Opening Era

Chapter 15; The Road to the Strong

Above the three areas of the assembly point, a cyan figure suddenly flashed in the dense group of bats.

This figure is like a peerless sword cut down, magnificent, and blood splashes everywhere, which makes people palpitate.

Blood stained the sky, and a straight figure gradually appeared in the eyes of the world. Han Bai, who stepped on the thunderbird with his feet, went down like a god to earth, and like a silver bullet penetrating the darkness, galloping through countless bats.

"Han Bai, since it's him, my God, is he crazy? Didn't I tell him to leave quickly? Damn, he is the grandson of Bei Huangtian. He is injured and I won't want to enter the core of the college in my life.

Duan Bei, who stood in place, clenched his fists and thought flashed one by one. It was no problem to rely on Han Bai's strength to break through the bat group and enter the third zone. The key is that the protection system has been turned on now. If Han Bai is allowed to come in and let those bats invade at the same time, the three districts will be in danger, and the destruction-level strategic weapons will be useless, but Han Bai will not be allowed to come in. He will die, and what is waiting for him is the trial anger of the highest level of the college.

In a dilemma, Duan Bei seems to have two "little men" in his heart who are quarreling. In terms of love, Han Bai is the grandson of the Northern Emperor and has helped him a lot. He must save him. However, if tens of thousands of lives in the third district are ignored for him alone, Duan Bei can't bear it.

On the playground, in the castle, more and more people gradually found the situation outside the shield. The cracked thunderbird at Han Bai's feet was like a demon harvesting life, smiling cruelly and extending the sickle of death to the attacking bat.

"Awesome, what's that man's name? Is it a strong man sent by other districts?

In the castle, some students who usually only focus on cultivation did not know Han Bai's identity and asked excitedly. In an instant, they were exaggerated by some gossip students and exaggerated a series of deeds of Han Bai. In this situation, Han Bai's reputation soared again, comparable to the strongest students of Kaiyuan College. The desire of Xiao Xiang.

On the playground, Duan Bei looked up at the sky, and his face was uncertain. After excitement, several younger brothers around him also considered the problems faced by Duan Bei. Seeing his boss's sad face, they also became anxious.

"You should believe him. He is a trustworthy person. Since he appeared, it means that he has come up with countermeasures and will never let those bats invade and hurt his life."

A gentle voice sounded behind Duan Bei, and the tiger's body shook. Duan Bei suddenly turned his head and saw the beautiful face and looked firmly at the magnificent figure in the sky. Duan Bei knew that her name was Shen Bingyan.


"The boss is not looking at the situation. The protection system in the third zone has been turned on. If we are put in, these bats that smell human smells will definitely rush forward. At that time, the third zone will be dangerous."

In the sky, Han Lei frowned and looked at the faint white light shield under him and said to Han Bai beside him. At this time, Han Bai, Han Lei and Zhang Danfeng were parallel to each other. Because of the protective thunder and lightning released by the cracked thunderbird and the wind speed generated by high-speed movement, all the bats were isolated from three meters away. Looking closely, most of the bats are blood-red bats with blood-red wings. These are the most consumables at the bottom of the bat cave. Only when the cracked thunderbird pauses slightly, the attack is the green-blooded bat with green wings. This kind of bat is larger than the blood-colored bat and is wrapped around a kind of The faint green light gives people a very sinister feeling. It can be imagined that even energy controllers of the same level can't stand being bitten by this kind of bat.

His eyes moved down slightly, and Han Bai also noticed this and smiled. He had already estimated all this. He habitually touched the bridge of his nose but found it empty. Han Bai gently raised the corners of his mouth and said, "When I was a child, I was in an orphanage, because I had no physical quality, so I often suffered a very The powerful fat man bullied me, but one day he suddenly dared not bully me, and he would run away far away when he saw me. Do you know why?

Looking at each other doubtfully, Han Lei couldn't figure out Han Bai's thoughts and shook their heads together.

"This is it!" Han Bai stretched out his palm, clenched his fist, and continued loudly, "Once he was sick, I saw the opportunity to beat him severely, broke his two front teeth, eight ribs, and removed one of his arms. Finally, if it hadn't been rescued in time, he would have been killed by me. Although I was severely punished later, the fat man had an inexplicable fear of me. As long as I punched him, he would squat down and cry in horror. Bats are the same. As long as they are afraid to hit it, they will run away when they see us, so that they will be completely honest.

Compared with Han Lei's seemingly non-understand palm, Zhang Danfeng, who nodded and responded perfunctorily, did not think so. He deeply worshiped Han Bai's strength, which does not mean that his thinking is completely blinded. People are different from bats. The former has seven emotions and six desires, pain and fear, but bats do not. They only have simple killing, and the most original The first bloodthirsty, even if it kills them, will only stimulate their more brutality.

Suddenly, after Zhang Danfeng's meditation, he raised his head and saw Han Bai looking at himself with some meaning. He felt a sense of heart, but found that the latter turned his head and did not look at himself.

"Danfeng, I know you are a very thoughtful person. What is the highest level of fire power?"

"Ah, I don't know about this. I can only know if I reach the Holy Land."

Facing Han Bai's question, Zhang Danfeng, who was thinking a lot in his mind, squeezed out a smile and replied.

"If you hold this idea, you will not reach the realm of the Holy Land in your life. The Holy Land, the temple of the supreme strong, those who can enter must have their own style, and their ideas can be maximized before they can walk out of their own road to the strong. Let me show you my way to the strong now.

