Card Alchemist

Chapter 22 Angry Valley

Along the way, the monsters in the fire mushroom forest have long disappeared.

The huge towering mushrooms are covered with a thin layer of frost. When you step on the ground, there will also be the sound of 'squeaking' ice. The sword in his arms trembled slightly, and the poor little boy was frozen by everything Star had just made.

Which side does the back of the second door lead to? Is it really facing the Temple of Death?

Star's heart seemed to hang. He was afraid that he would suffer the blow of Agarish without telling goodbye. If so, then this damn nightmare will eventually end here. Soon, Star had stopped at the second facade.

The door is still locked. The golden chain on the handle also seems to have mottled rust. The door gives Star an incomparable sense of oppression, and there is also another darker feeling. Star slowly put his hand on the facade, and a deep and endless darkness suddenly surged. This is a consciousness that is more desperate than the first door, which seems to devour all the creatures.

The trembling of the sword in his arms became more and more violent, and it seemed to be extremely afraid of this feeling.

The cold sweat soaked Star's back in an instant, and the coolness rushed straight up.

"I can't hold it!" The door seemed to be full of a strange force, which sucked Star's right hand. And with the increase of suction, Starr was shocked to find that his right hand was rapidly fused into the door. In the blink of an eye, the fingers could no longer be seen on the right palm, and in this frightened time, the whole elbow fell into the darkness behind the door.

"What the hell is going on?"

Star never thought that things would turn out like this. If you don't find a way to stop this from happening, your whole body will be sucked into the unknown space behind this door. But the more you struggle, the greater the suction on the door. Just for a moment, half of the body on the right has also been integrated into the darkness.

Although Star has a curiosity that is trying to find out behind the door, at this moment, he has to suppress it in the bottom of his heart. Because if you can't solve the current situation, you are likely to be buried in this alien space.

"What are you doing?" Old John's voice suddenly rose like thunder. Don't touch that door."


Star just wanted to tell him that his body had been sucked in. But when I reacted, all this had disappeared. My body is still one step away from the door! Jian Mang stared at his two round eyes and looked at himself. It seems to say that what just happened is just an illusion.

"Old John, what's going on?" Star pointed to the door and asked in horror. I clearly feel that... it is..."

"Are you absorbing?" Old John grabbed the words. What is closed behind this door is the most basic inferiority of human beings. With the strength of your current soul, as long as you touch it too much, it will be forcibly absorbed by this door. Even the traces of your life will be permanently erased on this continent.

"The most basic inferiority? So where is the back of this door? Starr subconsciously took a step back. This golden gate is always close to ** your mind and push it open.

"Of course it's the Temple of Death." The Gate of Heaven is taken from the place where the negative emotions are the most serious between all planes in this world. Your current position is in the abyss plane, known as the 'Valley of Wrath'. The Temple of Death is known as the 'wood of greed'.

So that's it. It's no different from what I imagined. No wonder before entering here, old John will remind himself again and again that he is likely to lose his life while gaining strength. Star nodded, at least he wouldn't come close to the door for a short time.

Although Star can be crazy for survival, he will not lose his mind.

'Angry Valley'... No, Star is still used to calling it a fire mushroom forest, because it is more appropriate. There are more monsters hidden here, and I haven't completely stepped on them. Maybe when all the monsters run away when they see me, that's the time to open the second door. It's no big deal for Star to catch up with them at Agarish's Temple of Death and intercept them.

At least for a while before they turned back from the temple and passed the castle, they and Alice were absolutely safe.

Then in the rest of the time, you will be more familiar with the fighting spirit in your body and how to release magic!

The rest of the days have become simple and unchanged.

Star will divide it into two for a limited time. During the day, he will stay in the castle, on the one hand, do his apprenticeship, and on the other hand, he will frantically read books about magic in the library.

