my Lord, he will be killed as soon as he sees it!"

The majestic voice once again resounded throughout the hall. At the same time, the whole Temple of Light was thousands of miles away, and tens of thousands of sacred knights were rushing towards the hall when they heard the news.

Hearing the rapid footsteps outside the hall, Noah frowned slightly, glanced at Nuska sitting high on the papal throne, and sneered, "Even if Noah plotted to stab you, that cardinal is standing there. You are ** naked!"

"Real?" Nuska opened his eyes slightly and glanced at the slightly dull Cardinal. The latter's eyes suddenly became cold and stretched out his right palm. Under the eyes of the public, he hit his chest with a palm, and suddenly splashed blood five steps and staggered to the ground and fainted.

"Okay, okay, okay, Holy See, Noah taught me today, Nuska, one day I will cut off your crown in front of the gods!"

"The gods are with me!"

Nuska responded with a smile.

"In the name of Gaia, let those ugly beings fall into hell forever under the murder of the angry mother god!"

With one finger, Noah stared coldly at Nuska in the papal position, and his childish face was full of anger.

"Nuska, in response to your shamelessness, Noah will make his strongest move, burial! The anger of the god of the earth makes life disappear, and the earth is barren again. The cause and effect of all this will become your karma, so that you will never break through the triple of the Holy Land and still stay in the world.

When a strange energy spread from Noah, the hall suddenly shook, and bottomless cracks appeared on the ground, and stone pillars inlaid with gold and jade collapsed in the crack. The whole Temple of Light presented a faltering situation, which was in danger.