Clenched his fists, and Han Bai suddenly smiled at Zhang Danfeng. Under the latter's incredible eyes, Han Bai's body suddenly tilted forward, since he jumped out of the cracked thunderbird.

"Han, Han Bai!"

Zhang Danfeng and Han Lei shouted together. Han Bai's body was suspended under the cracked thunderbird like a roc. At this time, even the onlookers in the third district were stunned. They didn't know why Han Bai fell from the cracked thunderbird.

"This is my way to be a strong man. Only by challenging yourself and sinking the boat can you spread your wings and soar! Light wind, I will summon you as a king to sweep away the filth in front of you.

Han Bai jumped from the cracked thunderbird, attracting the excited howls of countless bloody bats, and surrounded him in an instant. If it hadn't been for the powerful automatic protection of Han Bai's body, the thunder system would have separated those bloody bats. If so many bats attacked, even a whale would have no bones in an instant.

Wind, shadowless and invisible, it has no fury of fire, there is no change of water, and there is no strong shield of soil that does not break, but it is everywhere!

At the bottom of the island of Bliss, Han Bai's voice, his unparalleled way of being a strong man, penetrated into everyone's hearts. As the king of the wind system, Han Bai raised his arms to the sky, and the wind and clouds surged in all directions, like thousands of water rushing into the sea, and like thousands of countries paying tribute to the Celes to the Celestial Dynasty.


The elemental fluctuations caused by Han Bai made the surrounding bloody bats uneasy. They screamed one by one, and the invisible energy fluctuations seemed to cut off various elements around the walls.

"Wind is everywhere. In my control, I am the wind, and the wind is me!"

The king's declaration, Han Bai's voice shocked the world and spread all around. Those isolated wind elements seemed to feel something, gradually condensed into a light blue fluorescence visible to the naked eye, crossed the invisible wall, and merged with their king.

Three styles of Tianfeng!

Han Bai's life experience in Chucai College and the wind power created by combining ancient martial arts techniques.

Smiling breeze, vicissitudes of wind, cold wind!

Three types of one!

Assisted by the ancient way of force, the spirit of knowing the sea poured out. Han Bai's mind moved, and the bloody bats all over him exploded like firecrackers one by one, and a large pile of flesh and blood were sprinkled in the sky, but they were tolerated by a strange force.


As Zhang Danfeng said, when he smelled the blood of the same kind, the bloody bats around them became angry. They even forgot to attack the cracked thunderbirds and focused on Han Bai. Countless blood-red bats spread their wings like Han Bai bites all over their bodies.

"The wind and clouds!"

The dead bloody bats never dreamed that their flesh and blood would one day be a nightmare of the same kind.

Under the domination of the wind, a large pile of flesh and blood turned into a series of fierce red flesh and blood, with Han Bai as the origin, killing in all directions. The blood-red wind blade is very strange. They are extremely sharp and abnormal, and all the places they pass are sprinkled with blood on Zhou Tian, but it is not enough to kill the attacking bats, just below their heads. The body turns into a part of the wind blade and moves forward more cruelly, so that the dead bats can clearly see how their bodies become sickles that harvest similar life.

"Let my figure become your nightmare and break it for me!"

In a soft sentence, like the call of death, Han Bai's raised right arm slowly fell down, punched his palm, pushed forward, the wind was roaring, the strong wind was hissing like a wild horse, and an invincible light blue palm rushed forward fiercely, crossed the blood bat group, pierced the blue blood bat group, and went straight to the bat demon behind, Yu After killing more than a dozen bat demons in an instant, he paused in front of the three bat kings and did not wait for those bat kings with humanoid limbs to resist. The blue palm was quickly grasped, and the three bat kings turned into a fierce howling, and the flesh and blood splashed.

"That's not enough. I know that you are not afraid of me yet. Let Han Bai's name completely crush your will."

Like Han Bai, who was suspended in mid-air, his momentum soared, and his hands were formed into fingerprints. His spiritual power was like an excellent commander, manipulating wind elements to gather, and finally a half-moon arc machete in all directions. The machete was three feet long and the blade flashed cold. The next second, no one reacted for a moment, and the machete burst out, and the speed was amazing. It wandered among the bats like a ghost, and the curved arc could not be seen at all.


The first rain since the bottom of Bliss Island was discovered!

Blood fell from the sky and hit the three-zone protective cover. It was just a few breaths. The protective cover was covered with thick blood. The students inside could not see the situation outside at all, which suddenly caused a series of restlessness. Fortunately, the protective cover suddenly flashed like a wave-like light curtain, and the blood was evaporated by energy. Some students looked at the sky again to see the magnificent figure. They were thrilled to find that the battle was over and the dense bats in the sky had been reduced by half. And Han Bai was still suspended in place, as if he had never left. Three feet away from him, the bats that were still showing off their power before let out howling one by one, flapping their wings and trying to retreat, as if the closer they got to Han Bai, the closer they felt closer they were to death.

"Zhang Danfeng, yes, there is a difference between humans and beasts. They will not easily bow to fear, but any creature is facing death, no matter whether it is horizontal, it should also put away its humble dignity."

Spreading the colorful wings, Han Bai stood proudly in the sky. At this moment, under the blood-stained yellow sky, it seemed to be an immortal milestone.