There is no doubt that the ice element is a magic branch of the fallen system. There are very few records of the books in the library in this regard. Even so, Star has selected two of his current most practical primary magics: Frost Armor and Frost Nova.

The characteristics of depraved magic are the power in the early stage and the lack of strength in the later stage, except for these two magics.

Frost armor can cover a layer of frost around the body, which can not only reduce physical attacks, but also reduce the power of magic. And with the enhancement of magic, the reduction of armor has a lot of room for improvement.

And the effect that Frost Nova can reflect is more obvious. It can even cause double physical and magical damage to the opponent!

As for the evening, Starr will devote all his time to the flame mushroom forest for trial. Every time he comes out of the 'Gate of Heaven', he will be bruised all over.

Almost all of Star's whole body, from chest to back, are traces of being bitten and scratched during the battle of Warcraft. Even there was a terrible scar on his throat. At that time, his trachea was almost cut... But the next night, Star would still go back to fight against those ferocious monsters.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer injuries on Star's body. In the face of those Warcrafts, he became more and more like a brave knight, and could even simply tear the Warcraft with his hands. Equivalent exchange has a strict principle. After paying so much sweat and even the cost of life, Star is more and more proficient in the use of fighting spirit.

The only thing that makes him dissatisfied is that he has encountered 'shackles'. If he wants to break through his current state, he has to rely on opportunities in addition to diligence!

In addition to these, Star also has a very unexpected gain, that is, the growth of Jian Mang.

The growth of Warcraft is almost surprising!

When an hour in the outside world is equal to a day here, every time you enter the Gate of Heaven, you will have a new feeling for this little guy. The little boy who had been able to hide in his arms for warmth had reached the height of his knees in a blink of an eye. For the demon, the lowest-level warcraft that exists in the fire mushroom forest, Jianmang can solve two or three independently without the help of Star.

Maybe one day, Jianmang can grow to the point where he can help him solve the crisis. Star looked at the little wolf squatting beside him and smiled with satisfaction.

During this period of time, Star kept trying to open the second door, even several times a day, but each time it ended in failure. And this result has also returned to a clear result. Star's spiritual power is growing crazily, and he is becoming more and more proficient in the control of magic.

Star, whose strength has increased significantly, has been strongly requested by Old John to learn the manufacture of magic scrolls from him, but has been refused by Star again and again. Because he understands that he has practiced fighting spirit and magic, which already belongs to his limit. In this case, he is likely to be greedy and can't chew.

"Well, I see. When the pair of masters and servants come back from the Temple of Death, you have to tell them quickly that you know the correct recipe for 'rejuvenation'!" Old John urged him as usual, and Star's refusal made him feel a little impatient.

"But how do you know that they can't get the 'Hradic Magic Box'? This prescription may have lost its effect on them. What Star said is a matter of course. He quickly added the raw materials to the flask in his hand and constantly mixed magic into it. Living in the shadow of others is obviously not what smart people should do. At present, the most important thing is that I can maximize my strength.

"Since you say so, there's nothing I can do."

At this point, Old John suddenly stopped. He hurriedly looked out of the window, as if something had happened in the towering temple.

While Star was wondering, a violent explosion came from a distance. With the strong airflow, the corroded ancient trees in the whole death forest shook fiercely. What's more, it's not surprising to be scraped off.

Star ran to the window in a panic.

In the forest deeper than the ancient castle, a dark and huge mushroom cloud has risen high. The high clouds are also like being stirred up by an invisible big hand, just like the scene of the end of the world. The smoke and dust flew into the air, covering the sun, which was not so sunny, and the air was filled with a choking smell.

The explosion produced a powerful airflow, and the ground trembled crazily. The whole castle shook as a result, and all the monsters in the restricted area roared for a time. The table in front of Starr inevitably tilted, and all the raw materials on the table suddenly poured down, and the ground was in a mess in an instant.

"What's going on?" Star looked at Old John in horror.

"It's a forbidden curse! On the other side of the Temple of Death!"