Opening Era

Chapter 16; The turbulent current

In the Western European Union, the Holy Pope of Light is the true uncrowned king.

Since Pope Nuska disappeared in the Holy Book on the birthday of God, the Holy See has had a hard time.

As a sworni, the Dark Parliament has stlinted many times, and with the coveted eyes of the St. John's family, the Holy See has fallen into the biggest crisis in history.

Fortunately, with the strong support of Kaiyuan College, the two top masters, Baili Kuang and Xiao Xiangyu, coupled with the original strength of the Holy See and the crazy priest Sarrow of the Heresy Trial, the new coronation ceremony was finally held. At the same time, Western Europeans who are threatened by the deadly army see a glimmer of hope. After all, the Temple of Light is always a milestone in the Western European Union.

Today is a special day. Under the responsibility of Kaiyuan College represented by Baili Crazy, Saint Asri will hold a coronation ceremony for the new pope in the Temple of Light. At the same time, the new pope will rectify the sacred alliance and cooperate with Kaiyuan College to resist the invasion of the three worlds.

In the magnificent Temple of Light, under the lifting of Saint Asri, the holy light barrier dissipated, and the sacred knights and griffin knights from all directions filed in and stood in a good position with each other to protect their faith in their hearts.

In just a few days, the entire Western European Union has lost two-thirds of its territory due to the attack of the deadly force. What's more terrible is that more than 3 billion Western Europeans have died in just a few days. Now the whole Western Europe has fallen into a nightmare. Fortunately, a dark parliament came out at this critical moment. Under the leadership of the golden wolf patriarch Agu Lali, 3,000 werewolves resisted to the death, which defended the three important cities centered on the city of God.

In the past few days, some strange human discoveries that used to be biased against the werewolf blood wizards of the dark parliament. It turned out that these aliens had been living in the dark were not terrible. At the critical moment, it was their sacrifice of their lives that allowed Western Europeans to rest in the three major cities of Western Europe. Since then, the Dark Parliament has completely got rid of the fate of everyone's previous fight. Although it cannot be worshipped by human beings like the Holy Alliance, there has been a great change in treatment and perception.

Temple of Light, in Cardinal Cornell's room.

At this time, Cornell is still the same energetic appearance as before, and there is no decadence because of the drastic changes in human beings and the attack of the three worlds. Sitting next to him is John, who has become the head of the St. John's family. He wears gorgeous clothes, matches his impeccable handsome appearance, is heroic, young and energetic.

Hearing the noise from the window sill, Cornell got up and walked and looked down. Thousands of holy knights poured horses into the major roads of the Temple of Light. And above the sky, the Griffin Knights are orderly guarding against the dead corners of the sky under the dispatch of 16 red sacrifices.

"Asen, you see, the weather is really good today."

Cornell suddenly felt a sense of looking at the white clouds and blue sky. Johnson, who was standing beside him, nodded and suddenly said, "Uncle, the elites in the family have now been dispatched and are divided into various positions in the main hall. And under our coercion and temptation, ten of the 16 red-clothed sacrifices have been willing to support our St. John's family. Pupol, the head of the Griffin Knights, has reached a consensus with me that as long as this action plan is successful, he will get an angel wing to create a bright and infinite future for his unborn son.

nodded, and Cornell's expression did not fluctuate, and he still stared deeply at the blue sky.

Johnson didn't get the expected praise. He looked around and continued in a low voice, "There are 16 sacrifices in red, and eight have agreed to support your uncle to be elected as the new pope. Thirteen branch leaders of the Holy Knights are willing to be loyal to you, uncle. From today on, as long as you give an order, the Holy See and the Holy Alliance are at our fingertips.

Finally, there was a little reaction on his face. Cornell looked deeply at Johnson and sighed for a long time, "Asen, you still think it's too simple, Holy See... It's not that easy to get it."

"Uncle, it's not that I think it's too simple, but that you really overestimate the Holy See. If Nuska is still, he can be said to be the first person in the world to hold the holy book with his wrist. Because of this, our St. John's family has been looking down under the fence for more than 30 years. But now it's different. The appearance of Han Bai on God's birthday triggered boundless evil spirits. A corner of the natural disaster file was missing. The Holy Knight Griffin Legion suffered more than 10,000 casualties, and even the heresy trial damaged several fanatics. Up to now, Nuska's life and death are unknown, and the Holy See is in chaos. I am confident that this Holy See, our St. John's family, will be settled!"

Deeply looking at the extremely arrogant Johnson, Cornell sighed again. This nephew was exactly the same as when he was young and always thought he could do anything. However, Johnson's luck is obviously better than himself. Since he joined the Holy League, Cornell has been suppressed by the bright Pope Nuska above his head, and Cornell doesn't think there is anything wrong with his nephew. After all, he came as an angel and was born in the human world. Even if he enters the Holy Spirit in the future, it is a powerful existence, just a Holy See... Thinking of this, Cornell's heart, which had been unwaved, began to throb again.

