Card Alchemist

Chapter 59 Butcher Reappearance

The mercenaries in the station were almost dead. Nick was the only survivor, and he was still unconscious.

After being poured by the heavy rain, he gradually woke up. Sitting on the ground and looking at the synthetic beast with a broken arm and howling, his eyes were blurred.

The knife wall that blocked the attack of the synthetic beast just now was Billy's handwriting. Only he can exchange 'equivalent exchange' for a downpour in the fire, and only he can exchange so many metal particles in the all-stone ground. The reinforcements arrived one after another. In addition to the three people in the crimson night, there were also some residents who often lived in the capital of Azeroth.

When they first saw the roaring monster in the open space, they couldn't help but jump, and then quickly reacted and chased after them with weapons indignantly.

The synthetic beast has long been eroded by pain, and in the face of the siege of so many human beings, it can no longer rise to the desire to continue killing. Picking up the broken arm that fell on the soles of its feet, it rushed to the crowd and tried to escape.

"Don't let him run away!" Star shouted in a hurry.

This synthetic beast is the only clue now! As long as you can catch it smoothly, with your means as an alchemist, you will definitely be able to pry open the mouth of the synthetic beast and find the person behind all these disasters. If it can be implemented in this way, then all the conspiracies you will face in the future will change from passive to active!

"Don't kill it!"

Star tried his best to make a final roar from his throat, but what he saw was the last thing he didn't want to see. The chest of the synthetic beast was penetrated by a sharp long gun, and blood and broken meat fell, taking away the last trace of the monster's vitality. However, a shocking picture outlined by this monster has been hovering in everyone's mind. The whole site of the python mercenary regiment has been completely destroyed!

Star looked at the corpses all over the ground and sighed heavily. These mercenaries who were still alive during the day have now left the world forever. Nick sat on the ground and did not move. I'm afraid that today's heavy blow will make him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

"Look... what's going on?"

"The body has changed..."

Just as Star was about to come forward to comfort the mercenary, a shout of surprise suddenly broke out in the crowd.

The roar of the crowd made Nick, who was addicted to grief, suddenly wake up. He frantically pushed away the crowd in front of him and was ready to cut at the body of the synthetic beast with a weapon in his hand. He also has to avenge his companions. Even if the monster's body is cut into meat sauce, it will make his heart feel better. But the moment he rushed into the crowd, he was stunned and lived in place. People make a sound of inhaling cold air!

"Star, come here quickly!" Tanis shouted in surprise.

The body of the synthetic beast surrounded by everyone is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. The thick arms and strong body are shrinking at a very fast speed!

Almost everyone's eyes widened and couldn't believe what had happened here. The dark hair on the body of the synthetic beast is disappearing at a very fast speed, and it is replaced by women's smooth skin. There was even a diseminable blush!

Star never knew that synthetic beasts could still restore their original human form after death. What's more, he can't imagine that this is still a woman's body! **'S body, towering chest, unobstructed secret garden... If it weren't for the bruises all over her body and her left hand, no one would have thought she was the monster that caused the previous massacre!

"This woman seems to have seen it somewhere!" Star frowned and tried to rack his brains to think. There are not many people he has met in the capital of Azeroth, but everyone's impression is very deep!

"Sister! They are the nuns in the church!" Tannis exclaimed.

The voice was like a thunderbolt, which spread all over his body in an instant along Star's mind, and his eyes widened. These are the nuns I saw next to the church! Before that, he had suspected that the group of women were puppets, but now it seems that they are synthetic beasts!


There is something wrong with that priest! A stream of regret surged into his heart, and Star clenched his fist. If he had been able to notice this long ago, the python mercenary regiment would not have had such a situation.

A familiar shadow flashed behind him, and it was the priest again! There was still a devilish smile on the corners of his mouth, which looked extremely dazzling among the people with painful expressions. He slowly swept across the crowd and took a few glances at the female corpse on the ground. This is also thanks to Starr, who had already let Cole hide in the crowd, so that he could find the enemy hidden in the dark as soon as possible.

"Where to run!"

Star turned over his horse and waved the whip in his hand desperately. Everyone in the station looked at the suddenly crazy Star and didn't know why.

The priest hidden in the crowd quickly floated away. Like a wind, he always threw a long distance from the Star who was chasing behind him. But he always appeared in Star's vision, so that the other party would not lose himself.