After thinking about the details carefully, Cornell pondered, "The day Nusca disappeared, he put his strength into the holy book, and this time the new emperor will also be selected by the holy book. The three Cardinals, Coble is dead. Have you investigated the details of his successor, Ula? Also, that Bex, he may be a big variable. This man has a strong appeal to the Griffin Knights. After all, the introduction of the griffin was negotiated with the power ruling.

"I have investigated Ula using the Tiance House, and from the news, it is described that this person used to be the Holy See director assigned to the Utopia Alliance. His strength is just a semi-sacred rank, and his comprehensive ability is not qualified for the position of cardinal at all. I don't know why Asley used the power of the saint to shake him to the top.

"This is exactly what I'm worried about. Asli, a woman, is not simple. Now with the help of Kaiyuan College, I always feel that this Ula is not as superficial as superficial as it seems. Asen, you should remember that those who achieve great things often fail in details. Cornell frowned and said. Johnson shrugged his shoulders unmovedly and smiled, "Uncle, you are too cautious, but don't worry, I have arranged it. I have sent someone to warn that Ula, and I have paid a lot of rewards, including a trace of spirit. I believe he can't be unmoved."

"Is that Bakers?" When it comes to this old opponent, although Cornell didn't care about this "little man" in the past, he has to pay attention to it now.

Johnson's handsome face suddenly drew a ferocious smile and said, "As for this old bastard, I have sent elites to kidnap all his wife and daughter. I believe that old man will not play anything."

Cornell nodded and said happily, "Very good, Asen, you have done a good job. On the road to power, all obstacles must be eradicated by any means!"

"Uncle, in addition, I arranged for a wizard to hide in the hall. As long as the holy book falls on someone, at the moment of the coronation ceremony, it will..." Johnson made a split move, and the light of judgment welled out of Cornell to isolate the surrounding space and asked in a low voice, "Is it safe?"

"Absolutely safe, Mhini, uncle, you should know."

Hearing this name, Cornell's face showed a brief appallment. He raised his eyebrows, nodded, withdrew the light of the ruling, climbed high and looked down, and suddenly felt a sense of pride in control of the world.


Prayer, this is the holy place where the saints pray for the angels of the Holy Spirit. Generally, without Asli's permission, the power of faith around it is not so easy for Pope Nuska to come in.

All 16 red-clothed sacrifices are now sitting in the prayer room as devout prayers for a stone cross. After almost half an hour, Asli, who presided over the prayer ceremony, got up and smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work. With your faith, the Holy Cross has restored 30% of its strength. Asli I would like to express my most sincere thanks."

When the saint spoke, the 16 sacrifices in red repeatedly said that they did not dare. Asli continued, "There are still three hours until noon. Please take care of the matters you are responsible for to ensure that the coronation ceremony of the new emperor is correct. In addition, you can successfully form allies with Kaiyuan College and the East Asian Ancient Martial Arts League."

Six people in red bowed to the obedient Asli and left the prayer room in order, busy with their own affairs.

When all these people left, the whole prayer room became empty. Suddenly, two figures appeared from the void. It was Baili Crazy and Xiao Xiangyu.

"How about Xiangyu? What can your divine eyes see from the hearts of the sixteen red-dressed sacrifices?

The pupil of his left eye strangely exuded a mysterious power. It was not until ten minutes later that Xiao Xiang wanted to return to normal. He breathed a sigh of relief and said to Asili, "The strength of your red sacrifice is really good. Although there is still a certain gap between the realm from the Holy Land, the strength of the spirit is comparable to heaven. The strong man is really incredible.

Asley smiled and urged dissatisfiedly, "Xiang Yu, I don't want to hear your praise. Which of these 16 people are secretly pregnant?"

Shake her head with a wry smile. Xiao Xiang wanted to suddenly straighten her face and stretched out her fingers to make a few strokes in the void. Asli's smile gradually solidified. As for Baili's wild wonder, just as she was about to speak, Xiao Xiang wanted to comfort her, "Actual Highness doesn't have to worry, even though the St. John's family has arranged everything tightly this time, Don't we have a killer?

Baili Madness heard that Xiao Xiang wanted something else and laughed and said, "Yes, Aseri, don't worry, your god grandson is not an ordinary person. Now he must have brought people here. The clowns in St. Johnson's family can't turn over much storms."

Liu Mei stared upside down, and Asley smiled at Xiao Xiang to express her gratitude. At this time, the cross in the prayer room suddenly turned around, and a light burst out, revealing a human figure.

"Aunt Asley, Uncle Baili Crazy, Brother Xiao, I have inherited all the strengths of the former pope, and I can start the coronation of the pope."