"This is a trap, this is a trap!"

Star said to himself over and over again, but he couldn't restrain his burning anger now. This bastard actually integrated the girl's body with those monsters. And he also threw the monster he made himself into the crowd! If this is not the capital of Azeroth, and if the residents here have no ability to fight back, then the city will flow into a river tonight!

No matter who the priest is, he must cut off his head to pay tribute to the soldiers who died under the synthetic beast.

The priest floated on the street. He didn't want to lead Sta to leave the city, but bypassed the stacked buildings and returned to the church.

The sky has turned white, and a ray of sunlight fell on the capital of Azeroth, driving away the darkness of last night. But the church located in the backlight is getting darker and deeper because of the rising sun. The two closed doors are like a beast ready to devour souls, always with a trace of fierceness.

"Oh, my dear servant. Why don't you come in and say hello to your master? There was a undead howling from the closed church. Cold sweat rolled down Star's forehead across his cheeks... He even suspected that he had heard it wrong. It was clearly Sadek's tone and tone. Didn't you kill him in the death forest?

Why is he still here today!

Star never thought that he would meet the butcher one day, so that he came so fast that he was even a little caught off guard!

The door of the church seemed to meet a pair of invisible hands, and the glass door depicting the angel pattern was slowly pushed open with a moan. The church was dark. Through the microcosm of the first day, only a few pale relief columns could be seen on both sides.

"I knew you would come back to die..." Sadek's ferocious smile came from the darkness, "I really regret not killing you in the castle earlier!"

As the sound sounded, the oil lamp on the embossed column suddenly ignited. The jumping fire reflected Sadek, with strong excitement on his face, without the anger that had been killed by Starr. Star frowned, and Sadek was still wearing the priest's black dress. Obviously, they were the same person. But Star couldn't figure out why Sadek didn't die. Is the man in the castle not him at all?

"Since I can kill you once, I can also kill you for the second time, or even the third time!" Star gritted his teeth and said angrily to Sadek.

"Kill me? Do you think you can do it?" Sadek laughed disdainfully. The applause sounded, and more than a dozen expressionless nuns came out after the jumping flames. These are my new works, and I believe you should have seen their great strength. I want to hear your last words before they are ready to kill you.

"Didn't I kill you? Why are you still here?" Star narrowed his eyes. He has to solve some problems, otherwise he will kill Sadek this time and he will be here next time. Also, did you make hundreds of weapons inlaid with the 'Sage's Stone' in the old dwarf Rogge's room?

"Is this your last word?" Sadek grinned proudly, and he immediately burst out laughing. My dearest servant, you always have so many questions. Since you are so eager to know the answer, I will tell you. The person you killed in the castle is not me at all, and he is just one of the products of my 'human refining'. As early as the day the game began between us, I had left the castle. And 'he' is just an order to be loyal to me, and I'll play with you again.

"Bastard!" Star shouted. He pulled out a spear from the ground and pierced it fiercely.

With the roaring wind, the spear instantly penetrated Sadek's body and sank into the stone square chair behind him. It's just that Sadek's body rippled out of reach. Just as he was about to continue to talk, the rushing Star had already punched him.

'Boom!' The stone chair is crushed.

The church was suddenly filled with Sadek's laughter, and the nuns still stood there expressionless, ignoring the situation of their master being attacked. My dear servant, you are still as anxious as before, and you always don't like to wait for someone to finish your words. If I hadn't been able to kill you now, I wouldn't have let you leave the Castle of Death at all.

"You monster, get out of here!"

"Don't worry, I'll come out. I just hope you won't be killed by others until you find me. Sadek's voice is still echoing in the church, his direction is erratic, and Star can't find his hiding place at all!

Plotting, poisoning, and even a series of conspiracies and the cooperation of the Templar Knights, Star thought he could escape from the hateful butcher. But I didn't expect that even if I escaped from the Death Forest, I still couldn't break free from Sadek's palm!

"Bear by the way, I almost forgot to tell you." Sadek's voice sounded again. Although these nuns are my works, they seem to have been controlled by other alchemists. I hope you can not be killed by them. I'm still waiting for you to come to me... My dearest servant."

"You bastard!"

Star clenched his fist until Sadek's voice completely disappeared in the church.

The expressionless nuns turned around as if they had made an appointment. They stared at Star with their silent eyes and walked towards him step by step.